Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2961: 30,000 miles of mountains

   stepped out of the passage,

   is like the mountain outside,

   However, the sky seems to be cloudy, udu!org

   just walked out ten feet,

   A cold wave swept over,

   This cold wave,

   like a long river,

   is a long-faced demons who walked over from a distance,

   the elderly have blue scales,

   "Which pavilion do you belong to, here I don't have an order from the street to come."

   The demons said,

   The cold wave surged like ten thousand waves,

   The space around the few people is slow.

   separated by hundreds of feet,

   Several people were all locked by this golden core.

   "It's been four hundred years, this secret realm has long been discovered by the demons."

   Fire Sky Striker said,

   The stone-like sword in his hand shook,

  The demon golden pill a hundred zhang away,

   The whole person has been wrapped in a flame,

   This flame swirls,

   This demonic golden pill has disappeared,

   some remains of battle armor, flying swords, and shields.

   These people shook their bodies,

   has turned into a demon.

   walked to the place where the demon was standing just now,

   Next to this demons standing,

   and fast boulder,

   pictures are drawn on it,

   Real Xuan Gu immediately stepped forward and took a look.

   "This image is suitable for gold cores below the flower **** with diamonds."

   A few Yuan Ying took a look,

   Spiritual thought swept across the entire boulder,

  This image,

   There seems to be a river on the boulder.

   This river, as if the distance is constantly changing,

   The monks below the flower **** with diamonds,

   may feel too insightful.

   Yuanying Flower God,

   I don’t want to see it,

   "This boulder got my resident,

   is a pity to put it here. "

   Really Xuan Gu finished,

   Fire Sky Striker shook his hand,

   took the huge boulder in.

   "Xuan Gu, I was wounded five years before healed,

   This boulder is more suitable for me. "

   "This, this huge boulder, I can make it,

   But it will take some time. "

   said the real Xuan Gu.

   Actually. The material of this boulder is good,

   has the corresponding material quality,

   can create such a magic weapon,


   Three hundred miles of secrets,

   They have already gone all over.

   Jin Dan killed a few.

   I collected some treasures,

   All three have accepted some disciples,

   these treasures,

   It’s okay to show it to the disciples.

   "This secret realm does not enable people to advance to the Yuanying Flower God."

   said the real Lejian,

  "Look at that cliff, it says the origin of this secret realm. I wrote a poem,

   Among the runes I got before,

   seems to have a poem.

   I used to look at poem cards made with refining materials,

   is like an ordinary object. "

   Fire Sky Striker said.

   There are seal carvings on this stone wall,

  This kind of seal carving,

   The mountains visited by ordinary people are everywhere.

   Advanced Yuan Ying, strength soared,

   It’s also easier for the disciples to advance to the Golden Core.

   collected many items.

  Fire Sky Striker remembered now,

  'S Jindan disciples once collected similar poem cards,

   is made of refining materials,

of course,

   If it’s not made of refining materials,

   Yuanying Flower God also looks down upon this collection.

   Fire Sky Striker took out the storage bag,

   searched for a long time.

   find a poem card.

   Xuan Gu and Le Jian walked over and took a look.

   "This poem is exactly the same as the poem on this stone wall."

   Le Jian said,

  "There are patterns on this poem,

   Take a look at the thick runes on the pattern on this poem card. "

   said the real Xuan Gu.

   Advanced Yuanying Flower God, the strength is even stronger.

   These cave house expedition-like routines,

   I've studied it a long time ago.

   looked for a while,

   The flame in the hands of the real Lejian,

   has already manifested a rune.

   Xuangu and Le Jian looked at them.

   "It is indeed this rune."

   Although I watched for a while,

   this deduction,

   has been a pretty common deduction for a year,

  According to the lines on this poem,

   the rune that was pushed,

   is absolutely perfect.

   Fire Sky Striker will hold this rune,

   a dozen towards this seal carving,

   Seal carving turned into a mountain,

   looks like it stretches across the horizon,

   "This mountain is 30,000 miles long!"

Do not know why,

   Several people have this feeling in their hearts at the same time.

   These 30,000 li mountains,

  There are three thousand mountains.

   in the mountains,

   There is a small river flowing.

   Every mountain, river.

   Du Qixiu is far away,

   is lively and simple,

   seems to have indescribable anger.

  The best landscape painter,

   can't paint one thousandth of this landscape,

   saw immediately,

  The mountains soar into the sky!

   30,000 miles of mountains,

   turned into a sword light,

   across the green sky,

   all the bushes on three thousand mountains, the strange rocks,


   all transform and merge,

   This sword light immediately gave people a way to cut through the sky,

   rushed out of the entire plane,

   cut to the boundless starry sky-like power.

   Three Yuanying Flower Gods,

   seems to be intoxicated in this sword light,

   It seems a long time has passed,

   It seemed a moment later.


   The sword light disappeared in a blink of an eye!

   on this stone wall,

   is that seal carving again.

   "How long has it passed."

   Fire Sky Striker said,

   "After an instant!"

   Xuan Gu said,

  "The sword light just swept away, including

   Fusion, Sword Art, Realm,

   I feel it,

   may be less than one ten thousandth of this sword light. "

   Xuan Gu finished,

   "Not like you said,

  None of us can accurately perceive the sword light,

  The Dao Fa that I felt,’

   how much of the sword light occupies,

   hard to say. "

  Everyone from the sword light that emerges from the sky

   The mystery of perception is different.

   "Send this rune again."

   Mr. Xuangu said,

  The sword light that appeared,

   has far surpassed any Yuan Ying Taoist book obtained by Real Person Xuan Gu.

