Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2928: The deduction of rule fusion magic weapon


The Four Diamond Flower God screamed,

Leon took a look,

These four diamond flower gods, the whole person has entered the space crack,

Leave a little shadow.

Damn, this is a strong man like a boss.

Looking at the cracks in this space,

Leon just didn't dare to rush up.

he knows,

A few of my own came to the Demon Realm to hunt for treasures,

It’s best to go to someone else’s top treasure,

In the crack of space,

Tan Tian stretched out his hand,

A magic trick entered the four-diamond flower **** mansion,

Got this ancient clock,

Will not exceed ten moments,


Tan Tian, ​​the mana fluctuation of this ancient bell,

Already have a certain understanding,

Immediately, in the four-diamond flower god’s palace,

The corresponding rune was found.


These spells that urge the ancient bell,

Has turned into a rune,

Tan Tian’s spell reminded,

These runes tremble,

Jumped out of the four-diamond flower **** mansion,

A volume of Tantian’s law,

Has reached Tantian's hands,

Tantian's divine mind,

It seems that the four-diamond flower **** can urge the ancient bell to urge it,


The Four Diamond Flower God has fallen from the cracks in the space,

Is the original location,

Not bad at all.

Leon and the ordinary Nascent Soul Flower God rushed over immediately,

Said to the four diamond flower god.

"What about Gu Zhong's urging spell."

These four diamond flower gods reminded them,

"Searched by the master----"

Four Diamond Flower God said.


Although he didn't speak,

Leon and that ordinary Yuan Ying Huashen face.

This is the expression.

That magic weapon met such a master,

It doesn't work as you are the Yuanying Flower God.

These four diamond flower gods complained in their hearts.


Big waves and glaciers like huge mountains rushed over,

Leon reached for a sword,

Big waves and glaciers like huge mountains,

Turned to pieces in an instant,

The green sword light flashed,

Like a rainbow flying out of the sky,

Thirty-six flowers appeared.

Blast towards this glacier,

The glacier monk is a fusion of rules,

Leon can fight,

This ordinary Yuanying Flower God didn't dare to rush up.

The monks who merge the rules of the same system,

Can cut him easily,

There was a loud noise.

In Dalang Glacier,

There is another blue light like a shadow!

In less than ten moments,

There was a roar from the glacier,

Glaciers are like electricity,

In an instant,

Already flying to the horizon. Disappeared,

The traveler takes out the magic weapon of space,

A reminder of the law,

A space channel appears,

In an instant rushed into the air.

This kind of super plane space channel,

It takes some time.

"What about the ancient clock magic weapon?"

The walker asked.

"It was taken away by a master, I see,

Most likely when you met us,

A master who walked over the mountain road. "

Leon said,

This person is a human master,


Come to this loot hall,

Taobao came just like myself,

But myself, this battle must leave this hammer rock plane.

The ancient bell, if these four diamond flower gods get it,

Completely urged,

You can take it for yourself,


I can’t even take a look at it.

The walker's face was pulled down,

The more I look at it, the more I feel that these people are rubbish!

A cup of tea time,

There have been dozens of escapes from the horizon,

Lightning swept over,

"Start transmitting."

Walker said,

Several people entered the transmission channel,

That transmission channel,

Like lightning,

Speeding past the void.

Dozens of escape lights fell towards here,

Shows dozens of powerful demons,

At first glance, this seems like thousands of ripples in space,

"Into the space channel."

Someone said,

Everyone turned around,

Dashing towards the road,

Into the boundless space,

Strong Yuan Ying,

Not necessarily happy.

Tantian went to the Trophy Hall again,

This kind of thing,

Regardless of the demon world, the human world, there are everywhere,

The loot hall opened soon,

Tan Tian walked back and forth,


Under the jurisdiction of the Giant Rock Shrine,

The type of text on these planes,

Not as many as imagined,

All in the text information given by Rain in front of the mountain,


The starry mystery in the Zhoutian star battle array,

Is there such an easy way to comprehend?

Not only a book on the integration of these rules,

These are books about local customs,

Tan Tian took a lot.

Go to those planes when you have time,

Tan Tian thought,

Wengai County has given Tantian a lot of gains from the integration of the rules of Yunxia and the rules of landscape.

Walk to other planes,

There are benefits.

Ten days later,

Tan Tian walked out of the loot hall easily,

He said hello to Jin Dan who was guarding the trophy hall.

"There is not much interest in the loot hall now.

Set the loot hall on the plane of hammer rock,

This is the glory of the plane of hammer rock. "

The administrator smiled,

I admire Tantian very much.


The demon army comes from many planes,

This plane of hammer rock,

It's just the place for the loot hall.

Tantian urges the camel beast,

Out of the giant canyon.

In this loot hall,

Tantian harvest can be described as rich,


This is not an adventure,

This is not an adventure,

This is an adventure, just like those monks in the foundation building period and the Jindan period exploring the cave,


Tantian’s three-line rule fusion cultivation base,

You can make Tantian come out easily,

Make this adventure like traveling,

Baby who wants to go,

Like this treasure in the loot hall,

Take it if you want!

In fact,

Fusion of three rules,

Willing to come to this loot hall,

there's a few?

Tan Tian's figure reminded him,

Flew towards the plane of teleportation formation,

First put the Taoist book obtained this time back to the plane of Shanhua.

The spirit of this demon world,

Tan Tian has experienced it,

It is indeed inferior to the human world.

Arrived at the plane of teleportation array,

Take out the iron sign,

Paid 50,000 middle-grade immortal stones,

This time,

After a day,

Only then came the demons enough for the plane teleportation array,

The teleportation array urges,

Back to the garden wave plane,

Tan Tian stepped out of the teleportation formation, Dao Fa urged,

Going back to the pattern cover,

Among the books I brought,

There are three books suitable for Tantian,

Yunxia Profound, in fact, is a kind of universal practice.

Dao Fa books and ancient bells are transmitted to the body,

Commissioner Qian also added Dao Fa books and ancient bells,

Teleported to the mountain flower plane,

Researched from the shadow of the earth-based golden fruit,

Three months,

The shadow of the golden fruit of the earth system sent the research results of the team ancient bell,

This is the magic weapon for refining the four rules fusion rune,


These four rule runes,

There are quite a lot of magic circles refined,

There are five thousand four-system rule runes,

Regarding the use of the magic power of the four elements of the rules,

Even more unique.

Some structures have no Longmen Inn to refine magic treasures.


Some structures play a role in the integration of the four rules of Taoism,

But it far surpasses Longmen Inn.

From the artifact secret book obtained from Longmen Inn, Commissioner Qian,

The mana of the rules, Taoism and law fusion runes,

There is no mention.

In this way, the power of this magic weapon is quite large.

"The refining of the three-line rule rune,

Only then barely refined ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so many four-system rule runes,

Just for reference, you can refine the four series of rule runes yourself.

It is an improvement in the refining of magic weapons. "

Commissioner Qian said,

In fact,

It's not the imaginary treasure of transforming gods.

"The structure of this ancient clock magic weapon is clear.

Regarding the arrangement of the four rules of Taoism runes in the magic weapon,

The shadow of the golden fruit of our three rules fusion,

You can refine the four-line rule rune. "

Tan Tian said,

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