Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3025: Demon Sacrifice


   A few people stopped,

   Banao and Laishan, Feixiajian entered the attic,

   along the way,

   saw the demons,


   stood immediately,

   keep this previous action,

   was already beheaded by Banao and turned into eternity.

   along the way,

   entered the roof of the fifth floor,

   looked into the distance,

   Next to the main hall, there are thousands of guards,

   There is a piece of soil that is three feet round and one foot high,

   is piled up with various colors of soil,

   The confinement of the annual sacrifice, but half a foot,

   placed in the main hall,

   among the statues in the hall,

   got up on her body,

   these 氤氲,

   is lingering around this clod again.

   You know it at a glance.

   The magic power of this demons,

   teleported from the distant super plane demon world,

   Offering this confinement.

   "This demon god, why don't you take this confinement back to the demon world for sacrifice."

   Feixiajian said,

   In the soil. Sure enough, there is a mystery,

   teleported his super plane of mana here,

  The cultivator of the God-Transforming Stage cannot do it.

   There was a cold light in Banao’s eyes,

   However, teleported here from the Demon Plane,

   "You are waiting here.

   I'm going to get the sealing soil. "

   Banao said to Feixiajian and Laishan,

   Feixiajian and Laishan looked at each other,

   The super plane transmits its own mana,

   have never heard of it.

   How dare they come forward.


   Feixiajian said,

  Ban proudly nodded,

   out of the pavilion.

   has an extra long streamer in his hand,


   "Boom, boom, boom—"

   neat footsteps came over,

   Mozu patrol team came over,

   As if Banao is a senior figure here.

   But I looked at the board proudly,

   walked forward again,

   The magic weapon of the powerful soul is really easy to use.

   Banao walked past more than a dozen patrol teams in a row,

   walked directly into the hall,

  In the hall,

   also has attendants,


   beside these attendants,


   sparkled with flame ripples.

   As expected. They are under the magical power of this demon god,

   Once the mana gap is relatively large,

   Soul Dao Fa doesn’t work like this!

   No wonder take some of the main gods,

   There is only one soul chaser, the main **** of the soul system,

   These thoughts.

   The board passed by like lightning,

   Sword Qi is emitted,


   thirty waiters stood in the hall,

   has been killed by Banao.

   step forward,

   This is the magic power of the Demon God,

   Banao's sword in his hand slashed towards the muddle on the confinement!

   The proud movement,

   has become heavier!

  As if practicing swords and doing slow sword moves,

   The proud flying sword,

   has illuminated half of the hall,

   riding a sword light, red with blue and yellow, a little golden,

  The rules of the gold system did not merge successfully,

   the sword light of this flying sword,

   shows a gorgeous color!

   This is from the plane of Ruixian Panaodao,

   first shot with full force,

   The guards who have been beheaded in the hall,

   This brilliant sword light,

   hasn't shined on them yet,

   one by one has turned into nothingness!

   These thirty waiters,

   Renren Jindan combat power,

   But even this brilliant sword can't stand the light!

  " 嚓---"

   The sword in his hand has passed the confinement,

   seal this earth,

   put it toward the storage bag,

  This storage bag,

   is refined from a thousand-year-old peach tree,

   is specially used to hold soul and soul magic weapon.

   A Mozu monk passed by the door next to the main hall,

   like human beings,


   is already Yuan Ying’s cultivation,

   saw the hall,

   The seal and the waiter are gone,



   This shout,

   with a kind of supreme majesty!


   was illuminated by the aftermath of this sword light,

  In an instant,

   The flames on his body surge like a great wave!


   Miles of flame, luxurious armor,

   suddenly turned into sky fragments and shot,

   "The Yuanying Flower God with the fusion of different rules."

   Banao thought in his heart,

   such a strong person,

   can be the master of the barrier in the area occupied by the demons,

   waved the sword in his hand,

   There are six brilliant sword lights,

   Super this person walked around,

   This person touches the red with blue and yellow, a little golden sword light,

   is already pressed by a huge copper mountain,


   still a few steps towards the statue of the demon god,

   These few sword lights bounced around him,


  He has turned to ashes,

   is a brilliance left,

   pigeon eggs are big,

   flew towards the demon statue,

   Is this person a clone of the Demon God?

   Board proud and horrified.

   looked at,

   The flames in the hall are converging toward the brilliance of the pigeon egg,

   Board proudly cut three swords,

   These three swords.

  In an instant,

   As if time and space have passed,

  This brilliance,

   has been cut into nothingness,

   The arrogant stature is reminded,

   has flown back to the attic.


   Demon God puts a clone of different rules to merge cultivation base,

   can transmit their own mana on the super plane,

   It’s not surprising that there are clones with a distraction stage,

   Seal the earth! ?

   thought proudly,

   must be due to the sealing of the soil here,

   Demon God puts a clone of different rules fusion here.

  Volume of flame,

   has brought Feixia sword and Laishan,

   rushed out of the attic,

   But at this time,

   The sky blasted loudly,

   The entire flame galloped with full force.

