Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3003: Refining

Jade is hard to find,

With the proud cultivation base,

I can know that there is a jade in the mountain where the red ginseng stands,

And can know,

This piece of jade is much better than ordinary jade,


This jade can emit five colors of brilliance,

This is something that Banao can't detect.

Such jade,

The big chamber of commerce only sells.

The inter-planetary Chamber of Commerce,

ten years,

Not necessarily to find a piece.

Not far from the villa of Banao,

A forbidden law lingers,

Hundreds of golden pills are sitting side by side,

Three golden pills, sitting face to face towards them.

Wanlidao and the other two four-diamond flower gods,

In front of them,

Facing a fairy rock mountain,

"This is 60 million middle-grade celestial stones, everyone will get 600,000 middle-grade celestial stones,

A few of us took the Ten Thousand Array map, which is a worthwhile trip. "

Wanlidao said,

Banao killed all the monks in the control room of the Ten Thousand Array with one sword,

The master of the ten thousand team formation,

Most of them were cut down by the sword of Banao!

The thunder fire emitted by the 10,000-ton team suddenly dropped by half.

Immediately there was the demon's flower **** with diamond rushed up,


Thirty golden core monks,

Jianguang urged, twisted,

With the diamond flower god, together with the sword light, Taoism, and magic weapons, it will be shattered!

The mana of different mysteries,

Compared with ordinary Jindan monks,

If the profound knowledge of ordinary golden core is not high,

Might have increased tenfold,


The golden pill who dared to rush into the tens of thousands.

Single line of profound attainments. Definitely not low!

Thirty Golden Core Sword Art in one reminder,

Ordinary flowers with diamonds turned into pieces!

The ordinary golden core monk of the demon came up,

Or a monk with ordinary golden core combat power came up,

The figure emerged from the magma,

Shi Lai Dao Jianguang flew over,

Immediately turned into pieces!

Twenty golden cores presiding over the formation outside the formation,

Beheaded all the way by these hundred golden cores!

Hundreds of Jin Dan attacked,

That's really powerful!


These more than one hundred golden pills,

But it succeeded in capturing this tens of thousands of people,

Caught the demons and asked,

Only then did I know,

The Yuan Ying who presided over this tens of thousands of people was a sword flying from the sky,

The bombing disappeared,

The master in the control room,

All killed in battle,

Red ginseng, of course, has long since escaped.

Don't think about red ginseng,

These masters hurriedly urged the formation to rush towards the human control area.

Wanli Dao's refining equipment has a considerable level,

This array of pictures was driven by him calling out the masters.

To the human control area,

No need to fly far,

Near Banao’s Villa,

This ten thousand team formation,

A middle-grade fairy stone worth 300 million,

Damaged a lot,

Three four-diamond flower gods, one for each,

To other Jindan participating in the offensive---

Usually it is casual repair.

600,000 middle-grade immortal stones per person,

A hundred golden pills,

Sixty million middle-grade immortal stones.

The immortal stone today is more than a thousand and hundreds of years ago,

The medicinal materials and treasures that can be purchased have more than doubled!

This time the Golden Pill of Hundred Talents shot,

The opponent has no Yuanying Flower God to play,

One is not dead,

Everyone can get to buy more than one million middle-grade fairy stone medicinal materials thousands of years ago,

Elixirs, treasure rewards,

This adventure,

Already pretty good,

General adventure,

Can really get the benefits,

Just so few.

These golden pills took a loose repair,

Satisfyingly spread out,

Wanli Dao returned to Rock Mountain,

Once in the Rock Mountain,

Mountains, rocks, water, birds and flowers,

Compared with the mortal world,

It’s really like a different world,

Planting medicinal materials, adjusting the mountain flower plane of the magic circle to build the foundation monks,

Watching Wanlidao happily walk over,

Bow immediately,

"Vice Manager Wan is good-----"

Wanlidao smiled and nodded,

But I don’t know which group of monks in the foundation-building period.

