Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3239: 1 sample of flint is good for sale

I have already purchased a rough stone,

Commissioner Qian thought,


That color just now,

It is much different in color than the long strip that I have enlightened!

There are also 30 million top-grade immortal stones.

In fact,

Want to get such a color,

It's not easy.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Several quotations have passed,

Are all one million top-grade celestial stones,

One million top grade immortal stones are added upward.


Only 34 million celestial stones,

Has reached the price of the rough stone just now,


The owner of this rough stone,

A little disappointed,


There was a voice.

"Thirty-six million top-grade immortal stones."

One listen,

The owner of this rough stone,

Feeling up.

At first glance, it was the monk who had just bought Lily Songhua,

Big money is coming,

"Thirty-six million top-grade immortal stones,

Is there any higher bid? "

He shouted, his voice improved a lot,

it's here,

One increase is one million top-grade celestial stones,

Outer plane,

One million top grade celestial stones,

You can buy a few precious medicinal materials.

Commissioner Qian called out 36 million top-grade immortal stones,

long time,

No one increases the price.

It seems that

Yuanying Flower God,

I found the rough stone,

Brought it here to cut the stone in this stone cutting hall.

There are some expressions on the surface of the rough stone,

It's not very good.

Generally, it ranges from 30 million top-grade celestial stones to 40 million top-grade celestial stones.

of course,

Can take out the rough stone and cut it out.

Usually there is more than one rough stone in his hand.

After half a tea time,

No one bids.

This rough master thought,

The rough stone I took out,

Skin performance,

Really average,

36 million top grade immortal stones,

Already pretty good,


"Thirty-six million top-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian came up.

Gave a storage bag,

Put this rough stone into his storage bag.

Back to my seat, sit down,

There are two rough stones left,

The colors inside, the performance is average,

Commissioner Qian does not plan to make a purchase.


The owner of this Jieshi Pavilion,

Good shot this time,

A few rough stones sent here,

The inside pieces are colored.

The next rough stone,

Sold 30 million top-grade immortal stones.

Everything open,

The color inside is average,

But big fists,

"Such a color,

Not ten million top-grade immortal stones. "

The monk next to Commissioner Qian said.

"This is normal."

The Yuan Ying Flower God in the distance said,

Stone cutting is almost over.

From this rough stone,

Cut out the possibility of valuable colors,



Ten or so stone cutting conferences,

Not necessarily at the end of stone cutting,

Cut out a better color than Lishi.

It's the last rough stone,

This rough stone,

"Look at everyone, there are a few pine flowers here."

The owner of Jieshiguan said for a while,

This rough stone,

It is also sold for 30 million celestial stones,

The stone-cutting monk came up,

Cut for a long time,

Cut out a piece of color,

It’s not as big as the cut out of the rough stone,


The color is strong,

The lines are vigorous, quiet and elegant.

The monks in the Jieshi Hall talked for a while,

This color is good,

There is a lot of value for insight and cultivation.

Several bids,

The price of this color rose to 25 million high-grade celestial stones,

"Twenty-seven million top-grade immortal stones."

Someone bids,

The war ghost greeted the man,

"Twenty-seven million top-grade immortal stones,

It's useful for your cultivation. "

The man smiled,

"War Ghost, you got a good look,

I haven't got a good color yet.

This piece is flint,

However, let's practice with flint first. "

It turns out that this man is like war ghost,

Coming to this **** wasteland soon.

Good color is not available,

First take a flint to practice.

After cutting this rough stone,

The banquet came,

The entire space of Jieshi Pavilion,

Immediately expanded several times.


After bidding at the Jie Shi Hui,



The monks in the Jieshi Hall,

It's easier.

"It hasn't been held for more than ten years.

This time a stone meeting is held,

It is this rough stone with lily pine flowers that performs better. "

A monk said,

"Continue to mine the rough stone,

Going to the depths of the **** wasteland,

In the depths of the **** wasteland,

How can there be such a good entry? "

A monk said.

"War Ghost, didn't you go to the Bone Mine?"

"I encountered the powerful Taoism in the Bone Mine.

The Yuanying Flower God who went with him died in battle.

Only then came out of the bone mine. "

When War Ghost talked about this,

Shook his head straight.

"In your case,

The monks who went out to quarry the rough stones were normal. "

The monk who asked the question said,

Looking at several monks around,

Several monks around began to eat food,

"That is, the average monk,

Unless you have supernatural powers,

Go out a few times,

Can pick a monk with a relatively poor flint,

It's already pretty good. "

A monk took a bite of a long strip of meat,

Only then did he speak from a distance to the war ghost.

"That is."

The war ghost nodded,

Went to the mine.

Only then did I know,

This place,

Why is it called Blood War Wasteland?

"I said, the Bone Mine is not that easy to go to."

He said.

Looking at this war ghost,

With other monks,

Went to the bone mine,

A piece of rough stone was not found,

Escaped back.

"Close to the surface of the Wasteland.

A mine that can produce rough stones,

Today, there are fewer rough stones. "

The questioning monk said.

