Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2930: Tan University Tour

"I heard that many cultivators went to take risks in areas occupied by the demons.

I made a lot of money. "

Monks in the Qi training period,

Said to the patrol team nearby.

The patrol team's face was elongated,

"Go to the area occupied by the demons, do you dare to go without the Jindan repair?

During the foundation building, the monks went to the area occupied by the demons,

Less than half come back alive. "

Tantian returned to the mountain,

Seeing the evening,

The figure has turned into Yunxia.

Take out the collected on the plane of Hammer Rock,

Three Dao books related to Yunxia Rules,

While studying,

While practicing.

Of these three Taoist books, one,

Suitable for Yunxia rules and soil system rules fusion related,

After studying these three Taoist books,

Practiced for a while,

Clouds linger,

It looks like a square meter,

But it seems to be fifty thousand miles away!

As if there are thousands of big waves rushing,

It also seems to have thousands of soft garden scenery.

The beauty is so beautiful that it makes people sigh,

I feel that my soil system, water system, and Yunxia system rules have improved a lot.

The communication circle sounded,

Tan Tian took a look at the communication circle,

It's Tanda.

It turned out that ten years have passed,

In the feeling of Tantian,

But one year.

This is the practice of fusion of rules,

Thousands of fluctuations in an instant,

Like a long river,

"Plant system, soil system. Thunder system rules have been successfully integrated."

Tan Da said,

"Tan Song deduced the plant system. The soil system and the thunder system have never succeeded.

You are much better than Tan Song.

Congratulations. "

Tan Tian said,

"This is thanks to the few books that you brought from the Demon Realm that integrate the rules.

Not bad,

Books about the customs and customs in the occupied area of ​​the Demon World on the Sonopa plane,

I'll take it over and take a look. "

Tan Da said,

"In this way, the true person of Qingqiu. Get the rune from the gods, and deduced the successful integration of the rules of the plant system, water system, and thunder system.

In this way, we obtained the Qingyi God Thunder's exercises,

It can be deduced again. "

Tan Tian said.

"That's it, Qingyi God Thunder,

It seems that it is the **** thunder of plants, but it is the power of plants.

The power of the water system, the power of the earth system, and the power of the light system are all related,

The mysterious thunder of Qingyi God. Already very complicated,

The regular-level Qingyi God Thunder. More than a thousand times more complex!

If you integrate the plant system, soil system, water system, and mine system rules of mine law,

This rule fusion level Qing Yi Shen Lei is considered an initial success.

It's far from great power. "

Tan Da said with emotion,

"However, the Qingyi God Thunder that integrates the plant, soil, water, and thunder rules,

The power is no worse than the four series rules of the body fusion! "

Tan Tian said,

The law of law fusion,

This is called God Thunder!

"Well, after so many years of fusion of rules,

I plan to go to the demon-occupied area of ​​the Yuanbo plane to relax. "

Tan Da said,

"The books are in Honolulu, tell him."

Tan Tian said,

After a while,

Books about the area occupied by the demons of the Yuanbo plane,

These kind of customs,

From Honolulu on the plane of Shanhua,

Teleported to Tanda’s hands,

This superplane teleportation uses the star power crystal,

If converted to celestial stone,

Enough to buy a few teleport pills,

Tantian is at Wengaiguan,

One Zhujidan does not send,

I don’t want to worry about it again like I am on the plane of the mountain flower.

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhiying’s own cultivation bases are higher,

Mountain flower plane, the son of the Qian family,

A bunch of four diamond flower gods,

It’s no longer necessary to worry about Councillor Qian and Jin Guozhi,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

I don’t want to be a group of monks in the Qi training period,

Keep worrying.

Three more months passed,

Only then did Tanda leave the Canyon Villa.

Advanced three-system rule integration,

The perception of the phantom of the war knife in Canyon Villa,

The original sentiment has made a lot of progress.


Tan sat in a big pan,


The figure in the mansion of God, with every cut,

All have the power of opening a mountain,

This figure is like a giant with a thousand feet.

It should be said that it is completely a mountain of ten thousand feet,

Wielding a knife there!

Three months,

Tan Da used this regular knife technique,

Double the combat power!

Only then did Tanda leave the Canyon Villa,

Tantian quickly advanced the three-line rule fusion,

Dao Fa is high,

A lot of benefits,

Occupying the mountains near Nawengaiguan for decades,

The Yunxia system is getting higher and higher,

Tantian practiced near that mountain range,

Tan Da had seen it a long time ago,

Looking at the clouds made by Tantian,

50,000 li in radius,


It used to be similar to Tantian's cultivation base,


It's really not Tantian's opponent.

Advanced three-system rule integration,

Brought Tantian,

Read carefully the customs and customs of the area occupied by the demons on the Yuanbo plane,

Immediately out of the Canyon Villa,

Travel to the demon-occupied area of ​​the Yuanbo plane.

Commissioner Qian was in the area occupied by the demons on the plane of the garden,

There are a lot of places where the aura gathers.

However, Banxian wants to deduce the fusion of the plant system, the Yunxia system and the thunder system.

Other golden fruit shadows,

There is no Advanced Yuan Ying Flower God,

Continue to practice,

and so,

Tan Da felt,

This travel,

I have already advanced the integration of the three rules,

The cultivation base is high and leisurely, just suitable.

Thunderclouds billowed in the sky,

Lightning flashed past.

Seeing the raindrops have begun to fall,

The walk on the road began to run,

At first glance, it's all demons,

This has passed the Guqin Pass,

It is the area occupied by the demons.

If there is a camel beast, it will cause a camel beast,

Ran quickly to the distance,

The demons also widely use this camel beast,

Camel beasts in the demon world generally eat meat.

The omnivorous animal, the camel beast of the human race,

Got applied immediately,

There are no camels,

Began to jump up quickly,


The worst, a vertical leap,

But even if it stretches out one and a half feet,

And ordinary warriors of humans,

One level.

"Look, there is a temple in the middle of the mountain. Go there to shelter from the rain."

Some demons shouted,

Halfway up the mountain, there are towering and stretching buildings,

It occupies a large area,

Everyone together,

Run towards the middle of the mountain.

Quickly ran a few miles away,

The rain is getting bigger and bigger,

Everyone ran to the building,

one look,

From the temple?

No wonder,

This human building,

Can be retained.

Although occupying dozens of human planes,


For the obedience of the giant rock earth god,

The legend has fallen,


This temple,

No one dared to move.

"It's raining heavily, go in and hide for a while."

someone said,

Everyone rushed in from the temple,

It’s been four hundred years,

The material of the building seems to have only been built for ten years,

Building from God,

It’s not comparable to ordinary cultivation sects,


The temple is full of weeds, vines,

Among the weeds,


Of human monks,

The remains of the battle,

The bones of the demons,

Already converged,

People who come in are not in the mood to watch these,

I found a hall with less weeds,

Rushed in,

Mid-levels ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It rains in early summer,

The cold has appeared.

Someone took out the flint,

A reminder,

The pyrite has become a fire,

Each of these people is either slung or carrying a sword,

There is a monk, who is in his thirties,

There are magic lines on his face,

In addition,

Similar to humans,

Looking at this from the temple,

Filled with emotion,

This is Tanda.

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