Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3192: Fight in the snow

Commissioner Qian finished his meal,

   only practiced for half a month


   Commissioner Qian opened his eyes,

one look,

   There is already a strong wind blowing from the sky,

   It's cold to the bone!

  " Four years have passed this time,

   It's only winter.

  Under construction,

   Many demons shouted.

   On most buildings,

   The surface seems to be transformed into a mountain,

   From a distance,

   has merged with the mountains.

  Except for the most magnificent buildings,

   This is the residence of the Yuan Ying Flower God with that one hand and some close friends.

   These months,

   Many demons came here,

   even before the commissioner Qian came,


   There are members of the Qianjin Committee and Master Fire Dragon practicing here,

   The Yuan Ying monk with that arm will not come here anymore.

  "Heavy snow every four years is the rainy season.


   There may not be four years, or five or six years,

   It might be raining.

   is in the devil world,

   is choking. "

   The Fire Dragon Master said.

   defense is like a night,

   It started to snow,

   Committee member Qian took a look,

   on the mountain outside,

   There are ice cones everywhere.

   The Qian’s Committee and the Fire Dragon Master were practicing in the valley,

   It’s just dozens of miles away,

   is lingering, warm as spring.

   The Qian Qian committee swept away the thoughts,

  In these buildings,

   "They use flint to make fire?"

   The Fire Dragon Master said.

   "I set up a magic circle, how much mana did I draw from the air?"

   Member Qian said.

   These buildings are built on the mountains.

   Since the cold weather.

   is still relatively cold inside,

   Earth system magic circle,

   But it plays a role in keeping warm.

   But better than the outside world,

   If you want to open the circle and keep warm,

   need fairy stone, fire spar and so on.


   But there is no fairy stone.

   fire spar,

   Fire Dragon Master looked at,

   Among the plants around this valley,

   some flowering,

  Some positive results.

   The heavy snow in the sky and committee member Qian urged this formation,

   is turned into gurgling water on the surrounding mountains in this valley.

  The Qian Qian and Master Fire Dragon started practicing,

   Look at the mystery of this plane of thousands of miles,

   in this heavy snow,

   What has changed.

   This practice lasts for a few months.

this day,

   Commissioner Qian opened his eyes.



   Spiritual feeling,

   There is still snow and ice outside,

one look,

   As expected,

   There is snow and ice that stretches to the horizon.

   Those buildings are covered with ice and snow,

   The entire hillside becomes a big snowdrift,

   The Qian Qian committee releases spiritual thoughts,

   The demons in this building surrounded the fire,

   I don’t even say anything.

  At this time,

   a monster,

   three feet long,

   leaped over here from a distance,

   looked at the magic circle,

  The circle includes valleys, hillsides,

  Of course there are some shelters,

   After watching this monster for a long time,

   went to a sheltered place,

   first stood,

   looked at the magic circle,

   Seeing that no monks came out of this circle,

   The monster let out a roar,

   mana is used,

  The snow and rock arched up,

   A hole appeared.

   This monster is moving towards one in this cave,

   It looks like,

   will live here for a certain period of time.

   half a month later,

   more than ten miles away,

   There was a sound of fighting!

   Committee member Qian took a look,

   There is a demon monk fighting with that monk.

   This demon monk,

   The core of Taoism practice,

   has the golden core combat power!

   is almost the same as Warcraft,

   A burst of thunder and fire,


   Not as good as monks who have magic weapons,

   turned around and ran towards the formation,

   This demon monk chased him for ten miles,

   saw this monster bypassing the circle,

   The demon monk stopped,

  In this formation,

   But there are monks Lian Yuanying,

   urge to send a burst of pictures,

   can break the strongman.

   After a day,

   Committee Member Qian looked at,

   This beast is eating a beast.

  This beast,

   one and a half feet long,


   is enough for this monster to be delicious,

   only half of it,

   A figure is like lightning,

  The whole body is cyan,

   rushed over from the mountain side,

   jumped more than ten feet,

   like lightning,

   has leaped more than ten miles away,

   Take a look at this monster eating,

   The hairs all over the body stand up,

   towards the monster coming,



  A monster emits flames,

   A monster releases a wind blade.

  Double hair Taoism,

   But a few tricks to fight,

   Both sides have extended their claws,

   began to bite,

   "Look, such a beast of the foundation period,

   What's so beautiful. "

   Fire Dragon Master said,

  The base-building warcraft,

  In the eyes of the fire dragon master,

   is like an ordinary beast.

  In the place where Commissioner Qian and Master Huolong practiced,

   looked outside,

   a green forest,

  Of course, the colors of various leaves are different,

   outside the bushes,

   is the heavy snow in the sky.

  "Although it was in the foundation period,

   But, fight,

   has some charm. "

   Member Qian said,

   while spraying a fireball,

   uses the horns of his head to release the thunder,

   but suddenly grabbing and biting.

   Committee Member Qian looked at,

   seems to have a realm.

   "This is the secret of the monsters, especially the orcs"

   Fire Dragon Master is a sign.

   The monsters in the base-building period,

   can be said to be ordinary.

   can be in the fight of ordinary monsters,

   I feel such a realm,

   many orcs,

   rely on this to advance.

  I looked at Commissioner Qian,

   Fire Dragon Master went to the place where he practiced.

   sit in a cross,

   Start practicing!

   After a while,

   this cyan beast,

  From the general prey that has been left,

   bit down again,

   This is flying towards the distance,

   The monster on the edge of this formation,

   just swallowed the food soon,

   That cyan monster,

   ran over again,

   revolving around this battle,

   is on the other side of this battle,

   a mouthful,

   a few thunder and fire burst out,

   blasted a big hole out of the rock wall.

  This rock wall is far from the edge of the formation,

   is less than one foot away,

   This monster,

   stayed here.

   The Qian Qian committee extended his spiritual thoughts,

   a few thousand miles,

   There are already a lot of monsters fighting and killing each other,

   There are also Mozu monks fighting and killing monsters.

   roar, blood splattered!

   The Commissioner Qian seems to have entered a state of no joy and no sadness~www.wuxiaspot.com~Warcraft and monks,

   or killed by opponents, or flee,

I do not know how long it has been,

   a few thousand miles,

   These fights have gradually disappeared,

   These beasts and monks in a radius of thousands of miles,

   is one-third less!


   The mana of the Qian committee member,

   seems to be moving mysteriously,

   The fire dragon master who was practicing opened his eyes.

   The Qian Qian committee has made a certain breakthrough.

   If this is not the demon world,

   After this heavy snowfall,

   How can the Qian Qian committee understand the secret method that such a beast can understand!

  This operation,

   is one month,

   The Qian Qian committee stood up,

   "Fire Dragon, how is your practice?"

  Money Chairman feels,

   not only has an understanding of the profoundness of this plane,

   Great progress.

   "This snow has been falling for a year and a half,

   has become the plane of the main **** of the ice and snow system,

   Ice and Snow plane,

   It’s not bad for the next year and a half of snow,

   The plane is mysterious here,

   can understand,

   I have realized,

   can't feel it,

   takes a lot of time. "

   Fire Dragon Master said,

   "In this way, let's go to see which treasure you mentioned first,

   This magic circle is set here,

   Let's come back from an adventure,

   come here to practice again. "

   If you think

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