Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3228: Master like rain

Commissioner Qian has spent nearly 300 million high-grade immortal stones here,

The flint obtained by Committee Member Qian,

The **** stone in the original stone,

Based on the cultivation of the Qian Committee,

One hundred and fifty years,

You can't finish it!

Did he use it to get down the mine?

This is the battlefield of the Lord God!

Commissioner Qian thought,

Has entered his own courtyard,

Seeing my other courtyard,

The water is gurgling, and the trees are hidden,

The flowers are delicate,

Commissioner Qian sat on the plant wicker chair,

This is called life.

Commissioner Qian made tea,

Just before eating,

News has come from several other towns,

It may take a few years,

There will be calcite,

The spirit of the strong, mana,

The sacred stone of blood gas,

Originally scarce!

These monks found the sacred stone in the mine,

With various considerations,

Not necessarily like ordinary mortals,

Picked jade, gems,

It is best to sell it at a big price immediately.

Commissioner Qian finished his tea,

Back in the training hall,

Reach out,

Kepi ​​Green has been suspended in front of Commissioner Qian,

A mysterious and brilliant mana,

Toward this piece, lean against the green.

After a long time,

Brilliant brilliance,

I rushed out of this green skin,

Dark blue,

Reflect the entire hall.

After a while,

Rushed out another brilliance,

It is light yellow!

The whole hall is reflected as if it is carved with topaz.

This is the real mystery of this green skin.

He rushed into the runes around Commissioner Qian with a few profound ideas.

He was immediately refined by the extremely complex runes.

Following the waves of brilliance, they rushed into the runes of Commissioner Qian.

The brilliance of the profound mystery,

Rushed into the runes around the body of Commissioner Qian,

Relying on skin green,

Gradually dimmed,

Commissioner Qian’s entire body, the runes that emerged,

It shines again!

This piece of leather is green,

Contained mana.

Almost refined.

Continue to refine,

Based on the cultivation of the Qian Committee,

It will take some time.

Commissioner Qian’s entire body, the runes that emerged,

Shined again,

This increased power,

It may be quite the power of the entire three-line rule fusion monk!

This year's practice,

The three-line rule fusion monk,

I want to dim the enlightenment by Pilv,

Thirty to forty years may not be enough!

Commissioner Qian collected his merits. Stand up,


Commissioner Qian needs to refine that one and a half feet of intense green.

Commissioner Qian took out various ingredients,

Began to cut,

Ready to make a delicious meal.

Just make the dishes,

Half a day,

Jieshi Pavilion,

Dozens of people have gathered,

Could someone cut stones again today?

Commissioner Qian thought,

These people who go down to the mine to find rough stones,

When will the rough stone be found,

Take it out and cut it,


Commissioner Qian took a look,

Seeing some objects on the table of the Insight Stone Hall,

Several Yuanying Flower Gods,

Shouting while standing.

\"This was found in the mine,

Take these precious three million top-grade immortal stones.\"

A stall owner shouted at the Yuan Ying Flower God opposite,

Although many Yuanying Flower Gods did not come out,


Commissioner Qian felt,

From the spiritual thoughts of the flower gods of each soul,

Detect divine mind,

Come and watch the items sold by these monks

There are hundreds of spiritual thoughts!

\"Three million top-grade immortal stones are a bit expensive.

Rough stones with poor performance,

But millions of top-grade celestial stones.\"

The monk opposite the stall owner said.

\"This **** battle wasteland is not only the battlefield of the main god,

Related to ancient times,

How can they enter this pit like this?

Three million top grade immortal stones,

It's really not expensive.\"

The stall owner said,

The stall owner next to him said immediately,

\"That is,

There are many monks entering the mine,

Can dig these items,

A few more,

These are rare items! \"

They said.

\"From the mine.[,!] There are many items dug out,

How many of you, three million top-grade immortal stones,

It's not necessarily worth it.\"

The Yuan Ying Flower God next to him said,

Many Yuanying Flower Gods,

From the other courtyard where I live,

Walk towards here,

Items dug up by people who go down the mine,

It's okay to take a look.

\"This is a good baby, the color is clear and blue, it is suitable for your cultivation method,

If you practice this law,

Maybe, it's luck, and it's soaring,

If you don't practice this law,


I missed your luck! \"

The stall owner said,

Shaking his head,

Pointing fingers, saliva splashing!

\"This baby can be shipped, you don't use it yourself.

Still using it?

For your own use, you should now have a pool of rough stones.\"

The monk on the opposite side smiled.

\"That is, here, get a good rough stone,

Is the biggest luck,

You can’t even get a better rough stone yourself,

Set up a stall here,

Did you say that you were lucky?\"


The monk beside him laughed,

\"They set up a stall, but talk about it.\"

A monk said,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

A stone tall,

should say,

This one-person-high stone.

Like stone, like jade, and like metal.

other people,

can not tell,

Commissioner Qian knew,

This is the material refined by the strong,


It is part of the rune on which powerful magic weapon.

This material is called tough,

General Yuanying Flower God,

Buy it back.


