Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2059: Treasures of Capricorn Mountain

There is no spiritual root planted in Banqin.

Banqin can practice with all his strength,

After a few months,

A beam of light galloped from the sky,

Has passed the sky in an instant

Towards the cave house in the center of Queyue Mountain,

The spirit of Banao,

As if staying in the shadow of thousands,


one look,

This is the killing real person of Yao Caoshan.レ;思♥路♣客レ

This mortal killing man bowed his hand towards the cave mansion,

The cave opens,

It was the monster with four legs,

He has long red hair,

Blue-faced fangs,

Standard ghost image,

He bowed his hand towards the killing real person,

With a smile on his face,

They started talking politely,

Said for a while,

This monster entered the cave with the real suicide,

Banqin thought,

It turned out that the status of this monster and the real killing person was about the same.

Banqin urged Banao’s communication array,

Tell this matter to Ban Ao,

"The King of Dogfish is not adventuring to the Demon Realm with this Su Shi Zhen,

I wonder if the king pike knows about this joyous mountain lord. "

Ban Ao shook his head:

"The King Pike collects a lot of water spirits,

Used to cultivate the spiritual roots of the water system,

This is enough,

This Capricorn Mountain, don’t ask,

I know what the Caperious Mountain Master does,

so what?

The owner of Panshi Mountain did not dare to fight head-on with the owner of Capricorn Mountain

You can understand the mystery of Xiangyue Mountain. rule,

This is serious. "


Banqin nodded:

"Baoao, you are right."

God takes it,

Practice again.

I practiced for another month and a half,


Zhou Tianxing made a "di-------"

Banqin immediately opened his eyes,

Zhou Tianxing outside the big array,

There is already one more middle-aged monk.

Banqin was surprised,

Not trivial,

one look,

Zhou Tian's star battle array,

This person's figure is all green,

This is that this person’s cultivation base is already higher than himself,

Banqin walked out of the Zhoutian star battle,

Bowed to this person,

"I don't know who your master is?"

This person took a look.

"Are you a human race?"

Banqin nodded.

The man's expression eased,

"In this case, I am the master of the Kaiyue Mountain.

You can practice here.

Can't enter the Fifty Miles in the Kaiyue Mountain. "

This man said,

that is,

You can only take a turn around Kaiyue Mountain.

Banqin's hand:

"Thank you, the mountain master, Cheering."

The Caperious Mountain Master nodded:

"You have a good formation."

Talking, one step,

Already in front of the Dongfu in the center of Queyue Mountain.

This person's cultivation is really high,

Far surpassed the Qian committee. Any Yuanying Flower God that Jin Guo Zhiying has seen,

Six series of rules fusion, or higher,


Not a god.

Distance from the master of the god,

There is a certain gap.

Banqin returned to the villa.

Wannianzhong should have made some,

It can be used for alchemy,

Wannianzhong's manufacturing device,

A set of staff from the Qian Da Committee and Jin Guo Shadow,

Banqin takes out the Wannian Bell rǔ,

Take out the medicinal materials that have been prepared,

Started alchemy,

While making alchemy,

While practicing for half a month,

Only one pot of pill can be refined.

Although the three lines of rules merge,


Refining a pot of elixir that harmonizes mana,

Still need so much time.

The general golden core magic weapon,

Banqin can be built in a few days!

The higher the level,

Pill refining is more difficult than refining tools.

This elixir,

Thirty six,

This pot of medicine is almost finished,

But it has been three years,

this day,


Seeing the darkness quickly covering the sky,


In Banqin Shenfu,


The dark rules previously felt,

Turning to the mysterious rune in the god's mansion,

The rune of the gods,

The whole became illusory,

Various changes have occurred,

The whole rune stabilized,

But it gives people a kind of illusion,

The rules of flora, soil, water, and shadow are integrated,

One step forward,

Take a look at Banqin,

Three years have passed!

This is the fusion of several rules,

Banqin took the jade bottle,

There are three pills in it,

Banqin thought,

Deduce this plant system, soil system, water system, shadow system

The rules have been integrated for one hundred and ninety years,

Progress in these three years,


This Capricorn Mountain,

Maybe there is mystery,


The shadow of Queyue Mountain,

It's definitely an ordinary shadow,

There will be no difference.


Shadow rules are practiced separately,

The combat power has not increased much,

To integrate with other rules,

This power is great.

Banqin urged Banao’s communication array,

Let Banao come quickly,

Escape the light like electricity, in an instant,

Has flew to this villa from a distance,

The ripple moved,

Banao comes in,

Banqin integrates the rules of plant system, soil system, water system and shadow system.

Suddenly there was some progress and I said it again.

"You mean, the 10,000-year-old clock made with this device,

Has the ability to improve perception,

This clock can improve the ability of perception,

Is it related to the use of the earth mana of Kaiyue Mountain? "

Banao said,


Banqin said.

"Then let's use the earth mana of Kaiyue Mountain first."

Banao said.

Banao and Banqin,

Immediately began to practice,

The soil mana in other places is no longer used,

Directly use the earth mana from Queyue Mountain,

The earth mana of Queyue Mountain,

Not refining,

Directly in accordance with Xuan'ao's method of urging,

One month passed.

