Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3233: Ancient Formation

"The position in the formation has been established,

Stand in their respective positions. "

A tall monk said.

"It’s a good thing to mine rough,

I also have a copy. "

There was a voice.

A dozen monks took a look,

A monk walked over the passage,

The flames rose on his body,

But there is ethereal emptiness.

More than a dozen Yuan Ying monks' methods are reminded,

Take the monk to the entrance of the mine,

Distance of tens of feet,

Waves flashed.

These are the powerful methods of Yuanying Flower God,

Looks light and fluttering,


Touch these ripples,

Thousands of miles of thunder exploded immediately,

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God came over,

More than a dozen Taoism inspired by Yuanying Flower God,

The equipment is slightly poor,

The equipment was smashed first.


This flying ripple,

Touched by the flames of Commissioner Qian,

Not only did it explode like a huge thunder,

It bounced like a ball,

A dozen monks,

At the same time, he was taken aback.


These monks looked at the tall monk among them,

The tall monk has not spoken yet,

This master is here---

"This pit, we can also mine."

The voice came from far away,

"Uh, uh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh means that you are in the wave that came half a month ago

Haven't left yet. "

The tall monk laughed dryly.

Half a month ago,

Erupting white flames.

Refined by a dozen monks,

These dozen people,

That's a master,


Mine here, dig together. "

The monk next to him said,

Look at the tall monk.

An unhappy expression flashed on the tall monk's face.

The number of people on both sides is similar,


A dozen people across there.

The cultivation base is much higher than the dozens of people like me,

The man nodded.


Turned around, got on the battlefield,

The Yuan Ying monk next to him followed,

Quickly entered the battle map.

On the map,

Thousands of miles of thunder shining immediately,

A surge toward the formation!

A flying sword of ten feet long appeared,

Flying swords seem to be gathered by thunder and fire,

These thunder and fire,

Like an abyss,

But the whole body is transparent, like jade of different colors.

In this mine,

Certainly can't turn this flying sword into hundreds of feet!

Feijian turned out,

But not attack,

There was a flash of thunder in the formation,

A thunder fire blasted towards the rock wall,

The power is several times stronger than the general Yuanying Flower God urging Feijian,

With a bang,

A mine cave of more than 30 feet long appeared on the rock wall.

The power is almost the same as that of Commissioner Qian,

Although Commissioner Qian Yijian,

No full bombardment!

In fact,

In this mine,

Commissioner Qian’s spirit can detect,

Less than a hundred feet away!

The other Nascent Infants who practiced in the mines around here,

The detection range is definitely worse,

and so,

When this group of people came over,

Those cultivating monks,

No matter how enlightened the flames in their hands are,

Immediately put away the flames I got,

Rushed over.

The monk in the formation, the dozen or so masters who were watching next to him, Shen Nian immediately went over.

"There is no rough stone."

The Yuan Ying Flower God with a beautiful face said,

It is already the peak of the fusion of different rules.

"You stay a little longer, this is not the main temple,

Brother of the Lord of Fire,

Not dare to be involved in the **** wasteland,

The **** battle on the wasteland is related to the ancient times. "

The monk next to him frowned and said.

Several monks nearby looked over,

This person is from the main temple,

It seems that

It's not like the temple of the main **** of Xuanhuo.

Another thunder fire from the formation,

Boomed over.

This time, it exploded another thirty meters,

A dozen Yuan Ying Flower Gods watching here,

The monks in the formation,

Is urging my own spiritual thoughts,

Fully explored.

This time,

Still no rough stone was found,

The formation is urging thunder again,

Boom towards the rock wall,

Gravel splashes,

A rock that is one foot large,

Embedded in the rock wall,

Most of it has been exposed,

"Raw Stone—"

In the array,

The ten monks watching nearby,

All talking,

A dozen Yuanying Flower Gods,

Control the formation with one blow,

Failed to damage the rock,

This rock,

Is the possibility of rough,


"This rough stone,

I think, cut first,

If there is color inside,

We can bid,

What do you think? "

Immediately, the monk next to Commissioner Qian said.

The monks in the formation,

The monk beside,

Each eye shines.

"These masters,

Mining does not make a move,

I saw the rough stone mined,

Came here immediately. "

"Who makes them masters.

Look at their armor.

Stuck again. Shine again.

Each is like a rainbow **** of war. "

In the array,

A monk said,

Looking at the armor of these dozen people outside,

Dao Fa has all been urged,

Ethereal like a rainbow,

As gentle as jade.

As tough as black iron.

The most beautiful paintings can’t be compared with the way this battle armor urged,

One in 10,000.

Take a look at this method.


Shouting outside,

"Bid bidding,

Get the rough stone,

These fairy stones,

We have a share. "

This said,

Not only the monks in the formation nodded,

Outside masters,

Many people also nodded.

