Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3050: Flower viewing

"Okay. (Please search or type directly to see

Banao said,

In a few days, we will gather in the most luxurious restaurant in Fendao Country,


Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

From this rune that made the stalactite,

Get a lot of benefits.

The integration of water system and soil system rules,

For the use of alchemy, go further.

Go to a party,

This is a matter of course,

If there is no drawing from the Piaoyi Sword,

Let Banao look for the ruins alone,

With the magic circle in that passage,

It’s hard to find that stalactite hall,

Banao thought,

As a master of refiners,

Of course, basalt has been used a lot,

Generally collected from the devil.

In the human plane,


Materials similar to basalt,

Either less or expensive.

It’s better to use basalt,

Of course, these materials,

Free disciple purchase,

Entered the passage for more than a hundred miles,

Banao recognized the basalt,

Of course, Banao would not say,


The flowing sword is going to party,

Banao will definitely go.

The confinement that has been refined by the sword for nine days,

It's really useful.

In fact,

Regardless of Banao or Jian Jiutian,

these years,

Got a lot of benefits.

Is the rune that makes the stalactite of ten thousand years,

Impression of Xianshishan’s rules,

Banao has gained a lot,

Generally monks have hunted treasure for hundreds of years,

Not necessarily have this gain.

after a few days,

Banao walked out of the Summer Palace,

It's already spring.

Body shape shook,

Arrived in the national capital of Fen Dao,

Entered the restaurant,

Piao Yi Jian is talking about how the waiter serves the wine and dishes,

Laishan they haven't come yet.

But Banao deliberately came early,

Took out a jade bottle,

Gave it to the past,

"This is an elixir to increase spirituality,

The harvest this time was okay. "

Banao said,

Piaoyijian took the medicine.

one look,

A hundred,


The pill of this effect given by Banao,

I went to Fang City to see,

This bottle of pill,

At least five million celestial stones.

Arched his hand towards Banao.

Accept the pill,

Greeting Banao to sit down,

After a while,

Feixia sword,

Laishan, Jian Jiutian,


Let's eat together,

While eating and drinking,

Talk about the various planes in the adventure.

Everyone is very interested,

But I feel that on the road of spiritual practice,


There are really no surprises.

From morning to noon,

Everyone is satisfied,

"The royal family of Fendao Kingdom, beside the newly built garden,

Planted fifty miles of orchards.

This is the spring when the flowers bloom,

Lots of tourists,

We just went to have a look. "

Feixiajian said,

This one. Banao had known for a long time,

The royal family of Fen Dao Kingdom,

Newly built gardens,

For decades,

For rule deduction,

Took a few adventures,

Gather the metal Dao law data collected from various planes,

This has made some progress.

These fruit trees planted in the royal gardens of Fendao Country,

There are already buckets as thick.

This world of comprehension,

A lot of aura,

Ordinary plants grow for decades,

When spring comes,

It's just a nice view.

"it is good."

Several people nodded together,

Out of the restaurant,

Out of the Fendao Kingdom,

Dao Fa urges,

Has reached the fruit forest,


Fifty miles long and ten miles wide,

Ten kinds of flowers bloom,

Planting fruit trees,

It happens to be a hillside,

People in the flowers,

Looking at the rushing river.

Not far from the river in spring,

Mirror each other,

The scenery is really good,

Although I don’t talk about tourists like weaving,


There are quite a lot of tourists.

In this fruit forest,

Not far apart,

Just pave the road with slate,

Can be used by several people to walk,

Corresponding to the ups and downs of the mountains,

Flowers cover,

"Everyone says the sky is good,

This scenery is nothing but the sky. "

Jian Jiutian said,

"Changsheng can see this scenery every year."

Feixiajian said,

Several people nodded together,

The adventure passed,

The cultivation base is advanced,

Three diamond flower god,

Look at these scenery,

The mood is more leisurely.

"At this time, if there are poets,

It’s good to write poetry and paint here. "

Piaoyijian said,

I can’t see that the Piaoyijian is more snobbish,

At this time, there is such a mood,

"That's not the feeling of rich people playing."

Laishan said,

"Can't we compare with those rich men?"

Feixiajian said,

A few monks,

Including Banao,

Laughing together.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance.

What kind of people are standing here?

Generally it’s a three-diamond flower god,

Heard immediately,

"Princess Narcissus is here to visit the garden."

"I also brought a few beauties."

"There are still a group of talented people."

of course,

The other royal family members of Fen Dao Country,

A few came,

Here, there are exquisite pavilions built organically,

The line of Princess Narcissus,

In one of them,

I am preparing to have a poem meeting,

"Go, let's go over and take a look."

Banao said,

Several people nodded together,

Thinking of walking over the place where the poetry meeting was held,

When I arrived there,

The close range is full,

They stand far away.

I chose a relatively high slope,

Only then can we see the panorama,

This look,

Laishan's eyes shined.

"Bi Xiu is here, some of the great beauties in the realm of cultivation of Ruixian plane.

All here,

Princess Shuixian has a lot of face. "

Laishan said.

"The Baicao faction has added a hundred li in the medicine field of Fendao Country.

Can Bi Xiu come? "

Feixiajian said,

"The son of Ge from Warhammer Mountain is here."

Piaoyijian said,

"Master Ge is from Warhammer Mountain?"

Banao asked.

