Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2057: 0 Herbal Medicine Garden

Feixia sword is in Fen Dao Country,

There are two estates,

It is the place where the spirits gather,


The two estates add up,

But a radius of fifty miles.レ;思♥路♣客レ

This is the area,

A manor,

Five miles in length and width,

It is about the same size as the Flame Villa.

The medicinal materials grown in his estate,

Banao looked at it,

Compared with the medicinal materials planted by Chairman Qian,

Far away,

Seeing the Baicao faction and Princess Qiuxian cooperating,

His worship ----.

Don't know,

Banao didn't take these things seriously.

"Walk down the street."

Banao said,

"it is good-"

Feixiajian nodded,

Banao and Feixiajian walked out of the office lobby,

The crowd was surging in the street,

Looking at these two people,


"The two of us, walking on this street,

Monk, naturally knows,

Few of these mortals know us,

This is the difference between Xianfan! "

Feixiajian sighed.

Banao fought back and killed real people with a sword,

The elders of the Zhan Zhansha faction,

Several nearby countries,

There is already a famous Yuanying strongman,

The country of Qingxuan, the country of fighting for the sword, the country of forgetting worry, the country of green grass,

The monastic world,

Which one does not know?

The crowds who entered the capital of this country,

It's really like a world away.


Banao, Feixiajian had a meal at the same time.

"Some demons have entered the planting area of ​​the Baicao faction!"

Feixia sword.

Three diamond flower god.

Of course it has its own magic circle.

"This, Feixia sword,

You deal with these things a lot,

Do you want to take a trip? "

Banao said,

"In the past few decades, the population on the border with the demons has increased.

In the past few hundred years, the population has increased a lot. "

Feixiajian said,

this world.

Machinery driven by Taoism has been widely used in farming,

Has a very high level of plant Taoism,

A powerful fighting spirit,

The crops are relatively high-yielding,

These hundreds of years,

Population increase,

A lot of population,

Moved to the border,

"So, go and see."

Banao said.

Banao and Feixia Swordsmanship urged,

Flew towards the border with the demons.

This flight.

Escape is more than a mile wide and ten miles long,

The speed is about the same as the speed of the diamond flower god,

Feixia Jianfei was unhappy,

The same as the board.

Arrived at the border of Fen Dao Country,

Just saw,

Clouds and mist linger for hundreds of miles,

There is a cloud and mist, a few miles around,

Relatively thin,

At first glance, at this thin cloud,

There were a few corpses of Hundred Flower School disciples lying there,


Five demon monks are facing a dozen or so Baicao monks,

The two swords are urged,

Sword light is like rain, thunder and fire like flowers,

As if there are thousands of sword light flames,

Fly in the thunder and fire!

Rinpo, the leader of the Baicao faction, advanced Yuan Ying,

Baicao sent these golden pills,

To the profound knowledge of the profound earth system and the plant profound,

Improve a lot.

Shot a sword,

The sword is as heavy as a mountain,

With unspeakable sharpness,

But it is flexible.

These five demons,

Two flower gods with diamonds, three fifth-grade gold cores,

Majoring in the mystery of the earth and fire elements,

Sword Jue urges,

The sky is fierce and heavy.

But tied with these golden core brothers of the Hundred Flower School,

"Hand over three hundred years of medicinal materials."

The disciples of the Hundred Flowers School roared wildly.

"This Baicao faction established this planting medicinal material,

It's been almost a hundred years,

Some medicinal materials, they use by themselves,

No picking,


With common medicinal materials, it is three hundred years old. "

The radius is nearly three hundred miles,

Three hundred years of medicinal materials,

There are tens of thousands,

As soon as the swords of Ban Ao and Feixia came,

Both sides looked over,

Looking at the escape light, half of the sky shined,

The least who came is a master with a diamond flower god,

this is,

Just saw,

A flame flashed,

Turned into a flame cloud,

There was a monk standing above,

Reach out,

Focusing on the battle between the demons and the Baicao faction disciples,

Pastoral, in the mountains,

Suddenly green smoke rose,

But one foot high,

In a few moments,

Within a radius of fifty miles,

All covered with green smoke.

The sword light and thunder fire burst into the battle between the two sides,

It was already within a radius of ten miles,

Smashed a lot of big holes,

Each big pit is tens of feet deep,

Hundreds of feet.

It looks deep!


As soon as this green smoke came out,

The sword light and thunder fire fighting between the two lights,

Touch this green smoke,

The green smoke flickered,

As if absorbed by this blue smoke,

Looks like green smoke,

Wanli Tieguan,

But so!

The two sides fought a few more confluences,

Each cut out thousands of swords,

Ten Golden Core monks played against each other,

In a few moments,

Of course there is such a power!

The sword light and thunder fire,

There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands,


Touch this green smoke,

Can't afford to make waves,

The two sides stopped,


If this master urges Dao Fa,

A roll of green smoke,

The ten golden cores who fought,

I feel that

No one can rush out of this golden core,

Take out the most powerful magic weapon,

The magic weapon is fully opened,

Can't rush out,

They are at war.

It is already full shot.

The aftermath of this law.

These warring monks,

Use flying swords and shields as well!

The monk spoke,

"you you you,

I am the chief of Fen Dao Country dedicated to Banao,

You want to fight. Fight in the sky,

It's rare to get here to clean up. "

Banao said.

Take a look at these demon gold cores,

Waved his hand,

A pile of thunder fired over,

Like cherries flying all over the sky,

The urging shield of the Baicao faction monk to urge the issuance of the shield,

The urging of the flying sword, the urging of the flying sword,

The magic weapon of urging,

Thunder fire suddenly exploded,

Thousands of thunder and fire ups and downs.


