Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2911: garrison

"You will talk about the situation of Wengaiguan combat."

The school officer said,

Chief Fang Lian recounted the situation of Wen Gaiguan combat.

of course,

Bizuozheshan is more detailed,

Fight in blood, overcome difficulties and dangers---

"You practice in the fruit of that tree,

How's it going? "

The school officer said,

Fang Lian Wu Chang and Mr. Yun knew immediately,

of course,

at this point,

On the way,

The square face monk has already considered it,

"I don't know, I seem to be in chaos, and I have such a powerful cultivation base."

The square face monk said,

This school officer,


Cultivation in Qi training period,

It’s not uncommon in the capital,

of course,

Able to cultivate hundreds of monks in the Qi training period at a time,

This magic weapon,

For the Ministry of Defense,

I have seen it on some legendary materials,

Of course you have to ask carefully,


Square face monk,

Knowing that I rely on this to become a master,

The school officer asked,

How could he say.

"Then the Tantian team is right, which master's disciple might it be?

Otherwise, such a baby,

There is no Qingcang country. "

The school officer asked again,

"I don't know, the Tantian team never said that.

It is possible. "

Mr. Yun said,

The school officer thought for a while.

"Promotion to baron is impossible,

such. Not decided. Promote Tantian team to deputy officer.

Served as the defense of Wengai County,

To make Tantian team upright, we must defend Wengai County. "

The school official took out the paperwork and the official seal,

Mr. Yun reached out and took it.

The square face team was pale, and slightly arched their hands.

Promoted by half a level. The subordinate team became the deputy commander,

Mr. Yun is smiling,

Toward the colonel repeatedly: "Thank you, the colonel for your support."


Give the past a gold ticket,

The school officer took a look: "A hundred catties of gold!"

There was a smile on his face,

"This is the decision of the Ministry of War, you have to do things well."


Out of the hall.

The deputy captain of the patrol greeted him,

"Congratulations on the promotion---"

Needless to say,

Mr. Yun took out another gold ticket.

Back to the dormitory.

These soldiers came up,

Happy face.

"The tricks I gave you.

Have you practiced? "

The square face team feels that

Cavalry battle,

Those swordsmanship learned in fruit,

Some are really flashy,

This young soldier,

Lack of combat experience,

Able to use these sword tactics changes in battle,

Among this group of young soldiers,

No more than three people.

The square-faced monk simplified the sword technique taught in Guozi,

Ten changes have been made!

Ten changes, not ten tricks.

In the battle of the army,

These young soldiers,

Be able to make good use of these ten changes,

Comprehend other swordsmanship,

This is possible.

It takes 30 years for others to cultivate to the Qi training period,

These young and strong soldiers spent one and a half months.

Charge with the camel beast of the patrol,

The battle in an instant, the battle damaged four people,

Really fighting against the army,

More battle damage!

Get the appointment letter of the deputy colonel,

After eating,

Set off immediately and rush back.

This time, it made a big circle,

It took six days,

Out of the mountain,

Encountered a patrol from a great country on the road,

The team rushed over,

this time,

The patrol team of the great country, thirty people,

There are a few people left.

Fled in a hurry,

Going back to the pattern cover,

Give the appointment letter and official seal,

Tan Tian is smiling,

"Well, this defense is enough.

Come, make a big flag and hang it,

It says Wengaiguan guarding sandalwood! "

Tan Tian said,

That night,

It’s a feast,

Invite the squire who has the full pattern closed,

Announce the news to them,

Of course the squires kept congratulating.


With this giant tree, these soldiers,

For months,

Zun Brigade,

Generally pass from outside Wengai County,

Don't dare to attack Wen Gaiguan.

They toasted Tantian one by one,

Tan Tian was drinking.

Two months have passed,

Tantian doesn't urge divine thoughts,

In this way, it is still the cultivation base of the innate warrior,


This feeling of nature,

Most humans have,

Feeling the mountains and rivers around this county and adjacent to that mountain,

Although they are small mountains with a height of tens of feet,


Tan Tian can transfer these feelings,

Reflect your own shrine.

These mountains that are not high,

Morning, evening,

But some water vapor,

It’s impossible to even be called Yunxia,


Two months passed,

The rules of plant, water, and Yunxia are integrated,

There have been some improvements.

Tan Tian sighed,

The good fortune of nature,

Looks simple,

However, looking into the mansion of God,

There seems to be a collection of thousands of runes and mysteries,

After the banquet,

The young and Zhuang soldiers conduct normal patrols.

After three days,

From the far horizon,

Sha on the battlefield,

As if suddenly increased several times!

The sha on these battlefields,

With the cultivation base of Yuanying Flower God,

You can see.

The rainbow pass decided victory or defeat,

Tan Tian thought.

Tan Da, Tan Yuan. All fighting at Rainbow Pass.

Since it is an innate warrior cultivation base.

I will definitely not use the communication circle to contact me,

of course,

Tan Tian needn't worry,


After a long time,

The square face team is walking in quickly,

The face is tight.

Hand over to Tan Tian:

"Just received the news,

The Zun team has captured the Rainbow Level! "

The Fang Lian team is nervous.

Zun Battalion captured the Rainbow Pass,

Close here,

The pressure has increased greatly.

