Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2944: Fangzhu Baishan

The demons occupy dozens of planes,

Conflicts happen from time to time.

Incarnate as a monk during the Qi training period to participate in the battle,

All parties are very welcome...

Obtained the evolutionary fluctuations of different planes,

Between each other, the sword transmits evolutionary fluctuations to these planes,

The evolution of the shadow of the golden fruit is quite mysterious.

Not only the perception can be improved,

Each body,

Already like a common magic weapon!

and so,

Tantian showed his cultivation base today,

Have their own considerations,

A monk appeared in the transformation stage,

Demon, Aqua, Terran,

The soul chasing lord god, the power of ten thousand thunder lord god,

these years,

There was no war,

In this case,

Let’s talk about these thousands of spirit fruits first,

The need for evolutionary fluctuations in the plane,

Not so urgent.

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Knowing the difficulty of spiritual fruit growth,

One ripe in ten years, ordinary ripe in 30 years, common ripe in 50 years,

A lot of a hundred years!

However, the medicinal materials and fruits ripened in 30 years,

In the plane of Shanhua, it is already an elite medicinal material.

During the foundation period, the monks were three hundred years old,

Can only watch these fruits ripen ten times.

The monks are worse during the Qi training period,

Advanced can’t build foundation,

You can only watch these fruits ripen four times!

Ang Tian Chui said to Tan Tian,

These fruits,

Brother Jin Dan’s plant demon bears three in ten years,

such. A fruit.

Quite the effect of a common spirit fruit ripening in 30 years.

Calculate like this,

Five thousand fruits ripening every 30 years,

The mountain flower plane occupies such a wide land planting medicinal materials on each plane,

At least, 300 years of output!

Not to mention how many three hundred years in life,

Shanhua plane till now,

Only one thousand and two hundred years!

Got these five thousand fruits,

Commissioner Qian made another fortune.

"These seedlings can be given to you,

However, I will teach them the golden core exercises,

You want them to advance to Jindan. "

Tan Tian nodded:

"There is absolutely no shortage of vitality in the sky."

These seedlings will produce their own thoughts,


They can be planted in the mountain village of Tansong,

In the courtyard of the place where the spirits of the demon world gather,

Plant a little is a little,

Four diamond flower god. Yuan Ying Flower God’s golden fruit has more shadows,

The money family of Yongshi Kingdom.

Always send some spirit fruits and medicinal materials,

It can't be too bad,

There is not enough spirit fruit for precious medicinal materials.

"Just let them advance to the golden core, good!"

Fang Hammer said,

Tan Tian took these seedlings,

Where to grow,

Can these seedlings advance to Golden Core,

The square hammer can manage,

But talk about it.

"Okay---open the circle!"

Tan Tian said,

The demon monk in the distance saw,

This cloud separates,

Walked out a monk,

Looks like an individual,

Holding a thunder ball in his hand,

This Guqinguan deputy master took a look,

This thunder fireball is not a thunder fire from itself,

This is the thunder and fire of a few lines of profound fusion!

However, it seems,

It seems a little different,

Just saw,

This person waved his hand,

Thunder flashed,

As if crossing the eternal sky,

Beyond space and time,

This Yuanying Flower God doesn’t know how to describe it.

His figure was shaking with all his strength,

Or, in an instant,

Has been shaken thousands of times,


The thunderball has hit his shoulder with a crash,

He knew immediately,

What is different about this thunderball,

The thunder fireball exploded,

A bright red ripple exploded,

Urge to send out a force.

His armor,

Prompted thousands of miles of thunder, flames, magma,

Touch this red ripple!

Thunder, flames, and magma turned into thousands of sparks,

But it was shattered into the most primitive sky fire vitality!

Of course, it is the sky fire vitality that has been tempered by the Yuan Ying Flower God,

Extremely pure,


The ten thousand li protection Tao law of this demon primordial infant flower **** shattered,

The battle armor shattered,


Half of his shoulder turned into pieces and splashed.

Rush a thousand feet tall!

Yuan Ying’s body of the Flower God can be seen in general,

This is really prosperous!

"Put down the rule cannon, you can go now."

Tan Tian said,

He only shot for five thousand fruits,


The Yuanying Flower God of Guqinguan said,

Body shape,

Turned into a flame,

Has gone to the horizon.

The Yuan Ying Flower God who was standing next to the regular cannon is gone,

These golden core monks turned around,

Dao Fa urges,

In an instant,

Fly in the direction of Guqin Pass!

The Mozu walked away.

The monk of Guan Qingshan,

Has rushed towards this side,

Immediately took this magic weapon back to Guan Qingshan's protective circle.

Everyone watching together,

Release all divine thoughts,

This is the magic weapon of rules,

The face of Zhongjindan changed color successively,

This rule rune is really mysterious.

"Master, I will bring you fruit immediately."


Walked into the hall of Guan Qingshan.

Guan Qingshan has a history of thousands of years,

This hall is simple in construction.

Entered the hall and came out with a storage bag,

Inside the storage bag,

It's a pile of jade boxes.

Open the jade box and take a look,

There is a fresh-keeping array inside,

This fruit is equivalent to the ripe fruit for 40 years,

Better than what Ang Tianhammer said.

Although these Guan Qingshan Jindan, ten years. Bear three fruits.


How long do these fruits grow,

It is determined by these golden pills.

Tan Tian nodded.

With Ang Tian Hammer,

Leaving Guan Qingshan,

Ogun stayed,

The square hammer took out the storage bag,

"These are three hundred fruits, take it."

