Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3198: Deep in the abyss

"Why, you are interested in flying fairy flowers."

Commissioner Qian looked at the plant in front of him,

While talking,

As if the monk in front of me,

It's just a general role during the training period.

This figure was taken aback,

A ferocious wink shot from his eyes.

When did he taste this face,

Except in this abyss,

Some strong men called big demons,

Many Yuanying Flower Gods,

Met him,

It's all going to squander.

"I am from the Great Forest,

If you take out the flying fairy,

The matter of killing the Four Diamond Flower God,

Don't care about it. "

This man said,

Which is not happy in my heart.

"It turned out to be so."

Commissioner Qian turned around,

Be calm,

Stretch out your palm!

This person knew that Commissioner Qian had killed the Four Diamond Flower God,

These four diamond flower gods,

Is his subordinate,

Come here,

The tactics must be fully urged.

Seeing Commissioner Qian’s palm,

He reminded him of the method,

Want to block.



In an instant of thirty thousandths,

Commissioner Qian’s hand,

He has been photographed!

Like ten thousand thunder,

Banged at the same instant,

This person's body,

Together with the tens of thousands of miles of territory in the gods,


This monk has already joined the equipment on his body,

Has turned into a blood mist!

The expression of astonishment on the monk’s face,

It even started to appear.

Commissioner Qian took out a pill furnace.


This blood mist.

Has been sucked in by the pill furnace.

The magic circle in the furnace urged,

Immediately began to refine.

In the distant darkness,

Someone screamed,

It was originally a male animal,

The sound is too sharp,

It looks like a female animal.

A group of monks flew towards the distance,

In an instant, he rushed into the jungle and grass and disappeared.

Escaped more than a thousand miles,

A thick grass with flowers and plants.

The Nascent Soul Flower God of this abyss plane is much more real,

and so,

These demons flee,

Commissioner Qian did not urge Dao Fa.


The flowers and plants flashed,

Someone escaped,

Standing in this valley,

After a while,

Thirty people have gathered here,

Among them is the beautiful girl.

"The elder was beheaded?

In the big forest,

Miles range. The elders are all famous people. "

The face of the beautiful girl changed.

"I heard that the elders are powerful people who incorporate rules."

The monk next to him said.

"The fusion of rules is beheaded"

Beautiful and coquettish face,

At the moment it has been a little distorted.

"Leave here and gather enough plants."

The beautiful sister said,

In this abyss,

Collecting plants is more important,

They came here from the great forest deep in the plane,

Just to collect some precious plants.

after a few days,

Commissioner Qian looked at some jade slips in his hand,

While gathering medicine,

This is the collection of a great forest master who wants flying fairy,

From these treasures,

Commissioner Qian has a certain income,

The big forest deep in the plane is nice,

Have time to go,

Commissioner Qian thought.

One and a half months passed,

Commissioner Qian looked at the plants in front of him,

Sparse and withered!

It is less than one-tenth of the original blooming period!

Commissioner Bi Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

It's better to enter the Shanhua plane.

Commissioner Qian and Master Huolong came out to gather medicine,

It's been three months.

In a few months,

The abyss has returned to its original badness,

Most plants,

In the past few years,

The process of flowering, fruiting and withering has been completed.

Seeds, rhizomes,

Has gone underground,

These seeds and rhizomes have all entered a state.

Based on the plant Taoism attainments of the Chief Qian,

From the seeds and rhizomes of these plants,

Know the medicinal properties and various uses of these plants,

It's not so easy.

Now, Commissioner Qian is standing in the valley where the formation is arranged in the distance,

Fifteen hundred miles!

You can see the plants in this abyss,

How much!

In a few months,

Commissioner Qian just collected plants 1,500 miles away from the formation for deduction.

Master Fire Dragon came over,

"Old money,

You can still collect. "

The face of the fire dragon is more happy,

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"In this state,

A lot of medicinal properties have been unable to erupt,

It's better to return to that formation to practice. "

Master Fire Dragon nodded.

And Dao Fa, Chairman Qian,

Fifteen hundred miles,

But you can arrive in an instant,

Into the formation,

Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

Reach out,

A prohibition was placed.

In the past few months,

The plant species collected,

Planted in this formation.

Plant these plants well,

In the formation,

The planting method is also arranged.

Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

Only then began to realize the mystery of the plane,

This practice,

It's ten years!

this day,

Master Fire Dragon stood up,

Walked in this formation,

Take out the ingredients and start cooking.

Based on the cultivation base of Master Fire Dragon,

Practice here,

Feeling now.

Not much anymore.

Commissioner Qian stood up.

"I'm done practicing. Have a drink together,

You can leave this abyss. "

After a long time,

Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon are already sitting around the stone table,

Put the wine and dishes,

Start eating and drinking.

After eating and drinking for a long time,

Master Fire Dragon spoke,

"Old money, come to the abyss this time.

The harvest is really good.

I see, this abyss,

We can take the medicine a few more times. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.