"Oh Qing Cangguo, monk during the foundation period,

There are no advanced golden cores, monks with golden core power,

Far inferior to respecting a great country.

This result is normal. "

Tan Tian said,

Modulate the tree cane with a tap,

Drives the power that has been fused with the soul and mystery,

Those fifteen golden core monks who came to attack.

Most people were caught even their souls.

Tantian knows,

Qingcang country. Monks in the foundation period,

There are no advanced golden cores, monks with golden core power,

Far inferior to respecting a great country.


after a few days,

This morning,

About ten o'clock,

The square face monk came in,

He bowed his hand towards Tan Tian,

"In the battle of Rainbow Pass, Qingcang Nation killed 60,000 people!

The large forces retreated towards the Qingcang country,

Five thousand people came to this side. "

The Battle of Rainbow Pass is over,

Tan Tian immediately urged the monks with square faces,

With a patrol,

Expanded to fifty people,

Move the patrol area closest to the Rainbow Pass,

and so,

Over the rainbow pass,

This 5,000-strong team,

Not long after he marched toward Wengaiguan,

The square face monk has discovered that

No way,

There is no communication circle,

This is the most common practice in cold weapon combat.

"Well, line up and fight."

Tan Tian stood up,


Very mighty,


The square-faced monk arched his hands,

Able to close the array in Wengaiguan County,

Can get the support of this big tree,


He is ready to fight.

In the evening,

The square face monk came in,

Hand over to Tan Tian.

"Respect the army of the great power,

The distance is thirty miles. "


Tan Tian nodded,

At this time,

Thirty miles away,

A light flies up,

Shake it towards this pattern cover,

Has stopped outside Wengaiguan,

A monk appeared,

This monk,

Heron eyebrows, wolf eyes,

Looks cunning and vicious.

Body shape,

This monk radiates strong waves,

In an instant, the entire pattern cover was covered.

As if the whole pattern is closed,

People's spirits are shaking!

The four-diamond flower **** of the soul chaser,

This monk,

With the mark of the fire sect,

Holding a scroll of silk in his hand,

You know at a glance,

Correspondence between the military.

This monk took a look,

That big tree,

In his own astral method,

Doesn't even move.

Sure enough, this big tree,

Hosted by masters,

The average dryad,

I was struck by my own soul dharma,

The face of pain has long appeared,

"Listen to the master in Wengaiguan,

I'm the deputy head of the fire sect,

Our five thousand army, come to challenge.

You send mortals to fight,

This Wengai County,

Determined by the battle of mortals,

Of course, mortals are below the golden core.

This is a war book,

Accepting this war book, we think about the fire faction,

No more Jindan will be sent to fight! "

Zhuohuo County Pass,

In fact,

Is the station of the soul chaser,

He said this,

Wengai County sent mortal troops to fight,

Determine the ownership of Wengai County.

Tan Tian thought,

If it’s not for the integration of plant system and water system,

The rules of the Yunxia system,

Up the mountain again,

Not necessarily able to discover the benefits of Wengai County Pass,

This fire sect,

Many people have been sent to test,

Of course not for a Wengai County Pass,

Fight against Yuanying master.

The battle between Yuanying masters is enough to turn Wengai County Pass into a big hole.


Rainbow level will be defeated,

The territory controlled by the fire sect,

A lot more.

Tan Tian thought,

Two months have passed,

The Yuanying Flower God of Zhuhuo School,

Should have recognized it,

This modulation tree,

It’s a magic weapon of Yuanying level,

With this magic weapon

From the perspective of the Yuanying Flower God of Zhuhuo School,

A county, such a big thing.

"it is good---"

The sound from the big tree,

A solemn face appeared.

This is good!

This four-diamond flower **** of the fire-cutting school,


As if hundreds of mountains smashed over,

As if a thousand miles of rivers are rushing over,

An unimaginable force,

In an instant, all the body protection methods that I had stimulated were shaken,

To be able to come here to write a book of war,

Of course, it is the full force to urge the body protection Dao Fa.

My whole body,

There was a shock,

The body shook,

Not to mention the mana.

Only then did he use the Soul Dao Fa to urge him,

This big tree stands still,


People use Taoism to project faces,


All my own bodyguard methods were shaken!

This is bad, too far,

Yuanying Flower God,

These four diamond flower gods have fought,

Never can't take a trick from an opponent!

Such a master

Thinking of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the four diamond flower gods' lips moved a few times,

Then I said, thirty miles away,

"Prepare for battle!"

Tan Tian stood up,

Body shape,

The cultivation base has risen to the middle of the Qi training period,

At this time, the evolutionary fluctuation of the plane can no longer be controlled.

Go quickly to the county gate,


"Brave brave, go out to fight,

Let them see today, the power of Wenxianguan Warriors! "

The young and Zhuang soldiers went down the wall,

Go outside Wenxian Pass,

With a wry smile on his face!

One word from the mighty,

Their hope of relying on the tree was dashed,


Such a great power opens up,

Who dares not follow.

Out of the county,

Stand in line,

Respect the five thousand army formations of the great nation,

Already drove over in black!

Can't do anything,

this moment,

They fight by themselves! (To be continued...

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