Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3280: Tanda's Harvest

"The Taoism you said,

Judging from the level of Huashen Taoism,

It can be deduced like this. "

Commissioner Qian said again,


Several people nodded together,

"Tan Da sent me a few more Taoist books."

As Tansan said, "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"Tan Da has gained in Taoism.

This is compared with taking the Taoist book from Cambran and Kun Mihui,

Much faster. "

Commissioner Qian was a little surprised.

"The herbs grown in our manor,

There are a lot of medicinal materials that are nearly three thousand years old.

These herbs,

After being nurtured by plane evolutionary fluctuations and immortal lotus fluctuations,

The pill that is refined in this way,

The effect is much stronger than the general plane medicinal materials.

In the Arena of Fighting Beasts, the quality has been recognized,

These years, it is not difficult to change some mysterious Taoist books. "

Tan Shan said,

Using the first half of a more mysterious Taoist book,

Or a few copies,

In exchange for a large number of medicinal materials that are not necessarily planted for hundreds of years,

The refined medicine.

It is still more affordable.

These books from Tan Da,

Commissioner Qian spent more than a year in the comprehension,


Swelling up,

Baoxiang is solemn.

Practice this time,

The shadows of these golden fruits have made great progress!

"Every monk who combines several rules with mana,

The mana of rule fusion is different,

When I got close to the cultivator,

Rules fusion. The realm is even more different.



The difference in combat power is relatively large. "

Tan Shan said,

The realm of the **** of transformation,

It is also a monk who combines several rules,

Own mana practice,

Even more mysterious.

Commissioner Qian then left the realm of Ruixian,

Go to the **** wasteland,


In the member Qian’s storage ring,

One hundred and sixty million top grade immortal stones.


If there is a relatively high-grade rough stone,

Commissioner Qian bought a piece of these fairy stones,

What I’m talking about here is top grade rough,

Not the best rough.

Commissioner Qian arrived in Red Wolf Town,

Set up your own courtyard,

Walked toward the grocery store that was facing Wanjian Sashan.

Once in the grocery store,

"Old money, here it is. Sit. Tea."

Wan Jian Sa Shan nodded to Commissioner Qian,

Greet the waiter for tea.

Commissioner Qian sat down.

The waiter serves tea,

Commissioner Qian returned to the plane of Ruixian once,

Thousands of swords and the mountain, in the integration of the four rules

But there is progress,

"The cultivation base is progressing."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Have you got some new goods?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"Restocked, put it there,

You take a look. "

Wan Jian said.

Commissioner Qian went over and took a look.

"My practice is far inferior to yours."

Wan Jian said.

Commissioner Qian sat here for a while,

Seeing that Wanjian Sashan doesn’t mention mining,

The rough stone collected last time,

Wanjian Sashan is still practicing,

Commissioner Qian thought.

A few series of rule-based monks,

And the monks who are approaching the monks of the gods,

There is such a big gap.

Took a few materials,

A look at Wan Jian,

"This time I have so many materials?"

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"1.3 million top grade immortal stones."

Wan Jian said,

Commissioner Qian gave Xianshi,

Gave the fairy stone,

Back to his own hospital,

Cut the rough stone originally collected by mining,

Began to practice,

Although the colors in these rough stones are average,


Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

From these colors,

Than ordinary rough,

Can refine more profound mysteries.


Feel more.

This practice,

Is three years,

Commissioner Qian in the Shenfu,

Next to the rune where the eight rules are merged,

There are more mountains,

These mountains,

The same mysterious cloud and mist,

Mysterious and mysterious,

At a glance, the whole mountain,

It’s a mysterious rune,

Like many different mountains,

It is generally surrounded by a mountain peak.

This is the shadow of Commissioner Qian and the golden fruits,

Understanding of the various Taoist books and the colors in the original stone,

Some Taoism,

It’s not the scope of Dao Fa that the Chief Executive Qian has integrated,

The understanding of these Dao books and runes,

Turned into mountains,

Surrounded by the mountains where the eight rules are merged.

Although Commissioner Qian is close to the stage of transformation,

Chief Qian’s combat power,

But it is far beyond the average monk!

of course,

These few years,

Commissioner Qian’s refining of rule-fusion runes,

Still in constant deduction.

Rune refining based on the fusion of seven rules,

There has been considerable progress.

"Old Qian, Red Wolf Town Jieshi Hall is about to open the Jieshi Conference."

The voice of Wan Jian Sashan came over,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard,

When I arrived at the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

The Jieshi Pavilion is about to hold a Jieshi Conference,

Inside Wanjiansashan's grocery store,

A lot more people,

"Wan Jian, in recent years,

You don't have much calcite here. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"If the rough stone level is relatively poor,

And sell these materials,

The amount of celestial stone earned is almost the same

The best rough,

After solving the rough stone so many times,

Not encountered several times. "

Wan Jian said.

Wanjian Sashan held a stone meeting to earn some fairy stones,

Take a look at these poorly performing rough stones,

Are there any top quality goods,

Wanjian Sashan pays more attention to it,

"Thousands of swords spreading across the mountain, the best quality goods, you must have them"

Commissioner Qian said with a smile,

Top quality goods,

Ten thousand swords must be there,

However, the Taoist book in the hands of Wanjian Sashan, the mysterious jade slip,

Far from being a big committee member,

Progress in cultivation,

It can't be compared with the Qian Da Committee at all.

"Despite this, the progress of the integration of rules is still slow."

Wan Jian said.

after a few days,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the stone meeting in Red Wolf Town,

He Wanjian Sashan was drinking tea,

Several people walked in from outside Jieshi Town in Red Wolf Town,

"Green Lotus"

Wan Jian Sa Shan immediately greeted the beauty,

"Old Qian, go and sit down."

Wan Jian said,

Commissioner Qian is urging mana,

Looking at the rough stone,

one look,

Wan Jian Sa Shan and Qing Lian greet each other,

Qing Lian nodded with Wan Jian Sa Shan,

"You go there first to see how you are doing."

Commissioner Qian said.

Wan Jian Sashan walked over,

Next to Qinglian,

There are empty seats,

Wan Jian Sa Shan sat there,

"Ten thousand swords, how come that master can't come?"

Qinglian said,

Wan Jian Sashan smiled dryly.

I ran over eagerly,

It’s better to sit there and show the music.

The master is different.

After a while,

Wan Jian Sa Shan spoke to the Qian Qian,

"Old money, come here quickly."

Commissioner Qian came here.

The rough stone on the Jieshi Pavilion,

Commissioner Qian has watched most of it.

There is a color in a rough stone,

Can be called top grade,


Are average,

This piece is top grade,

Epidermal performance can be,

It's three feet big~www.wuxiaspot.com~It's not cheap.

Commissioner Qian came over,


Looking at the rough stone again,

The old man stretched and flickered,

To the Qinglian voice transmission,

"Miss, this man is cold-hearted,

A typical master of comprehension! "

Qinglian’s face,

Shows an unpleasant color!

Wan Jian Sa Shan talked to these people,

For a long time, I said a few words,

Commissioner Qian has read these rough stones. To be continued...

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