Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2913: Flying Sword of Blighted Power

Tantian didn't plan to take out the magic weapon of fireball.

Flying sword of withering power,

It is the fighting method of the monks with the strength of the gold core of the opponent,

The cultivator of the opponent's golden core retreats from the battlefield,

Spend a month,

What this wilting power can get rid of,

Of course, the fall from the peak of the foundation period to the middle of the foundation period is inevitable.

It is possible from the beginning of the foundation period,

This modulation tree,

Randomly urge Dao Fa,

For ordinary monks in the foundation building period,

It is already a very advanced Taoism.

The opponent's monk with golden core strength quit,

This is a fighting method,

The deputy head of Zhuohuoguan did not speak,


Take out this fireball magic weapon,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom"

The opposing team of a hundred players,

Collapse immediately,

The deputy head of the Zhuhuo faction won’t jump out and talk to you.

That's weird.

Into the cultivation tree practice,

You can live two hundred years,

How can this two hundred years of life be so easy to take?

You should have fought bravely.

The fireball magic weapon is not taken out,

See the effect of this modulation tree,

Tan Tian's figure reminded him,

Like a ghost,

The sword art is ethereal, like a high mountain and flying snow,

In an instant, five more human heads splashed,


Can't believe it, dazed expression.


The power of the sword tactics has increased again.

The soldiers of the great country a few feet away,

I dare not come over. Tan Tian was among the soldiers at Wengai Pass,

Already the most prominent figure.

There are already several teams of respected great nations war soldiers.

Under the leadership of the captain.

Slash towards Tantian,


These teams of soldiers from the great nation,

Together with the captain,

Without exception, he became the ghost of Tantian.

The brave warrior,

I have hesitated in my heart.

"Our army has been killed one thousand six hundred,

The opponent only killed a hundred people. "

In the great formation,

The colonel reported to the general.

The general's face,

Really like iron plate,

More than one-third have been killed.

Unexpectedly, the five hundred soldiers in the heraldic pass,

Like the **** of war.


The immortal master of Zhuohuoguan, watching,

"There are only half of the monks with protective Taoism on the opponent.



Already hit a knife.

The soldiers of this pattern

I want to collect the sword,


The other side slashed again,

He blocked the knife,

The knife on his body has been pulled out,


Unlike in the imagination of the warriors of the great power,

This pattern covers the soldier's body, and blood rushes out.

But not much blood shed,

The soldiers next to Wengaiguan suddenly rushed over.

The knife is like thunder,

It was already three swords in an instant!


The heads of the warriors of the great nation flew up.

This war soldier also had three cuts on his body.

"This fairy tree works really well,

If ordinary people, on this battlefield, be chopped three times, they would have finished playing.

The wound bleeds less and recovers quickly. "

These soldiers called this modulation tree the fairy tree.


The blood and screams fly together,

It's already three people!

"These warriors at the border, the more they fought, the more brave they were

The combat effectiveness seems to have improved,

In this period, they defeated another five hundred team,

Their casualties were less than 30! "

The general said in surprise.

Indeed, as the battle progressed,

Originally, the sword art taught to them by the fruit, the use of Taoism,

They not only become proficient,

Even more choose some powerful, simple moves!

For these ordinary warriors, innate warriors and soldiers,

Cooperating with the power of Dao Fa, the fluctuations are realized,

The congenital warrior was injured by blocking a move,


Ordinary warrior,

You can kill with one move!

Although the Zun Brigade has five thousand people.

However, these few people to several people,

The monk at Wengaiguan,

Occupy an absolute advantage!

These patterns cover the soldiers,

Rushed into the opponent's battle for more than ten feet,

The sword slashed like thunder,

The sword is defending like a mountain,

After slaying a dozen or so warriors of a great nation, they retreated,


One hundred and thirty soldiers have been killed in Wengaiguan County.

The general waved,

Another hundred people rushed up.

Discover the Taoism and Sword Art taught to Guo Guo,

Can be better applied,

The joy of the soldiers in Wengai County,

Is gone,

Knife light, blood, fallen body,

It seems to be thousands of miles away,

Can't see the side at a glance.


Tan Tian shouted wildly,

Rushed to the hundred people rushing up,

The stature shot like a thunder,

Swept to the side,

In a few moments,

The sound of knives blasted and slashed,

Respect the swords of the warriors of the great nations,

As if still flying in the air,

Has crashed down,

Several soldiers have been beheaded,

The soldiers next to him,

I felt that this figure swept away,

It seemed like the sky became a natural phenomenon.

Several soldiers at the same time waved their swords to block,

Not even the sharp edges of this team were touched.

Has been cut down by this team,

"This is a monk with very high martial arts attainments."

Immediately, someone in the distance shouted,

Shouting like thunder,

Ordinary monks in Qi training period,

Encountering this kind of monk with very high martial arts attainments,

Going up is beheaded!

Body shape flashed,

Has rushed over,

Jianguang urged,

Jian Guang transforms a rainbow, three feet long,

Turned into flowers in the sky,

Slash towards Tan Tian,

Looking at the monk during the Qi training period,

This sword flower, although complicated,

All look rough,

This person is just a monk in the middle of the foundation period,

From Tantian's point of view,

One step,

Cut three times in a row! The sky full of flowers, half left,


Tan Tian's figure flickered,

Already rushed over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sword cut,

As fast as thunder,

As misty as clouds,

This monk during the foundation-building period cuts with a flying sword,

But cut into nothing,


The knife hit him,

In an instant, like Yunxia, ​​hit three points!

The monks in the foundation building felt that,

This protective circle,

As if shattered,

A misty and violent infuriating blast came in,

He took a few steps back,

The opponent is slashed again!

He urged his sword technique,

Has been blocked,

Indeed, the power of this knife,

The level of monks in the Qi training period,


Infuriating urges, but more mysterious than the waves of the big river.


Has resolved his mighty knife in the base period.


The battles of both sides rushed forward,

The soldiers of the great nation made a scream,

The team on the opposite side took out a flying sword and shook it.


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