A sword light shot out in the array,

Cut towards the side of this rock.

But half tea time,

The rocks splashed like peels.

On that rock.

As if showing some cyan dots,

"Songhua. Songhua is out."

"A lot of these pine flowers—"

"It really is a rock."

Including Commissioner Qian,

The monks in the formation,

Master Yuan Ying outside the array,

All eyes shine,

Such a big piece,

It's one and a half feet long!

"Baby, this baby,

We must get it,

Those people in the array can't take it. "

"This baby,

Must be in my hands. "

Many Yuanying Flower Gods have red eyes,

The saliva is almost flowing out,

Such a big rough stone,

Must be in his own hands,

This is why I didn't come here!

If there is a **** stone in this rough stone,

They came to this **** battle in the wasteland,

It's worth it.

"Boom—" In the mine,

A cloud of smoke rises,

In an instant,

It was originally a mine,

The monks here,

All feel that

It seems to have become thousands of mines.

These clouds of smoke,

Turned into a mine like jade and gems!

The monks in the formation,

Of course it's one piece,

The monks outside the formation,

Generally separated by several feet away,

At this time,

Among the various monks,

Are separated by mines,

"Ancient Formation"

Commissioner Qian immediately remembered the materials he had read.

This is the remaining formation of the **** wasteland,

It may be the battle formation of the main god,

It may be an ancient formation.

In the **** wasteland,

Monks who mine rough stones,

In the Fa encountered,

There is an ancient formation,

It can be said,

It is relatively powerful.

A few miles away from Commissioner Qian,

There was a loud noise,

Shake the mine!

This is probably the monk next door to the mine,

Swing a sword at this mine,

This monk,

It is estimated that it is the monk standing next to the Qian Da committee.

The formation of this main **** battlefield,

How can it be so broken?

Commissioner Qian thought with disdain.


This formation turned into a mine,

Not only was not this monk,

Blasted with a sword,

A loud noise like a thunder,

The monk's anger,


It seemed to be galloping toward a place thousands of miles away.

Listen to this anger,

It is indeed the monk who just stood next to Committee Member Qian,

The formation of this main **** battlefield,

Can’t deduce the way out,

Take a step,

It is possible to urge this prohibition!

This is still light.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

The whole body is a thousand times brighter than the rainbow,

Urging a ripple,

From the whole body of Member Qian,

Spread to the entire mine,

Inside Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu,

The Milky Way spins quickly,

Zhou Tian’s star battle array began to run at full force,

Commissioner Qian in the Shenfu,

There is a replica with tens of millions of pieces,

The structure built up,


This is just part of the formation,

Although the formation of this main **** battlefield is powerful,


Millions of years have passed,

Distance from antiquity,

That's even further.

The whole body is more than a rainbow,

Thousands of brilliant brilliance,

It’s the Dao Fa of Commissioner Qian,

From Guanghua,

In an instant,

Emit tens of millions to ripples,

Explore the mine hole,

The structure in the God’s Mansion of Commissioner Qian,

Increased from tens of millions to hundreds of millions,

At this time,

The rate of increase in the structure of the Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu slowed down,

Commissioner Qian did not achieve his cultivation base,

This kind of formation of the main **** battlefield,

If you use it for a few years,

Over ten years,

Can comprehend,

In such a short time,

To comprehend,

For Commissioner Qian, who has Zhou Tian's star battle array,

It's not so easy.

Member Qian’s formation skills,

Below the Huashen monk,

It can be said to be very powerful.

Other Yuan Yinghua gods,

Array skills,

Compared with Commissioner Qian,

The attainments are even worse.

The structure in the God’s Mansion of Commissioner Qian,

Increased to 130 million channels,

Commissioner Qian’s deduction slowed down,

The battlefield of the main god,

The more deduced later,

The higher the difficulty,

At this time,

Distance formation urges,

More than half a month has passed!

Commissioner Qian stood up,

Started walking along a mysterious pace,

Although this urging formation,

Qian Da's coercion could not fully promote the performance,


The distance to that celestial stone,

Commissioner Qian has already pushed forward,

Sure enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commissioner Qian is walking in this mysterious pace,

The front rock wall,

Commissioner Qian walked into the rock wall,

It has entered the other channel.

Enter this passage,

Commissioner Qian stood,

after a few days,

This is how the passage of this channel is deduced,

Walked to the rough stone,

Approximate path,

The former committee member pushed the show,


Every time you go through a passage,

But it's different,

Commissioner Qian urged that strange pace again,

Started walking.

As if taking a dozen steps,


A figure appeared.

This person,

It is the monk who is standing next to Commissioner Qian for more than ten feet, the three-line rule fusion

A glance at the Commissioner Qian Qian,

Never walked far away,

The flying sword in this man’s hand,

There are several spots of scorching black.


In this formation,

Suffered a lot. (To be continued...)

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