"Master Ge is a disciple of Yuanying Flower God who is resident in Warhammer Mountain."

Laishan said,

No wonder hundreds of years ago,

The son of Ge is not small,

It turned out to be a disciple of Yuanying Flower God from Warhammer Mountain.

Banao thought,

Warhammer Mountain,

In the plane of Ruixian.

It can be said,

Mysterious and powerful faction.

one look,

King Ge and a beauty in red,


"Back then, Son Ge didn't pursue Bi Xiu?"

Banao said,

"Oh---I can't catch it for decades.

I changed my pursuit long ago,

Go son's condition, that goes without saying. "

Laishan said.


Banao nodded.

Not seen for hundreds of years,

The son of Ge is already four diamond flower gods,

It seems that this son Ge,

He is the core disciple of Warhammer Mountain.

In fact,

Those disciples of the mountain flower plane,

Advanced Jindan,

Honolulu only said.

Disciple of Qi training period, disciple of foundation building period,

Generally speaking, it is the explanation of the golden core of the mountain flower plane.

At this time, those talented men began to write poems and paint.

After a long time,

A few poems have come out,

There was a waiter right away,

Show these poems to the guests.

After the guests watched,

The waiter read these poems out,

Among the people standing on the hill beside,

Someone immediately talked about these verses,

Some people explain,

Not worse than those talented people.

Several people listened,

From time to time, there were praises.

"This scenery can be written like this."

"Looking at the poems written by these talents,

Look at the Peach Blossom River again,

Even more attractive. "

Piaoyijian said,

After half a day,

It's almost evening,

The poems of all talents have been written,

Everyone was talking,

Whose poem is number one,

The tourists dispersed,

These guests and talents,

Will have a banquet,

At this time,

on the hill,

This person said that this talented man’s poetry is good,

The man said that the talented man’s poetry is good,

Among these tourists,

There are many scribes dressed up,

Speaking of these poems,

It makes sense,

At this time,

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to choose the best three poems.

These beauties, the monks said the best poems they thought,


Among the crowd on the mountain,

Someone laughed.

"These people have really average tastes.

Same as these poems. "

Said a man dressed as a scribe.

These poems,

Looking at the words gorgeous,


From the perspective of poetry,

The structure and artistic conception are general.

There are a few people nearby,

Nodding together.

"These poems are really average."

These monks, beauties,

Everyone is unhappy,

Princess Narcissus originally looked at the trip today,

Don't think,

There is such an out.

Monk, you can draw better paintings,

They can see a lot of splendid scenery,



Really need artistic conception to learn,

And repair base,

It doesn't matter much.

For a while,

I don't know what to say.

This son of Ge,

Reached out,

These few gusts of wind blew past,

Everyone on the hillside,

Body shape shook,


This gust of wind,

Suddenly stayed,

It turns into a breeze in spring,

Mr. Ge was about to laugh a lot.

Immediately looked towards someone on the hillside,

This person,

Holding a folding fan in his hand,

This is the person just now,

It seems to be a light fan.

"Franker He Fang, dare to fight against my son Ge."

He said,

The expression is full of arrogance.


He is already the Four Diamond Flower God,


How many people are there in Yuanying Flower God?

His four diamond flower gods,

It's already pretty awesome.

This person smiled:

"You guy, come here to see the scenery,

Talk about poetry, your cultivation base,

Dare to show prestige. "


Hold the folding fan in your hand a little,


The son of Ge flew out suddenly,

The whole person has been inlaid in the rocks nearby for viewing,

Become a "big" character.

The monk sitting with Ge Gongzi,

Everyone changes color!

Ge Gongzi is the **** of flowers with four diamonds,

Sword Jue's power is reminded,

Enough to cut the mountain!

Was embedded in the rocks,

The people they sit next to,

There are a few flower gods with diamonds,

Blending different mysteries,

But I can't even feel any fluctuations in Taoism!

Seeing the poem meeting,

A monk took action,

The tourists scattered.

This man turned and left leisurely,

Like a mortal,

The faces of Jian Jiutian, Laishan, Feixia Sword and Piaoyi Sword changed.

"Ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

It's impossible to do this. "

Jian Jiutian said,

"Sure enough, a master."

Banao said,

Banao said,

Laishan’s face changed color:

"We are going back."

He said,

How high is Banao’s Taoism,

Few of them know,

Banao is said to be a master,

that goes without saying,

A few people came out of the fruit forest,

Body shape,

Back to their respective cave houses,

But Banao walked towards the man with the folding fan just now.

Walked a few miles,

That person is long gone,

This person,

It's the zombies from the ancient ruins.

This zombie,

stand right here,

After watching the poem meeting for a long time,

The mortal next to him,

Did not see the adventure.

Banao thought,

One shot,

I need to urge the ancient clock that integrates the four rules,

A master who can compete,

How is it possible,

Easy to benefit ordinary people.

He shot,

But look at the horror of Ge Gongzi.


King Ge came out of the rock,

That wonderful face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ body shape,

Turned into escape light,

Has gone to the horizon,

"This dinner--"

Princess Narcissus looked at Bi Xiu.

The four diamonds transform into gods, like puppets,

Banao, the worship of Xiadian,

But at this level,

Bi Xiu thought for a while:

"These many talents are here,

Of course there is a banquet. "

Narcissus nodded,

A group of people walked towards the newly built royal garden.

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