Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2977: Half a day to practice baby

Wan Shan Pavilion?

Rain in front of the mountain thought for a while,

It is not difficult for Wanshan Pavilion, such as the main **** organization, to send masters who integrate different rules.

What about casual repair?

Qianqianyu remembered the battle between Ang Tianhammer and the deputy chief of Wanshan Pavilion.

It turned out to be for this.

However, Ang Tian Hammer's companion appeared,

Immediately with Ang Tian Hammer,

Defeated Wan Shan, the deputy cabinet chief,

The ratio between the owner of Wanshan Pavilion and the rain in front of the mountain,



small differences.

Thought rain before the mountain,


Ang Tian Hammer and his companions,

It's not difficult to beat yourself.


The rain in front of the mountain has its own adventures,

Taoism is already quite good,

The deputy chief of the Wanshan Pavilion plane,

The institutions that govern the entire plane,

It can be said to be high,

The repair is worse than before the mountain.

The rain in front of the mountain thought for a long time,

The core member of the Garden Wave Plane Committee,

Has served for 300 years,

Talk to this Ang Tian hammer,

The figure swept,

In an instant it turned into a bronze glare,

Suddenly it rushed across the horizon.

Half tea time,

The rain in front of the mountain has fallen towards the villa of Ang Tianchui.

The waiter appeared,

Rain before the mountain took out his greeting card,

"I want to meet the Villa Master of Skyhammer."

The waiter took a look,

This greeting is simple and vigorous,

At first glance, it is better than ordinary art.

Hurriedly walked into the village,

After a while,

Ang Tian hammer walked out.

It rained towards the front of the mountain.

"Member Mountain. Please----"

Before the mountain rain nodded,

Enter the villa with Ang Tian Hammer,

Take a look at the medicinal materials on the side of the road,

The rain in front of the mountain was surprised,

A lot better than Doucang faction.

Sit down in the living room with Ang Tian Chui,

The waiter serves tea,

He said a few words while drinking tea.

Able to resist a cup and a half of tea under the swordsmanship of the deputy master of Wanshan Pavilion,

Such a person has been cultivated for at least 500 years,

Too much is useless,

The rain in front of the mountain said,

"I heard that Master Tianhammer went to Yunxia Pavilion,

It's for the painting of the man Xuedou. "


The rain in front of the mountain also came for this.

Ang Tian Chui thought,

Said to Shan Qian Yu: "Please wait a moment."


Walked out of the living room.

But walked to the house nearby,

The communication law is urged.

After a long time,

Ang Tian Chui came back,

He bowed his hand towards the front of the mountain:

"Commissioner Rain at the front of the mountain, I took the painting of the man Xueteng,

But to a friend. "


Take out the communication circle,

A figure emerged.

A smile on his face: "Rain in front of the mountain, the painting of the man Xueteng, I have it."

"It's you---old money---"

The rain in front of the mountain felt

It's just rolling in!

This treasure hunt was preempted by Commissioner Qian.

Needless to say,

Those who have been in the cave of the gods,

This God-Man Dongfu is more than the level of the cultivator of the God,

If you don’t know the mystery of the rock mountain,

Will you go to collect the paintings of the man Xuedou?

"You and Skyhammer are friends?"

Rain in front of the mountain said,

In the communication array,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"In this case, I won't bother."

Rain in front of the mountain said,

There is no need to ask the old money,

How is this painting?

"Well, no. If there is a treasure, you can continue to cooperate."

This person is Tan Tian,


The rain in front of the mountain should be,

However, the rain before the mountain can find here,

Rain in front of the mountain already has considerable capacity.

The rain in front of the mountain walked out of Ang Tian Chui Villa,

Flew towards Doucang County,

Entered Doucang County,

Doucang County, now,

There are already quite a few people.

More than half are monks,

Qianmen Yu nodded with satisfaction.

More than one casual repair,

There are always some good items,

Here comes the county government of Doucang County,

To spread the sound inside,


Zhan Kuang came out,

I'm going to walk towards the rain in front of the mountain:

"Talk inside."

Rain in front of the mountain said,

Entered the main office,

"You talk to the monsters in the occupied area of ​​the Demon Realm,

Explore the place where such power appears. "

Rain in front of the mountain said,


Zhan Kuang handed over,

Before the mountain rain left Doucang County,

A show of escape,

It has already flown towards the Garden Wave Plane Committee.

This day the prefect and his companions,

The deputy pavilion master who can resist Wanshan Pavilion,

Zhan Kuang compared with the prefect and companions of this day hammer,

I can't get it.

The combat power of the Tianhammer prefect alone,

Compared with Zhan Kuang,

More than ten times stronger!

This treasure was acquired by Committee Qian,

This is a manifestation of strength.

Rain in front of the mountain thought,

The mountains and rivers retreated like electricity.

Tantian sat down on the mountain in Wengai County,

The whole body seems to turn into a cloud,


Became a core member of the Plane Committee,

Finding the treasure is much easier than the Commissioner Qian and the Shadow of Golden Fruit,

If this time,

Ban Kuang did not go to the rock mountain to check,

I found the four-diamond flower **** of Wanshan Pavilion fighting against the Yanshan monk,

This treasure really doesn't have the money of committee members.

This is also a member of Qian's Yuanying level, there are enough golden fruits.

Tan Tian thought for a while,

You can try it with Princess Xuanyu from Qingcang Country.

Mr. Yun, the worship of Qingcang Country,

Has been practicing towards the fusion of the three elements of mystery,

Mr. He Yun said,

Mr. Yun must know,

The paintings of the man Xue Teng,

It might be a baby.

Tan Tian just remembered.

The communication array of Princess Xuanyu. None of them.

