Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2999: Huagai Township

This fire tree,

At least three thousand years of cultivation. "

The call with Commissioner Qian ended,

Banao walked to a room next to him,

In this room,

Pill furnace and furnace are placed.

But it’s a place for refining tools and alchemy,

Banao stretched out his hand and held it,

"Huh, huh, huh,--"

There are already eight flying swords in his hand.

The storage ring flashed,

These flying swords,

Has been in the storage bag,

A reminder of Banao Fa Jue,

Body shape shook,

Has appeared in a mountain sixty miles away from this villa,

Walk towards,

The mountains are separated like ripples,

Out of the mountain,

Body shape,

Flying towards the distance,

The fire system is originally fast,

Yuan Ying Flower God level,

In ten moments,

Has flown fifteen hundred miles,

A town ahead,

Water waves surround,

All kinds of escape lights descend from the sky,

The figure of a monk appeared, and he entered the entrance of this water wave.

It says, Huagai Zhenfang City,

Banao entered this market,

Three rows of streets in Fangshi,

Enter from this entrance, each row is one mile long,

All are casual repairs,

Various materials, medicinal materials, jade slips from ancient monks,

The ancient treasure received from adventure.

Board proudly took a look.

Bought some jade slips. Medicinal herbs.

Collect all those jade slips,

The stall owners smiled one by one,

I have walked past these casual repair stalls,

The casual repair stall,

There may be good things, but few.

Then I walked into a shop,

It is not the largest in this Huagai Town Square.

but. Clean and tidy,

Banao entered this shop,

The buddy greeted him immediately,

That passion:

"Mr. Board, please inside."

Followed the dude into it,

Luxurious decoration,

With bonsai arrangement,

This is the place to receive distinguished guests,

Immediately, there was a middle-aged man in a robe.

Long robe on the body, mountain peaks and water waves.

As alive,

Walked towards Banao,

"Master Ban, I have been looking forward to you for a long time."

Since Commissioner Qian came to plant the spiritual roots to this day,

It's been a year and a half,

Banao nodded:

"There is something, this is Feijian,

Use below grade six golden core. "


Take out the storage bag and pat.

The sword light flashed,

Rush out from the storage bag,

But hovering in the air,

The treasurer took the flying sword,

A reminder,

A flame shot out,

In an instant, the prohibition rose not far away,

The shadows of the mountains turned into sparks.

Was cut through by this sword light!

"Yes, this sword,

Seven-Rank Golden Core can be used,"

He has seen these swords,

From the eighth-rank golden core to the level that the sixth-rank golden core can use magic weapons,

This shopkeeper is very satisfied,

Only then did I get a list.

Tan Ao took a look,

There are various medicinal materials on it,

Fresh, plantable,

Generally there are three hundred years.

The above is a description of various growth environments.

There are hundreds of these medicinal materials,

Tens of thousands,

Of course, these are not as good as the flying swords used by the eight golden cores.

At the end of this list,

Ten thousand years stalactite, three thousand catties.

Two hundred catties of chalcedony, 30 catties of jade liquid.

This is the gap with the production from the plane of heaven,

Then there are some refining materials, these refining materials are of good quality,

"Mr. Ban, I know, this list is not as good as eight Jindan Flying Swords.

Whatever Mr. Ban needs, just say. "

The flying sword sent by Mr. Ban,

The power is more than half of the flying swords of the same rank,

It is twice as sharp as the Feijian of the same rank!

The price is only one third more expensive than the Feijian of the same grade.

He only accepts items, not celestial stones,

A large number of medicinal materials purchased by merchants, Wannianzhong lotion.

This sum is done well,

He can earn 5 million middle-grade immortal stone net profit!

This Mr. Ban comes only once in ten years,

I made several deals with Mr. Board,

Do it this time,

Half of the money for purchasing the Taoist book of Xuan'ao fusion has been earned.

Can be used as flying swords and magic weapons used by the golden core monks,


At least there is Jindan repair.

"Ten thousand years stalactite, chalcedony, jade liquid,

Collect as much as you have. "

Banao said,

Banao is here,

Refining vessels are exchanged for medicinal materials and treasures.

Committee member Yuan Ying Jin Guo Yidu,

From the production of the mountain flower plane,

Not enough share,

Refining these flying swords below the fifth grade golden core,

For Banao,

From refining to replenishing star power into the flying sword,

Refining the star power into the same mana as the flying sword rune,

Refined in a month,

In Feijian, there are generally fire and earth magic circles.

Exchange this time,

Medicines, treasures,

You can share some of them with other golden fruit shadows,

The shopkeeper went out,

Go to other shops.

Chalcedony, jade liquid,

Although there is competition among peers,


The shopkeeper took a storage bag with immortal stones and gave it to him.

Bring those stalactites, chalcedony and jade liquid over,

Banao took a look,

Ten thousand stalactites are two thousand catties, chalcedony is 150 catties, and jade liquid is ten catties!

In general Xiuzhen Square City, just these products,

It’s far less than what A Chong took out by himself.

Banao nodded.


Walked towards the store,

The treasurer's heart was happy,

That trip earned six million middle-grade immortal stones.

"Mr. Ban, many monks came to inquire,

How is Mr. Ban's sword refined? "

This person stepped forward,

Looking outside the store,

Banao knew immediately,

But someone was thinking about it,

Smile immediately.

"I will deal with it naturally."

"The several big shops next to here are all in line with the major factions of the Ruixian plane

There are relationships. "

He said.

Banao nodded.

Out of this shop,

Once out of this shop,

Far away,

A few people walked over here.

This kind of thing is different.

Out of Fang City,

These people walked up quickly.

"Mr. Board, please stay."

In an instant,

Surround the board proudly.

"Mr. Ban is very talented, I don't know what the formula of this material is?

My host is willing to pay a high price for the acquisition. "

These few people are all luxurious,

There is a middle-aged man with a square face in the middle,

A deep face,

Said towards Banao,

"You think I can refine this sword,

Is it because of the formula? "

Banao said,

"Of course, the sword made by Mr. Ban,

The multi-layer magic circle is about the same level as the master,

There are thirty layers,

The runes of the magic circle are the same ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of course, it is the mysterious formula of the sword made by Mr.

Can let the mana pass more. "

Banao laughed,

His sword,

Used for ordinary Jindan,

Nowadays, the level of Taoism has generally improved,

The refining level of master refining masters has generally improved,

General multi-layer magic circle,

Among the master craftsmen,

Has become more common,

The 30-layer magic circle refined by Banao,

Compared with the magic circle of the general master refiner,

Not much improvement,


The level of refining is completely different.

The same material,

The level of refining with fire and water is different,

The probability of the entire magic circle passing mana varies in time,

The overall performance is far worse,

"Go away."

Banao said,

A ring of fire rose up,

Flew out!

"Circle of Fire, this is the magic of the monks in the foundation period."

Humanitarian law reminds me,

It seems that there are thousands of miles of mountains and thousands of miles of water, so ordinary! (To be continued...)

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