Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3034: Buy metal

In fact,

In the meteorite belt, this behemoth,

Seeing that the mountain formation has disappeared,

Want to kill the floating spaceship that is sitting proudly.


Banao’s airship,


Not as fast as Banao itself.

But if it comes to Taoism,

Banao’s airship,

Indeed reached a realm of profound and profound,

Dao Fa urges,

A behemoth thirty miles long,

Can't find it.

The suburbs of Fendao Country,

Many people came to watch,

Banao saw Feixiajian, Laishan, Jian Jiutian again,

Not seen in ten years,

Feixia sword and Laishan, the cultivation of the two diamond flower gods have improved a lot,

Jian Jiutian’s cultivation base,

Has improved significantly,

It seems,

They also have quite an adventure,

Two Diamond Flower God,

If there is no advanced Taoist book,

If you want to improve your cultivation as it is today,

That is calculated in a hundred years.

Sword nine days, four diamond flower god,

Four diamond flower gods, practice by themselves,

It is not easy to improve the cultivation base.

Jian Jiutian is a monk similar to alchemy,

Not only refining alchemy, refining tools,

There is considerable research on some occultism,


His cultivation base is higher than Feixia Sword and Laishan,

Wearing a seal,

These years, Feixiajian, Laishan,

I didn't see it coming to find Banao.

With the land closed, there are more adventures,

Gained much.

Of course it's different.

The ceremony is over.

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian.

At first glance, the fire tree is already twenty-five feet tall.

Will meet Feixiajian, Laishan, Jian Jiutian,

Urged the body’s communication circle,

Speaking towards the body,

"It seems. This seal is really useful.

The body, you said, how should this block of soil be used. "

"It seems that this sealing soil is indeed useful.

If there is no demon statue in Paradise Country,

You can find a place where more spiritual energy gathers to practice in Paradise Country.

There may be great progress.


There is a statue of the devil.

Paradise country,

But you can't cultivate. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Go to the deep sky to find rare metals,

Last time the giant beast turned into a humanoid monk and came,

Many rare metals that are hard to find on the plane have been taken out,

I went to deep space in a flying fleet,

Maybe ten years,

Can't find so many rare metals. "

Banao said.

Commissioner Qian and Ban Aoyi said,

This little luck brought by the sealing of the earth,

Compared with the endless universe,

Not worth mentioning at all.

Feixia sword and Laishan, sword nine days

Those ordinary cave houses explored,

For the members of Banao and Qian,

Not much help at all.

"This Ruixian plane, hundreds of millions of miles away, has this meteorite belt,

In other planes, there are no or relatively few meteorite belts.

The meteorite iron mined in this meteorite belt,

Generally on the plane of Ruixian,

In this Ruixian plane, the acquisition of these outer meteorite irons is forgotten. "

Commissioner Qian said,

It’s better to combine the gold rules and the gold rules to practice.

Be more realistic.

Banao nodded:

"On the plane, no matter what, it is better than the stars."

Banao left Xiadian,

First start refining the shield,

This refinement,

Refined thirty shields,

The stone room next to the royal garden,

Made soil spirits,

Used most of it!

Earth mana, easy to collect,


Make earth mana into earth spirit,

It's not that easy,

It has been decades since Banao got Xia Dian,

However, these soil spirits were created.

Flew towards Huagai Town Square.

When we arrived at Huagai Town Square,

Needless to say,

The shopkeeper greeted me,

Entered the hall,

"I have thirty shields here,

Ten shields are used to change medicinal materials, materials,

Other shields are used to purchase rare metals from the outside world.


Banao said,

Meteorite iron,

For the enlightenment of the golden rules,

Already understood almost,

Thirty shields,

When the shopkeeper heard,

Smile bloomed on his face.

The ten shields I brought here last time,

The old customer took away a few shields,

after a few days,

Some experts came to buy,

The price gets higher and higher.

As a master of Jin Dan,

Jin Dan masters fight,

The victory is one-thousandth of an instant!

"I will try my best to collect rare metals from outside the sky,"

The shopkeeper said.

Banao went to Hecaifang City again,

this time,

He chose an ordinary shop,

Bought Tianwai rare metals last time,

This shop,

Still acquired a dozen yuan.

Banao entered the shop,

The shopkeeper greeted him,

Last time,

Banao a bottle of elixir used by monk Jindan,

The shopkeeper,

Once changed hands,

Earned 130,000 celestial stones,

For shops like him,

A bottle of pill changed hands to earn 130,000 immortal stones.

Such customers,

Of course he was treated as a guest of honor.

"I want to acquire Tianwai Rare Metal for a long time.

You buy on your behalf,

Here are five pills of the last Jindan monk used,

Put you here first. "

The shopkeeper,

In his thirties,

Jindan nine products.

Today, the core of Taoism cultivation,

There are many monks with golden core power,

Their Ninth-Rank Golden Pill was a bit embarrassing.

These five pills,

He doesn’t make much,

"That's good---you pay a price for the purchase of rare metals."

He said,

Banao talked to him for a long time,

The price for the acquisition of rare metals from Tianwai has been agreed.

Nine Pin Jindan,

Although it is the worst among the Golden Core cultivators,


I can feel the meteorite iron outside the sky, in the rare metal outside the sky,

Those deep, long,

This is the Ninth-Rank Golden Core, which is better than the core of ordinary Taoist cultivation.

The reason why monks with golden core power are so much stronger,

No such skill,

This shop that buys various materials,

How can it be so easy to open,


Comprehend the rules in this meteorite iron, rare metal,

Jin Dan is generally impossible to do,

and so,

This person can perceive the meteorite iron outside the sky, among the rare metals,

That kind of deep cosmic realm,


Nine Pin Jindan,

Only this deep and long state

Dao Fa rune that I have already realized,

Make a certain impact.

Put it this way,

Acquisition of meteorite iron, rare metals,

For the golden core itself,

Has certain benefits,


From the meteorite belt hundreds of millions of miles away from the plane,

The collected meteorite iron, rare metal,

Can it be cheaper?

Banao walked several squares in a row,

Find a shop for each.

It's only been three months,

Ban Ao is practicing,

The Ninth-Rank Golden Pill in Hecaifang City sent a communication,

Received thirty pieces of rare metal from outside the sky.

"I'll come right away."

Banao Shennian reminded,

Has received power.

A move of divine thought,

Has appeared hundreds of miles outside the Xiadian!

Body shape,

Flew towards Hecaifang City,

Half tea time,

Have been flying thousands of miles.

Towards Hecaifang City,

Entered the shop,

The Ninth-Rank Golden Core took out a storage bag,

"I collected more than thirty pieces,

However, the appearance is average. "

Banao took a look at the storage bag.

It’s a rare metal in deep space~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But,

The smallest piece,

Big fist!

"These are the thousands of years before the cultivator,

Collected within ten thousand years,

Some have passed down. "

The Ninth-Rank Golden Pill said,

If used to forge magic weapons,

These rare metal blocks,

Leftovers are not counted.

However, Banao is used to understand the rules of the gold system,

Such a large rare metal,

Enough, (to be continued...)

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