Can't be made for hundreds of years,

My level is too bad,

Several series of rules merge,

You can partially change the substance,

At the level of Commissioner Qian,


Commissioner Qian looked at a few other items,


Material fragments of magic weapons refined by the strong!

But these fragments are relatively large,

It's not the kind of treasure that is directly related to his own cultivation.

General items,

The top grade immortal stone of Yuanying Flower God.

It's not so profitable!

\"These are three hundred thousand top grade immortal stones.\"

Commissioner Qian stepped forward and said,

The stall owner, shaking his head and shaking his head,

Pointing fingers, splashing saliva,

Seeing these monks in front,

Move your mouth,

I didn't mean to take out the fairy stone at all,

Qian Da said,

There is already a storage bag in his hand.

But it's like someone who wants to buy,

\"One million top grade immortal stones.\"

This man said,

\"No, up to 400,000 top grade immortal stones.\"

Yuan Ying Flower God is a knowledge of goods,


This is an item in the Wasteland of Blood War,

The lesser-level Yuanying Flower God,

No use at all!

At this time, a few sisters came over,

Two old men walking beside,

The female nun that Commissioner Qian met before,

At this time,

Together with a few sisters,

Walked to the side of this stall,

The sister in Tsing Yi took a look,

\"These materials,

We have all three hundred thousand immortal stones,

It's good to take it back and refine some items.\"

These materials,

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God cannot be created.


In the first half, a few years,

Fully urge the flames,

These materials,

It can be melted.

Mixed with other materials,

Can refine other magic weapons,

Runes refined from these materials,

Mana passability,


The time to urge Tao Fa,

There are many materials beyond general.


The stall owner smiled bitterly,

\"Beauty, these materials,

Three hundred thousand celestial stones wrapped round,

300,000 top grade immortal stones,

I don’t have enough soup.\"

Speaking to Commissioner Qian,

\"See you like you want to buy,

How about these six hundred thousand high-grade immortal stones that I just said?\"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Pointing to a few other pieces of material and saying,

\"These together.\"

\"1.3 million top grade immortal stones.\"

The stall owner said,


There is a tall figure.[,! ]A big, beautiful bubbling woman,

Turning around and talking to the stall owner,

\"Yo, you say this,

We don't want to buy it.

Are we full,

Have fun with you! \"

The stall owner's face twitched.

\"A few aunts,

You think it's expensive, you can go to the mine,

Pick it yourself,

Three hundred thousand top grade immortal stones all inclusive round,

I really don't even have enough soup.

A few grandma,

Is beautiful,

However, I can't sell myself, am I.\"

Commissioner Qian took out 1.3 million high-grade immortal stones,

Gave the past,

This man brought those items over,

A few other things on this stall,

Commissioner Qian is not available,

Besides, Commissioner Qian himself is a master refiner.

This item of the main **** battlefield,

It's not so easy to understand.

At this time,

A Yuanying Flower God came over,

Twenty years old,

Fengshen is handsome.

Said with a smile at the sister in Tsing Yi,

\"Tsing Yi, you want that,

I buy it for you.\"


Coming over to the Commissioner Qian,

\"I said this lord,

The few you just bought,

Can you produce a few of them.\"

Member Qian smiled,

\"Yeah, picking up girls has been soaked in a **** war.

It's really enough.

However, these few,

I am useful,

There are a few more.\"

The Yuan Ying Huashen's face changed,

But I was thinking, this is a **** wasteland,

The strong are like clouds,

Master is like rain!

This is not where he happened!

\"Your Excellency, so eloquent.\"

The Yuanying Flower God who came here,

Not bad knowledge,

A few items from the monk,

The average Yuan Ying,

Not necessarily willing to start,

Commissioner Qian waved,

This Yuanying Flower God,

I felt a huge force rushing over,

A reminder of your own law,


This Yuanying Flower God,

The urging thousands of miles away,

Compared with Commissioner Qian's wave,

As if vulnerable,

Three steps back in a row,

This will stand firm!

Seeing a few beautiful women look over,

The face of this man,

In an instant,

Become blood red!

\"Your Excellency, good repair!\"

He said,

Walk quickly out of the understanding stone hall,

Those beauties,

The face is as cold as frost,

Walk out to understand the stone hall as well.

\"Beauty, for Yuanying Flower God,

It doesn’t work like that.\"

The Yuan Ying Flower God next to him smiled.

Commissioner Qian shrugged,

Step out of the understanding stone hall,

Walked towards his other courtyard,

Entered the other courtyard,

A move of divine thought,

A flame burned on the table,

Commissioner Qian started cooking,

Fry the vegetables well,

Commissioner Qian began to eat,

Finished eating,

Entered the training hall,

Reach out,

Suspended by the skin green,

It starts to spin.

This time, Commissioner Qian was playing tricks one after another.

The green color fades by the skin,

The profoundness is more advanced,

Commissioner Qian wanted to comprehend,

Must use more powerful methods.

One after another, Guanghua rushed towards Committee Member Qian,

It seems that there are thousands of ways.

This practice,

Six months have passed!

Relying on the green above the skin green,

It has become like a flint.

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