Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3217: Dragon pattern and pine flower

"This is stupid."

The Yuan Ying monks said,

Yuan Ying Flower Gods look over,

Some Yuanying Flower God's eyes flickered,


Cut and uncut,

All normal,

Several Yuanying Flower Gods came over,

The eyes flickered.

Other Yuanying Flower Gods,

All walked towards the next table,

This table,

With a rough stone,

One and a half feet big.

Compared with this rough stone collected by Commissioner Qian,

On this rough stone,

There are a few pine flowers,

The color is thicker.

There are striped patterns, which can be regarded as dragon patterns,

But not big.

However, this band pattern,

It is red.

Not necessarily all dragon patterns,

All show up, like a dragon!

"Dragon patterns and pine flowers are both excellent. The colors of dragon patterns and pine flowers are different. Maybe they are **** stones!"

The Red Brother said,

Compared with the rough stone taken away by Commissioner Qian,

This rough stone,

Is really good,

It is possible that it is a **** stone.

"Yes, the dragon pattern and the pine flower have different colors, and the colors are brighter. They may indeed be gods."

Brother Qingpao said,

With a happy face,

The Yuan Ying monks all looked at this rough stone,


This rough stone performed best,

This is the highlight of today's Jie Shi!

"It's dinner. Everyone is seated."

Brother Yuanying from Jieshi Hall said.

"How many immortal stones is this rough stone?"

Commissioner Qian was eating vegetables,

Asked the monk next to him.

This monk. It is indeed a big face, a face full of flesh.

"At least, the starting price of 40 million high-grade immortal stones, how many can be sold, it is uncertain."

The Yuanying Flower God next to him said,

Drinking, eating vegetables,

This meal. After eating for a long time, I finished eating,

The first few Yuanying Flower Gods to eat,

I have already arrived next to the original stone and watched.

"It seems that these people want to make a purchase."

The monk with a face of flesh said,

He has eaten to the end,

But just a few dishes on the table.

Eat slowly.

It seems that

A rough stone with better performance,

He did not intend to step forward.

After eating this meal,

Commissioner Qian’s Zhou Tianxing formation,

Recovered again,

The three world beads show mysterious fluctuations.

The entire Zhoutian star formation is spinning,

Refining and fusing these fluctuations.

Can perform it again,

Commissioner Qian stepped forward,

"Let's give it a hand. Let me see."

Next to the original stone,

The monks were already surrounded.

Each perform Taoism,


The general Yuanying Flower God’s, even the rules of the monk’s Taoism,

To this stone,

It's useless at all!

"You still want to buy it."

Yuan Ying Flower God said,

"Look at it."

Commissioner Qian said,

The brilliance of the eyes is released,

In an instant,

The scene inside the stone appeared,

The stone skin stretched,

Arrived at one third of the stone,

Corresponding to dragon patterns and pine flowers,

It's starting to be outstanding,


The colors are red and cyan respectively,


At the beginning, it was Flint!

No matter if the stone is a **** stone or a strength stone,


Commissioner Qian saw flint!

The quality is not as good as that of the committee member Qian.

The Dao Law released by Chairman Qian,

Going forward,

This time I probed the stone,

But it is much easier than the stone purchased by the Qian

This means that,

The quality of this stone,

It's not as good as the stone bought by Qian.

Green but finger wide,

Extends half of the palm,

The soybeans are bigger,

It's green!

Commissioner Qian tried his best to urge the exercises,

Green, like a wave,

Although it is not as good as ten million waves,

But there are also waves,


But it is almost as bright as the Taoism urged by Chairman Qian himself.

This means that,

This stone, after so many years,

Even if it turned out to be a divine stone made by the power of the strong,


In terms of its own quality,

And the Taoism of Commissioner Qian,

Not much difference,


This stone,

Compared with relying on the skin green,

It’s more suitable for Commissioner Qian’s enlightenment,

Commissioner Qian looked,

Step aside, this is the last stone,

The next table is already full of fruits and snacks.

Many monks, sitting, eating fruits, snacks, talking,

Commissioner Qian walked over,

I sat down, picked up the fruit, and ate,

of course,

These monks talked about most,

Is the price of this stone,

Who might pay the price,

Buy this stone,

"This stone is a relatively good stone for more than ten years."

These monks said,

"Yes, it can be said that for more than ten years, the entire **** battle of the wasteland has performed better than a stone."

The Yuanying Flower God next to him said,

"That is, the dragon pattern is lighter! If the dragon pattern is larger, showing the shape of a dragon, at least 60 million high-grade immortal stones start at a price."

The red robe monk said,

"This dragon pattern is not beautiful. There is a certain gap between it and the real dragon pattern."

The Yuan Ying Flower God next to him said.

"So, this is the price of 40 million top-grade immortal stones."

"The appearance of the dragon pattern is important?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"Of course, this dragon pattern is just a kind of momentum!"

The Yuanying Flower God next to him said,

"It has to meander, turn around, and have that kind of flying momentum! It's best to have that kind of flying momentum."

There was Qing Yuanying next to it.

"Winding, turning around is no worse than Feiteng's momentum!"

