Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3030: Starry sky party

Chapter 330 Star Gathering

This giant beast ate the last monk in one bite,

These behemoths generally live by eating these meteorites,

Needless to say the ability to swallow and absorb,

However, they still need the profoundness of the plane,

The spatial ripples are like waves,

A floating airship,

Appeared for more than a hundred miles beside this giant beast,

Can fly hundreds of millions of miles,

Thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles of space shuttle,

This is a universal function.

This kind of airship,

It’s not a problem to continue flying into deep space for billions,


These airships,

Generally unwilling to go,

The flying fleet flamed,

Three feet thick thunder fire,

Blasted at this behemoth,

Wherever you go,

Meteorites, meteorite iron, immediately turned into nothingness,

One shot has hit the behemoth,

The fireball expanded,

Turned into three hundred zhang,

Suddenly soaring!

The thunder fire is still rising,


There is a big pit 30 feet wide,

But a few feet deep!

Revealing a layer of pale blue below,

Like a shield and like a rock,

However, waves are generally flowing,

This is the mana shield of the star behemoth,

This airship has a shot,

But the mana shield of the behemoth,

There was a wave of waves.

This airship,

Turned around,

Galloping away,

But Banao watched the shield running,

Obviously. This is a very powerful mana with different rules.


If you talk about fine and subtle structural changes,

But it is far inferior to the rules and power of the Qian committee.

Once there are different rules of mana fusion,

Sword Jue, a type of mana structure,

It played a considerable role.

This monster,

Just like the owner of the bloodline jade,

The structure of mana.

Compared with today’s mana structure,

It's not very complicated anymore,

The body of this monster is strong,

Should have been strengthened in the universe for many years,


In this way, the body of this monster is strong,

It’s better to get the ancient clock magic weapon,

The monster was originally a mile wide mouth,

It turned into a gap of several feet wide in an instant.


Thunder fire a few feet wide blasted from the mouth,

In an instant.

Has been blasted over the airship,

This flying fleet,

In an instant,

Move one side to the side,

Has passed by the meteorite,



This thunder flashed,

Turned the same way,

In an instant,

Have caught up with this airship,

This flying fleet seems to be deformed in a thousandth of an instant,


Suddenly exploded!

The wreckage of the entire aerospace ship and its crew shot.

A few silhouettes suddenly gathered,

Bursting flames,

But suddenly got together,

These airships,

The wreckage of the ship's personnel suddenly collected,

Has been rolled back into this monster's mouth,

A mile long mouth,

It became a few feet wide in an instant,

Monsters in the starry sky,

It really cannot be said in common sense,

Consecutively devour airships,

It seems that

The plane mana in this airship,

This behemoth in the starry sky,

Quite satisfied.

Watching these monks run thousands of miles in the meteorite bushes,

Space waves again,

Another hovercraft appeared,

These monks entered the airship,

The waves flashed around the airship,

Has flown away,


For these thirty-mile long star beasts,

Really too small,

The star behemoth shook,

Has traveled hundreds of miles in the meteorite,

Meteorites along the way, meteorite iron,

This star behemoth,

Eat most of it,

Then it seemed to be motionless,

Banao continued to fly,

Collect this meteorite iron.

After a day,

Ban Aocai collected several meteorite irons.

Banao's expression is leisurely,

The defense, mana of this behemoth,

For ordinary monks,

It has reached an unimaginable level.


The attack of this behemoth,

Banao can block,

The sword tactics that Banao urged,

Can break the defense of this behemoth!

In the battle with this behemoth,


Can be used,


Fight against the masters of the three-line rule fusion,

A magic weapon of the level of a floating airship,

It can only be used as a defensive magic weapon at most,

and so,

Within 100,000 miles,

There are no more airships,

Banao’s airship,

But he moved slowly.

There are meteorites everywhere,

The speed of the airship cannot reach too fast.


A prompt suddenly appeared in the cabin,

"There is a communication coming, it is a floating craft of the Ruixian Plane Committee."

Ruixian Plane Committee,

Of course he has his own magic circle!

one look,

A figure emerged,

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, as if there are five thousand miles of picturesque rivers and mountains,

"I am the Four Diamond Flower God of the Ruixian Plane Committee, blasting the sky,

Which school are you from? "

This person asked,

Haughty on his face,

Four diamond flower god,

There are not many planes,

He is from the Plane Committee again,

Which is disrespectful?

"I am the owner of Flame Mountain Villa, Banao."

Banao said,

This said,

A dry smile immediately appeared on this person's face.

"But the worship of Fendao Country?"

Banao nodded:


Bang Potian immediately arched his hand towards him,

"Bang Potian saw Lord Banao, disrespectful."

With a sword, Ban Ao slammed back the real suicide.

This is true strength.

"Here to gather meteorite iron.

There are about a hundred floating fleets,

Today, we are 150,000 miles away from here,

Coming from Banao, how about coming to get together? "

This blasted the sky.


Banao said,

This is normal.

After blasting through the sky,

There is a person standing beside,

His face is ugly.