Yuanying Flower God,

After a meal,

Everyone has heard,

After this banquet,

Except for those few rough stones.

Other Yuan Ying monks,


After eating,

Said to the monk Yuan Ying next to him,

"I'm going back to the plane of the Lord God."


But his face was expressionless.

Turning his eyes,

I don't know what to think.

Commissioner Qian went back to the other courtyard,

But did not practice,

It’s almost 30 years since I’ve been here,

Member Qian is drinking tea.

A faint breath rose,

Turn into various shapes.

Commissioner Qian drank a few cups of tea.

The method of usage urges the mystery in these colors,

The training intensity is several times that of general self-cultivation and deduction!

After drinking tea, do not practice,

Lie down on the bed,

Fell asleep.

Wake up in the morning,

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder,

The grocery store that said to solve the stone,

There are already more than 60 people sitting in the Yuan Ying Flower God.

It's full!

In front of the grocery store,

There are five rough stones,

Although a lot,

The performance of these five rough stones,

Compared with the performance of the rough skin in the Jie Shi Pavilion yesterday,

That's too far!

On the rough,

There are pine flowers, no dragon patterns,

There are dragon patterns, no pine flowers,

There are three rough stones,

There are a few pine flowers on it,

A few pine flowers,

It can be said that this rough stone is indeed rough,

Not the ordinary stone in this **** wasteland,

That's it,

More than 60 people came from Yuanying Flower God.

Commissioner Qian said,

Out of the other yard,

Walk towards this grocery store,

I went to this grocery store several times,

Commissioner Qian already knew,

The calcite in the grocery store is the same as the calcite in the calcite pavilion,

These few rough stones,

Start to calcite,

Not more than ten in the morning,

Commissioner Qian went into the grocery store,

The owner of this grocery store nodded towards the committee member Qian.

Reach out.

Tables and chairs appeared,

Commissioner Qian was sitting,

Take out a piece of cooked meat,

A bottle of wine and started eating and drinking,

one look,

Yuanying Flower God in the grocery store,

many people,

While looking at the rough stone,

While eating.

"Today you are going to solve the stone here,

I came here quickly.

However, these goods—"

There is a monk who is like Commissioner Qian,

While eating beast meat,

While drinking wine.

"It's not such a rough stone, can come here,

This kind of rough stone produces fewer immortal stones. "

The monk next to him said.

"That is.

Besides, rough stones, not necessarily,

Those rough stones yesterday,

The epidermis performs well,

Just came out a strength stone.

We came here to give the boss face. "

The man said.

a pair of eyes,

But on these pieces of rough stones, he kept turning around.

Like other monks,

The eyes kept rolling on the rough stone.

Although the rough skin does not perform well,


Isn't it cheap?


Draw out a nice water color,

Then make a profit.

Commissioner Qian has sent three world beads by mistake,

The Zhou Tian Xingdou Array is spinning fast,

Refining the fluctuations from the world beads.

After a while,

I have read a rough stone,

This rough stone,

There is a piece of color as large as an egg,

The water color is average.

This time,

The rough stone at the front,

Performance is not good,

Commissioner Qian looked at the rough stone next to him again,

After eating the meat in his hands,

In this rough stone,

A flint as big as an egg,

This flint,

The water color is average,

Strong and dense,

But surging like waves,

Rule integration level,

It's already quite high!

This color comes out,

Over 17 million top-grade immortal stones.

Those who have come to this **** battle wasteland not long ago,

May be willing to pay a higher price,

Acquire this piece of color.

This rough stone is good.

Commissioner Qian looked at the rough stone next to him again,

The performance of this rough stone is similar to that of the front rough stone.

"Did you not buy Lily Songhua's big money yesterday?

These few rough rough stones,

You are also interested. "

The Yuanying Flower God next to him,

After eating the meat in his hands,

Drink the wine in the bottle in one sip,

Said to Commissioner Qian,

"What do you say?

If you can come, I can't come? "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Man, the rough stone of Lily Songhua bought yesterday,

How did it perform? "

The monk who was a little further away said,

This question,

The monk in this grocery store,

Most of it,

"No cuts.

Things in the rough stone are uncertain. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"That's, maybe the rough stone from this grocery store,

There is a magic stone inside. "

A monk said,

This said,

There was a burst of laughter from the grocery store.

"What are you talking about,

The rough stone in my grocery store,

Can't get the rough? "

The owner of the grocery store said,

The face is all right!

He and a few monks,

Sitting beside,

These monks,

It is the master of the original stone whose performance is not so good.

Commissioner Qian looked at the rough stone next to him,

This method is reminded,

Feel the advancing speed of Taoism,

It is much slower than when detecting the rough stone.


Commissioner Qian was taken aback~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The speed of the Zhoutian Star Array has accelerated.

The Dao Law released by Chairman Qian,

Looks like stone ripples,


This is the fluctuation of the World Pearl being refined by the Zhou Tianxingdou large array,

Can be released,

With the mana of the Chief Qian,

After reading these rough stones,

I feel a little strenuous,

It is equivalent to fighting against a master who is fused with the six series of rules! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for a recommendation, a monthly pass, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

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