Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2964: Strongman

Break into the prohibition in the five-color lotus,

Was absorbed by lotus,

The lotus is still growing,

Coming out of the Shenren Dongfu,

Commissioner Qian has never met with the five-color lotus

Similar spiritual roots.

The secret realm of Wolfhammer Mountain,

There is a cultivator urging to send sword light images,


A decent magic weapon,

absolutely not.

This five-color lotus,

Definitely let him continue to grow,

Until Qian Da committee has enough ability to refine.

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi sitting on the plate,

In each of the gods,

Mana is as clear as jade!

The rule fusion has improved again,

Mana quality,

Of course there is a corresponding conversion.

This is to watch these 30,000 miles of sword energy,

Improvement in realm.

This practice,

Three more months passed.

The birthday of the deputy master of Baijiaoguan is here,

This invitation,

Are all sent out a few months in advance,

Let those who receive the invitation,

Prepare the best gift.


Baijiaoguan Deputy Guan Master,

How could it be possible for the Qian Da Committee body and Yuan Ying Flower God

What about the shadow of Golden Fruit?

The shadows of the golden fruit of the nineteen Yuanying flower gods,

Each is perfect according to the rules,

This is the advanced Yuan Ying,

Send any one of the nineteen Golden Fruit Shadows,

Can defeat Baijiaoguan Deputy Guan Master.

Many Golden Fruit Shadows have gone to Kuanglei Mountain to practice.

this day,

Thunder and fire in the distance,

Rumbled towards Wolfhammer Mountain and flew over.

The mountain guard array towards Wolfhammer Mountain fell.

A team of monks in battle armor appeared.

Each battle armor flares, and there is a mark of equipment Baijiaoguan on it,

With the hideous face,

The monks,

It can be said that with unspeakable majesty,

These monks,

Looking at Wolfhammer Mountain.

I was surprised and disdainful,

Lord Wolfhammer,

Dare not to be at the birthday party of the deputy master,

A gift was not delivered,

Has this man eaten the courage of a giant beast?

Master Wolfhammer’s cultivation base,

But similar to the captain of this team of monks.

Two Diamond Flower God,

Towards the protective circle of Wolfhammer Mountain,

Just shout:

"Lord Wolf Hammer, come out and listen to the order."

The circle opens,

A demon monk came out.

There are magic lines on the face,

"The Lord Wolfhammer is out."

This person finished.

Turn around and leave,

This is Tan Tian,

Three more months passed,

Huo Dao Shan, Le Jian, Xuan Gu did not find poems,

This kind of poem is not a magic weapon in itself,

For thousands of years,

Can you find it completely by luck,

Seeing the monks from Baijiaoguan came,

Tan Tian didn't even arch his hands.

I searched so many Dao books related to rules and Dao Fa,

The ancient monks' perception,

This 30,000 li sword light,

For Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi,

Just watch it again.

"So rude, the Lord Wolfhammer wouldn't dare to speak to me like this."

The monk who took the lead was furious,

Take a shot towards the demons who have manifested in Tantian,


Like a rolling thunder,

As if a mountain blasted towards Tantian,

Tan Tian backhanded,

The captain slapped a palm,

The whole mana,

Like a waterfall rolls back,

Bounced towards the captain,

And, ten times faster,

The captain yelled,

Flames were already showing up on his body, and the mountains surrounded.

But in an instant,

The flames all over, the mountains have exploded,

The captain flew up,

Turning around in the air,

Has been flying out a hundred meters away,


The whole person has been smashed into the ground,

There have been two diamond flower gods repaired,

The body is like black iron.

The captain is easily beaten up like this,

The group of monks was stunned,


A demon monk with big mouth and fangs roared,

An ice-colored thunder blasted towards Tan Tian,

Has a thick,


Gives a feeling of thousands of miles of ice and snow,

The same is the flower **** with diamonds,

Among the monks from this team, he is the deputy captain.

Just these two,

The highest cultivation base!

Tan Tian Xuxu shot,


This ice-colored thunder,

Rolled back at ten times the speed,


This demons with an ice storm has a diamond flower god,

The whole person turned into a big block of ice,

A few feet in radius.

A look of surprise, can't believe it,

That expression is lifelike.

Seeing the remaining demonic monks,

Dare to attack there,

Dao Fa urges,

Grab the captain, the deputy captain,

Thunder and fire billowed,

Flew in the direction of Baijiao Pass.

Above the thunder and fire,

Wolfhammer Mountain is no longer visible,

These players looked at each other:

"This wolf hammer mountain has come to such a master,

No wonder it's so awesome. "

"The strength of the master and deputy master,

It's at this level. "

The Jindan player next to him said,

The two diamond flower **** and the diamond flower god, waved and clicked.

The strength of this captain,

What they have seen before,

This ice thunder with a radius of ten feet,

Frozen a mountain into an iceberg in an instant!

Without the captain and deputy captain urging,

The speed slowed down a lot.

Flew for a long time,

This is the Baijiao Pass,

Of course, I immediately saw the deputy master of Baijiaoguan

In the main hall,

Guan Shanhuo sat,


These team members finished the matter,

Guan Shanhuo's face changed.

"Where are they, let me see."

Guan Shanhuo said,

"Outside the hall."

Guan Shanhuo went outside the hall,

Walked towards the ice cube a few feet in radius,

This ice cube,

It can't be left like this.

Reach out,

A flame swirled toward the ice cube,


This ice cube has only melted a third!

Guan Shanhuo was shocked,

Already frightened and angry,

This person's Taoism is more profound than himself!

A reminder of the law,

The flame circled the ice three times,

The ice cubes melted,

The deputy captain slowed down!

A divine mind came from a distance,

These golden core monks can't feel it,


Guan Shanhuo knew,

This is the spirit of the Lord of Baijiao Pass.

Guan Shanhuo stretched out his hand and played a magic trick,

Into the body of the captain,

His face is even more ugly,

Turned around and walked into the hall.

More and more masters from the Demon World to the Human World.

This wolf hammer mountain,

There are five spiritual gathering places for Jindan training,

A place where the spiritual energy can gather for the monks in the foundation building period,

There are about thirty.

Such a place,

Also came a master Yuan Ying who is higher than himself,

"Wolf Hammer Mountain, let them go."

Guan Shanhuo said,


These team members bowed their hands,

The deputy master has already said so,

They are just patrolling golden core monks.

Tantian showed strong mana~www.wuxiaspot.com~This wolf hammer mountain,

Occupied like this,

Demon monks at Baijiaoguan,

Did not continue to come.

Ban Kuang killed the golden core,

The four-diamond flower **** of Baijiaoguan,

Come to fight,

Tan Tian beat the team back.

The Yuanying Flower God of Baijiaoguan did not see him.

This is the devil world!


Months later,

Xuangu. Fire Sky Striker, the real Lejian is here,

"There is also a poem card,

When the Mozu attacked Baijiao Pass in the hands of the manor near the Baijiao Pass,

We found the descendants of the manor,

He said,

Back then, a large number of collections were not brought out.

This manor owner is an ordinary person. "

Xuan Gu said,

"Well, let's go to the manor together."

Tan Tian said.


This poem card is the most near this Baijiao Pass.

Several people set off immediately,

Walked towards the manor near the Baijiao Pass. (To be continued.

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