Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3010: Plane like 9 days

This flame merges with the previous flame,

The flame became extremely bright,


Bright feeling,

I want to feel like an artwork carved with emeralds and gems,

An incomparable suction force passed over,


Dozens of monster attendants beside,

A mana burst from everyone,

Rush towards this flame,

With the rush of mana,

The flame became more vivid,

Feeling the mana of hard work,

The mana rushed out,

Dozens of monsters screamed,

Some of this voice is rough, some are sharp,

Spread quickly along the lotus river,

It spread to hundreds of miles in an instant,

Hundreds of miles away.

The beautiful lotus river,

High screams,

It turned into a strange picture scroll.

But in ten instants of time,

These heroes, the whole thing turned into dead bones,

Then the whole bone,

Towards the flames,

With people and souls,

All refined by this flame.

Feeling my magic power,

Also a little bit,

Rush towards this flame,

Was immediately refined by this flame,

Banao looked over,

His eyes were like the fire in the nine heavens.

"Show the soul out --- can spare your life."

Banao said,

Revealing the soul, must take a trace of the soul enslaved.

In an instant, there are thousands of divine thoughts,

This Demon King Law Jue urged.

Yuan Ying appeared on the top of his head.

It is a pike with a human face and fish body.

Banao stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

Grab a piece from the pike Yuanying,

A very complicated rune appeared in the palm of his hand,

Pounce towards this one.


The pike screamed,

Shaking all over,


This emerald flame surrounds him,

Even roll.

both are not.

A piece of this pike Yuanying body,

Has been refined into a jade talisman,

Yuanying on Yuanying,

This material structure,

Compared with ordinary jade,

I don't know how many times it needs to be dense and tough!

Banao threw this jade talisman into his storage ring.

When the flame is closed,

The pike knelt towards Banao:

"I have seen the master."

Banao nodded,

"This lotus river with a radius of 1,500 miles.

You guard me,

Let me pass you some tips on water system cultivation. "


Banao uttered a 300-character water system cultivation technique.

When this dogfish listened,

There are a lot of mysteries in water system mystery cultivation,

As for the three-hundred-character formula,

Know immediately,

In less than a month,

My cultivation base immediately went further,

The cultivation base has been further improved, my men,

Of course you can recruit!

There are a lot of monsters killing and fighting,

Can get such a high-level technique,

The cultivation base goes further,

The king of pike was happy.

"Thank you, Master."

Banao nodded,

I asked some more things,

This lotus river is only seven thousand miles long,

There are three demon kings of Yuanying level.

Banao nodded.

This dogfish Taoist reminder,

Rolled up a wave of water,

Run towards your own Dongfu.

One person walked out of the building next to him,

Nodded: "It's good to take some Yuanying Flower God from Water Mansion,

General Salmon has already mastered an underwater cave by himself,

It's pretty good. "

Banao nodded:

"Board Madness, you have a blend of plant, soil, and water rules,

Come live in such a good garden. "

This person is a madman,

Pan Kuang shook his head,

"The cultivator of the three-line rule fusion can already guard half of the plane by himself.

I just came to see this spiritual root,

Besides, I'm here, it's nothing but a cup of tea. "

The cold rock plane of the demon world,

A monk who blends three rules,

Are the strongest within 100,000 miles,

The golden fruit shadow of Commissioner Qian,

In every plane,

It’s just a kind of manor,

These three hundred miles of royal gardens,

Among the territories owned by Commissioner Qian,

Wengaiguan is the largest, and the imperial garden is the second.

"If you talk about scenery, here is the best. Have a drink together."

Banao said,

Let the plant demon come up and serve,

Put wine on,

The lotus by the river is emerald green, swaying in the wind,

Crazy and arrogant sitting and drinking wine,

This royal garden is not ordinary,

Look far and close,

Each has different scenery.

Really satisfied,

After eating a meal,

It's been half night,

A reminder of the plank crazy method,

The hyperspace transfer is activated,

Went to other planes,

The rules of slab-crazy plant system, soil system and water system are integrated,

Of course go to other planes to guard,

After practicing for half a month,

Take a look at the spiritual roots of the water system,

Has already appeared moisturized,

It's like a tree in spring.

Ban Kuang went to the county gate nearby,

I found a shop selling second-hand goods,

There are people with low living standards everywhere,

and so,

A shop selling second-hand goods,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo have gone so many planes,

Can be found,


Banao said,

The owner of this shop came over,

"I want to buy used books, there is no limit to the types.

Acquire old paintings. "


In front of the owner of this shop,

A few more gold bars,

At a glance, it was 30 catties.

Ah—this is a high roller,

The purchased old books can be worth a few dollars,

"Okay, one month,

There must be something to gain. "

The shopkeeper nodded and bowed.

Send Banao out of the store,

Banao walked in this county pass,

Walked for a long time,

Out of the county,

Looking at the scenery all the way,

Where to see, where to go,

This is the real leisure,

Everything that a mortal needs to consider,

He doesn't need to worry about it.

All the scenery,

All seem to be living,

As if speaking to Banao speechlessly.


Soaring above the nine heavens,

No one feels so comfortable.

So comfortable,

This is the plane,

After going through this county,

Banao went to the next county again,

Can you receive useful old books,

Useful paintings,

Banao didn't care either,

This is the real practitioner,

In the past, the flower **** of three diamonds,

I want to explore the place where aura converges,

How can there be such a leisurely,

Walked for half a month,

Banao around the body,

Although there is no light,


But it's clearer,

Not as exquisite as works of art,

But it has a mysterious taste.

this day,

Banao’s communication array sounded,

At first glance, it was the plant demon guarding the villa.

"Honshu's Patrol Department, please see me."

The plant demon said,

"What's the matter?"

Banao said,

"He said that the demons invaded,

Captured some people,

Want to ask the owner to take action? "

Ban Ao frowned,

"He should find Feixia Sword for this matter,

Feixiajian invites the Plane Committee to take action

It's my shit? "

He is this worship,

I already said it,

Only when Yuanying Flower God strikes Fendao Country, he will strike.

These things,

Will he shoot again?

The plant demon has followed Banao for many years,

I have known Banao for a long time.

Nod immediately.

One pass of the communication circle,

Has left the gate of the villa,

Said to the people in the patrol hall a few miles away:

"You should report these things to Feixiajian for worship.

Why are you looking for me? "


Turn around and close the door!

Everyone in this patrol hall wanted to move forward,

Although it is an invisible barrier~www.wuxiaspot.com~,

Like a mountain,

These mortals,

Can't move forward at all!

Commissioner Qian has served as officials in many planes,

He is enshrined by the royal family and is only responsible to the royal family of Fendao Kingdom.


Isn’t there a Feixia sword,


In the status of the royal family of Fen Dao,

Feixia Sword is arrogant than Ban.

To be dispatched,

Feixia sword was also dispatched. (To be continued...)

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