Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2981: Fusion of soul and landscape

   The early morning dewdrops emit sunlight,

   Indeed, Tan Tian felt an air,

   It seems that Bi has practiced a little more before, www@!

  His spirit covers the entire mountain peak,


   This mountain, and other peaks,

   is no different,

   This is mystery,

   is higher than Xuan'ao, it may be the function of rules,

   or very high mystery,


   surpassed Tantian's Daoist level.

This means that,

   Tantian can enjoy the benefits of this mountain,

   But I don’t know the origin of this mountain.

   is half a li from Tantian,

   one more person,

   stepped out of the tree,

   sit on a branch and practice,

   Monster race.

   On the whole mountain, there are many more monsters.

   Tan Tian didn't care about him.

   There are hundreds of thousands of years in the history books of the Yuanpo continent,

   Yaozu has a longer history,

   It is not surprising to know the mystery of this mountain.

   "There is a demons here."

   The sound transmission of the monster clan.


   From Tantian's point of view,

   is like shouting.

   The sword light flashed, and the Monster Race had already taken action.

   It's cold like a mountain, fast like the wind,

   cut towards Tan Tian,

   Flying sword of average quality.

   However, after a long period of tempering with its own mana,

   is powerful enough.

   Tantian immediately knew the quality and power of this flying sword,

  The approximate method of sacrifice.

   The flying sword flew three feet around Tantian,

   a meal,

   seems to have an invisible obstacle,

   can't advance an inch!

  For this flying sword,

   Tantian is not surprised,

   told Yu this Su Xue school disciple sitting on the mountain,

   will not blame,

   We are not strong enough to enjoy the benefits everywhere.

   Committee member Qian and Jin Guozhi have long been used to seeing it.

   Flying sword flashed,

   flew back!

   Compared with the violent flying sword flying over,

   Flying back here, it looks so bland,


   The demon clan that issued the flying sword has been nailed to a stone.

   The blood soaks the mottled lines,

   seems to be a fascinating blood flower blooming in the long history.

   did not blast this monster into blood mist on the spot.

   Tan Tian is already extremely polite.

   Practice this morning,

   can't let Tantian transform his spirit into runes.

   Mysterious runes can't be transformed.

   can't even talk about regular runes,

  God, the pill that was refined by Chairman Qian to increase the mind is already brilliant enough.

   Mana, the hidden acupuncture holes of Commissioner Qian give Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo’s mana,

   is several times more than the Yuanying Flower God of the same level.

   or ten times!

   cannot be converted into runes,

  The mystery here,

  For the Qian committee member, it is just a feeling!

and so,

   Tantian will be practicing here for some time.

  If the shadow of this golden fruit can be converted into runes,

   Other golden fruit shadows,

   The Qian Qian committee member himself.

   will also come to feel the practice,

   Crazy Thunder Mountain, Tan Yuan, Tan Xun has already come to practice.

of course,

   Tan Yuan, Tan Xun’s training effect on Kuanglei Mountain,

   is far inferior to the shadow of golden fruit,

   The cultivation base is not high.

   rise in anger caused by solar terms,

   can be described as faint.

  The effect of training here,

   should be better than Kuangleishan.


   These monster races rushed into the mountains, into the big trees,

   has disappeared in an instant,

   After a while,

   A monk came from the mountain.

   surrounded by mana,

   Like a deep sea!

   Yuanying Flower God,

  Rules and Dao Fa have a certain level of cultivation,

   A monster monk whose level is much higher than Guan Qingshan's head.

   As expected,

   can maintain the faction in the area occupied by the demons,

   The cultivation base is quite high,

   has approached the level of iron armor,


   It is related to the demon clan’s attitude towards the demon clan that is largely irrelevant.

   can cultivate for a long time on this mountain,

   full of air,

   full of spirit, practicing Taoism,

   That is definitely faster than the average person.

   "Mozu, so crazy----"

   The monk said coldly.

   This demons doesn’t say anything,

   reflected the flying sword back,

   He himself, but at this level,

and so,

   come up,

   There is no sword.

   Invisible sword energy, as if there is nothing like nothing,

   blocked the entire sky,

   Sword Art is reminded,

   is tens of thousands of sword energy, slashing over.

   Tan Tian flickered, and a human figure appeared.

   "I am a human race, come here to practice, why bother so much?"

   Tantian said,

   The demon clan soul infant exhaled,

   some human races,

   knows the mystery here.

   "If you want to cultivate here, what are your skills?"

   The demon clan Yuan Ying said,

   Thinking of taking advantage here,

   How can it be so easy?

   Tantian stretched out his palm towards him,

   A palm wind patted the Yuan Ying of the medicine garden.

   soft as spring,


   seems like a thousand miles of power.

   The demon clan’s Yuan Ying's figure was shocked.

   "Boom, boom, boom---"

   Three steps back!

   his face changed,

   I have already urged the sword art,

   can't hold the other side,

  If it is a sword ------.

   "In this way, your Excellency is ready to cultivate here."

   The demon Yuanying Flower God said,

   Body shape reminded,

   has escaped into the mountains,

Needless to say,

   where these monsters live,

   is already at the spatial level.

   has escaped into the mountain,

   Tantian’s words,

   but it seemed to ring in my ears.

  "You can still come to practice,

I do not care. "

   This monster infant

   has urged Tao Fa,

   Tantian’s voice,

   but easily passed through Tao Fa.

   Tantian’s three-line rule fusion,

   can't take the mystery on this mountain,

   turns into a rune.

   This monster monk,

   Ordinary Yuanying Flower God level,

   don't even think about it.

