Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3273: Mountain sword

Shield surface,

Thirty-six flowers are released,

Bright and brilliant,

But with perfect and firmness,

This sword energy rushed here,

But he couldn't move forward for half a step,

Commissioner Qian was sitting cross-legged.

Begin to comprehend this sword energy. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

After a few days,

This sword aura suddenly dissipated.

Commissioner Qian walked to the point where the sword energy rushed out,


The original stone should be out,

Stretch out your palm!

A mine cave of more than 60 feet long appeared,

But no rough stone was seen.

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

Look around the entire mine.

After reading,

Towards the original direction of this mine,

A few bangs!

In the rumbling noise,

Commissioner Qian has opened a three-mile mine,

Originally some imposing lines,

Has gone,

Then stretched out his palm in the direction next to the rock wall!

Another mine opened out,

Looked into the mine,

Since the last meal,

It's been almost ten days,

Towards a line in this mine,

Another bang,

"Boom Rumble"

Another mine appeared,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Inside is a one-and-a-half foot rough stone.

The stone skin is mediocre,

Commissioner Qian put the rough stone into the storage bag,

The best rough,

But none of them were collected,

Although the color inside is average,

The enlightenment value is average.


There are a few rough stones.

Can still practice for a while,

Improve a lot of cultivation skills,

Commissioner Qian thought,

"Wan Jian, how is the harvest."

Commissioner Qian transmitted to Wan Jian,

"Just harvested a rough stone,

This kind of old mine,

Not so easy to collect.

This time. I'm so lucky. "

Wan Jian Sashan replied.

Once luck is average,

The difference in Taoism between Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan has been revealed.

Commissioner Qian received four rough stones,

Ten thousand swords spread the mountain to harvest one piece,

"Where is the mountain sword?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"Kai Shan Jian and his companions,


One person harvested two rough stones. "

Wan Jian said.

"Those finest rough stones,

Where did it come from? "

Commissioner Qian said.

"There are some in the Fire Knife Grand Canyon,

This bone pit. When mining started,

There are a few top-quality rough stones mined,


But I haven’t heard of it for a long time,

Here are the best rough stones mined out. "

Wan Jian said.

"Many monks have said, the pit of bones,

Mainly to destroy Taoism,

The best rough, keneng is relatively rare. "

The saying that Wan Jian is going to spread the mountain,

Commissioner Qian is not very interested in this bone pit.

"In this way, the mountain sword and the rough stone in the hand of the companion,

Enough to cultivate for hundreds of years,

This time it will be mined for another half a month, and it will be here. "

He said,

Wanjian nodded,

"Mining for another half month,

It should be almost done. "

After half a month,

A group of people gathered in the mine.

"Another rough stone was mined."

Wan Jian Sashan said to Commissioner Qian,

Several people left the mine,

Body shape,

Fly towards Red Wolf Town,

I went back to my own hospital first,

After a long time,

A group of people sat in the grocery store in Wanjiansashan,

The waiter put on the feast,

This table is very rich,

Eat from noon to midnight,

I'm going back to my own plane,

Kaishan Jian and his companions talked about various adventures in this **** wasteland,

Some emotions, some excitement.

The various colors seen from the materials in the Jieshiguan,

A few of them,

Less than one in a thousand has been seen.

"Leave today to fight the wasteland again,

Keneng is hundreds of years later,

At that time, I didn't know if there was any such rough stone. "

Kai Shan Jian sighed.

Commissioner Qian,

Kaishan sword and companion,

There are a few places where spiritual energy converges,

A few mountains!

Add up,

There are thousands of miles around.


The output of these mountains,

They use it themselves,

After hundreds of years,

To this **** wasteland,

You can buy a few rough stones.

Even if this **** battle is the original stone,

Can buy these rough stones,

Those who mine these rough stones,

There are still relatively high conditions.

From afternoon to morning,

Kaishan sword and companion,

Then I returned to my own hospital,

A reminder of the law,

The other courtyard has been put away,

The teleportation array flew towards the plane of the **** wasteland.

Commissioner Qian went back to the other courtyard,

A few people from Kaishanjian,

Come here many times to participate in calcite,

The top grade immortal stones have been used up,

Magic weapon, in this old pit of Baigukeng,

Already used almost.

Take out the rough stone and cut it open,

Reach out,

Bright and brilliant brilliance surrounds this color,

Began to spin.


A blast of thunder rolled across the sky,

As if going up to the sky!

This is not the sky of the plane,

This is the palace of Commissioner Qian,

Regardless of the thunder, the sky, the mountains and rivers in the mansion,

It seems to have brought some mysterious temperament!

This is the progress of Dao Fa of Commissioner Qian,

If it comes to planting medicinal materials,

Not necessarily comparable to the upper plane,


If it comes to fighting,

Commissioner Qian, this shrine,

The mana urged.

That is very powerful.

Commissioner Qian stood up.

Six years have passed!

Mined rough stone.

Commissioner Qian has already used three yuan!

The people in the Jieshi Pavilion,

Has increased,

The stone meeting is about to be held again.