   This is the protective formation of this temple being urged,


   Thousands of fire and thunder,

   is like shooting stars in the sky,

   blasted towards these people,

   The board is proud and the sword light spins,

   Thousands of fire thunder rushing forward,

   was circled by Banao's sword light,

   as if rushing into a whirlpool,

   turned into thousands of sparks in an instant,

   shoots all over the sky.



   has ten swords of light,

   rushed from the flames,

   is like Changhong Jingtian,

   slashed at these people.

   The proud sword light of the board shakes up,

  The sky is full of sparks shooting at these people,

   is like a starry sky,

  In an instant,

   passed the sky of the plane,

   These dozen or so Mozu monks with golden core power,

   Touch these thousands of swords,

   Like being bombarded by a huge thunder!

   "Boom, boom, boom---"

   Thousands of holes were punched in the whole person,

   Then, the whole person exploded and turned into blood mist!

   Jianguang suddenly threw out and turned,

   Where there is sword light, the flames come,

   Touch this brilliant, gorgeous sword light,

   immediately exploded!

   Feixia sword and Laishan watched,

   Like a sky full of flames spinning, booming and flying,


   A few of them, seem to always rush through the place with the least flame,

   The sword light flashed,

   must be separated by flames,

  The golden core monk who presided over the magic circle in the distance was cut to pieces!

   "This man's formation skills are quite high."

   Feixia sword and Laishan thought.

   ten moments,

   They have rushed out of the protective circle of the temple,


   Hundreds of sword lights seemed to cover the entire sky,

   slashed over,


   The Mozu patrol outside shouted angrily.

   Feixia sword and Laishan Taoist reminder,

   Ten thousand stars,

   To the sword light cut from the side!

   "Boom, boom, boom---"

   The photo of the two urged,

   has been cut a few swords!

  Sword light sent by hundreds of monks,

   Although not all Jindan monks,


   This sword light reminds me,

   has at least nearly one hundred thousand channels,

  Foundation monk,

   One sword urges three hundred sword lights,

not a problem.

   Thirty patrol team, there are monks with golden core power to lead the team,

   These hundreds of sword lights,

   There are more than a dozen monks with golden core power!

   The sword tactics sent by the two diamond flower god,

   can’t block all the nearly 100,000 sword lights,

   One person’s defense method hit a few swords,

  Protection Taoism rumbling,

   a lot of broken pieces,

   Feixia Sword and Laishan are shaking with Dao Fa,

  Board Proud Sword Jue,

   On the flying sword in his hand, there are thousands of sword lights!

   The demon monk opposite,

   Regardless of the base-building period or the golden core combat power,

   Touch this sword light,

   Together with the flying sword in the hand, the battle armor and the body, the core of the Taoist practice,

   turned into smash,

   burst into a mist of blood,

   The sword of Banao,

   killed one hundred and fifty people in the front,


  The demon monk on the side,

   he did not attack,

   The board proudly is an arrow,

   Feixia sword and next to Laishan,

   rushed along this blood mist channel,

   Thousands of sword lights blasted from the side,

   There seemed to be thousands of giant thunder flashing incessantly.

   Feixia sword and Laishan body,

   Thunder and fire splashed randomly.

   rushed out of the patrol,

   Feixia sword and Laishan,

   his face has changed a bit,

  Banao only then escaped,

   took Feixia sword and Laishan,

  In an instant,

   flew towards the distant horizon!

   In the temple, there was a loud shout,

   has gone very quickly,


   Banao took out the sealing soil,

   "One serving per person."

   Banao said,

   Feixia sword and Laishan took a look,

   They reached out and took over the land,

  "Where is your friend?

   must be refined immediately using the method your friend said. "

   Banao said,

   "The neighboring country of mountains and grasses in Qingxuan country heading south."

   Laishan said,

   Oh---The country of mountain grassland, but the country of Qingxuan is half the size,

   But there are such capable people.

   thought proudly,

   Retreat method,

   a few hundred miles ahead,

   a few sword lights suddenly rose up and rushed over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the power of every sword light,

   rushed straight into the sky,

   "All three diamond flower gods!"

   Feixiajian and Laishan’s face changed.

   If they come to this temple by themselves,

   Even if he got the land, he left the temple,

   When these demons came,

   Feixia sword and Laishan,

   has to fall here!

  Board Proud Sword Jue,

   A flame passed three hundred miles in an instant,

   hit one of them in an instant,

  This sword light and flame,

   suddenly turned into a sky full of flames,

   A huge firework appeared in the sky,

   three hundred miles away,

   Feixia sword and Laishan,

   can barely be seen,

   The demon monk in the sword light,

   with the sword light he urged,

   turns into sparks in the sky!

  "This is the real awesome monk,

   The sword light flashed, flying for three hundred miles! "

   Feixia sword and Laishan sighed,

   Jianguang flew for hundreds of miles,

  A general Yuanying Flower God can do it,


  Looking at Yuanying Flower God's display,

   Seat monk,

   The mood is absolutely different!

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