   Tantian just came here to practice,

   There is no need to fight against these monsters.

   is a hundred miles away from the mountain where Tantian practiced.

   A mountain stream with a boulder beside it,

   There is a small river in the mountain stream.

   This demon clan soul infant figure appeared,

   approached the boulder,


   is a huge cave,

  The decoration is more luxurious,

   The entire cave.

   is like a human town.

   Aquatic people have many stations in the sea,

  In this mountain stream,

   There is such a big cave house,

   is not surprising.


   The monk in this cave,

   face angrily,

   saw this monk Yuan Ying coming in.

   immediately surrounded him.

   "Boss, how is it going."

   Only the golden core monk made a move,

  This sword can pass through a mountain,


   The opponent doesn't move his hand,

   Flying sword returns,

  The golden core shot was skewered into meat skewers.

   That annoyed in this heart.

  The boss shot,

   Yuanying Flower God,

   can definitely help them out.

   "Ask for a ball, I didn't see me being beaten back by one move."

   Said the Yuanying Flower God.


   These monsters,

   was shocked together.

  "Boss, these thirty years,

   There are a few strong Yuan Ying human races here.

   The deputy head of Wanshan Pavilion, Shanhe Zhenren, has brought here several times.

   The demons have occupied here for four hundred years,

   There have never been so many strong Yuanying people. "

next to.

   A golden pill came forward.

  " Needless to say, I must have come to explore the secret realm.

  This mountain, I have cultivated here for four thousand years,

   but the advanced metaphysical infant, perceive the rules,

   is far from the real strong. "

   The Yuan Ying Flower God said,

   This monster has been practicing here for four thousand years!

   Four thousand years of cultivation, but I have realized the rules and principles.

   There are ripples on the stone wall,

   A figure walked out of the stone wall.


   The human monk who just fought with him.

   This demon clan Yuan Ying Hua Shen Dao Fa reminded,


   There was wind and thunder within three feet of the surrounding area!

   But thousands of peaks are spinning.

   "My sword mountain is really bullying?"

   The demon-born flower god,

   said the real Chongshan.

   "Don't be nervous, I will talk to you about something."

   Tantian said,

   shook his hand,

   There is already an extra armor,

   One reminder,

   A mana, huge as the sky,

   The phantom of the mountains and rivers on the battle armor emerged,

   is not much inferior to the Taoism of this demon clan Yuanying Flower God.

  "You have practiced here for four thousand years,

   Facing the mountain in three days, the spirit of cultivation is sufficient,

   must have turned into a rune,

   If you can give me this rune,

   I feel satisfied, this Nascent Soul Armor is for you. "

   Tantian said,

   Dao Fa in his hand reminds me,

   The phantom of the landscape that appeared on the armor,

   blasted towards the phantom of the mountains surrounding this demon clan Yuan Ying,

   Thousands of mountains and rivers touch these thousands of mountains,

   Thousands of mountains suddenly turned into pieces and splashed everywhere!

   After a dozen moments,

   It seems that there are tens of thousands of mountain peaks slammed in the air,

Burst open!

   Thousands of mountains urged by the demon-born Yuan Ying Flower God,

   The remaining half!

This means that,

   If it's fighting,

   Tantian with this armor,

   urges the Taoism of this armor,

   will be able to defeat this demon clan Yuanying Flower God.

   "Your cultivation base is higher than mine. The power of this armor is not as great as imagined."

   Madam Jianshan said,

   kept looking at this armor,


   This is the demons controlled area,

  There is such a battle armor,

   For him, the combat power has greatly increased.

   Jianshan real people grow herbs,

   Not as good as the Su Xue pie.

  "You should have been to all these cities in the Yuanbo plane,

   This powerful armor,

   Which market is available for sale? "

   Tantian said,

   This said,

   Jianshan real person’s eyes flashed,


   The square cities of the wave plane in the garden, before the demons invaded,

   After the invasion of the demons,

   He has been there,

   Ordinary Jindan armor, quite a few,

   With the Diamond Flower God Battle Armor, that's less.

   Three Diamond Flower God, Four Diamond Flower God Armor,

   That's pretty little,

   Yuan Ying Battle Armor,

   A real treasure!

  This armor,

   If it wasn’t for the Nascent Soul Armor,

   can't stand the urging of the thousands of mountains and rivers at all.

  The three days of cultivating in this mountain,

   is just a part of my own Taoism~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ok, I will realize my feelings about the spirit of this mountain

  'S rune insight to you. "


  This sword mountain real person,

   In the God's House,

   A piece of jade slip has appeared,

   Divine Mind,

   There is a space in the jade slip,

In    space, mysterious and complex runes appeared,

   Ordinary jade bamboo slips,

   can no longer accommodate such a complex rune,

   Tantian reached out and took the jade slip,

   own deduction array,

   started running at full speed,

   As expected,

   This is a rune related to the soul,

   is a kind of soul and landscape, brought by the moment the sun jumps out in the morning

   The rune of the fusion of all things.

  This sword mountain real person,

  Can you comprehend such a rune?

   Tantian looked at this cave again,

   Although luxurious,

  The architectural style is simple,

   has been the style of the Yuanbo plane thousands of years ago,

   As expected,

   This Sword Mountain Monster Clan Yuan Ying,

   Four thousand years ago,

   got the powerful Dongfu and Taoism.

   Qian Qian nodded,

   gave the armor to the past,

   This armor, on the circle,

   is worse than the ten thousand heavy armor used by the mountain flower plane Jindan!


   on the material,

   is a monk's refining with the fusion of three rules.

   The material is several times higher than the ten thousand armor and ten thousand shields made in the past!

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