Months passed.

"My deduction of the rules of the plant, soil, fire, and gold systems,

The progress is the same as before. "

Banao said,

"Use these 10,000-year stone bells, try to make alchemy."

This time,

Banqin and Banao,

Refining is a different pill.

The rules of their practice merged,

It was different.

"I went back to Xiadian to practice,

There are the spiritual roots of the water system. "

Banao said.

Banqin nodded.

this day,

In Banao’s Shenfu,

A big mountain,

It seems to have incomparable mystery,

The spirit of Banao,

Exit from this big mountain.


With a bang,

In my own palace,

The plant series, the soil series. A rune of fire and gold rules.

Change quickly,

The mysterious is beyond words,

Banao’s Golden Fruit Shadow deduces the formation,

Running at full capacity,

The mystery of the fusion of these rules,

It seemed to have suddenly realized a lot,

The change of this mysterious rune,

clam down,

It is more brilliant and bright.


Can only be described by the word bright!

one look,

Come out from Banqin Villa,

Five years have passed,

Banao physique urged,

Flew towards Queyue Mountain,

Arrived at Queyue Mountain,

Banqin came out,

"Sure enough, the 10,000-year stone clock made here is stronger than the 10,000-year stone clock made elsewhere."

Banao said,

"The newly refined pill that I took,

Increase the effect of perception,

Can’t compare to the original one-tenth,

Better than my own perception,

This is not,

I have refined a pot of pill. "

Banqin said,

The expression on the face,

It's already relatively indifferent.

Banqin said,

"Well, I'm trying to refine a pot of pill."

Banao said,

"This matter, you talk to the ontology."

Banqin said,

I used the 10,000-year stone bell here again,

Refined a pot of elixir,

Go back and practice qigong,

While taking.

Another five years have passed,


As Banqin said,

The effect of epiphany is only one-tenth of the original,

I arrived at Banqin Villa again,

Banqin said,

Refined another pot of pill,

For the effect of improving perception,

It is the same as not using this stone clock.

Banao urged the main committee member Qian’s communication array,

Member Qian heard:

"Let Tanshan try alchemy!"


After six years,

The committee members of Tanshan and Qian urged the communication circle,

Take it again,

The effect of alchemy,

I have not taken one-tenth of this ten thousand years of refined medicine for the first time.

These decades,

The Wannian Bell made by Banqin Villa,

The golden fruit shadow of Commissioner Qian,

I used them to refine what suits me,

The pill that harmonizes mana,

After a few more years,

All the shadows of golden fruit say,

It can no longer serve as an epiphany,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi said,

The Wannian Bell made by Banqin Villa,

They practiced for forty years,

The same progress!

The Wannian Stone Bell made by Banqin Villa,

For the flower **** with diamonds who blend different mysteries,

It is definitely a very precious treasure,


For monks who integrate different rules,

But it is a better treasure!

At this time, from the piano,

A 10,000-year stone bell made with the earth mana of Queyue Mountain,

Thirty years have passed!

This increased perception,

It can only be converted from the Wannian Bell rǔ made by the magic circle that made the Wannian Bell rǔ.

The earth mana of Queyue Mountain,

If it is absorbed directly,

Based on the accomplishments of Qian Qian and Jin Guo’s shadow,

Can not urge the effect of increasing perception.

"The Queyue Mountain is mysterious,

However, this mystery must be controlled by the master of the mountain,

Panshishan Mountain God knows. "

Commissioner Qian said in the communication array.

"This is the real mystery and benefit."

Honosan sighed,

"The Banqin Mountain Resort is just getting some corner benefits.

Or through the magic circle that made ten thousand-year stone bells,

Without this circle,

These benefits are not available. "

Tan Tian said,

"My plant, earth, fire, and gold rules merge,

But it's close to half. "

Banao said with emotion,

So many adventures,

Collected so many golden Taoisms,

Plant, soil, fire, metal

Rule fusion deduction,

It's been two hundred years,

But close to half!


Tanshan said,

The shadow of Jin Guo began to practice again,

Practiced for a few days,

Banao took some wine refined from the dew of the water system spirit root,

Flew towards Huagai Town Square,

Go to Huagai Town Fang Market to set up a stall,

See if we can collect some treasures,

Panshi Mountain God,

The owner of the Capricorn Mountain,

Any one is much better than the Hanlian School.

Ban Ao first collected rare metals from outside the sky.


These rare metals collected,

Banao didn't comprehend,

Not as much as before,

of course,

Banao refines these flying swords, and the shields don’t use many materials.

Only then can we continue to receive,

The owner of this equipment shop in Huagai Town,

The owner of the grocery store in Hecaifang City,

Jindan level,

Advanced again.

Banao received an antique with ancient runes

That antique shop owner ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is already a monk in the foundation period,

He has a lot of antiques, calligraphy and painting,

Banao went to him to collect antiques,

His realm,

It seems to improve a lot.



In fact, it is a broader perception than the core of Taoism,

He combined the various insights from antiques with his own Taoist practice,

Banao thought,

This person, Advanced Golden Core, is more certain.

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