Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3162: Swallow

"Huh, huh, huh---"

There are a few monsters,

Suddenly rushed towards Commissioner Qian,

Ordinary Jindan monks’ body protection methods,

They are not afraid.


I touched on the bodyguard method of Chairman Qian,

In an instant,

The whole body shrank to one point,

This point turned into nothingness.

Member Qian said on the plane of Lengyan,

How can I say,

The spiritual roots of Commissioner Qian,

It is Biyou Temple,

The spiritual roots that can only be possessed by the cultivators,

Hundreds of years have passed,

The fighting spirit root planted in Golden Fruit Shadow Villa,

It has a lot of evolution,

How high is the swallowing and absorbing capacity of Commissioner Qian now?

In ten moments,

The rules of these monsters,

Has turned into a mysterious rune,

This is reflected in the way of protecting the body of Chairman Qian,

Some seem to be abstract paintings,

A fierce battle!

Some seem to be rustic,

These rules,

Turned into a part of Qian’s own rules fusion,

Commissioner Qian did not advance his spirit,


I have read many Taoist books,

The ability to swallow and absorb plants

Possibly, it is not much worse than some cultivators in the classics.

Plant rules,

When it comes to life,

Among the various rules practiced by Commissioner Qian,

The most mysterious.

Commissioner Qian thought,

The monks and monsters nearby,

Saw Commissioner Qian.

Turned around and ran far away!

A shout came.

one look.

A group of human monks,

A group of monster monks,

The starlight blasted past several feet in radius.

The stars shine immediately,

In a few moments,

There have been hundreds of sparkles,

In the stars,

There was a muffled noise!


Mountain flower plane monk on the cold mountain plane.

In this swamp,

I found a lot of herbs and treasures,

These human monks and monster monks watched,

A lot of hatred.

This is not,

Thousands of sword lights,

Towards this starlight suddenly blasted past!

Dozens of monks shot,

The power is considerable.

The stars flashed,

Thousands of sword auras passed through the sky quietly!

Blasted towards the human monk,

These human monks,

Daofa Feijian was urged.

Turned into mountains and mountains,

There are thousands of rivers.

In the loud noise,

Among the human monks,

The armor on several people burst open suddenly,

But one fell down!

There was a roar immediately within the starlight!

The three figures flashed,

Rush out from the stars,

In a thousandth of an instant,

Has flown in front of the group of monks,

Jianguang a spin,

Like thousands of flowers bloom,


The mountains and rivers that these monks urged to send,

In an instant,

Has been blasted to pieces!

Several monks fell screaming!

"Wait—you are the masters of the Hanshan School—"

A monk shouted.

Xuan Qianhe, Yan Pang Dao, and Hong Pao have been in this cold mountain plane for hundreds of years.

The Cultivation Workshop City on the Hanshan Plane and various auctions for practitioners,

They have all been,

"Damn, you know we are from the Hanshan faction and we are calling."

Yan Pang Dao was very upset and said,

"This, don't you have a battle?"

The monk said.

Seeing these three figures flashed,

He rushed towards the monster monk again,

A few people look at me, I look at you.

"The formation of the Hanshan School is so strong,

Here, the Yaozu side,

There are more than sixty monks,

General array,

Was bombarded by more than sixty monks,

It exploded long ago. "

They said,

Seeing Xuan Qianhe, Yan Pang Dao, Hong Pao guest,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of swords,

Heavy rain generally blasted past,

Monk monk,

Six or seven people have been beheaded,

Only then did Xuan Qianhe, Yan Pang Dao, and Hong Pao go back to the formation.

"We are bringing a battle formation, not a resident formation.

Been here for a few months,

Thunder, fight,

It has been damaged a lot. "

What the red pao guest said,

"? We took a lot of medicinal materials and various monster materials this time.

Step aside and get some medicinal materials and materials back to Hanshan. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

Hanshan’s station map,

Able to send out the Five Stars,


There are many materials used in these arrays.

Seeing the starlight in a radius of several feet,

Speeding towards the edge of the swamp,

The sword light flashed,

Over a hundred miles,

The whole swamp,

It all seemed to scream!

A sword,

Chopped to the stars,

A circle of ripples turned away in an instant,

Within a few miles,

More than thirty monks,

I was shocked by this sword!

Shards of blood and magic weapons are flying!

The monks of the mountain flower plane of Hanshan,

The urging array,

A crack has been cut!

But a middle-aged strong man,

A short flaming hair, the roots stand up!

A sword in his hand,

From the opinion of Chairman Qian,

Refining like the horns of a certain creature!

Different rules merge,

A Yaozu master who has cultivated to a considerable level!

The sword in the hand is good,

A sword,

The golden core monk of the mountain flower plane in the battle,

Several people have been hit hard!

Commissioner Qian grabbed it,

There is already a thunder in his hand,

It's just the level of integration of the three rules,

But it has changed a lot.


Thunder with big pigeon eggs.

Like lightning,

In an instant, he rushed into this monk’s body protection method,


There was a huge shock,

A circle of fireball spreads out in an instant,

This monk's body, the Nascent Soul, the Taoism of body protection,

Has been blasted to pieces.

This fireball shrank again!

It's already in the hands of Committee Member Qian.

