Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3014: Mana

one look,

The few Juren next to them don’t feel at all.

Just now, my own golden core monk,

Want to urge mana resistance,

However, the mana can't get out of the robe at all!

Take a look at these few people,

The robe of this kind-faced person suddenly bulged!

This person may be a strong warrior.

of course,

This person backed up,

But was forced to retreat by the man who came,

This kind person,

Looking at Banao standing in front of him,

One side,

At this time, the Dao Fa’s comprehensive transcendence

Without saying a word in the scene,

Turn around and leave,

This man is a monster monk,

It seems that I am interested in that Xuan Shen Shan.

Xuan Shen Shan,

Originally a medium-sized martial artist,

In a battle with the demons,

A lot of losses,

The human races who moved here occupy the area,

It’s hard to find a place where aura gathers.

The whole school became half as big as before.

Various legends of Xuan Shen Shan,

The great talents three thousand years ago,

Interesting facts about playing in Xuan Shenshan,

Of course the Xuanshen faction knows,


How does the Xuanshen faction tell others,

These few Juren bowed their hands to Banao,

They are ordinary martial artists,

In this world of repair,

Full of aura,

It is not difficult for ordinary people to have the cultivation base of innate warriors while reading.

"Thank you."

These few people said,

"No thanks. Those three thousand years of talent you said,

Can you tell me about the legend of Xuan Shen Shan?

of course. I don't listen for nothing. "

Banao said.

A hand,

There is an extra pill in my hand,

Verdant like spring flowers and leaves,

Full of life.

"This is an elixir to calm the nerves,

You eat it, which is good for your mind. "

This is an elixir to increase spirituality,

The prescription is more complicated,

But it was going to be sent to the children of the Qian family of Tianyangxing.

Although it is not used by Qian Qian.


Put it in the shop,

This kind of pill is at least one hundred thousand middle-grade immortal stone.

Banaojiang's pill,

Raise a person toward a square face,

This square face lifts up a person, all dressed up,

Eat here,

Someone paid the bill.

Thought about it,

Reached out and took the pill.

Having said that,

Said for a while. Commissioner Qian is gone,

Juren asked,

"Where's the kind-looking person? Gone."

This face was surprised,

Only then did I know,

The person who gave the pill appeared, drove away the kind-looking person, and let go of the pill,

Tell me interesting things about those great talents,

The few Juren next to him don’t even know,

"Today this is Yuxian."

he thinks,

Back in the inn,

Take the pill,

Days passed,

I feel refreshed and full of creativity.

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

Take out those paintings,

one look,

There is a painting by the great talent Daoyuan,

White flowing water, deep pool water,

Rocks and mountains.

It’s not about Xuan Shen Shan,

The great talent they said three thousand years ago,

It's Dowon.

Listen to the monk with a square face,

Daoyuan visited Xuanshen Mountain for three thousand years,

Once painted,

This painting, where is painted on the plane of Ruixian,

Three thousand years have passed,

It's really undocumented,

It’s better to find the paintings that Daoyuan visited in Xuanshenshan three thousand years ago,

These people,

Visit famous places,

Poetry and painting,

The local name must be written.

After practicing this red fruit essence,

I went to find Daoyuan's paintings about Xuan Shenshan.

During the day, despite the clouds,

Inside the Summer Palace,

But it is sunny,

The sky above the board Ao,

It also formed a sunny cloud,

This is the sunlight gathered by the formation,

Absorbed into Banao's body,

At night, the starlight is like a waterfall,

Gathering toward Banao's body,

In Banao’s Shenfu,

The magical power that cannot be said,

It constantly converts sunlight and starlight into mana that combines the three rules.

The power of the fusion of three rules,

How vast is the mana?

By absorbing the vitality in the sky and the aura of the place where the aura converges,

Can't meet the needs at all,

Sunlight, for ordinary monks in the team,

Too hot,



For Banao,

Has been able to combine part of the sunlight and the stars,

Fusion into the power of the three-line rule fusion,

Once the ontology deduces the successful integration of the light system rules,

This kind of conversion of sunlight and starlight into its own mana will be more,

The level of rule integration does not improve,

The power of the fusion of three rules,

If it is as wide as a mountain range,


The five series of rules are merged, and the strongmen who merge the six rules will fight,

Can be a while.

A strong man above the fusion of six rules,

Then it's close to the **** of transformation,

and so,

Wanli knife, after five and a half years of refined red fruit essence,

It takes several years to replenish mana,


Five million catties of red fruits were refined in half a year,

Own mana,

But the more refined the more.

But the sun, the stars, and the fire,

This makes it more necessary to produce real water by itself to regulate,

Most of the time has passed,

Inside Banao's pill furnace,

There are five hundred catties of jelly left,

The same time as the last refining of 500,000 catties of red fruits!

Banao's pill furnace,

Today, it is possible to refine a mountain,

Five million catties of red fruits,

It melts like the sea in the furnace,


For Banao and this pill furnace,

As if refining half a million catties of red fruit makes no difference,

These five million catties of red fruits,

Refining one hundred and ninety catties of red fruit essence,

This is already Banao's level,

After the last refining, it has greatly improved.

According to the last refining level,

500,000 catties of fresh fruits are refined to produce 13 catties of essence,

Five million catties make sixty-five catties,

The ratio of fresh and dried fruits,

Banao refining one hundred and ninety catties of red fruit essence is already

The three lines of rules fused the strongman's alchemy level to full play.

Transferred 130 kilograms of the refined red fruit essence to the main committee member Qian,

Banao went to the national capital of Fen Dao,

Start looking for Dao Yuan's paintings about Xuan Shen Shan.

Arrived in the national capital of Fen Dao,

I found a larger antique shop,

Once in,

After watching antiques for a long time,

Then he said to the waiter,

"Are there any paintings by Dao Yuan Zhenren three thousand years ago?"

When the waiter listened,

I have to find a job,

Bringing Banao to find the manager,

Just listen to things,

"The paintings of Dao Yuan Zhenren have passed three thousand years,

I only have one pair here.

Dao Yuan Zhenren’s paintings are angry, lively, and lofty,

At least, a hundred catties of gold. "


Banao nodded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gave a golden ticket,

A hundred catties of gold.

The man in charge got the gold ticket,

But his face is ordinary,

Can enter this door to buy antiques,

Isn't that a high roller?

"Take the picture of Dao Yuan Zhenren."

He said to the waiter,

The waiter walked out quickly,

After a while,

Bring a scroll.

Take a look,

Flowers, birds and beasts?

Banao took a look.

It is indeed the same as the painting of Dao Yuan Zhenren in the Fen Dao Guo Zang Jing Pavilion,


It’s not a painting about Xuan Shenshan tour,

"Are there still paintings of Dao Yuan Zhenren?"

Banao said,

"The paintings of Dao Yuan Zhenren are both refined and popular,

There are a lot of large collections,

We don't have one here. "

This manager said,

Banao came out of this antique shop,

Walked towards other antique shops,

Walked for a few days,

Several antique shops have been visited,

I found another painting of Dao Yuan Zhenren. (To be continued...)

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