Commissioner Qian brought out the ingredients,

Start cooking,

Unlike cooking in a mine,

The dishes this time are beautifully made and bright.

Commissioner Qian spent half a day,

Only then will the dishes be prepared,

Take out the wine and eat.

The sky in the palace,

Has become mysterious and mysterious,

This is already a fairy god.

This has a certain feeling about the law with Committee Member Qian.

Has an important role,

It is the perception of the law,

Let Committee Member Qian, based on his perception of these colors,

The rules that have been felt. Rule fusion,

Some optimization deductions were carried out.

Came here from the plane of Ruixian for more than ten years,

Commissioner Qian’s divine residence has undergone profound and profound changes!

Commissioner Qian thought,

The herbs of Baihe and Luoxiahe are good,

If it weren't for the herbs of Baihe Luoxiahe,

Far more than the general plane medicinal materials,

The way to perceive the law,

How come it is so easy to get it.

Commissioner Qian went to the grocery store,

There are already many people sitting in the grocery store,

Tsing Yi and his companion are here,

When I saw Commissioner Qian,

"Old money, really,

Practice for six years! "

Tsing Yi said,

"You are also practicing in recent years."

Commissioner Qian said,

For six years,

In the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

These people have not seen it a few times,

The same is practice with the harvested rough stone.

"This time the calcite in the calcite museum,

What kind of stuff? "

Commissioner Qian said.

At the cultivation level of Commissioner Qian,

There is no need to put on an arrogant posture.

Tsing Yi looked over,

Commissioner Qian’s eyes are like that endless starry sky!

But there is a kind of mysterious and mysterious.

if we assume,

The eyes are like a boundless starry sky,

There are many monks who have amalgamated rules,

All have this strength,

There are mysterious and mysterious in the starry sky,

This is a very high Taoism.

Tsing Yi,

But I have seen a master.

"This time calcite,

There are nine rough stones,

I heard that the performance of the three rough stones is good. "

"Oh? The performance of three rough stones?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"This Red Wolf Town has been around for more than 20 years,

There is no stone meeting. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Because of this, there are three rough stones this time.

The owner of this Jieshi Pavilion,

It does have some ability. "

Wan Jian said.

To this **** wasteland,

The strong like rain,

It's normal to be inferior to others.

If the lines in the rough stone are really strong,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Do it yourself,

Buy that rough stone.

Mined a few times,

Commissioner Qian,

My own cultivation base,

it's here,

Can pick more rough stones than others,

Speaking of mining the entire **** wasteland,

Most of the rough skins are picked up,

He Qiang Committee,

There really is no such ability!

after a few days,

Inside the Jieshi Pavilion in Red Wolf Town,

Commissioner Qian looked at the rough stone,

The first piece,

Showing lotus pine flowers,

However, the petals are triple,

Far inferior to the orchid pine flower,


In the stone meeting attended by Committee Member Qian,

This is already very loose,

It can be said to be top grade,

The rough stone represented by other stone skins,

Placed in the middle,

Want to come,

The owner of this Jieshi Pavilion,

Unwilling to untie the stone skin and the original stone together,

Commissioner Qian saw the last piece of skin showing rough stone,

This rough stone,

Looks average,

There are more dragon patterns on the top,


That is far inferior to the lotus pine flower.

Aqua and aqua style,

But a bit vivid and vivid,

The lines converge towards the inside of the water color,

Seeing the edge of the water color,

But there is a general feeling of rushing into the void.

Look at the whole rough set out,

There is not the water color and the momentum in the texture of a rough stone,

It's as fast as this rough stone.

Commissioner Qian thought,

This rough stone,

Don't want 300 million high-grade immortal stones.

After reading these rough stones,

Commissioner Qian drank tea leisurely for a while,

Jieshi Conference,

This just started,

That lotus pine flower,

The price starts at 60 million yuan,

Several people bid immediately,


The price has reached 130 million high-grade immortal stones,

Most of the monks in this stone meeting,

Can only watch,

"One hundred and fifty million high-grade immortal stones."

Someone spoke,

At this price,

Started bidding,

There is a monk,

Shook his head,

"Less than a cup of tea time,

The price has tripled! "

"170 million celestial stones."

Someone raises the price

"190 million top-grade immortal stones!"

Someone said.

"This lotus pine flower is just three petals,

190 million top grade immortal stones,

It's really at the top. "

The more petals,


In this rough stone,

The stronger the original Taoism,


Name 190 million top-grade immortal stones,

No one increases the fare for a long time,

"Okay, just one hundred and ninety million high-grade immortal stones."

The owner of this rough stone said.

The bidding monk went up to the fairy stone,

Start to cut stones,

Cut out with the color of this rough stone,


In the entire Jieshi Pavilion,

There was a sound of admiration,

The cut color,

The whole body is green,

With a faint light,

The monk who went up to lay the stone was very happy,

Always cut out a half-fist-sized color~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But,

In this Jieshi Pavilion,


For many people,

This color pattern,

Not as expected.

A sigh sounded.


If the texture,

In my opinion, it is not mysterious enough. "

A monk said,

There are a lot of people in this jieshi pavilion,

The level of appreciation is already relatively high. To be continued...

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