Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3245: Hot

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A blade of gray, yellow, gray and yellow sword light rushed out, like a giant python, instantly splitting the stone wall about one and a half meters thick into red sand.


Like a bomb exploded, a blue flame strung out from a rock wall, exploding, and rushed towards Qian Xing. Behind the explosive blue flame, there were several meteor-like icy white and blue-green swords. The light hit the rock wall and the ground fiercely, blowing up several rock rooms into the sky with red rock dust in an instant!

"Grab the monster and help Nito and them get revenge!"

An angry shout came from behind this blue flame. It seemed that in this blue flame was a monster, and it also killed several companions of the monks.

This blue flame is too fast!

Flame explosion is the fastest way of flame advancement.

Therefore, when the blue flame appeared in Qian Xing's retina, the blue flame had already rushed to Qian Xing's.

A four-meter-long black pointed corner with a thin front and a thick back, burning with blue light, had already poked Qian Xing’s eyes.

Without the slightest thought, it is too late to avoid, Qian Xing waved his right hand!

A three-color beam of light dragged the sword out, and a closer look at the first half of the three-color beam of light seemed to be composed of overlapping three-color petals.

This is another manifestation of the sword burst plum blossom. It takes a certain amount of time to condense the sword burst plum blossom with the "power of ashes" and "the power of blooming".

With Qian Xing's skill improvement. The time required is getting shorter and shorter, but it is not so short that it can be ignored.

If it is used for a relatively long-range combat, it can condense dozens of flowers at once, and then send out hundreds of triple swords. However, for this kind of close combat. Or the enemy is extremely fast, and soon comes to a close opponent. It is too late to condense the sword and burst the plum blossom.

Therefore, it is a better way to attack by gathering the slightly fused "power of withered" and "power of blossoming" into a beam of light.


Shocked loudly.

This blue flame instantly felt the vitality of its surface withered, and then, it was aroused by an inexplicable force to rapidly expand around it.

This feeling of death and swelling, in a flash. Alternately passed it to myself twelve times!

Qian Xing was shocked by an explosive force and retreated four or five times.

And the rapidly expanding blue flames shrank in an instant and expanded twelve times. "Peng!" The ground exploded and turned into blue flames in the sky. These blue flames turned out to be peach blossoms. The shape of flying in the air for a moment before it goes out.

A face is like a purple rhino. A tall monk with a black horn on his head and two long strips of sarcoma on the back of his neck, dressed in an irregularly shaped armor full of wrinkles, holding a four-meter-long black Long horns. Stand there blankly.

These four-meter-long black horns are made of some material. They are wrapped and burning with blue flames. What shocks me is that the sharp corners at the top of the black horns are gone. Instead, A black peach blossom with a car and a small ground is blooming at the top of this black long horn!

The small peach blossom material of this car is obviously the material that makes up the black long horns.

This guy with a face like a purple rhino. It was Kidalu.

now. Kidalu was looking at Qian Xing in amazement.

"My magic weapon is so damaged? This man is really strong!"

at the same time. Qian Xing also recognized this bloodthirsty and gloomy sense of consciousness, which was when he was passing through the tunnel of Brato, from the white cold stone house, scanning against him. "

"It's you, the guy in the Brato Tunnel? Are you doing things to close the Brato Tunnel?"


Seeing Qian Xing recognized the fluctuation of his consciousness, two explosions suddenly sounded from the bottom of the two long strips of sarcoma in Kidaru, ejecting two blue flames.

Kedaru’s two-meter-high body, with the blue flames ejected from the explosion, instantly rushed to the top of the rock room. The rocks at the top of the room were separated like water instantly, hiding Kedaru. The body in the blue flame swallowed instantly.

Qian Xing hesitated momentarily, and let the monster escape from his eyes.

"What kind of fire power is he cultivating, and he can also practice earth movement, and he can cultivate both fire power and earth power."

Qian Xing asked the three companions.

"He should be cultivating the explosive mystery of the fire force, using the characteristics of flame explosion to obtain extremely fast attack speed. This kind of explosive mystery is extremely difficult to guard against."

The answer was Cambran who had just been blackmailed by Qian Xing.

Cambran's back was already covered with cold sweat. He was practicing the mystery of the wind element, but he didn't expect that the explosive mystery of the fire force was much faster than his own wind force.

If the monster attacked him just now, I'm afraid he would be killed by this explosive mystery.

Perhaps, the mysterious rules of static wind of the wind force were blackmailed by this guy in front of him, and the protection in exchange for it was worth the money.

There was a light called rejoicing in Campbell's blue eyes.

"Why don't you leave that monster? Did you do it like this?"

With an angry shout, a few rays of light were like phantoms, shattering the wall where the monster flew out, and fell in front of the old money.

After a break ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A few monks headed by the blue-haired and blue-eyed Tolanfeng appeared. Tolanfeng's face was hung with a kind of arrogance that the superiors commanded the lower ones.

The sharp rebuke just now came from this Tolan wind.

At the end of these people, it was Ye Ge with a surprised look. Obviously, Ye Ge didn't expect that the way to meet Qian Xing again would be so embarrassing.

Old Qian squinted his eyes, his eyes glowing like a snake, looking at these arrogant guys.

On the day, arrogance came to Lao Tzu's head, there is something to say, is it tolerable?

"Did you talk to your father like that? My son?!"

If the old money fights back, it is more poisonous than a poisonous snake. Tolanfeng, a second-generation ancestor type character, the most unbearable is the violation of his dignity by an ordinary untouchable character.

"You're looking for death, sordid fellow, give it to me!"

The faint moustache on Tolan Feng's face was a little distorted, and Qian Xing pointedly angrily.

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