Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3037: Realm of strength

"I want a copy of the secrets of the area occupied by the demons..."

Banao said,

"One hundred thousand middle grade immortal stone."

The waiter said,

Banao took out one hundred thousand middle-grade immortal stones,

This waiter has seen the middle-grade immortal stone,

Turn around and take out a document,


The waiter said,

Followed him to a room,

It's quite large inside,

Serve Banao with tea and snacks,

The waiter walked out of the room,

Banao began to look through the information.

Thinking of the monks who made a fortune in the cultivation sect in the area occupied by the demons,

This is the information provided relative to other markets,

Much better.

In this shop,

Sitting with hundreds of monks,

This one,

This shop makes tens of millions of middle-grade immortal stones.

The monk who took the information,

Can stay here for three months,

Delicious and delicious.

Compared with one hundred thousand middle-grade immortal stones,

Some monks in the Qi training period eat and drink as a ball.

Banao looked at the information,

Compared with the ancient paintings and poems that I collected.

With the proud cultivation base,

Of course you can know,

There are monks teaming up with each other,

Some monks opened the communication instruments,

Call the monks from the human occupation area,

Some monks were originally from the cultivation sect in the area occupied by the demons.

Some monks were from the original cultivation sect in the occupied areas of the human race,

Are planning to make a fortune here,

More than a hundred elixir,

There are more squares than any other town in the human occupation area.

The pike had already said it.

This expedition teamed up.

Generally known before.

These adventure monks. All formed a corresponding circle.

Want to enter these adventure circles,

These are very difficult things.

Feixia sword, Laishan and sword nine days.

The pike and the killing of real people.

Feixia sword, Laishan and sword nine days,

Please Banao, take risks in the temple,

Took the sealing soil,

Please board proud.

of course.

With the proud cultivation base,

It’s not the cave house of the monks in the transformation stage,

He can move freely.

After watching for ten days,

There is an area occupied by the demons,

The description of the original Dongfu of each cultivation school,


Banao found a mountain,

word description,

And Dao Yuan's white flowing water, deep pool water.

The mountains and rivers are more like rocks,

There is also a painting.

It was painted by a person called the Green Hermit.

Describes a scene in the cultivation secret realm of Xianshi Mountain,

Banao decided,

Let's take a look at Xianshishan.

Xianshishan, formerly a medium-level cultivation sect,

Retreat to the human occupation area,

Occupies a place where a few golden cores can be cultivated,

Continuously build the secret realm of the basic monks' trial,

Are not built,

A reminder of the escape method,

But the speed of the ordinary diamond flower god,

Flew in the direction of Xianshixian.

Only flew five hundred miles,

A magic weapon for carving this monster suddenly flew towards Banao,

In an instant,

This carving emits a great fire,

Wrap the board proudly,

The raging fire turned into magma.

Ten figures,

Rushed out from the nearby mountains,

A Jindan monk took the lead,

The others are all monks with golden core power.

Sword Jue urges,

Slashed towards the lava,

They want to come,

Once the magic weapon came out,

This human monk has been stagnated by lava,

A dozen golden core monks hit,

Definitely be able to kill this human monk!

Ban Ao didn't even make a flying sword.

Finger flick,

"Puff, puff, puff---"

Shi Lai Dao Jian Qi,

Mysteriously passed through the magma,

These monks were shocked,

Seeing this sword qi fly over,

Sword Jue urges,

Hovering in the air, flying by,


But in an instant,

One person has been hit by a sword spirit,

The various expressions on their faces,

Like a statue,

"Puff, puff, puff---"

Has exploded,

It turned into a cloud of blood.

of course,

Their golden core has the power of golden core,

But stayed,

These golden cores, the core of the power of golden cores,

Take it to the Terran Square City,

Can sell a lot of prices.


Can be exchanged for precious treasures from the hands of monks in the foundation building period.

The sword of Banao,

Fly hundreds of miles,

There are more than ten groups of demons and human monks,

But he didn't dare to attack Banao.

In the distance, there is sword light rushing to the sky,

Lava, flowers flying,

Thunder bursts.

A group of monks from Warhammer Mountain,

Fighting with a group of ten or so demonic monks who rushed over,

Warhammer Mountain is easy to advance,

Warhammer Mountain is more than a thousand miles away,

It's not easy to go,

Banao urged Dao Fa to fly,

After more than a day,

Flew thousands of miles,

Only then arrived at Xianshi Mountain.

The plants of Xianshishan,

not many,

This is a mountain with many stones,

The rock is undulating, rotating, big or small,

Among the strange rocks,

But there are many clear springs flowing out,

The clear springs gather,

There are many pools on the mountain,

Where there is a clear spring,

Generally there are plants,

But there is a lot of fun.

Strange rocks, clear springs, pools,

Many people appreciate it.

If it's not for treasure hunting,

Here is indeed a good place to watch the scenery,

Banao is spinning here,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhiying studied painting and calligraphy for a while,

This appreciation level has improved a lot.

According to the information given by Warhammer Mountain.

Xianshi Mountain.

The legend is a strange stone flying from outside the sky.


In addition to the nice view,

There are not many singularities.

The place where the aura gathers,

Only a few golden pills can practice,

Similar to the Wolfhammer Mountain on the Yuanbo plane.

Banao walked on this mountain for a long time,

Several teams of demonic monks passed by him,

This is the patrolling monk who occupies Xianshi Mountain,

There are a few golden core training seats in Xianshishan.