Ogun took a look at the storage bag.

"Yes. Fang Hammer, what do you plan to do,

Do you go to Daqingtan? "

Ogun said,

"Go to Daqingtan or go to the Park Wave Plane Committee,

We have not decided. "

Fang Hammer said,

"Or, go to Daqingtan first."

The four diamond flower **** next to him said,

"After half a month, I will go to Daqingtan to have a look."

Fang Hammer said,

After half a month.


Far away.

A ray of light fell towards Daqingtan,

Today’s Daqingtan,

Ten miles from the shore,

There are already aquatic patrols,

Seeing this light fall,

The patrol came over,

Of course, this escape light,

Far in the sky,

But in an instant,

Have crossed hundreds of miles,

Falling down towards Daqingtan.

A few patrols took a look,

"This retreat is almost as powerful as the retreat of the great kings."

Several generals canonized by the Dragon Palace,

Often urged to fly out of patrol,

and so,

These players,

I feel the retreat of Fang Hammer,

Similar to the escape of the kings,

of course,

Go up and salute this person,

More respectful,

"Excuse me, who do you look for?"

There is a herring, the patrol captain,

Stepping forward, the other hammer said:

"I am Guan Qingshan Fang Hammer,

Come to visit the General Qing Jiao of Gunwenjiang. "

Has turned into a human form,


It looks a little fishy.

"We will inform you."

Said the herring spirit.

Step towards Daqingtan,

A wave rises,

Holding the herring spirit and galloping towards the island in the center of Daqingtan,

It is three times faster than the camel beast,

Although it is the foundation period,

Exercising the water system method,


Fang Chui thought in his heart,

Sure enough, the Dragon Palace passed down the mysterious Taoism,

These aquariums have greatly increased their power by practicing water system Taoism.

After a while,

The waves came quickly with herring spirit,

"Green Jiao practice in retreat,

Today is the water eel king on duty, please "

The square hammer hit the waves,

Langhua quickly galloped towards the foggy formation in the center of Daqingtan.

Through the protective circle,

The towering palaces in front of us,

The herring spirit carries a square hammer,

Walked into a hall,

Outside the hall, guards stand in rows,

In the hall, there was a row of maids,

All beautiful as flowers,

There is a tall seat,

Sitting alone, wearing a robe,

A human-like official uniform,

Long and narrow face.

It is the king of water eels,

Seeing Fang Hammer coming in,

He bowed his hand towards the king of water eels,

Both of them are strong Yuan Ying,

Will not admit mistakes at all,


King Water Eel walked down from his seat,

Arched his hand toward the square hammer,

"I heard about the name Guan Qingshan,

Take a seat. "

Immediately a maid came forward,

Bring the seat to Fang Hammer,

Serve tea.

King Water Eel returned to his seat and sat down,

"I heard that half a month ago,

Mozu attacked Guan Qingshan,

I don't know what the situation is. "

Said the water eel king.

"Oh, I was beaten back by our friend Guan Qingshan."

Square hammer,

Of course it retreated,

If the demons are not defeated,

Can your Fang Hammer stand here?

It is said that,

The deputy master of Guqin Pass was hit hard!

The deputy master of Guqin Pass,

How strong is it,

The King Water Eel certainly knows.

Looking at Fang Hammer,

The general Yuan Ying cultivation base,

If he meditated on the deputy master of Guqin Pass, he suffered severe damage,



Fang Chui had a few words,

For the details of the battle that day,

Just don't say.

In the heart of King Water Eel,

It is even more unpleasant.

"Every strong man on the Kunwenjiang,

Formed an alliance, the strength rose greatly,

Let me Guan Qingshan, I am so impressed. "

Guan Qingshan said,

"Sure enough, it was for the demon attack."

Yuan Ying Xiuwei,

Practiced for thousands of years,

These things,

Needless to say,

"Our Gunwenjiang Alliance was only established that year,

Guan Qingshan, if you can join in,

Fang Hammer is now General Longgong. "

King Water Eel said,

This sentence says,

If Guan Qingshan wants to join the alliance,

Square hammer,

This Yuanying Flower God,

The general's canonization is not available.

This said,

Fang Hammer's face changed color.

"I Guan Qingshan, have thousands of years of history,

Hundreds of golden cores!

The general is already the most general canonization. "

Fang Chui said,

The King Water Eel stopped talking,

Take a cup of tea and drink.

Fang Hammer knew,

This is to see you off,

stand up,

He bowed his hand towards the king of water eels:


King Water Eel stood up,

For Yuanying Flower God,

Always stand while saluting.

Fang Hammer stood up,

Strode out of the hall,

Then there was herring essence,

Got on the waves,

Back to the shore,

Body shape,

Turning into a blue light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It has been thousands of miles in an instant,

Go to the horizon!

Back to Guan Qingshan,

The Four Diamond Flower God and Jin Dan surrounded them,

"How's it going."

Guan Qingshan explained what happened,

Four diamond flower gods and Jin Dan,

Everyone is unhappy!

"I Guan Qingshan,

For thousands of years,

How can these aquariums be comparable?

I can't even get the title of a general,

This Kunwenjiang aquarium,

Look at yourself too high! "

The four diamond flower **** said!

These golden pills yelled.

Everyone talked for a long time,

It was already evening.


Someone said,

"I think the master Aogun invited that day is awesome."

This said,

A master nearby said immediately:

"That said, the magistrate of Hammer that day,

I have been an official in Daren for many years,

I have been a prefect in Guanzhou for more than ten years,

Unexpectedly, he knew such a master. To be continued...)

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