When it comes to dragon patterns,

Yuan Ying next to each other said,

Waving arms,

With a look of excitement,

This said this dragon pattern is good,

That said that kind of dragon pattern is good.

Commissioner Qian listened for a long time.


This dragon pattern,

Just like the calligraphy of famous calligraphy and painting artists,

Different calligraphy and painting masters,

The works have different styles and vibes,

The dragon pattern is more exquisite.

Color, shade, strength, momentum,

Commissioner Qian is here.

These Yuan Ying,

It seems to be an ordinary adventurer in the foundation building stage of the cultivation world.

"Forty million top-grade immortal stones."

Someone has bid.


If it’s four or several million,

Commissioner Qian intends to buy this stone,

The fusion of eight series of rules has already started,

Commissioner Qian is already close to transforming gods.

"Forty-one million."

Someone immediately increased the price,


The monk in the distance,

Soon a higher price was announced,

After a while, it has reached 46 million,


Commissioner Qian bought rough stones,

Forty million top grade immortal stones have passed,

Here, there are a lot of strong people who integrate several rules.

"Forty-seven million top-grade immortal stones!"

The price is only reported for a while,

Someone spoke,

"Fifty million!"

The price says,

The Yuanying Flower Gods were talking to each other,

"What the hell, the price has reached fifty million!"

50 million high-grade immortal stones, this made the Yuan Ying Flower God here a little moved!

"Fifty-one million!"

The Yuan Ying Flower God who first quoted said,

Yuan Ying Hua Shen, his face is sweating!

"Five-two million!"

The Yuan Ying Flower God who said 47 million said, his face blank.

"This rough stone has relatively weak dragon patterns, a little circling, reaching the top of 51 million."

The monk who made the first bid said,

Some disappointment on his face.

The monk next to him nodded,

"If the dragon pattern on the rough stone is better, the possibility of the sacred stone is high. The dragon pattern is relatively weak, and the price of 51 million is really at the top.

Commissioner Qian felt that

What these people said is really good,

This rough stone,

For these monks,

In terms of cultivation perception,

Has a certain effect,


If you want to use this rough stone,

The level of integration of rules,



These monks,

If you get a 23 million high-grade immortal stone from the Commissioner Qian,

Take the rough stone,

The color stone inside,

Comprehend this,

Rule fusion,

It is possible to have a big advancement.

"53 million top-grade immortal stones."

The pale middle-aged man with the rectangular face spoke,

The strong from Canglang Lord God,

Last time I watched calcite with Commissioner Qian,

He did not bid,

This time,

It's time to bid,

After all,

It's just whether the rough stone is good enough.

"Fifty-five million top-grade immortal stones."

Said the ordinary-looking grandmother,

of course,

People who can come here are ordinary, no one dare to despise them.

"57 million high-grade immortal stones."

Canglang Lord God’s Yuan Ying Flower God said, the muscles on her face were a bit twisted.

"Sixty million top-grade immortal stones."

This ordinary-looking middle-aged man,

Had a cup of tea.

Obviously, it's not so calm,

This said,

After a long time, no one made a bid.

"This rough stone belongs to you."

The owner of the original stone said, quite satisfied.

This ordinary middle-aged man came forward,

Took the storage bag,

one look,

The middle-aged man opened the rough stone and looked at it.

"Yes, 60 million top-grade immortal stones!"

Gave the rough stone to the past,


A monk Yuanying next to him greeted the master of the original stone,

"Thirty years ago, all the fairy stones you chopped up came back, and you made a fortune."

"Yes, treat—"

The rough master nodded,

"Okay, how many immortal stones are there for the treat, waiter, serve--"

They said,

It turned out that the master of this rough stone, thirty years ago,

Forty million top-grade immortal stones bought a rough stone and cut it across.

A green flint in the original stone,

Worth 1.5 million high-grade immortal stones,

The master of this rough ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ went to the depths of this **** wasteland to dig rough,

This is not,

One rough stone sold 60 million top-grade immortal stones and made 20 million!

"In this **** wasteland, 20 million top-grade immortal stones, is that called money? Drink"

The monk said to the monk next to him,

Toward the mouth, drank a bottle of wine in one sip!

"Rough stones that have been dug for 30 years have made a lot of progress."

The monk next to him said,

"That is, I was about the same as you, but now, your cultivation has been a lot better than me."

The monk next to him said,

It seems that they know the master of the original stone.

"Then come!"

This ordinary-looking middle-aged man said.

Want to open the stone pavilion,

There are at least a few magic stone soldiers in hand!

Generally speaking,

In this **** wasteland,

There are veterans who have been forever!

The owner of Jieshi Pavilion,

I took the sacred stone soldier,

This middle-aged monk reminded him of the law,

The sacred soldier of the stone releases thousands of miles!

Everything towards this rough stone!


There was a thunderous sound,

The stone skin began to cut.

But it is cut towards the side with dragon patterns!

Half a cup of tea time, cut the stone peel,

"There is stone skin inside."

Immediately a monk shouted.

"Then, with this knife, the cut is broken!"

"The color of the dragon pattern went in, although not much."


This ordinary-looking middle-aged man said.

"I see, this knife didn't break." (To be continued.)

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