Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3243: Fall


  Blood battle against the void beside the wasteland,

   That's not necessarily true.

  The body shape of the Chairman Qian,

   has left Red Wolf Town,

   The figure is like electricity.

   has flew ten thousand miles above the **** wasteland,

   Next to this five hundred li mountain range.

   Shining like the sun,

   tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

   tens of thousands of miles of mountain flames, tens of thousands of miles of water waves, tens of thousands of islands.

   Each seat is a Taoist inspired by the powerful Yuanying Flower God.

   not only that,

   Every Tao Fa.

   came the whistling,

   This is Soul Dao Fa,

   The monk who can rush up,

   all urged the soul magic weapon,

   The power of the soul magic weapon is not bad.

   Hundreds of Yuan Ying stand beside this mountain,

   The Taoism urged, the scenery is beautiful. Mysterious,

   Like orchids in full bloom,

   Trees full of flames,


   reflected the entire sky,

   Several jieshi towns near Red Wolf Town.

  Everything that can come is here.

  "The last time a boulder appeared from the void and fell towards the **** wasteland,

   That was five thousand years ago. "

   A monk said,

  "The rough stone of the **** battle wasteland,

   Generally there is no remnant soul,

   The boulder that fell last time.

   has a remnant soul.

   I heard that a dozen Yuan Ying died that time,

   Five thousand years ago. The monks in the **** wasteland,

   Most of them have left here. "

   said the monk next to him.

   Yuanying Huashen has a hundred thousand years of life,

  In a place like Blood War Wasteland,

   It’s impossible to stay for five thousand years,

   collected enough rough stones and left.

   They were talking,

   Hundreds of Yuanying Flower God’s spiritual thoughts were released,

   has scanned these five hundred miles of mountains.

  "There is no rough stone inside,

   are all the ordinary qualities of this **** wasteland,


   Harder. "

   The monk next to the Qian Qian committee said.

   "There is no rough stone."

   Hundreds of Yuan Ying Hua Shen’s spiritual thoughts swept over,

   How powerful is that!

   There are some Yuan Ying Flower Gods,

   has turned around,

   flew towards the distance.


   This mountain of five hundred miles,

   ignited a big fire,

should say,

   are some rocks on these five hundred li mountains,

   turned into a skyrocketing flame,

   Yuanying Flower God,

   has the ability to transform matter,

  Turn rocks into flames,

   is just some of the more powerful Nascent Soul Taoism,


  As soon as this flame came out,

   Every monk beside this mountain,

   all feel,

  The thunder in the sky,

   seems to have thousands of thunder,

   blasted towards him,

   every thunder,

   It seems that there is such a long distance from the sun to the **** wasteland,

   every thunder,

   is as heavy as 10,000 mountains,

   Every thunder blasted towards the monk,

   The Taoism urged by these Yuan Ying monks,

  It’s as slow as changing into a monk in the Qi training period,

  In an instant,

   This thunder,

   has hit the Taoism of every monk.

  "This law is so powerful,

   urge everything to turn into thunder! "

   In fact,

   Committee member Qian can see,

  The surface of this mountain,

   charged such a big thunder,

   The rocks on the surface of the mountains,

   But it’s reduced by one thousandth,

   These hundreds of Yuanying Flower Gods,


  Only committee member Qian,

   can only in this time of thousands of thunder and fire,

   I still have the mood to see the changes in the rocks that have turned into thunder and fire,

  For ordinary monks,

  These rocks,

   does not seem to have changed,

  In an instant,

   The monk here,

   The spiritual mind has been cultivated to this level,

   Hundreds of Yuanying Flower Gods,

   I wonder if there are five!

  With this kind of Taoism,

   The universe is very accessible,

   there is a small stone,

  He can urge this stone into a huge thunder that blasts out a mountain range!


   The Dao Fa urged by hundreds of Yuan Ying monks,

   Touch this thunder and fire,

   exploded suddenly,

   all turned into fireworks,

  This mountain,

   the thunder fire that urged,

   bombarded these hundreds of monks at the same time,

one strike,

   Thirty or so Yuan Ying Flower God’s body protection methods were completely destroyed,

   The whole person is rolling,

   fell down.

   seems to have suffered a lot,

   The spiritual mind reaches one-tenthousandth, and the monk is won,

   These hundreds of monks,

   no more than five,

   The speed of urging swordsmanship,

   reaches one out of ten thousand in an instant,

   Can't find a monk here!

  The speed of action of the money committee,

   can't reach the level of an instant.

   The sword speed reached 1/10,000 in an instant!

   For the big multi-functional baby flower **** ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is like a mortal looking up at the mountains.


   a relatively poor flint,

   is still available for sale here.

   Even if this flint is a powerful petrochemical manifestation,

   For refining the body,

   Ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

   Comprehend for decades,

   still has a lot of effects.

   But, at this moment,

  The Qian Qian committee has no time to care about these,

   The method of protecting the body of the Commissioner Qian,

   seems to be separated by a mysterious force,


  The fluctuations from the soul magic weapon pass by like a hurricane,

   Within the bodyguard method of the Commissioner Qian,

   appeared in human form.

   really is the remnant soul of the strong,

   really is the remnant soul of the strong,

   In the past few decades,

   or millions of years ago,

   easily broke the Taoism of Chairman Qian,

   Qian Qian’s soul magic weapon is fully used,

   This is what happened.

  The whole body of Chairman Qian was erected,

   The Milky Way appeared all around,

   Lightning spins.

   Committee Member Qian did his best to urge the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array in Shenfu,

  At this time,

   The Commissioner Qian seems to be standing in the Milky Way,

   is like a god,

   This person saw the fast spinning Milky Way,

   immediately startled.


   has already paid out the Dao Fa of the committee,

  At this time,

   only a ten-thousandth of an instant has passed,

It can be said,

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