Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3195: 0 million times

This stimulating colored flame,

However, Commissioner Qian himself urged it.

For three years,

A lot of improvement in skill.

Master Fire Dragon said,

This look,

Commissioner Qian has already refined a lot of thunder and fire,

Bring these raging thunder fires out,

Turned into mana that he can urge.

Master Huolong was sitting next to Commissioner Qian,

Master Fire Dragon will burst into thunder fire,

Gathered in their own divine mansion,

I really put this thunder and fire magic power into my own divine mansion,

Only then did I know,

This thunderous mystery!

This thunder,


It seems that there have been thousands of explosions,

It seems that there are thousands of blisters.

The three lines of rules merge the monks’ Taoism,

Deduce the formation,

Urged with every effort,

But catching,

The trajectory of these thunder and fire across the sky.

It has exceeded the scope of comprehension of the three-line rule fusion monk.

Half a month,

The thunder fire he collected,

And can comprehend,

It's like a small hill and a big stone.

Master Fire Dragon returned to a place 1,500 miles away from here.

this day,

Master Fire Dragon took out the pill,

I ate a few in a row,

And took out the stalactite of ten thousand years,

Pour into the mouth like a waterfall for a while,

Only then did the pill and the jade bottle containing the ten thousand year stalactite be put away,

The stalactite that I brought has almost been drunk,

There is no place where the spiritual energy on the plane converges.

The place where the fire dragon sits cross-legged.

From those places where thunder fires.

Compared with other monks,

It's already ahead.

With diamond flower god,

From where the thunder and fire burst,

Can't get close,

Generally practice thousands of miles away,

Master Fire Dragon treats all kinds of pills, baby. The use of fairy wine is very much.

This insight,

Is three years,

Master Fire Dragon knows,

What he felt,

It’s the mystery after these rules have evolved many times.


These rules are mysterious,


For Master Fire Dragon,

It is still quite progress.

The figure of the fire dragon is reminded,

Flew towards the place where Commissioner Qian was practicing.

Commissioner Qian is still sitting cross-legged.


The brilliance surrounding the body is more vivid.

"Fire Dragon, rest at your place."

Commissioner Qian said.

"I was about to say,

The mana urged here,

When it comes to rules fusion,

What I can really understand is really not much!

If you don’t practice,

You can leave here. "

Master Fire Dragon said,

Master Fire Dragon,

There is no Zhoutian star battle array,

Commissioner Qian,

To the mystery of the starry sky,

The sentiment is already deep.

Master Fire Dragon,

The perception of various mysteries and rules in the starry sky,

But it’s almost the same as an ordinary Yuan Ying,


Master Fire Dragon’s perception here,

Relatively poor.

Commissioner Qian and Master Huolong entered the cave house built by Master Huolong.

Commissioner Qian took out the pill,

Wannian Yuye various supplements, baby, eat it.

Practiced for a few days,

Commissioner Qian was relieved now.

Is talking a few words with Master Fire Dragon.

"Someone is here."

Commissioner Qian said.

Master Fire Dragon takes a look at his mind,

Out of the cave,

Commissioner Qian went out,

"Wh, eh, eh---"

Thirty years of figure,

It fell in front of Commissioner Qian and Master Huolong.

In the past thirty years, there is a formation lingering among the figures,

Surrounded by mountains and volcanoes.

Master Huolong speaks to Commissioner Qian,

"There are a few who practiced more than a thousand miles away."

"Cultivation is so advanced,

There must be a lot of insights.

Bring the cultivation feelings, otherwise. "

There is a square-faced monk,

Walked up and said.


Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

Practice ahead,

This is called Tiansha Point,


The places where thunder and fire gush out!

Cultivation Moon is close to Tiansha,

The more insight,

This is for sure.

Others have taken a fancy to Committee Qian and Master Huolong's cultivation experience.

The fire dragon master was furious,

"So courageous--"

Sword Jue urges,

Turned into a thousand swords,


These monks’ tricks are reminded,

One hundred thousand swords gushing out of the formation,

Towards the Qiang Commissioner and the Fire Dragon Master!

There was a loud rumbling noise,

As if there were a hundred thousand fireballs exploding,

As if covering the entire sky.

Unspeakable gorgeous!

Master Fire Dragon's sword power is closed,

Several thunder fires appeared on his body!


The face of the fire dragon changed continuously,


Is urging mana.

Just before fighting,

Master Fire Dragon has been cut a few swords!

The thunder fire spread,

These thirty people,

Urged formation,

The same thunder fire a few feet high,


The monks in the formation,

But they all look Enron!


The sword of both sides,

The Fire Dragon Master, whose three-line rules merge, is at a disadvantage.

"There, at least half of the people,

It is Yuanying Flower God.

Others are all four-diamond flower gods or three-diamond flower gods. "

Commissioner Qian said,

This means that,

There are at least sixteen people,

It is Yuanying Flower God.

The face of the man on the fire dragon changed.

This level,

On the plane of war with the demons,

Conquering a major barrier is not a problem!

"Not bad."

Member Qian smiled.

Reach out!

A flame,

Like thunder again,

It's like the mana burst from the evil spirit,

Boom towards the place where thunder fired,

"Hurt the battle—"

Someone in the formation immediately said,


Commissioner Qian’s thunder,

How fast is that!


It's already blasted to the place where thunder appeared on this battle!

Master Fire Dragon felt,

Within a thousand miles,

All shocked!

Sixteen Yuan Ying Hua God urged to send,

Nineteen four-diamond flower gods, three-diamond flower gods assisted in the formation,

Was blasted away by the member of Qiang!

Commissioner Qian Yijian,

Sweeping towards this formation,

Ethereal like a flying fairy,

Fast as lightning,


There was another thunderbolt inside,

A scream,

The thunder fire spread,

Master Fire Dragon looked at,

There is a Yuan Sakura **** inside,

The upper body and the flying sword are gone,

Half body,

Still standing,

Commissioner Qian just made that sword,

The Nascent Soul in this battle has been cut!

The demons in this battle,


Their thirty-something people urged this battle,

In this evil hole,

It can be said,

For a moment!

Under the sword, many strong men were killed!

That thought,

Only then did he win the battle against Master Fire Dragon,

The people in this battle have been

Quite surprised,

This fire dragon master is a master,

Member Qian Lei,

Blast through this battle,

A sword,

Beheaded Yuan Ying,

There are more than 30 people in this battle,

Frozen for a while,

This is just a reminder of the figure,

The battle retreats slowly,

Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

But all stood.

This formation,

Master Fire Dragon is not an opponent,

You can protect yourself.

Commissioner Qian wants to win this battle,

But it takes a lot of effort,

The Yuan Ying who just beheaded,

Yuan Ying, Shenfu, treasures in Shenfu,

They are all in the hands of Commissioner Qian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing this trend retreat

Why should Commissioner Qian take this risk!

"Cultivating here for a year."

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

Back to the place where Committee Member Qian was practicing,

This time,

The thunder fire gushing out,

Quite a few are repeated,

Even if these thunder fires have poured out,

The mana of Commissioner Qian,

But I can understand part of it! (To be continued...)

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