Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3263: Temple Master

Ruixian plane teleportation array,

As soon as the monks stepped out of the teleportation formation,

Body shape,

Speeding in all directions.

A square-faced monk escaped for more than a thousand miles,

The figure flickered and already escaped into space,

Thousands of miles away,

This person came out of space,

But he is already a member of Qian.

Next to the teleportation formation in the **** wasteland,

Among those middle-aged people,

There are already masters of the integration of seven series of rules,

These middle-aged people,

Commissioner Qian may not be able to overcome.

Arrived at Xiadian,

Banao greeted him,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Take out the rough 36-petal orchid,

"This rough stone, 300 million high-grade immortal stone."

Banao listened,

Mouth open,

"300 million top-grade rough stones,

Just exchange for this rough stone? "

"You go to that table of dishes,

Let me talk to you. "

Banao nodded,

Out of the Summer Palace,

Walk towards the nearby state capital,

After a long time,

Banao entered the Summer Palace,

Take out a table of wine and food,

This is the best dish cooked in the nearby state capital.

Commissioner Qian took out wine,

While eating,

While talking about the situation of the calcite meeting in Hanshan Town,

"So, this is a real master mana."

When Banao listened, his eyes shined,

"Well, I have been practicing here for a few years in the past."

Commissioner Qian said.

Have eaten,

Commissioner Qian took out the cut color,

Mana reminder,

A bright and brilliant brilliance revolves around this color,

Began to refine this color.

"I also came to comprehend and comprehend."

Banao said,

"The city of Ruixian.

Unless there are some rare materials,

Otherwise, I have gone less. "

Banao has been here for more than two thousand years,

Most of the medicinal materials on the plane of Ruixian.

Banao has been collected.

After the evolutionary fluctuation of the plane and the fluctuation of the fairy lotus,

These medicinal materials are longer than the medicinal materials of the Ruixian plane itself.

The effect is much stronger.

A series of mysterious brilliance,

Into the thunderous sky,

Refined from this color,

Commissioner Qian and Ban Ao. Banqin,

Urge Dao Fa,

Refining Taoism,

Several series of rules and runes in the God’s Mansion,

Gradually became more mysterious,

It seems to have some more subtle feelings,

But it requires comprehension. Refining this color for several years,

To reach.

"I used to buy Taoist secrets in the market,

There are no three hundred million top-grade immortal stones,

This rough stone.

But 300 million high-grade immortal stones came out,

Use this color to practice,

This is worth it! "

Banao said,

"In the city,

Those wonderful Taoist cheats,

Usually not seen,

The bosses of those Fangshi,

Not necessarily in stock. "

Banqin said.

Was talking,

The image of Zhou Tian's star-fighting array flashed,

Plant monsters appeared,

There was a thunder rumbling next to it,

Thunder splash!

"There are masters attacking the White River formation!

The thunder fire has blasted into the formation,

There are more than 30 water monsters in the formation,

Five people urged the formation,

To another position,

The other thirty or so people have been killed. "

"I and Banao will go over immediately."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Well, you are there,

The **** of change is here, and it can be a battle! "

Divinely reminded,

The teleportation in the hall flashed,

Commissioner Qian and Ban Ao,

Has appeared in the White River circle,

At this time,

White River Circle,

Has been rotated by the Milky Way tens of thousands of miles,

Vast, profound and mysterious,

Zhou Tian's star battle array,

Has been fully urged.

In the air,

Tens of thousands of sword light,

In general,

Splashing towards the Milky Way,


In the Milky Way,

Tens of thousands of stars appeared immediately,


Has turned into 30,000 Starlight Flying Swords,

Blasted towards that tens of thousands of sword lights,

In an instant,

The starlight sword light touches the flying sword,

A loud noise like a thunder,

Spread thousands of miles!

Thousands of flying swords flying over,

Has exploded in the starry sky,


It is hundreds of miles away from the Baihe formation,

One person,

Eyes are like electricity,

Deep, deep,

Seeing the Dao Fa that I urged,

Blocked by the Starlight Sword urged by the Baihe formation!

"This White River formation, the mana urged by my five rules,

Can block it?

That's not it, the core of the White River formation urges the formation,

Is the five-system rule fusion? "

"Five-system rule fusion repair is here."

Qian Da said,

Looking at Banao,

"Banao, you go out to fight."

"it is good---"

Banao said,

Body shape shook,

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array has been out,

In front of this monk,

This monk took a look,

In the Milky Way Mountains,

Come out alone,

Surrounded by three hundred and sixty flowers,

This flower,

Looks better than spring flowers,

But also delicate,

But looking at the quality of flowers,

Like gold like jade,

It feels indestructible!

This monk swept over with his spiritual thoughts,

Just a surprise!

Banao speaks,

"Your Excellency, who has been in the garden wave plane for so many years,

Never seen a master like yours. "

"I am the chief guard of the Demon Temple,

You Baihe is good,

It is owned by Zhenghe Temple. "

He said.

"So bold---"

Banao sneered,

The chief guard of the Demon Temple,

Such a high repair order!


Commissioner Qian’s spirit came over,

Banao physique urged.

Has rushed towards the sky,

In an instant,

Has rushed into the raging wind,

Since the head guard is here.

Of course it is ready to fight.

Body shape,

Has rushed into the gang wind.