Xuan Qianhe in the starlight, Yan Pang Dao, the red robe guest urged to send the magic circle to look

On the swamp,

In the swamp, there are fights everywhere!

The shout, the thunder-like detonation!

The sword light thunder fire crossed and flew,

The whole swamp,

It all seemed to shine continuously.

not far away,

A team of monster monks and river demon monks thunder and fire like a thousand flowers blooming.

Where can I see who shot?

Such a strong fight.

The human race in the swamp, the monster race. Demon monk,

Will not stop fighting for medicinal materials and treasures!


Xuan Qianhe said,

The stars flashed,

Flew quickly towards the entrance of the passage.

Commissioner Qian stayed here for a few days,

"Huo Sha is coming up---"

Someone shouted,

The bottom of the swamp,

Near the depths of the plane,

There has been a black air,

Ordinary monks cannot be in this swamp anymore,

Various baby materials,

Almost collected,

To find these precious materials,

Come again after a few hundred years.

The monks stopped fighting,

Escape towards the entrance of the thunder hole,

Just a few days,

The Sword Fighting Plane said,

There is a powerful combination of different rules of the monster race,

Fallen in this thunder cave battle!

This is enough for the members of the River Plane Committee,

The average master.

The demons entered the thunder cave this time,

A lot of casualties,

The monster beasts rushing into the thunder cave from the depths of the plane are not afraid of the ordinary fire system Dao.

In the cold mountain,

Xuan Qianhe, Yan Pang Dao, and the red robe guest said,

"It was the master who played against us that day."

They said,

"Only then did I know that the masters of different rules are very powerful.

With one sword, the battle formation was cut open. "

Yan Pangdao said,

"If there is no battle plan of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array,

Such a powerful sword as this man,

The few gold cores in this array,

Long ago beheaded by this sword! "

The red pao guest said,

"The thunder that killed this monster monk,

More strengthened! "

Xuan Qianhe said.

Ordinary monks who practice rules and Taoism,

It is impossible to comprehend the mystery of this thunder!

Commissioner Qian used this flying sword,

Sent to Banao,

Banao took this flying sword,

Arrived on the fairy lotus peak,

In the other courtyard on Xianlian Peak,

That monk’s flying sword,

Suspended in front of Banao's eyes,

After ten days,

On this flying sword,

Rushed thousands of waves,

Go straight to Xiao Han,


But rushed to three feet,

It is like a huge thunder!

This is to refine this flying sword,

Horns of monsters,

The rules of the structure!

Banao thought,

Reach out,

The roots of hundreds of plants flew out,

Around the corner of the plant,

Started to absorb,

Commissioner Qian has average knowledge of plants,

Absorb this horn through fighting spirit roots,

It’s better to understand,

This fighting spirit root on Xianlian Peak,

It’s more suitable to swallow and absorb this horn,

The primordial palace of the monster monk,

It’s been refined and enlightened by Commissioner Qian,

After a few years,

The fighting spirit root on this fairy lotus peak,

A lot of runes came out,

This is the result of the absorption and swallowing of this horn by the fighting spirit root,

Banao has been here for several years,

A piece of jade slip there,

Reach out,

In the jade slip,

There are already more mysterious runes,

It's like a mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles!

Banaojiang this jade slip,

Send it to Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian looked at the jade slip,

Began to comprehend.

After more than ten years,

Commissioner Qian looked at the medicine garden next to the other hospital.

These are medicinal materials collected from the thunder hole,

Growing here for more than ten years,

Already you can start alchemy,

Commissioner Qian collected some medicinal materials,

Started alchemy,

After practicing alchemy,

Took a few pills,

A reminder of medicine!

The sky in the palace of Commissioner Qian,

It was originally a chaos,


In Commissioner Qian’s palace,

Charged with a momentum,

Rush to the sky.

The whole sky,

It seems to have expanded a bit,

Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu, the seven-system rule fusion mana that is being deduced was shaken up.

The deduction speed of the shadow of the golden fruit,

Seems to speed up,

However, at this speed,

For a cup of tea time,

It immediately returned to normal speed,

Can expand the sky of some gods,

Bring some perception effects.

The effect of this pill,

For the diamond flower god,

Has many uses,

For Yuanying Flower God,

It is useful!

For Commissioner Qian,

It just has a little use!

If it’s really useful for advanced cultivators~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the thunder hole,

Open once every few hundred years,

The monks who do not merge with the six rules and above are flying all over the sky!


As if in a blink of an eye,

Fifty years have passed!


Commissioner Qian, come to this sword fighting plane,

Cultivation has been for a hundred years!

Commissioner Qian stood up,

Whole person,

Like a river in the sky,

The scenery is magnificent,

But there is misty as a fairy!

Commissioner Qian nodded.

For those jade slips and river books collected in the past,

There has been a lot of progress in the perception of those profound realms!

My own cultivation base has made some progress,


This is the deduction of the seven-line rule fusion monk, normal progress!

Commissioner Qian looked at the information on the sword fighting plane in his hand,

This is passed from Hanshan to Honolulu,

The gains from this sword battle plane are not as good as the plane of cold rock and the plane of Pandian Mountain.

Commissioner Qian thought for a while and flew towards the nearest Xiuzhenfang City. (To be continued...)

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