I want to find the paintings of the real Xueteng, Princess Xuanyu.

You can't go empty-handed.

Tan Tian thought,

Last time I saw Princess Xuanyu,

The battle armor on Princess Xuanyu can be said to be rubbish.

Reach out,

A pile of ten thousand years of cold profound iron flew out, the flames circled,

These ten thousand years of cold mysterious iron began to change shape,

A few moments of time.

These ten thousand years of profound cold iron,

Has changed to make very complicated shapes,

It is a mysterious rune!

Less than one morning,

A battle armor appeared in front of Tan Tian,

Wannian Han Xuan Tie,

For the Four Diamond Flower God,

They are all the same material as the treasure of the refining device,

For Tantian,

It is already the worst material Tan Tian has ever seen.

Reach out,

Star force rushed in.

In the mana space of the battle armor,

Immediately turned into mountains and rivers.

He uses the power of the planets of Saturn and the power of water systems.

Through the core runes of the battle armor,

The manifestations of the law,

And use plane water aura and earth aura,

The mountains and rivers appear to be similar,

In fact,

Used for combat,

More powerful,

With a sharp air that traverses the sky.

This armor,

Enough for Princess Xuanyu to use the three-diamond flower **** peak,

If Princess Xuanyu can cultivate to the Three Diamond Flower God,

Tan Tian thought.

A reminder of the law,

Body shape like electricity,

Has already flown towards Qingcang Country,

In a few moments,

Has already fallen towards the capital of Qingcang Country.

Walking into the capital of Qingcang country,

A tall mansion appeared from afar,

Tan Tian just approached.

A bunch of patrols came up,

Xuanyu Princess Mansion,

The style is still great.

Tantian took the greeting card,

"I am the baron of Wengai County, please see Princess Xuanyu."

Immediately, these patrol members were surprised,

The Baron of Wengai County,

In Qingcang Country, he is a mysterious and powerful character.

Wengai County,

And the mainland of Qingcang Country,

Across the rainbow,

The Baron of Wengai County,

Where is Wengai County located,

Respect the great war soldiers,

Dare to come over.

The captain of the patrol,

Go in and report immediately.

Before the Wengaiguan battle,

It's been nearly a hundred years since I was surprised,

This Princess Xuanyu,

Still the princess,

Cultivation is popular,

This officialdom of the secular world,

Just as complicated.

After a while,

A maid and the patrol captain came out,

"Princess, please ----"

Tan Tian followed the maid,

Entered the princess mansion,

Walked through the cloister garden,

This scenery is called beautiful and gorgeous.

In the garden,

A stream passes by,

An attic next to it,

In the attic,

A group of maids served,

Tan Tian followed the green arrival,

Nodded towards Princess Xuanyu: "I have seen the Princess."

Immediately, a maid next to her raised her eyebrows!

"Bold, I've seen the princess, and I don't pay courtesy

Today, our princess, in Qingcang Country, is like a fairy. "

The maid said,

"That's, less than a hundred years, the seventh-grade golden core,

In a mortal country, there is quite a deterrent. "

Tan Tian sat down,

His face was as calm as evergreen.


These maids,

Just this feeling,

The princess was surprised!

I thought that my golden core was advanced,

In front of this person,

Not worth mentioning at all.

Then a smile appeared on his face,

"Tea, I wonder why the Baron is here?"

"It seems that if my cultivation level is not high, I can't even drink the princess's cup of tea?"

Tan Tian drank a cup of tea.


The maid next to her was angry,

Although this is the case,

If the cultivation base is not high, whoever looks at it,


Tan Tian said this straightforwardly,

Embarrassed these maids.

Tantian spoke to the princess,

"I am interested in ancient paintings,

For example---"

I have talked about a lot of famous works in a row,

"If you want the original, you can charge as much as you have."

Tan Tian said,

There was an extra armor in his hand,

When this armor came out,

Let out light,

Half of the garden shines,

Tan Tian said,

This armor flew towards the county lord,

The princess reached out and caught it,

The tactics of a hundred words came over,

The princess urged the law,

"Boom and boom----"

This armor,

Has been worn on the princess,

The princess immediately felt the extremely powerful mana!

As if between raising hands,

Can smash a mountain.


He felt,

The mana of this armor,

As ethereal as a mountain.

The golden core armor that I used before,

Compared with this golden core armor,

It's totally rubbish.

"The mana of the county lord has improved, and of course he can use more functions of this armor."

Tan Tian said,

The armor he refined,

The mana is not enough to urge the corresponding magic circle.

Of course, these magic circles are powerful mysterious runes,

Profound Fusion Rune,

That would never happen,

The princess also don't want to improve his Taoism through comprehension of this armor.

"I want the original."

Tan Tian said,

Reach out and grab,

The armor has rushed out,

Shrink quickly,

In the hands of Tan Tian.

In fact, these famous paintings are one kind,

Quite a part is collected in the hands of the official system,

They don’t generally sell,

Tantian didn't have the effort to deal with so many mortals.

"Princess Xuanyu, now the emperor of Qingcang Country, is your junior.

Search for some paintings,

It shouldn't be difficult. "

Tan Tian said,

"Don't worry,

Searching for some paintings is not a problem. "

Princess Xuanyu said:

"Send the baron to the best premises ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ immediately, a maid will come over,

Take Tan Tian out of the princess mansion,

Walk towards the best premises in Qingcang Country.

of course,

There was a busy time in Qingcang Country,

The best premises,

Enjoyment is good,


Tantian has enjoyed a lot of delicacies of mountains and seas,

The maid is slender, her skin is better than snow,

It made Tan Tian tut amazed. (To be continued...)

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