Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2993: Interesting forward

In an instant,

Hundreds of monsters have been shaken to pieces!

The monster roared,

Some retreat into the gap in the white stone,

Some separated to the side,

The mist from this golden flower,

In the eyes of these monsters,

Like a wild beast.

In an instant, twenty miles across,

On the crevice of white stone,

All monsters fly out,

But he did not dare to approach.

Shiraishi changed,

It turned into a blue-gray rock wall.

These blue-gray rock walls appeared.

Those monsters are missing,

Commissioner Qian shook his hand,

This golden flower has flown into the hands of Chairman Qian,

"Old money, how did you collect Daofa?"

Fang Zheng said frankly,

"Lao Fang, this treasure, we each take one,

It's all up to me to teach the law, so what use do you want? "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Well, I will urge Daofa myself."

Fang Zhengzhi was very upset.

Walking through this blue-gray channel,

This blue-gray channel is an oblique channel,


A group of human figures wrapped in flames came over,

Although this flame looks,

Like dark magma,

Obviously, using Taoism to control,


Now, at least 30 miles deep into the plane,

Magma flame,

In this darkness,

Seems extra clear,

"Thirty miles deep into the plane, only then did I see the demons."

Watching this team of demons walk diagonally across,

Out of a mile,

Into the side lane.

"The temperature has increased a bit."

Cambran said.

"Sure enough. Although the demons are stronger than humans.

However, it is far inferior to these monsters,

Corresponding heat energy is required. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Walked more than three miles,

Only then did I see the wide passage,

It's three miles,

Deep in this face,

It's already more conspicuous.

"The wider the passage. The more various monsters.

This wide passage,

Generally the demons do not leave. "

Fang Zheng said frankly.

A few people walked into this passage,


A roar,

A monster seemed to rush out of space,

Cambu Blue Sword Art,

A flower,


One block towards this monster,

The flowers are in one,


The monster has been twisted into pieces!

A monster that has really reached the level of Yuan Ying.

How much can there be,

Cambran reminded him of this method.

Looks simple,

In fact, even the mountain is crushed,

"This monster can hide in space,

Stronger. "

Fang Zheng said frankly.


Walked dozens of miles,

Save a dozen monsters in a row,

Fang Zhengzhi not only couldn't get in,

Caught by a monster,

Breaking through the body protection method,

The monster has caught the armor,

Fang Zhengzhi blocked it with a sword.

Sword Jue urges,

The sword light shines like across the sky,

This monster,

Be chopped for a few pieces!

The four-diamond flower **** level is not blowing,

Although the body of these monsters is hundreds of times harder

Four diamond flower gods can be cut with a few swords,

These swords,

The sword light shines at the top of the channel,

Several figures suddenly rushed from a distance,

"The cave, hunt here---"

The words are not finished,

The sword light flew across,

Several people exploded into a cloud of blood.

This is the demons hunting here,

The core of the Tao Fa cultivated exudes powerful mana,

Already has the strength of the golden core,

But it was nothing but a sword made by the members of Commissioner Qian.

"When you catch these monsters, you have a high level of spatial profound knowledge."

Fang Zheng smiled dryly.

Was almost scratched by the monster,

He is a four-diamond flower god,

I can't hold it on my face.

A few people walk away,

Immediately a beast threw out,

Furiously eating the blood mist in the sky.

A few more figures came quickly,

The whole person is like a few shadows,


The one who took the lead took out a magic weapon,

Urge here,

In the artifact, two figures appeared,

Passing in the direction of the few people walking in the direction of Chairman Qian,

"Two people were beheaded by the strong,

One person is very strong. "

The monk who took the lead said,

"What's the matter, we finally had difficulty,

Only then did I get this passage as a hunting place,

How can others be so presumptuous? "

The demon monk next to him said,

"Okay, call someone over,

In our hole, there are many strong people from outside planes! "

The leading monk said,

Reached out and pointed towards the artifact,

After a while,

In the channel beside,

The flame illuminates the passage,

Hundreds of figures,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

Has flown over,

In fact,

The demons on the plane of cold rock,

Mostly from the outside,

Come here or hunt,

Or comprehend magma,

These 30,000 miles of magma are maintained by Shenhuo,

And ordinary magma,

Of course it is different.

Walked another fifty miles,


Sharp claws appeared in the space, grabbing straight towards Fangzheng.

Fang Zhengzheng around,

But the flame is three feet,

However, it is Tao Fa with all its strength to urge it,

This sharp claw grabbed it,

Feel immediately,

The space in this flame,

As if surrounded by mountains and valleys,

Although this claw brought the supernatural power of space.

In a blow of thunder,

As if there are thousands of miles,

The sword light flashed.


Cut across the space.


A body several feet tall rushed out of the space.

Crashed down.

