Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3270: Watch

A year and a half passed quickly,

This year and a half,

Drink tea here, chat,

It was a relatively easy year and a half for Commissioner Qian.

this day,

"I'll go to Hanshan Town first."

Commissioner Qian said to Wan Jian Sa Shan,

Commissioner Qian came out of the grocery store,

Walking towards the outside of Red Wolf Town,

Body shape shook,

Flew towards Hanshan Town,


Hanshan Town Jieshi Museum has started the Jieshi Conference.

Commissioner Qian went to Hanshan Town,

Go directly to the stone hall,

Tsing Yi and his companions,

Is already there.

Commissioner Qian nodded towards Tsing Yi:

Tsing Yi also nodded towards Committee Member Qian.

Commissioner Qian turned to the next table and sat down.

Commissioner Qian's relationship with Wan Jian Sashan is a little better.

After a while,

Ten thousand swords are coming,

I chose a table to sit next to him,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

Yuanying Flower Gods chatted,

Seems to be fast,

It's already morning,

Kaishan Jian and companions just walked in.

"Kaishanjian, they just came to see the color of the cut stone,

Water color and texture. "

Wan Jian Sa Shan transmitted his voice to Commissioner Qian,


Kaishanjian they came here for hundreds of years,

But a few times of stone cutting,

The monks who came with them,

Most have already left.

Only Kaishan Jian and his companions were left.

Kaishan sword and companion,

Participate in the calcite conference in the calcite museum here,

Just look at the various colors and textures of the solution.

Buy celestial stone,

That's the least. To consider.

The monk in the Jieshi Pavilion placed the rough stone up,

The monks in the Jieshi Hall immediately stopped chatting,


This time the stone meeting began.

"There is no superb Songhua."

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Communicating to Committee Member Qian.

There is no super pine flower,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion.


The monks looked at these rough stones,


Showed a superior demeanor.

Commissioner Qian urged this world pearl,


It's easier than before.


After reading all these rough stones,

Commissioner Qian frowned.

The texture of these rough stones,

The first rough stone,

The texture can be,

A few other lines,

There is no pattern of a rough stone.

Meet the requirements of the Qian committee,

These few rough stones,

If it is a few million rough stones,

Commissioner Qian can consider,


In the Jieshi Pavilion,

A piece of rough stone.

They all start at 40 million top-grade immortal stones,

Ask the Qian Yuan committee to spend 50 million top-grade immortal stones to buy a piece of this color

Commissioner Qian did not do it.

Commissioner Qian was spreading his voice to Wanjian,

"Is it possible that the best pine flowers will appear at the recent stone meeting?"

Wan Jian Sa Shan shook his head,

"It is unlikely that the best pine flowers will appear.

Once the best pine flowers are dug out,

Many people will find it. "

Wan Jian said,

"The rough stone in the front is pretty good."

Wan Jian said,

"More than 60 million top grades,

Then I can't pay. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Then this rough stone.

There must be more than 60 million top grade immortal stones. "

Wan Jian said.


The owner of Jieshiguan stepped forward,

This rough stone is on sale,

A cup of tea time,

The selling price of this rough stone.

There are already more than 60 million top-grade immortal stones.

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

In the grocery store in Wanjiansashan,

Commissioner Qian has spent more than 30 million high-grade immortal stones.

Seeing the price of this rough stone,

Ran towards the 70 million high-grade immortal stone,

Buy this rough stone,

Commissioner Qian spent 100 million high-grade immortal stones.

These 300 million high-grade immortal stones,

Commissioner Qian could not buy a few rough stones.

This rough stone,

70 million top-grade celestial stones for sale,

The monk who bought the rough came forward to cut the stone,

After a cup of tea time,

This is the cut color,

"Aqua color and texture are fine."

The monk sitting in the Jieshi Pavilion said.

Cut this rough stone,

It is one foot big.

Soon, someone bid 50 million high-grade immortal stones,

"I keep this color for my own practice."

The stone-cutting monk said.

"This man is new to the wasteland."

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

A monk said.

"The immortal stone of the new monk is really profitable—"

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion,

Many monks said,


Indeed it is,

Commissioner Qian said to Wan Jian Sa Shan,

Do not buy,


For the various colors solved,

It's all a kind of appreciation and research vision,

Cut out a few pieces of color,

While looking at the water color lines,

For the monks in this stone hall,

Is a good appreciation,

Soon it was the evening,

It's the last rough stone,

This time the stone meeting in Hanshan Town,

Commissioner Qian did not make a single move.

Such a price,

Why don't you go to groceries and pave the stone?

This time, the banquet in the Jieshi Pavilion is over,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the grocery store in Hanshan Town,

Once in the grocery store,

one look,

Thousands of swords on the mountain, Tsing Yi

Already here,

"Old money, come and sit down."

Wan Jian said,

Commissioner Qian went to sit next to the grocery store,

This grocery store,

A lot of people have been sitting,

It seems that

Many monks,

I feel that the price of the rough stone in the Jieshi Pavilion is too high,

Come and have a look at this grocery store.

"Everyone, take out a rough stone with mediocre performance and untie it.


The rough stone that used to be mediocre,

The price is already very good. "

Wan Jian said,

"Everyone watched the calcite conference just now,

The epidermis is mediocre, small,

Can sell tens of millions of celestial stones in our grocery store,

Already pretty good,

Generally, the cultivation value is not great. "

A monk next to him said,

But the owner of this grocery store,

This grocery store in Hanshan Town,

Compared with the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan in Red Wolf Town,

There are a lot of goods missing,

The Red Wolf Town grocery store is near the depths of the plane,

The mining monk who returned from the depths of the plane,

I usually like to go to Red Wolf Town,

"If there are ordinary rough stones,

We can go mining. "

A monk said,


The monk next to him said,

The monks today,

There are general rough stones that can be mined,

It's already pretty good.

The monks who came here,

At the calcite conference that were just talents,

No shots.

I want from the calcite meeting in the grocery store,

See if you can find cheap rough stones.

Commissioner Qian sat here for a long time,

At the Congjieshi Conference,

Speaking of mining again,

Like the white bone pit,

A pit where rough stones are produced more,

Today’s **** battle on the wasteland plane,

After midnight,

The people in the grocery store,

Then disperse,

after a few days,

Commissioner Qian was sitting drinking tea in the grocery store.

Kaishan sword walked in,

"Wan Jian, nowadays, high-quality rough stones,

Baigukeng produces more,

Has been mined for millions of years,

Looking for a new mine,

Not that easy anymore.

In this way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we might as well take the old mine of the White Bone Pit,

Mine again,

Find a few rough stones this time,

My companions,

Planning to return to his own plane. "

"A piece of rough 70 million high-grade immortal stone,

Really shocked. "

Wan Jian Sashan smiled and said,

"That is, Wan Jian, you and I have known each other here for so many years,

It is true. "

Kaishanjian said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for a recommendation, a monthly pass, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

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