Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3205: Gem mine

"However, this gemstone vein has already extended to other nearby manors."

Jian Zhentian said.

"With you here, what are your concerns?"

Bi Xiu said,

"Bi Xiu is right. The manor next to it has already started mining for gems. For us, it doesn't matter."

Banao said.

"That's, it's better, we mine the gems right away. In ten days, the gems here can already be mined."

Jian Zhentian said,

At that moment, Jian Zhentian didn't want to clash with the demon master over this gem mine.


Bi Xiu’s advanced Nascent Soul Flower God has already had some influence in the realm of cultivation on the Ruixian plane.

It seems that Bi Xiu and Ban Ao have a little friendship,

With the arrogance of board, without his sword Zhentian, this gem mine can be done well.

What's wrong with doing it well.

He said at once: "Ok... it's better to go to the mine."

Banao said,


Several people walked out of the other courtyard and walked towards the mine.

The mine, with cars going in and out of the mine, is driven by ordinary flint.

The expansion of cultivation civilization,

The general fire crystal is,

Beside the magma,

Set up a magic circle,

The monks in the foundation period can control the magic circle.

Make a large number of ordinary quality flint.

"Let's go down." Ban Ao said.

In fact,

Commissioner Qian's perception of the profoundness of the plane has reached a considerable height.

Banao walked into the mine,

You can comprehend the mystery formed in the entire mine,

This is also a kind of mysterious plane.

A few people walked into the mine,

As soon as he stepped on, a cloud of smoke rose from the mine pit under the foot.

Banao slowly descended towards the depths of the mine,

Spiritual thoughts were released, profound and mysterious, and they felt the structure of the entire mountain range.

Jian Zhentian urged his escape method like Bi Xiu,

However, it is more than grand.

Compared with Banao, that kind of chic and elegant, it can't be compared at all.

Personal Taoism,

A roll toward the mine wall.

There have been more than a dozen gems in personal Taoism.

Those who are mining mines are just monks in the Qi training period.

How strong can the spiritual mind of the monk during the Qi training period be?

A few people walked into the mine, only half a mile away,

"These gems are average."

Bi Xiu said,

"In terms of decoration, these gems are average, but they are enough for ordinary people to call them treasures.

Able to release gorgeous colors and treasures, these gems are already natural fortune. "

Banao said,

"Master Banao is right, you are already the Yuanying Flower God."

Jian Zhentian said,

"Thank you."

Bi Xiu smiled and nodded.

However, in my heart, it was not a taste.

The beautiful face, in front of the Yuan Ying Flower God, is not as effective as in front of the Golden Core Monk.

These rocks,

Like the outer skin of a gem,

The rock is thick,

Divine Mind can detect gems here,

Approximate color,


If you want to be like gems mined,

Be clear about all directions of the gem,

It is not so easy.

Into the mine,

This mine,

It was the original monk who played it out,

Banao's spiritual thoughts extended,

Towards the side of the Mozu Manor,

Spiritual thought extends over,

In the beginning, it was some rocks with few gems and average quality.


Extending more than ten miles along this rock formation, it has entered the Mozu Manor.

The quality of the gem suddenly became better,

The size of the gemstone has increased,

The color of the gem has become clear and deep.

Continue to extend forward.

There have been gems of different colors fusion,

At this time,

Above these gems, the sound of mining has been heard.

Although it’s more than six miles from the ground, it’s all rocks,


The monks of the demons have already arrived here when they opened a mining pit.

The cultivation base of Banao, shining on Jiuyou dare not say,


The color of this gem is the same as that of gems mined.

Roughly clear,

A move of divine thought,

Banao’s mana is like a cloud of smoke,

In the pit of the demon monks, several tall demon people are shouting loudly,

"These gems are good."

These few of them are tall and powerful,

However, the level of mana, but the initial cultivation base!

Otherwise, I would not go to the depths of this mine to collect gems,

of course,

For the demons, in the demons, there are many such things.

Several people,

Mining this rock is like a flower,

Then I saw this place with more gems,

one look,

Hard, grand rock walls,

The rock wall ten miles in the extension,

For the monks in the foundation period, it is also grand.

In the rock wall,

As if there was a wave,

One roll!

In the mine where they just dug, many rubies have disappeared.

"Those fused gems of different colors are gone."


A demon monk who was tall and had a face like a beast shouted.

"The gems of different colors are very popular in the market."

The demon next to him said,

"A master urged Dao Fa."

A green-haired demon next to him said,

This tall demon,

Urged the communication circle,

In a few moments,

The mine side,

There was a flame,

The whole mine was shining fiery red.

Ten miles away,

These gems have already entered Banao’s divine palace.

The mysterious mana revolves around this gem,

It seems to have thousands of mysterious lines,

Shot from above this gem,

This is the rule or rule fusion.

Banao is very satisfied,

In fact,

This is the same as Banao's purchase of rare metals from Fabao and Pills in Fang City.

Every gem,

With the diamond flower **** ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you can comprehend a part of the mysterious fusion

A monk like Banao,

It can be more comprehensible and part of the fusion of rules.

A dozen miles away, like a figure in a flame,

After listening to these demons finished talking,


"So bold!"

Dao Fa urges,

A flame, instantly turned into tens of thousands of ripples, revolving around this rock wall!

After an instant,


The flame was taken back,

The silhouettes in the flames are a bit nah,

"My lord, how?"

The green-haired demon said, in the flames, stretched out an arm and waved!


The green-haired demon flew up,

"I didn't see that I was probing."

The figure in the flame said,

Has played a flame technique,

In this flame technique,

As if a hundred thousand to the rune rotation,

Like a mountain,


In front of this monk, a flame appeared,

In the flames, images of Bi Xiu, Ban Ao and Jian Zhentian appeared,

At first glance, gems are being mined!

"It's like a human monk mining in the mine next door."

The demons in this flame are the manor owners next to this mine.

The monk next to this manor was run by a human, he knew it,


The monk who just performed Taoism, he could not detect at all,

This human mine next to the manor,

He knew that the master's cultivation base was not as high as his own. (To be continued...)

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