   Rune appeared in the hand of Fire Sky Striker.

   a dozen towards this seal carving,

   There is no reaction at all.

   "Try this pattern in a different combination."

  The cyan brilliance flashed in his hand,

   has changed into a rune,

   Of course, this rune,

   is far less perfect than the rune that has just been cut into the seal.

   One reminder,

   This rune is cut into the seal,

   There is no response like seal carving,

   half a tea time,

   shows hundreds of runes,

   punched in towards this seal carving.


  This seal carving,

   There is no reaction at all.

   "I see, this poem card, you can only watch this sword light once."

   Mr. Xuangu said,

   "Yes, Xuan Gu. I think the same as you."

   voice came from the shadows,

  This shadow,

   is only fifty feet away from them!

   A figure came out,

   Same as them,

   looks like a demon.

   The three Yuanying Flower Gods were shocked,

   This person has stood fifty feet away from them for such a long time,

   listen to his tone,

Needless to say.

   The image of the sword light appeared just now,

   He saw it all,

   A few people stretched out their hands,

   Sword Jue artistic conception urged,

   Flame Sword Art,

   across the sky,

   These few sword lights. Give a kind,

   Very deep general feeling.

   The person who came across had an extra shield in his hand,

   There are misty clouds on the shield,

   The sword light from a few people.

   cut on this shield,

   just heard it,

   "Puff, puff, puff—"

   Yunxia seemed to rotate slightly.

  The sword light emitted by the three Yuanying Flower Gods,

   has rushed into the shield and disappeared.

   A few people immediately urged their sword arts with all their strength,

   Everyone shows a thousand miles of beauty,

  Ten thousand miles of dhamma, moving at an unimaginable speed,

   Mana is surging like the wind,

   gathered on the flying swords of the three.

   This man’s shield,

   The three of them need to fight with all their strength,

   Here comes such a master.

   The figure shook,

   has already figured out.

  "Xuan Gu, Le Sword, Fire Sky Striker,

   I haven't seen you for almost 300 years, your cultivation level has improved a lot. "

   Xuan Gu, Le Sword, Fire Sky Striker seems to be transformed into a sculpture,

   this person,

   is nearly three hundred years ago,

   Due to the ironclad battle,

   discovered the secret of the grower,

  The old money that entered the secret realm of growers together,

of course,

   This person is Tan Tian!

   "Old money, you-your cultivation base is so high -"

   Xuan Gu said,

   The three of them urged the sword light together,

   Like ten mountains, they shattered.

   The other side’s shield is one block,

   The sword light urged by the three Yuan Ying Hua God,

   can't even break the defense of the opponent's shield.

   Compared with three hundred years ago,

  This gap,

   seems to be beyond words.

   Shocked, rolling in the eyes of the three Yuanying Flower Gods,

   The shield that Tantian took out is strong,


  'S own cultivation base did not reach a considerable level,

   How can it be like blocking the attack of the monks in the foundation period,

   Block the attack of these three Yuanying Flower Gods?

   The sword light urged by the three Yuan Ying Hua God,

   was blocked by Tan Tian,

   is like the golden core monk,

   blocked the attack of the monks in the foundation building period,

   This is the feeling of the three Yuanying Flower Gods.

  "Where, I haven’t seen you in three hundred years,

   Everyone has made a lot of progress. "

   Member Qian said,

   "Old money, this is the legendary humility,

   You captured the Tieding Pass,

   Old Qian, you haven't shown up in the Garden Wave for 300 years.

   is really amazing. "

   Real Xuan Gu immediately said with a smile on his face.

   "That is, the old money is really a master."

   Fire Sky Striker said.


  The character has always been weak, and the monk-like real Lejian spoke.

   Tantian to them,

   is already a real strongman!

  "Xuan Gu, there is such a mystery here,

   These poem cards should have a certain number of pieces,

   Not as good as we, together, occupy this wolf hammer mountain,

  Who came here with poem cards,

   Let's comprehend together. "

   Tantian said,

   The stone Tan Song got from Xiongyuguan,

   is already a relatively advanced rule,

  Compared with the water system rules that Qingqiu got from the temple

   Thunder system rule rune fusion is worse.

   However, it is still a very good way to thunder in the mountains,

   Although it is not a regular rune structure,

   But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For Tan Song, which is a fusion of plants,

   Earth system, Thunder system monks,

   thunder in the mountains,

   Let the flora of Tansong,

   soil system, thunder system rules fusion has grown a lot!

   That green robe monk is really tough,

The babies given by    are the most suitable individuals for the task.

   Tan Song thought.

   like this,

   Park wave plane,

  The shadows of several powerful golden fruits of the Qian Qian committee,

   Regarding the secret realm in each cultivation cave in the area occupied by the demons,

   became more interested.

   The secret realm of Wolfhammer Mountain,

   Tantian has been here several times,

  This seal carving,

   Tan Tian has seen it a hundred times,

   can’t see why,

   this time,

   happened to meet Xuan Gu, the fire sword flashed, and Le sword a few of them,

   These people took out poem cards,

   Then the mystery of this carving appeared,

   Like Tantian, he watched these 30,000 miles of mountains leaping into the sky and turning into sword light!

  Of course, there are more people who feel Bi Xuangu,

   Therefore, Tan Tian doesn’t have to think about transforming the seal cutting through Taoism.

  This sword light,

   is very likely to be the level of power in the transformation stage.


   asked Tan Tian to search for this poem on the plane of the garden,

   After another demon war.

   those few golden fruit shadow clones,

   The disciples of the flower plane of the mountain in the plane of the garden wave,

   Where can I find it?

   This is already, it's all luck.

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