Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3213: Rely on the green

The war ghost took the solved jade,

Back to the premises,

In this building,

You can also practice,

The yellow one-third of the soy bean in the member's storage bag,

But didn't figure it out,

Commissioner Qian did not lay the stone magic weapon,

and so,

This color solution comes out,

Commissioner Qian will immediately use this color to cultivate.

\"13 million top grade immortal stones.\"

A monk made a bid,

A white robe,

The face is high.

You know at a glance,

It is Xiuxian practicing Taoism.

This stone,

You have just half the size of the stone.

However, the price,

It's a little over a third of the stone just now.

\"it is good---\"

The owner of this stone nodded,

The owner of the Jieshi Pavilion came over,

Gave the sacred stone soldiers to the past,

This high-faced monk in white robe began to lay the stone,

Half a day,

Cut a few cuts,

It is still stone skin.

Cut it again,

Half tea time,

Just cut this piece of stone skin open,



The Yuanying Flower God standing in the distance shouted,

All here are Yuan Ying Flower God,

No need to get in.

The color is beautiful,

Green like summer.


But it is completely integrated with the stone,

See it at a glance,

This is stone,

It's not the jade color just now.

\"This color is no longer jade,

It can only be said to be flames.

Has merged with Shipi,

The effect on enlightenment is limited.\"

Commissioner Qian said to the monk next to him,

\"What is fire color?\"

\"It's the color as if things were burned by fire,

No matter the color.

Have this color,

It's called fire color.

The color of good quality, the color is positive, is called water color.

This material.

It suits you.\"

This monk,

Seeing that Commissioner Qian asked several times.

Although a newcomer,

But spent 10,000 top-grade immortal stones,

Buy material Xing material.

The Red Robe Yuanying Flower God said,

Turn around to face the rectangular face.

The white-skinned monk said,

\"Is this stone interested?

Although it is fire,

But the area is not small.\"

The white monk sneered.

\"The area is not large, and it is fire color,

It is probably due to leather color,

I read.

This stone,

Already cut across.\"

When he said this,

A monk next to him said immediately,

\"I would rather buy the first line. Don’t buy one,

Color is the first line,

May extend into the stone,

If the color is one piece,

It may be this thin piece.\"

\"Yes indeed-\"

These Yuanying Flower Gods said,

\"This stone, I can make up to three million middle-grade immortal stones.\"

A monk with a high face,

Noble face,

It was suddenly distorted.

A few dollars down,

13 million celestial stones,

Turned into three million top-grade immortal stones,

Ten million high-grade immortal stones are missing.

No matter how high he is,

\"Let's take a look at this flame.\"

The monk next to him said,

This noble monk,


At this time,

The complexion returned to normal.

\"Five million top grade celestial stones,

A price,

Although it is fire,


You look at the color,

It looks very thick,

However, there are layers of feeling,

Even if it is fire,

This is the fire color of Shenshihua.

It is the spirit of the strong, mana! \"

This said,

The surrounding Yuanying Flower God was silent again,

It seems.

After watching for a long time,

\"Yes, this green piece,

There is only one layer, which is relatively thin.

There is a sense of hierarchy.


In the fire, there are many such situations,

It can’t be said that this is the manifestation of a god.\"

Brother Qingpao said.

\"If this is the manifestation of Shenshi,

Even if it is fire,

30 million top-grade immortal stone is the starting price.\"

The green robe monk said,

.[,! ]\"It's getting late, let's eat together,

Have a meal, whoever wants to see it can watch,

I won't wipe it.\"

The Yuan Ying Flower God with a high face said,

Seeing 13 million cut into 3 million,

It may change from three million to thirty million,

Although it is possible,

He is still happy,

Say hello to others,

Like ordinary people,

\"Serving dishes---\"

The owner of this Jieshiguan said to the three-diamond flower **** as the guard,

After a while,

More than a dozen table dishes,

Set it up on the table next to it.

Several Yuanying Flower Gods sit at a table,

Take a look at this dish,

Ordinary dishes.

It is similar to the dishes of ordinary rich people.

As everyone said,

While talking about calcite today.

\"We are good here,

The calcite museum next to it,

I solved three rough stones in the same way,

Untie the half-foot-long fire color,

Everyone watched this fire for a long time,

It was formed by the strength stone.\"

The talking monk,

Came here from the Jieshi Pavilion next to it.

\"Formed by the power stone,

So it's worthless,

Five hundred thousand top grade immortal stones are almost there.\"

The monk next to Commissioner Qian said,

\"Six hundred thousand top grade immortal stones.\"

The talking monk said,

\"That's not bad—\"

The Yuanying Flower Gods said,

Eat one after another.

Commissioner Qian looked at,

These dishes,

Purchasing on the mortal plane,

At most a few pieces of medium-grade celestial materials!

Therefore, the Yuan Ying Flower God is in charge of the food in this Jie Shi Guan,

Everyone said,

The three people who shot in this jieshi hall today,

Commissioner Qian shot 10,000 top-grade immortal stones,

The least shot,

However, the monk next to him,

Still had a few words with Commissioner Qian.

After eating,

Everyone gathered around the stone next to watch.

After watching for a long time,

\"This may be green

Relatively thin,


This fire color,


A monk spoke,

After watching for a long time,

Some humanitarian law attainments are different,

Still see a difference.

\"I have six million top grade immortal stones.\"

The green robe monk said,

\"I have seven million middle-grade immortal stones.\"

The white monk with a rectangular face also spoke.

Commissioner Qian watched for a long time,

It really has the charm of summer green hills!

Commissioner Qian urged his mana,


This layer of green,

It's as if it extends far away!


Watch from the side,

Behind this green,

But no color,

The same color as stone skin,

Said it was this stone skin,

The Taoism of ordinary monks cannot be seen through,


Based on the Taoist knowledge of Qian Qian,

Cut the stone skin,

Appeared color,

Looking at the past from the side of the color,

But it can be seen in that way.


This is what they said,

Rely on skin green!


Look for such a stone to cut and see,

I don't know how many.

These gambling secrets,

The Yuanying Flower God who often mixes here,

Know something,

Commissioner Qian knew,

The Yuan Ying Flower God who ate with him,

Someone has been here for 1,500 years!

The size of the universe,

No wonder,

Commissioner Qian was able to comprehend ancient images,

In the perception of the rules,

On the road to fusion rules,

Progress is faster,

The monks here,

If you can get a better sacred stone,

Comprehension, the speed of fusion of practice rules,

There will be a rapid increase!

Quite a mysterious book,

\"I have 10 million top-grade immortal stones.\"

Commissioner Qian spoke,

Although Commissioner Qian was standing behind,

This said,

Three hundred yuan Ying Huashen's eyes look over!

After eating in other calcite halls,

Yuan Yinghua God is here.

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