And the claws stick out,

Attempted to grab the committee member Qian and Cambran,

Commissioner Qian made a sword,

Move a little towards this claw,

The claws that are as fast as lightning are caught first,

However, he was attacked by Commissioner Qian,

Click on the claws.

The monster in this space feels.

But one foot away,

As if there are thousands of miles,

This monster trick is reminded,

The space has expanded far away.


The whole body,

Together with the space,

It exploded suddenly.

Cambrian is the same,

Slashed over with a sword,

Wan Epee Sword Qi urged,

The space was chopped into pieces.

The beast was chopped into pieces and swirled,

Rushed out.

This monster.

Even Lao Qian and Cambran’s body protection methods,

No contact.

However, Fang Zhengzhi's face has changed.

This is the Dao Dharma gap,

Walked out thirty miles,

This time, the space roared,

Monsters that come out of space are rare.

Monsters in these spaces,

Already felt jealous of these people.


The three stopped together,

In the distance, there suddenly appeared sword light in the sky,

Illuminate this passage as if it were daytime.


The demons who came after,

I saw the opposite,

Ten thousand swords are like rain,

As if tens of thousands of thunders rang out in an instant.

The sword light that slashed over,

With the light of the sword raining like ten thousand swords,

Most of them burst open,

The hundreds of demons were shocked,

Body shape,

It is about to escape towards the passage next to it.

But when the sword light approached,

Everyone feels like a mountain surrounded,

Don't talk about running away,

Fa Jue urges,

Are only a fraction of the original,

The loud thunder sound seemed to be reverberating continuously in this cave.

"Puff, puff, puff---"

These people, their bodies and souls,

Has all exploded into blood mist,


These monsters screamed excitedly.

These monsters,

Living in this environment similar to the starry sky,

Soul and flesh,

The same is their favorite.

The three people walked away,

The monsters rushed forward.

A big mouth,

Swallowing these flesh and blood madly.

"Old money, there are many monsters here,

All have the characteristics of star beasts, ‘

Listening to the whining sound from a distance,

It's like a beautiful piece of music.

The size of the frustration, there seems to be a melody in Hysteria.

Cambran frowned.

"If there are a lot of star beasts here,

This cold rock plane,

It may be in the depths of the starry sky. "

Although Cambran knew how the teleportation array to this cold rock plane went,


This cold rock plane,

The specific location in the starry sky,

But don't know,

"It may be different from the space we are in.

You see, the stars in the sky are very sparse.

Cambrian, if you talk about star maps,

Then don't bother with it. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Want to draw a star map,

Void monk,

See if you can draw some star maps.

Monk Yuanying,

Considering these is completely redundant.

This wide passage lasts for five hundred miles,

There is a wide passage for a few people beside it,

Cambrian took a look,

It should be here.

Enter this passage,

Feels going down,

Walked for ten miles,

Out of the channel,

Wide in front of you,

There is a plain about fifty miles in radius,

On the top of the rock, the fireball with a radius of ten feet hung,

This is a four-diamond flower **** level fireball.

On the plain,

Growing crops,

There are demons patrolling from time to time,

There are demons looking after these crops,

"There is dirt here."

Commissioner Qian said,

Fifty miles in radius,

Covered with a foot-deep soil.

Of course, these soils are relatively ordinary,

Although there are fireballs made by monks,


These crops,

It can be compared with ordinary people’s crops,

"These soil, transported from the outer plane,

Here you can exchange for a lot of special products from monsters. "

Cambran said.

The most common soil on the plane can be exchanged for materials from these star beasts,

Many of the monsters killed by Commissioner Qian Qian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ many of them have been put into storage bags.

The materials on these monsters,

After being refined by masters,

More valuable?

They said,

Lean against the rock wall.

The whole person has melted into the shadow on the rock wall,

Walked thirty miles,

Entered another avenue with a width of several feet.

This is adjacent to the farming area,

There are not many monsters,

After more than thirty miles,

Walked along a circling passage,

At this time, the roar of the beast from a distance came over,

Walked for ten miles,

The beast leaped out of the space,

This is leaving the farming area,

"Already walked nearly a thousand miles."

Cambran said,

A sword,

This beast has been cut into pieces,

It becomes the material in his storage bag.


I walked more than 6,000 miles in the curved passage,

A low rock wall appeared,

But a few feet high,

"It should be here."

Fang Zheng brought out a drawing,

"This is the magic trick to open this cave.

The tactic is not very complicated, but the flame cultivation base that urges the tactic is

The requirements are quite high--"

Fang Zheng said this straight,

This flame,

He must not be able to urge it out,

Cambran took a look at the drawing.

"Old money, the fire element is mysterious, not my major."

Cambran Advanced Yuan Ying,

Majoring in the fusion of earth, gold and water systems,

It’s already lucky to be able to advance to Yuanying,

Where can I take care of choosing the fire element mysterious. (To be continued...)

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