The monks who patrol the mountain are not high in cultivation,

Usually two monks in the foundation period lead the team,

Other monks in Qi training period.

However, there was a wave of fluctuations from Banao.

They walked over.

Here weird rocks, clear springs,

It should be related to soil system repair base and water system repair base,


Ban Ao turned around for a long time.

The painting painted by the green hermit,

The original pond. Qingquan,

Have found it,

Thousands of years have passed,


It is more profound and long.

However, Banao

I can’t see that Xianshishan is related to rules,

Seeing that the sky is already dark,

Banao found a place to sit down,

Eating with snacks.

Take out the snow fruit wine again.

This is the snow fruit wine that Banao eats himself,

Added the dew of the water system spirit root in Xiadian to make wine,

Take this out,

The smell of wine, as if not smelling,

But it gives people a kind of smoke for thousands of miles,

The feeling of the sea and the sky.

Banao Shennian reminded,

In an instant,

I have scanned the entire Xianshi Mountain,

The quality of Xianshishan,

It's stronger than ordinary stones,


Matter in the world,

There are too many forms of representation,

He is the Yuanying Flower God,

I can't even talk about know-it-all.

After drinking a bottle of wine,

Did not see the legendary power appear.

I remembered that Commissioner Qian said about the Lengyan mystery,

Commissioner Qian took out the fire tree flower magic weapon that has been refined for a long time.

This fire tree flower turned into a fire tree,

That mighty power came out now,

This is the display of the Fire Tree's evolution rune after many plane fluctuations,

Already have the level of a monk in the Biyou temple-transition stage!

After drinking, after eating snacks,

Banao reached out and pointed,

A brilliant light burst out,

Towards a clear spring not far away,

The strange rocks next to the clear spring circled around.

Half tea time,

This strange rock, the rules of Qingquan,

In Banao’s perception,

Has turned into a mountain, like a big river,

Rule structure,

Show it clearly.

Can't find baby,

Maybe Banao didn’t have that luck,

In plain language,

And this Xianshi Mountain,

Not that fate,

it does not matter,

Feeling this strange stone, Qingquan's rule structure is also good.

of course,

This strange rock, the regular structure of Qingquan,

Integrate with Banao’s original rule mana,

It is of no great use in combat,


Banao's mood,

It's relatively peaceful long ago,

Combine these rules with your own mana,

There is another elegant and peaceful mood,

Isn't it good?

This is not what the world says about gods.

The rule structure in this strange stone,

The structure is more complicated than the ordinary rock formation,

But the rules feel, hillsides, valleys,

But it is more relaxed than the general stone rules,

These ones,

This strange rock,

Ordinary people look,

There is a kind of elegance like a hidden world.

No wonder the Green Hermit,

Will paint here,

The sun is shining again,

The spring water flows, and the wind blows the plants by the spring water,

The sound is not loud,

But it gives people a kind of harmony with this landscape,

Very compatible feeling.

The demon patrol in the distance came over,

Everyone looked like iron,

Walked for ten days in a row,

Ban Ao Jiang this Xianshi Mountain,

In addition to the training hall already occupied by the demons,

Other places,

After most of it,

Comprehend the rule structure of this strange stone,

It is different.

Banao uses this regular structure,

And its own mana,

Keep fusing,



The mana in Banao Shenfu flickered,

The whole mana,

It has more profound meaning!

This is a kind of the mystery of the earth,

Banao stood,

Looking at the mountains,

After watching for a long time,

Ban Aojiang, the strange rock of Xianshi Mountain,

Most of the structure is comprehended,

Merge with its own rule mana,

This kind of strange stone,

It can only be regarded as an ordinary stone,

Rule structure,

Merge with your own rules and mana,

For Banao,


It has this effect.

He took out the painting of the green hermit and looked at it,

This time,

But it's different again,

Think this picture,

Complete and elegant.

This is the true meaning of this painting.

This green hermit, master,

To understand the true meaning of this painting,

First of all, we must practice the rules of the soil system,


The soil rules should be integrated with other rules,


In order to easily understand the rules in this strange stone,

Feel the rules in this strange stone,

Merge with your own rules and mana,

Only then can I realize the true meaning of this fairy stone mountain.

This means that,

The true meaning in this painting,

Must have the strength to integrate several lines of rules,

Only then can it be easier to understand,

This, Banao looks,

This is called the realm of strength.

Banao took out a bottle of snow fruit wine,


Poetry is booming!

To make a poem ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But,

Compared with the talents in the poem meeting,

Banao was sweating,

It really can't be compared with those talented people.


Ordinary can no longer be ordinary poetry.

Banao Dunguang reminded him,

Fly towards the mountain referenced by Daoyuan’s landscape painting,

The mountain is separated by hundreds of miles,

Only the cultivation school,

It's the same as Xianshishan,

Ordinary cultivation school,

Ordinary cultivation school,

The range of planting medicinal materials is limited.

Of course choose good mountains and good fields,

Planting medicinal materials in places with more aura,

The mountain that Daoyuan drew,

Nice view,

That comprehension school,

But did not move this mountain,

As a medicinal planting place.


Banao took out a bottle of snow fruit wine,

With a big mouthful, the poem is booming!

Make a poem,


Compared with the talents in the poem meeting,

Banao was sweating,

It really can't be compared with those talented people.


Ordinary can no longer be ordinary poetry.

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