Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3181: Evolution completed

Commissioner Qian came to this ice tide plane,

Yuan Ying hasn't been killed yet.

Seeing everyone not moving,

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Has passed through the rocks.

Half tea time,

Commissioner Qian has arrived at Osmanthus Pass,


Osmanthus is planted everywhere.

People on the plane of ice,

I like all kinds of flowers more.

Commissioner Qian went to the mysterious place of the plane five hundred miles away from Osmanthus Pass.

That is a valley,

But within a radius of tens of miles,

Into the valley,

Next to it, a mountain that is hundreds of feet high,

Turned into hundreds of seats,

Commissioner Qian stood for a while,

Sweep away the spirit,

Walk along a road,

Every time you go,

It is already 13,000 times the gravity!

Walked along the road for over a hundred miles,

Seeing a mountain in front of you,

This mountain was made by Xuan Tie,

It says,

Move away hard,

Otherwise, no entry.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his palm and slapped him.


Loud noise, tens of thousands of kilos of force,

Let this mountain,

Moved to the side.

A road a few feet wide came out,

This is the strength of the body of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

It can move tens of thousands of catties by urging mana.

13 thousand times of gravity, ten thousand catties of force,

There is no level of advanced Yuanying,

The general four-diamond flower **** peak monk,

Want to enter here,

It is not so easy.

Commissioner Qian went in.

There is a wide valley inside.

Surrounded by several mountains.

Several monks sat cross-legged in the valley,

There is a white jade hall on the mountain,

Other courtyard,

Obviously, these monks brought it over,

For monks to rest.

These monks,

All are Yuan Ying monks,


These monks are Yuan Ying monks!

Commissioner Qian had emotion,

The monk line,

Not easy to do,

Thought of coming here,

Can't walk 13,000 times gravity,

Can't move a huge mountain of tens of thousands of catties,

Can't enter.

Commissioner Qian gave a show of spiritual thoughts,

Sat here for a long time,

In the palace,

A mysterious rune appeared.

It seems to extend hundreds of miles.

This is the initial insight of Commissioner Qian about this place.

With this rune.

Commissioner Qian chose a place,

Although not the best,


For monks like Commissioner Qian,

Comprehend the mystery of this plane,

A good location is enough.

This Nascent Soul master of the Ice Tide plane,

He Ruixian plane,

Yuanbo has not gone through the war with the demons,



Commissioner Qian knew,

Own cultivation base,

On this ice tide plane,

It can be said to be awesome,

To say that it can contend with the transformation of God,

That is far worse.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and reminded him.

Prohibition surrounds,

However, three beads were encircled in front of Committee Member Qian.

These are the three water yuan beads that Committee Member Qian received.

Commissioner Qian received three water yuan beads,

Glacier beads,

Need to continue to evolve.

It’s better to put it out on the plane,

Other water beads,

put it together,

Look at the three water beads together,

What is the impact of mutual mysticism?

Shui Yuanzhu is a plane treasure,

It is a mystery.

Directly evolved a concrete landscape,

From the landscape,

Feel the mysterious,



Perceive the rules and rules fusion,

But it's not that good.

Three water element beads of different planes are spinning,

Commissioner Qian began to practice.

It's raining,

It turned to heavy rain again,

The next day,

This stopped.

The mountains and valleys after the rain,

There is more clarity,

This is already autumn.

The Yuan Ying Flower God sitting in the valley,

Within half a foot of each body,

Does not touch any water.

Sun and rain,

For these strong men who can enter the depths of the stars,

It's just an insight,

It's no different from the warm early summer!

Commissioner Qian,

To practice for five years here,

Only then can there be Yuanying Flower God,

Go to the other courtyard on the mountain to rest.

Eat and drink,

Rested for a few days,

Then I came back and realized,

Commissioner Qian is practicing,

After a few more years,

Commissioner Qian has been here for ten years.

Commissioner Qian in the Shenfu,

The image of the mysterious mountains has reached three thousand miles.

To this valley, the profound understanding of the plane,

Commissioner Qian has almost understood,


The mountains and waters in the glacier beads,

Still expanding.


Commissioner Qian will have an understanding of this landscape,

Expanded to three thousand miles.

Like the lush mountains on the sword station plane,

Three thousand miles of mountains,

In terms of rules,

The combination formed in the sacred mansion of Commissioner Qian,

In an instant,

There are tens of thousands of fluctuations,

Every moment,

They are all techniques that are unimaginable by the Golden Core monks!

Commissioner Qian has only been enlightened for three years,


Some improvement,


Such insights,

At the level of the Qian Yuan committee,

It's also going all out,

Only three years of enlightenment,

Commissioner Qian also needs to rest.

Commissioner Qian only received three beads.

Walked to the nearby mountains,


Set aside a courtyard.

Looking at the scenery in the distance.

Bring out the wine and food,

Eating and drinking.

On the hillside beside,

In a pavilion,

The monk in the green robe greeted him,

"How do you feel?"

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Ok, this place is good."

In fact,

In this way, I fully understand the landscape and rocks of nature.