This abyss,

We should come several times. "

Other abyss,

No need to go,

The strong in the abyss,

Than what Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon imagined,

Much more.

This abyss.

Most places,

Commissioner Qian has never been there.

Not to mention,

The forest deep in the plane.

"In this way, we might as well put the demons in the building,

Take it as a vassal!

With this formation, you can use Taoism to strengthen it. "

Master Fire Dragon said,

"Just right,

The monks in this building,

Now there is a head and a head,

Which four diamond flower **** is positive,

That three diamond flower **** of vice!

The right leader took me as my servant,

The deputy, take it as your servant. how is it? "

Member Qian said with a smile.

This old money,


Really awesome.

Master Fire Dragon thought,


Who makes his own cultivation level far inferior to that of the Qian Yuan committee,

Into the abyss plane,

It’s been thirty years,

Master Fire Dragon felt,

In terms of cultivation, the abyssal plants,

Have gained a lot,


Comparing with Committee Member Qian,

That gap,

But it is getting bigger and bigger!

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

It seems that there are hundreds of runes,

Entered the formation,

In an instant,

In the formation,

Some mountains appeared again,

On the mountains and the plants of this demon world,

It seems to be surrounded by blue aura,

Master Fire Dragon took a look,

This is already a more powerful Thunder!

"The chief and deputy chiefs of this building are here."

Master Fire Dragon said,

Commissioner Qian has already come up with this formation,

Dao Fa urges,

Has rushed into the building in an instant,

In the building,

There is a passage leading to the mountains,

In a hall,

Paved with jasper-colored rocks,

The building pillars are red,

There are various sculptures,

There is a demon monk sitting.

Originally, he was under the one-handed Yuanying Flower God,

Yuanying Flower God with one hand,

Rushing out,

Were all blasted by Commissioner Qian,

Long away,

He is a four-diamond flower god,

As the leader here,

Almost thirty years,

I feel pretty good.

Although there are many demons in the abyss,


The place is big!

Yuanying Flower God,

To the surface of the abyss,

Deep in the plane,

It's all good.

and so,

The one-handed Yuanying Flower God is gone,

He is a four-diamond flower god,

Want to advance to Yuanying,

It is not so easy.

Was thinking,

A monk has appeared at the door,

He was taken aback,

I am already the four diamond flower god,

How did this monk come,

Do not know at all.

Just saw,

This monk,

Reach out!

These four diamond flower gods,


As if a huge mountain surrounds itself,

Can't move,


The monk reached out and pointed,

A mysterious rune has rushed into the four-diamond flower god’s palace,

After a few moments,

Around the four diamond flower god,

Mountain-like prohibition,

Has been let go.

These four diamond flower gods,

Half-kneeled to pay homage to Commissioner Qian.

"I have seen the master!"

In the abyss,

There are so many such things.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Fire Dragon, come here."

Master Fire Dragon, with his deputy leader, came over.

The chief and deputy chiefs,



Already full of bitterness.

"You can help take care of this formation."

Commissioner Qian and Master Huolong talked for a while,

The chief and deputy chiefs of this demons heard,

It turns out that they don't need to pay anything.

With this, the look on his face,

Happy again,

Commissioner Qian took out two talisman,

Orthodox leader and deputy leader,

One per person,

"It's powerful."

The orthodox leader and deputy leader of this demons reached out and took it.


Seeing Commissioner Qian and Master Huolong walk out of the building,

Body shape,

In an instant,

Has disappeared from the horizon,

"This rune is powerful,

Listening to this master,

Master from the Great Forest,

All can fight. "

This orthodox leader,

Deputy commander,

Looking at this Fulu, he laughed,

In this abyss,

Fulu that can compete with Yuanying Flower God,

It can be said to be a magic weapon!

This is a huge hit.

The teleportation array is spinning,


Is already under the jurisdiction of the Giant Rock Shrine,

Master Fire Dragon nodded towards Committee Member Qian,

"I'm going over there."

Master Fire Dragon said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

The figure of the fire dragon is reminded,

But it flew toward the human occupation area of ​​this plane,

Entered the plane teleportation array in this human occupation area,

Master Fire Dragon can soon reach the plane where he lives,

The plane of Ruixian ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The royal garden on the edge of the knurled river,

The ripple flashed,

Commissioner Qian came in.

Body shape flashed,

Banao came over,

"Ontology, how do you gain from going to the abyss?"

Banao said,

"Go get a table of delicious food first."

Commissioner Qian said,


Banao said,

Immediately came out,

Walk towards the nearby state capital,

After a long time,

In the main hall in the garden,

A table of hearty dishes,

Commissioner Qian ate while eating,

While talking to Banao about the experience in the abyss.

Pan proudly nodded,

The look became serious again,

"There are so many strong men in the abyss."

Commissioner Qian finished eating,

Reach out,

The sentiment in Tiansha acupoint,

Passed to Banao,

It took Banao a few days before he got a sense of it.

Really detailed perception,

It may take decades! (To be continued...)

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