Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2917: Guqin Pass

There is really no shortage of materials for the refining equipment.

"Well, get some medicinal materials that harmonize yin and yang mana."

Tan Tian said,

Commissioner Qian, the four lines of rules merge,

The medicinal properties of various medicinal materials,

Has extensive and in-depth research,

The monk who blended the five rules of the Demon Race,

Or a higher master,

Quite a lot has been researched,

Medicinal materials useful to the demons,

These medicinal materials are in the market,

More popular.

These herbs,

But Tantian and Banxian picked them by themselves.

While picking medicinal materials,

On the one hand, Banxian will feel about the phantom of Warhammer,

Passed to Tantian,

"The perception of the Warhammer phantom is not as expected."

Tan Tian said,

"This warhammer phantom, the more mysterious part,

The more ethereal, it has exceeded the ordinary space ,

It is a kind of information.

Just like a monk’s perception of nature,

Occasionally, I can feel the kind of ancient information. "


"This is beyond what we have learned.

Slowly realize. "

Tan Tian said,

Picked herbs,

Ordinary plant demon to deal with,

How can it be compared to a strongman who integrates different rules.

A strongman with different rules to deal with these medicinal materials,

Ordinary medicinal herbs,

Able to achieve the best efficacy.

The processed semi-finished products,

All are the best.


A strong man of the cultivation school,

Unlike the strongmen of the mortal faction,

Some things related to cultivation,

The higher the repair base, the better the processing effect,


It occupies at most some time of the strongmen of the cultivation faction,

Picking and processing these herbs,

Produce various semi-finished plasters,

It took half a month!

And deal with the plant demon with the diamond flower god,

Tantian can extract various effective ingredients from plants,


The price of these plasters is ten times higher, or thirty times higher.

The blue **** seal was previously found in the hands of the demons,

Look now,

Can you use these plasters, semi-finished products,

I found some good babies,

Don’t talk about your three-line rule fusion,

Monks in the transformation period,

The same life,

of course,

The figure of the monk in the transformation period flashed,

What kind of cultivation you want.

Arrange the herbs,

Tan Tian set off,

This kind of market is best if you have a high level of cultivation.

Tantian divinely reminded,

The teleportation of Zhou Tian's star battle array was launched.

In an instant,

Already standing in the rocks hundreds of miles away from Warhammer Villa,

Tan Tian walked forward,

The rocks separate like ripples,

Out of the rock,

Tan Tian is already surrounded by flames,

Looking into the air,

The air flicked past Guqin Pass.

Tan Tian's figure reminded him,

A flame passed in the air.

As if rushing to the horizon,

No way for ten moments,

Tantian has fallen in front of Guqin Pass,

The demon guard saw the strong coming,

A smile appeared on his face immediately,

Tantian gave the fairy stone,

Entered the Guqin Pass.

There are quite a lot of people in Guqinguan,

Forty years have passed since the Battle of Sledgehammer Pass,

This area,

There have been no major battles,

The battle between cultivators,

That happens every day.

Near the sledgehammer pass,

There are Shuizufang City, Mozu Market,

Shuizu River Mozu, interested in each other’s products,

Terran is more interested in the products of both parties.

This area,


Tan Tian walked to a stall and stopped.

All the way to,

Refining material,

Tan Tian doesn't like it at all,

He changed some materials,

These materials,

It’s not from the Devildom,

But the demons found it from other planes.

For ordinary demons,

Not very useful,

The price is not high,

However, in the case of Tantian, a strong man who integrates three rules,

Can play ten times, dozens of times the effect in the hands of ordinary Jin Dan.

Take out the refined ointment and give it,

Crystal clear like jade,

Take it immediately,

In this way, these materials,

Far cheaper than acquiring in the hands of Kun Mihui and Cambran,

Not to mention other chambers of commerce, the market,


Medicinal herbs of average quality,

These materials are in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

Has earned more than a hundred times.

Cambran chose to go to the Corridor of Beasts,

Now, it’s not the same as Advanced Yuanying,

A few years ago, Commissioner Qian met Cambran,

The wind system rules are already good,


After spending so many years in the Arena of Fighting Beasts,

There must be a rule book.

Put it this way,

Cambran’s Taoism attainments,

Is not as high as oneself.


People live in the Corridor of Fighting Beasts,

Not more comfortable than taking risks on your own?

Commissioner Qian looked at the materials in his hands that had earned a hundredfold,

For a while, the heart fluctuates.

Tan Tian saw some jade slips on a booth,

These jade slips,

Some are left with thin restrictions.

Some have exposed jade slips,

As soon as Commissioner Qian came over,

Commissioner Qian holds the crystal bottle in his hand,

It is divided into several grids.

Some crystal clear medicinal essences inside.

You know at a glance,

It's good stuff.

Immediately, the stall owner shouted to Tan Tian,

"Look at it. This is an ancient jade slip of 30,000 years."

He pointed to a pile of jade slips in front of him.

There was a monk with a face of disdain.

"Old, this level"

This monk belongs to the human race.

Commissioner Qian picked up a piece of jade slip,

It seems,

Same as other jade slips.

However, at this stall,

Most of the jade slips are old,

But this one is not,

Tan Tian majored in plant system, water system, Yunxia rules,

He has considerable attainments in the rules of the earth system.

Jade slips of ancient monks,

Once the prohibition is dispersed,

Affect the color of jade slips,

Not just the above.

The prohibition on this jade slip spread,

To this day,

At least, fifty thousand years old,

Some lines on it,

It’s not made by the stall owner, it’s really ancient Chinese,

The words that have appeared on several planes under the jurisdiction of the Giant Rock Shrine,

Brought from the rain before the mountain.

The cultivation technique of Rain in Front of the Mountain relies on collecting battle spirits from the plane travel


Perception of the rules,

Not much better than ordinary monks,

It can be seen that it is difficult to perceive the rules.

and so,

Rain in front of the mountain wanted to enter Tiedingguan to practice,

Take some ancient texts before the giant rock shrine governed the plane,

For the rain before the mountain,

That's not a problem,

If you don’t even realize the brilliant rules,

So what is the use of these ancient texts?

He took these ancient texts,

Found a wonderful book of Taoism,

I can't even feel it,

Not to mention cultivation,

Tan Tian took a look,

These real jade slips,

There are about ten yuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The medicinal essence in the crystal bottle in my hand,

Replace all jade slips in your pile. "

Tan Tian said,

"it is good---"

The foundation-building monk of the demons said,

With a smile on his face,

Among these jade slips,

Some real antiques,

The others were made by himself.

Even the essence of Chinese herbal medicine in this crystal bottle is worthless.

Both sides think they have earned it,

of course,

He reached for the crystal bottle,

The jade slips on this stall,

It's Commissioner Qian.

"This jade slip is not bad, I want it."

One person said,

Reached out and took a piece of jade slip.

This jade slip is one of the real antique jade slips of fifty thousand years.

This person really knows the goods,

Tan Tian moved towards this hand,

After this hand,

Can't get in,

This person was shocked,

How does he cultivate?

This afterburner,

A mountain also shook,

Can't even get the quick jade slip?

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