The mountain flower plane is only a thousand or hundreds of years old,

During the foundation building period, the monks changed several batches,

Those who have cultivated for thousands of years are even more so.

Watching these foundation-building monks salute themselves,

There is really a kind of standing on the top of the mountain,

The feeling of looking at the foot of the mountain.

Four diamond flower god, four thousand years of life,

Really different,

Along the slab-paved avenue,

Wanli Knife stepped out,

Go a hundred feet away.

Entered the Rock Mountain,

If there is no battle,

Wanli Knife doesn’t want to fly either,

Walked three hundred miles,

Entered the hall,

Seven-headed bird, the general manager of Panshishan, is looking at a book,

Seeing Wanlidao come in,

"How is the result?"

Asked the seven-headed bird.

"I didn't find the red ginseng. I took a third of the ten thousand team battle formation."

Wanlidao said.

Tell the result of the matter again.

"That's not bad, re-refining those formation runes into the formation runes of the mountain flower plane,

The tens of thousands of people team, the materials used, but good materials,

Based on the refinement level of the mountain flower plane,

The materials of this pattern are refined,

The mighty youth is two-thirds of the original ten thousand team formation. "

The seven-headed bird said,

"This map is refined, I want to use it,

You can't refuse. "

"Of course, but where did the master come from?

One sword, through the thunder fire, magma, and mountains triggered by the formation,

For this sword, it doesn't work at all.

From afar, swordsmanship and Taoism,

It can also be used like this. "

Wanlidao said,

The face is like iron.

"When the demons are fighting in the occupied area, the master will come out.

Anyway, this master,

A sword blasted away Yuan Ying, otherwise,

Hundreds of you golden pills, face Yuanying,

Jin Dan did not kill more than ten in battle,

Want to beat this array? "

Said the seven-headed bird.

One sword, across as if across time, space,

Ten thousand times of gravity,

Many mountains, lava rivers,

For this sword,

As if it didn't work,

This is what the Chairman Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo over the years,

Comprehend the results of the fusion of the mystery of the stars and the mysteries of the planes.

This week, the star battle array, the real thing is the mysterious treasure of great power!

Banao thought.

In a flash,

Three years have passed,

Hundreds of Jin Dan entered the area occupied by the demons,

Go back after the treasure hunt,

The Demon World can’t do anything,

With a few hundred golden pills, Yuan Ying can also kill.

Wanli Knife walked out of the mixing chamber,

To the main hall,

"This array, the core array,

I have used the 1,500 layers of the mountain flower plane as a driving force,

I refined some pills, magic weapons,

Go to the squares and cities on the plane of Ruixian,

See if we can buy some rare medicinal materials and treasures. "

Wanlidao said to the seven-headed bird,

1,500 layers of magic circle,

Power and efficiency,

The tens of thousands of armors equipped with them,

Wan Zhongdong is about the same,

The disciples of the mountain flower plane want to exchange this treasure,

The cultivation base must reach the Three Diamond Flower God,

This is the core disciple,

The head of the Suxue faction, only advanced to the four-diamond flower god.

The deputy head of the Suxue School, only three diamond flowers god,

It must be exchanged for certain contribution points and precious medicinal materials and treasures,

This treasure is generally not tempered by the power of the stars

Plane treasures,

Wanli Dao transformed the core of this array into a 1,500-layer array drive on the Shanhua plane.

I have a fairy stone on my body,

There are definitely not many medicinal materials, treasures,

Wanlidao has its own magic weapon,

Refining your own magic weapon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also uses various precious materials.

Wanli Dao Shenmin reminded,

Teleport start,

He is already three hundred miles away from Panshi Mountain,

He reminded him of Dao Fa,

In a few moments,

Have escaped for five hundred miles,

prosperous city,

Appeared before his eyes,

This is the capital of Qingxuan Country.

A prosperous scene,

But cultivators, cultivating true, more people practice martial arts. (To be continued...)

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