There seemed to be thousands of ripples in the air.

The space within a few miles was blown to pieces,

Space turbulence and space hurricanes flew violently,

The Baicao faction's Jin Dan burst out of the thunder and fire,

one look,

All flying swords, shields, and magic weapons are shining brightly,


Stop these thunder and fire,

They are already fully urged,

one look,

Several demon monks have flown into the demon control area,

There was a flash of light in the distance,

Like electricity in an instant,

The horizon has arrived here,

one look,

Rinpo, the leader of the Baicao school.

Looking at his golden core monk,

Everyone is a little embarrassed,

One look at this green smoke,

It's so elegant.

Looking at Banao,

Rinpo nodded.

The horror in my heart,


I saw the real Taoism worshipped by the chief of Fendao Country,

He is the Yuanying Flower God,

Of course,

Banao this way,

But it urged the power of the earth,


Urge the power of the earth in a radius of fifty miles,

There is such a power,

"What about the few demons."

Rinpo asked,

"Go over there."

A flower **** with a diamond said,

He is the golden core of this Baicao faction,

The only flower **** with diamonds,

Baicao faction has been in existence for so many years,

With diamond flower god,

But ten people.

It can be seen that it is difficult to merge different mysteries.

Rinpo’s Taoist urges,

Like electricity,

Flew towards the territory of the occupied area of ​​the demons,

These decades,

They made a lot of money growing medicinal materials here,


These centuries-old medicinal materials,

Or for your own use,

Or it is to refine the precious pill.


Rinpo is Yuan Ying,

Within the territory of the demons

Go ahead!

After a while,

A flash of light,

Flew here from the sky in an instant,

"I have entered the Zhantian Pass."

Rinpo said,


That's not something ordinary Yuanying Flower God can get in.

Banao reached out and pointed,

Those green smoke,

Descend towards the earth in a radius of fifty miles.

This time,

Spend more time,

one look,

The earth is as usual in a radius of fifty miles,

The big pit that just came out of the battle,

Has been restored to leveling,

Feixia sword, a monk of the Baicao faction,

One by one,

An Ao Dao Fa exhibition,

Fly towards Xiadian,

Feixia sword bowed towards Rinpo,

A reminder of the escape method,

Speeding toward the capital of Fendao Country,

Feixiajian is going to participate in the Baicao faction's alchemy meeting,

To the head of the Baicao faction,

Give it a hand, as a little courtesy.

"The chief of this sword country worships Banao,

Dao Fa exceeds me at least three times! "

Rinpo said,

Some golden pills next to him were shocked,

Only then did I know,

Yuan Ying Da Neng,

It’s not a monk who doesn’t have advanced Naruto,

It's hard to imagine.

"The fire tree in the Flame Villa,

Already forty feet high---

Look in the evening,

Flames rush into the sky! "

The flower **** with diamond said to Jin Dan next to him,


The Baicao Pie Jindan next to him nodded,

"That is the spiritual root of forty feet high,

Not high in the world of cultivation,


This fire tree,

In the morning and evening,

That flame,

As if rushing into the sky,

The spiritual roots I have seen,

Nothing can compare with this fire tree. "

Jindan next to him said,

As a golden core,

Of course you have to travel everywhere.


The fire tree of the Flame Villa,

The same as the spiritual root of the water system of Xiadian,

Is already forty feet tall,

Flame Villa and Summer Palace,

From a distance,

The formation cannot be opened,

Morning and evening,

This fire tree looks,

Flames rush into the sky!

The power of this fire tree,

It seems,

Several times higher than the water system spirit root.

After the powerful enlightenment of the law,

Sure enough!

Feixiajian returned to the capital,

Seeing Banao standing at the gate of the capital,

Board proud of people,

Did things for Fen Dao Nation,

I must say to Fen Dao Country,

Feixia sword fell towards Ban Ao,

"I just found out today,

Taoism is not only used for combat. "

Feixiajian said,

Such Taoism,

For planting medicinal materials,

How much efficiency has been improved.

Feixia sword and Banao,

Entered the residence of Princess Shuixian,

Only at the gate of Shuixian County Lord’s Mansion,

The maid stood at the door,

When I saw Feixia sword and Banao,

The maid hurried to greet him,

"Master Feixiajian, Master Banao,

The princess has sent someone to invite two to come. "

Feixiajian and Banao nodded,

With the maid entering the princess mansion,

In the hall,

Princess Narcissus was sitting,

When I saw Feixiajian and Banao coming in,

Princess Narcissus smiled barely,

"Please sit down -----"

Banao and Feixiajian sat down,

"Where Baicao Pie grows medicinal materials,

What happened to the battle situation with the invasion of the demons. "

Banao looked at Feixiajian,

This kind of thing,

Of course Feixiajian said,

Feixiajian explained what happened.

"Banao worship and I worked hard to urge Dao Fa,

The surrounding fields and forests did not suffer much damage. "

Princess Narcissus listened,


"Well, I will attack with you to meet the emperor."

Advanced Jindan has been over a hundred decades,

I knew it,

Baicao sent these centuries-old medicinal materials,

I didn’t prepare these ordinary golden pills for myself,

This person is the princess,

I don’t know ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Baicao faction has gained a lot of benefits in Fen Dao Country.

These two offerings,

Especially Feixia sword,

For Baicao faction,

Will there be a good face?

Banao and Feixiajian,

Enter the palace of the sword country,

Met with the emperor,

of course,

The emperor is an appreciation and a feast.

Ate the feast,

Rewarded gold,

Then each went back to the residence. . )

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