Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2995: Boom

Turned back to the entrance,

This time I saw this flower,

Another ten more personal figures screamed,

It exploded like a **** mist,

Then, another ten monsters burst into the mouth,

Qingguang finished these demons,

Followed by a volume,

These ten monsters,

The same was turned into a rain of blood.

"You fire tree has grown to a height of two feet.

Old money,

How long can you fire tree last,

Otherwise, it is not bad to comprehend these three thousand miles of flame. "

Seeing this fire tree guarding the entrance,

These three thousand miles of fire,

A few people are monopolized,

Fang Zhengzhi was overjoyed,

Looking at this fire tree,

The eyes shine.

Pattern cover closed,

The fairy tree planted by Tan Tian,

Grows slowly,

That's because the fairy tree swallowed,

It is the essence of the innate warrior, the cultivator of the Qi refining period,

These people have not even opened up the Shenfu deputy,

How nutritious can it be?

Commissioner Qian’s magic weapon is different.

They traveled a few times in the sea of ​​fire for three thousand miles,

The fire tree derived from this flower has already killed three monks at the Nascent Soul level.

There are more than twenty monks above the Diamond Flower God.

There are more than ten monsters with diamond flower **** and above.

What a nutrient this is.

The fire tree grew to two feet tall.

Turned around again,

Can't see the building,

Fang Zhengzhi, Cambran’s spiritual thoughts are not said,

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

Have searched the entire three thousand miles of fire.

Can't see the palace. Building a category.

In fact, this sea of ​​fire is already a space similar to a demiplane.

The master of these three thousand miles of fire,

If this building, palace,

There is a space in this sea of ​​fire,

In this way, if you want to find this space,

It must be ten days and a half months later.

"In this way, you look for it here or in the sea.

I am defending here. This magic weapon cannot be unhosted. "

Commissioner Qian said,

This flame is of higher quality than the fire element mystery cultivated by the committee member Qian himself.

The flowers refined by Commissioner Qian,

Able to absorb such flames,

Commissioner Qian felt that

not bad,

This flame. The fire quality of the practice is higher than that of Commissioner Qian himself,

Distorted the entire space. Deformation,

That is easy.

Commissioner Qian sat crouched beside this flower fire tree,

Let out a clear light,

Like waves,

Extend to the entire space.

This time,

Commissioner Qian didn’t use spiritual thoughts anymore.

The volatility that uses the fusion of the four series of rules,

Spiritual urges,

This urge,

This fluctuation,

As if rushed into the flames,

Rushed out of the flame again,

When this fluctuation came out,

The space where the flame is located has been detected.

After half a day,

Fang Zheng stood still,

"It seems to be windy."

Cambran looked at Fang Zhengzhi,

Full of contempt,

"It's mana fluctuations, but very mysterious,

Already far surpassed me,

Mana fluctuations triggered by old money? "

Fang Zheng heard straightforwardly,

Stood in place for a long time,

The mana fluctuations issued by Committee Member Qian,

Already so mysterious,

Just feel that

Commissioner Qian,

It seems to be going further and further.

Based on what he saw and heard in the world of cultivation,

This gap,

I really can't even catch the side,

A dozen figures rushed in,

Immediately, the speed slowed down,

Mana runs slowly,

This bondage,

It’s not gravity mystery anymore,

It's the fusion of the fire system rules of landscape, plants, and

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God enters this flower range,

Bi ordinary people are not as good.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

A sword light flashed,

The color is like a deep and unknowable sky,

Walk around them,

"Puff, puff, puff---"

These ten demons,

Has turned into a sky full of flesh and blood!

Regardless of the four-diamond flower god, the ordinary Yuan Ying,

I want to rush into here to find treasure,

It will turn into nourishment for this fire tree.

Commissioner Qian’s face,

No joy or sadness.


The fluctuations that urge the fusion of rules,

Explore the space in this flame,

It's much more laborious than urging the sword.

A dozen more figures rushed forward.

The Taoism in each body urges thousands of miles,



Take a break,

The sword light in front of me flashed,

"Puff, puff, puff—"

Splashing into the sky!

In an instant,

The pattern on the surface of this flower flashed,

These flesh and blood,

It has all been devoured.

This is after every secret is discovered,

More and more people will discover and enter,

Don't think,

It is exclusively owned by Qian Da Committee,

The volatility issued by the Chairman Qian,

After exploring the entire three thousand miles of flame,

A day has passed,

Killed more than one hundred and fifty monks,

More than one hundred monsters.

This spiritual root has grown to a height of three and a half feet,

Half-person embraces rough.

The branches and leaves grow out like jade,

It's really like the best crafts.

I did not find that there is a large hall or building in the space of this cave.

The four-system rule fusion is used,

More powerful methods,

That’s not something that Committee member Qian can explore.

The cultivation base has reached the level of Commissioner Qian,

If the owner of these three thousand miles of fire is willing to give you an adventure,

That palace, cheats,

Hidden in the space in this flame at most,

I searched the space in the sea of ​​fire for three thousand miles.

There are no palaces, buildings.

Then don’t think about adventures,

In fact,

It is the fusion of the fire element and the earth element of this flame,

Not to mention the monks in the foundation period, the golden core period,

Entering here immediately becomes nothingness,

Where is the adventure here,

Outside the entrance,

A space with a radius of several hundred meters,

There is a round flame burning on it,

It is suspended in space.

In the rock passage next to it,

Standing full of various monks,

Can't see the side at a glance.

"This rock has all been blasted away,

This entrance,

No matter how many swords we shoot,

This flame of several feet in radius just can't be blasted off. "

A tall demon said,

The flames in the eyes,

As if to burn everything in the world,

Monk Yuanying,

It turned out that the stone wall at the entrance,

It has all been bombed.


This flame entrance,

Still burning.

"It is said that there is sacred fire on this cold rock plane,

I lived here for three thousand years,

I saw this mysterious cave house today. "

A hundred feet away in the distance,

Standing a monk in battle armor,

The body is icy,

It's like a thousand miles of glaciers since ancient times,

This cold rock plane,

Outside is ice, inside is 30,000 miles of magma,

The monks who practice Taoism here,

Majoring in ice and flame, the mysterious light system in the starry sky.

"There is already the Yuanying Flower God in—"

Said the monk who seemed to have an abyss of flames in his eyes.

"The really powerful Dongfu, he will come out and tell you the situation?"

The Yuan Ying Flower God who was icy on his body said,

"Otherwise, the three of us, go in together."

In the distance, a monk surrounded by black aura said,

It can be seen that the Yuanying Flower God is powerful,

There are so many monks here,

Yuan Ying Flower God has only three people,

Count the three who went in.

But six people,

"it is good---"

The monk surrounded by thousands of miles of glaciers said,


A team of monks appeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there were fifteen people,

The two Yuanying Flower Gods next to him waved,

Also a group of monks came forward,

Three teams of monks,

Forty people,

Standing in front of this flame channel.

"You go in."

Said the monk who seemed to be surrounded by glaciers.


These forty monks,

Hand over,

A reminder of the law,

Thinking of this flame channel a few feet in radius rushed past. (To be continued...)

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