He thought,

This person, the team invited Ban Ao Zhenren to participate.

"Major Wanlian,

This board is proud and powerful,

If you can find it,

The team beheaded this behemoth,

It must have a lot of effects."

This person is actually Wan Lian, the deputy head of the Han Lian School.

Last time he took three airships to the committee of Ruixian plane

Collect materials in the starry sky.

For a piece of rare meteorite iron,

Conflicted with Banao.

Three airships.

Just a floating spaceship on which the real person Wanlian was sitting escaped,

In addition, more than fifty people were bombarded into pieces along with the airship!

Take a look today,

This airship,

It was the last time in the starry sky near the plane of Ruixian,

Fighting airship!

In his heart,

This is called fright and angry!

The power of this flying fleet,

As the core member of the Ruixian Plane Committee,

I have dealt with people from the Giant Rock Shrine,

The monks of the Giant Rock Shrine,

The airship used,

It's better than ordinary Yuanying Flower God's airship!

Compared with the flying fleet of the Risen Plane Committee,

That would be too strong,


The flying fleet of the Rock Shrine,

Can’t compare with this man’s airship,

If I fight this person,

The opponent urged the floating fleet's Taoism,


Own swordsmanship,

Is it possible to cut into the defensive tactics of this floating fleet,

This is hard to say.

Booming the sky asked him,

He is angry!

But after a while,

But said,

"You are talking about such a master,

More should be invited to participate in this operation. "

Booming the sky nodded:

"Master Wan Lian is heroic."

Such a powerful behemoth,

They are not Yuanying Flower God,

Water is willing to charge forward.

Floating craft is fully open,

Can't stop this behemoth with a boom!

Ban Ao urged the flying fleet to come over.

In the air,

Hovering more than a hundred airships,


A floating airship,

Turned into a pavilion,

Banao stepped out of the airship,

Flames lingered all over,

Step on this pavilion,

Have entered this pavilion!

Inside is the lobby,

More than a hundred monks were sitting,

A flying fleet came one by one,

Bang Potian walked over quickly,

Arched his hand towards him,

"Master Banao, this is the real Wanlian.

Real Man Wanlian, this is Real Man Banao. "

Wan Lian smiled,

Nodded towards Banao:

"Master Banao is an expert, and I have been admired for a long time."

Master Banao gave his hand:

"Long look up"

He has long recognized the floating spaceship of the real person Wanlian,

It’s the airship that ran away last time,

But at this time,

Real Man Wanlian smiled,

As if nothing happened in a country,

Monks and ordinary people,

In addition to higher cultivation base,

Can fly into the sky and cut the river,

other aspects,

Really like ordinary people,

"In this way, everyone is here,

Let's talk about **** this behemoth. "

Real Wanlian said,

Banao took a look,

Over a hundred people,

There is also a monk in Tsing Yi,

Dao Fa lingering room,

Has the Yuan Ying cultivation base!

But frowned.

"Just the three of us are at the level of Nascent Soul, want to kill this behemoth?"

Banao said,

"Master Kanban said,

Isn't there more than a hundred airships here? "

Bang Potian said,

"Blow through the sky, kill this monster,

Not as simple as your name. "

Banao was a little unhappy. The mana of this monster,

Different rules merge,


The strength of mana,

Than the average monk,

Not a hundred times stronger.

More than one hundred airships.

Bombing at the same time,

Can break the defense,

However, how much defense can be broken is hard to say.

Three Yuanying Flower Gods?

"That can't be said,

Such a huge monster is rare to see for hundreds of years,

If we can kill this monster,

The harvest is quite fruitful. "

Not far away, the sitting monk said,

Is the three diamond flower god,

There was greed on his face.

Such a big monster,

Enough for them to share more than a hundred people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Banao thought it was funny,

This person's cultivation base is not high, and his heart is quite high.

The body of this monster,

Not as good as the ancient clock magic weapon,

For Banao, it is only so useful,

Many Yuan Ying Flower Gods in the Demon World,

It is to use such materials to refine the armor,

"In this way, you guys work hard,

I went out to gather materials. "

Banao said,

"I heard you are a master,

How can I think of being so afraid"

The three-diamond flower **** said,

He said,

Someone nearby said immediately:

"That is, I don't have the courage of a master at all."

Banao knew,

If I talk about influence,

How can it be compared with the real people like Wanlian,


"You are capable, you go."


stand up,

Out of this hall.

More than a hundred masters in this hall,

Most people showed an unpleasant look,

Seeing this rumored Yuanying Flower God goes far away,

"This person has no mastery."

"I just flinched when I saw this monster being strong.

It’s not a material for cultivation at all,

I really don't know how he cultivated to Yuan Ying. "

They said,

Real Man Wan Lian's heart jumped,

But with a wave,

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see how we should arrange the formation."

More than a hundred airships are deployed,

It’s already a pretty strong formation,

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God, Sword Art urges to send,

A cup of tea time,

Can't cut the formation,

The real person Wan Lian was a little confident. (To be continued...)

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