And board proud. Standing dozens of miles away,

In an instant,

Within a few hundred miles of the confrontation,

The violent hurricane has stopped.

Banao around the body,

A flower suddenly bloomed,

This bloom,

This flower,

But hundreds of thousands of petals appeared,

The petals rise from this blue flame,

It seems mysterious and mysterious.

The captain took a look.

This is not hundreds of thousands of petals,

This is hundreds of thousands of mountains!

The chief guard urged Daofa,

Thousands of mountains appeared all over,

Ten thousand heavy mountains.

The flames linger,

With behemoths, fierce people,

There are plants all over the mountains and flowers blooming,

The chief guard’s Taoism reminded him,

It can be said that violent, mysterious and profound merge into one.

The cultivation base can be said to be quite high.

Banao stretched out his hand and waved.

The flowers flew towards the guard,

This is Banao’s sword,

The chief guard stretched out his hand and waved.


Tens of thousands of beasts, fierce people, plants,

Burning flames,

With flames,

Pounce, slash, plant,

Thousands of beasts, fierce people, plants,

It seems to have thousands of styles,

Tens of millions of mysterious.

Towards these hundreds of thousands of flower petals,

Suddenly blasted over!


The mythical beasts, fierce men, and plants on the Flame Mountain,

Touch with flowers,

It was crushed immediately!

Turned into flames and splashed,

Hundreds of thousands of flowers work together,

It looks soft and mysterious,

But it is mysterious like a mountain.

Large groups, large groups of mythical beasts, fierce people, plants,

Shoots and turns into sparks,

The two sides fought a sword,

Just hundreds of thousands of swords!

Banao is a fusion of six rules,

At the head of the guard,

Is the fusion of five rules,

Banao urged flowers,

Can easily defeat this flame mountain,


But it can’t be like Commissioner Qian’s **** battle in the wasteland,

Against the monks who merged the four rules,

Kill with one sword!

This guard's long sword art is reminded,

Large groups of mythical beasts, fierce people, plants,

Formed a relatively large battle,

Once this trend came out,

The flame rose like a cloud,

In this sword art urged by the chief guard,

These beasts, fierce, plants

It seems to have a certain intelligence,

Board Ao and Chairman Qian thought,

Sure enough, it was the chief guard of the Demon Temple.

Kill the broken beast, fierce, plant,

Has a crystal-like point,

This is the spiritual gathering of the chief guard!

With these spiritual gatherings,

These beasts, fierce people, plants,

To get out of such a battle,

This is already comparable to the big formations of ordinary repair formations.

Among the petals,

Nine petals shoot out,

These are nine swords,

A magnificent and brilliant rainbow appeared in an instant,

Like lightning,

Has blasted into the huge array of thousands of mythical beasts, fierce people, and plants,

Chief Qian and the avatar’s formation skills,

Are quite high,

When the Nine Swords came out,

The whole formation,

Has exploded with a bang,

Banao waved his hand,

A warhammer flew out like lightning,

The head guard took a look,

The sword formation that I urged,

But was turned into a sword by the opponent's nine petals,

Has been cut open,

Body shape shook,


The warhammer turned,

Has broken through the space,

Boom over,

Flying sword in hand,

One gear toward that warhammer!


A huge force like a mountain,

This person,

I fought a few somersaults,

Turn out a few miles,

Flowers a sword,

Has come over,

The head guard opened his mouth,

A shield burst out of his mouth,

Towards this sword, first gear,


There was a huge thunder,

Banao’s sword,

Has been blocked by this shield!

This shield,

Like Banao’s flying sword and warhammer,

The rune integrated with the five rules is the core magic weapon,

"The chief guard stationed in the Human Temple,

But there is such a magic weapon! "

Banao thought,

This person is a fusion of five rules,

Banao is a fusion of six rules,

In urging the sword tactics,

It's not comparable to this chief guard,

The sword art spins, cuts,

Has been cut on this monk,

The head guard,

Originally hit by a warhammer several miles away,

Spray out the shield,

Block Ao Yijian,

Is already full,

Divinely reminded,

Already urged the battle armor!


This monk’s battle armor,

A hole has been cut out,

Banao originally thought,

Own sword,

Be able to kill this person,

That thought,

A sword,

But put this monk on the battle armor,

Cut out the hole,

His figure spun,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

Three swords were placed on the battle armor held by this guard.

The head guard stopped immediately,

"Boom, boom, boom---"

Like a volcanic eruption,

Three more holes were cut out in the battle armor,


The head guard’s Yuan Ying flew out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Banao Feijian spun,

Collected the Nascent Soul of the Chief Guard,

With a wave of his hand,

The warhammer shook,

Tucked the body of the chief guard in,

The shield sprayed by the chief guard,

Like the warhammer.

Fly towards Zhou Tianxing,

Commissioner Qian came up,

"You warhammer, flying sword,

The rune of the five rules fusion,

Spent thousands of years,

Only then was it successfully refined,

The head guard,

But there is such a level of magic weapon.

Refining this person’s Yuan Ying. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Reach out,

A rainbow-like mana,

Fly into this warhammer,

Began to refine the Nascent Soul of the Chief Guard,

But half a day,

Commissioner Qian, Ban Ao's face was shocked!

"This is the clone of the Demon God!"

Commissioner Qian said,

"I said, there is such a powerful magic weapon!" ()

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