No book,

Not only are the requirements for enlightened people high,

The enlightenment process is very long.

The monk talked about his feelings about here,

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

The monk talked for a long time,

Commissioner Qian just said,

It’s just a monk who is better than the ordinary Nascent Soul,

Slightly higher.

The green robe monk thought for a while,

This is just a clap.

"So it can be like this---not bad."

"There are other places,

Can there be such a profound sense of the plane? "

Commissioner Qian said.

If elsewhere,

There is a plane that can be understood,

Commissioner Qian brought the glacier pearl to there to practice.

"You have only been here for ten years,

This plane is mysterious,

Some are enlightened! "

The monk laughed dryly,

"What do you think of this place?"

The monk asked,

Commissioner Qian took a bite of the animal leg,

"That's it, my sentiment is average."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Your sentiment just now,

That’s pretty good---"

The green robe monk said,

Looking at the committee member Qian, he drank and stopped talking.

The monk in the green robe was immediately unhappy,


One thought,

What Commissioner Qian said just now,

Much higher than my own,

It seems,

Is a master,

The green robe monk sat for a while,

Go back to practice.

Commissioner Qian looked at the monk farther away,

"The place of cultivation deep in the plane,

Why don't you set a ban. "

This monk wears a white armor,


"In the depths of the plane, that is the realm of the real strong,

Terran monk,

To be able to practice there,

It's already pretty good.

The perennial life is dozens of miles deep in the plane,

Hundreds of miles,

How many human monks can do it? "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Except for some monks who are very profound and profound,

Ordinary human monks,

Deep in the plane,

Up to thirty years,

You must return to the surface of the plane.

Plane surface,

The Taoism practiced by the monks,

Each has mystery,

It's the Yuanying Flower God again,

The magical elixir suitable for them to use,

Need to be refined,

In fact,

The mysterious land on the plane of perception that can be exchanged in Lei Yuan,

But the cave and this place!

The monks who went to Lei Yuan to practice,

It is already on the plane of ice tide, most of the ordinary Nascent Soul,

The monk has advanced to Yuan Ying,

There are many more mysterious rules that he can comprehend and perceive.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Go back to your own restrictions and practice,

This practice,

Another fifteen years have passed!

this day,

Three beads,

Still want to spin like usual,


With a bang,

A kind of mysterious and very fluctuating,

Flash from the three water beads!

This glacier bead,

Release great brilliance,

In the glacier bead,

These mountains, the expansion of glaciers,

Already done.

Commissioner Qian realized,

It seems that there are thousands of mysterious runes,

Formed in the sky above the Qianmen Commissioner’s Palace,

They rushed into one of the most mysterious peaks in Commissioner Qian's God's Mansion!

This mountain is no more than three thousand feet high,

But it was turned into a rune by the fusion of the seven rules of Commissioner Qian.

This is the rock of the mountain,

It seems to be better than the best white jade,

Must be a thousand times warmer.

The colors are bright and unimaginable.

The lines above,

It seems,

As if there are thousands of mountains and rivers,

It flickered, but it seemed like a flame rising from thousands of miles,

But it seems to have the thunder of nine nights,

Booming in the flames of this thousand miles.

Thousands of runes falling in the sky,

Rushed into this white jade mountain,

In an instant, Baiyu Mountain,

It seems to have shining one hundred thousand times,

The surface of Baiyu Mountain,

New runes appeared again.

The sentiment of this glacier pearl,

Has become part of the integration of these seven rules,

Half tea time,

The fluctuations of glacier beads,

Is over,


The pattern on the surface of the Baiyu Mountain,

But it seems more and more mysterious,

While becoming more and more mysterious,

More alive!

This mountain emits brilliance,

In this mansion of Commissioner Qian,

Go up and shine into the sky,


Shine to Jiuyou!

Commissioner Qian’s shrine,

The whole thing changed,

The rune fusion of the seven series of rules has been changed,

The changes in the gods,

Seven rules of fusion runes,

The mana released,

Will preside over the changes in the gods!

Commissioner Qian opened his eyes.

The distance from the glacier beads waved,

It's been half a month,

The earliest water yuan bead,

The mountains inside, the world,

The build is complete,


Commissioner Qian felt for several years,


Commissioner Qian only felt it for half a month.

This is called fusion,

The world inside the water yuanzhu,

Already closed!

The cultivation base has improved so much,

But there is another feeling.

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the prohibition,

Just want to rest,

In this valley,

Several Yuanying monks stepped out of the cultivation prohibition,

Nodded towards Committee Member Qian,

"What is your baby,

Let out light,

The perception is really good. "

"Yes, take it out and have a look."

The cyan robe monk said,


This water pearl,

Have a mysterious level!

The evolution of the world inside is finished~www.wuxiaspot.com~ releases brilliance,

The prohibition set by the Qian Committee,

This brilliance,

Can pass through,

"I ask you where there are planes and profound understandings,

you do not say,

Say this now. "

Member Qian said coldly,

Stretch out your palm.


As if ten thousand peaks blasted past like a big wave,

This monk, Dao Fa reminded him. (To be continued...)

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