Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3292: Innocent

If the opponent’s call is a magic weapon,

The monk's face changed color,

The sweat came out.

"We also have the fifth grade golden core,

Give you a book, I will come as soon as I go. "

This man said,

Quickly walked out of the hall.

"This one"

The monk looked at Commissioner Qian.

"Then sit down."

Commissioner Qian sneered.

The monks next to him were sitting,

"The Yuanying Flower God was beaten away like this,

How good is this person? "

These people said,

People in the cultivation world,

Meet a master,

Always more interested.

After a while,

A flash of light on the horizon,

Brother Yuanying,

Take the monk and fall towards this side,

The monk who came with him,

The discipline of Taoism is very high,

Different rules have been merged.

Three thousand years have passed,

Commissioner Qian is getting better and better.

Monks who merge different rules,

Much more than three thousand years ago,

Although not as strong as Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian thought,

"The great elder of the Fairy Sect, Gujiaotian,

This is the strongest of the Xianmiao faction. "

The monk sitting in the hall,

Several people's faces changed,

stand up,

Walked out of the hall quickly,

A few steps,

Have walked a few miles.

Looking from afar,

There are monks from the outer planes,

The highest cultivation base is the Four Diamond Flower God.

Seeing this Yuanying Flower God.

Brings a stronger Nasal Infant.

Fairy Miao School, but the largest school on the Yuanbo plane.

The great elder drums up the sky,

The strongest of the fairy sect.

It is well known to everyone.

"This is about to return to the Immortal Sect from Yamada."

They said,

"Your Excellency, our Fairy Sect,

In this sledgehammer pass, you can speak. "

Said the elder of the Xian Miao School,


Commissioner Qian said.

not far away,

A plant,

Is a medicinal material,

Blooming flowers,

Half a slap big.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

This flower,

Has been in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

"Long heard the name of the innocent man with drum horns,

This flower is dedicated. "

Commissioner Qian said.

Showed the demeanor of an expert.


This flower.

Fly towards the bulging sky,

It seems slow and elegant.

In an instant,

On this flower,

To release brilliance,

Gujiaotian stretched out his hand towards this flower,

He felt,

On this flower,

As if there were thousands of thunders exploding,

The combination of different rules,

But I can’t catch the flowers,

It was just an ordinary flower,


Gujiaotian urges the body protection method,

Surrounded by mountains and rivers,

Touch this flower,

Turned into magma,


Shoot three hundred feet high!

This flower,

Has stopped on the robe of the innocent man with the drum horn,

In a few thousandths of an instant,

The robe of the innocent man with drum horns has turned into a battle armor,

The Battle Armor released Dao Fa,

Surrounded by mountains,

Monsters devour the mountains,


Touch this flower,

Surrounded by mountains,

The monster swallowing the mountains,

Burst out suddenly,

The fiery magma burst.

This flower,

Stopped towards the surface of the Drum Horn Sky Armor,

Gu Jiao Tian trembled,

With the power of this flower,

He may be matched by this flower,


After an instant,

one look,

The flowers are still flowers,


Fresh and tender as if just picked off the branches,

tender and beautiful.

Gu Jiaotian's face changed,

Become very serious,

He bowed his hand to Committee Member Qian,

"Thank you."

Based on the cultivation of the person in front of him,

Dao Fa urges,

You can beat the bulging sky!

Looking at the Yuanying Flower God next to him,

This person and the Yuanying Flower God next to him,

Turn around and leave!

While flying,

While talking to the Yuanying Flower God next to him,

"There are such masters here!

Let me out once! "

He said,

This mountain field,

This Yuanying Flower God,

It could have been successfully won,

The Yuanying Flower God beside him,

His face was serious.

The monk who walked out of the hall earlier,

Turned around,

Walking towards the distance is invisible.

Commissioner Qian gave the fifth-grade golden pill to the past.

The monk laughed dryly,

Took it,

After a long time,

A picture flashed,

Towards a few peaks,

Beside these peaks and mountains,

There are many more mountains,

Sledgehammer Pass, there are fewer mortals,

The aquarium is here,

Generally above the Qi training period.

The mountains surround several fields,

A mountain swayed,

Ban Kuang came out of the mountains,

"The rest of the place, plant medicinal materials from the Demon Realm."

Commissioner Qian said,

This Yamada,

The original owner sells well,

A lot of medicinal herbs are sold!

The board mad nodded,

"Okay, this Yamada,

Of course leave it to me to farm. "

Having said that, looking towards the direction of Guqin Pass,

"A few spirits swept over.

This is the vice master of Guqin Pass.

Lord Guan,

Just now your battle.

Defeat Gujiaotian with one move.

They can't come and see. "

Said the board crazy.

"It's hundreds of miles away from Guqin Pass.

It seems that the master of Crazy Hammer and Guqin Pass,

I am more interested here. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Divinely reminded,

Hundreds of miles away,

In the majestic hall of Guqin Pass.

There was already a muffled hum!

In the main hall,

A kind-looking middle-aged man,

It was already full of horror!

"This Yamada,

It's called Gujiaotian. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

The teleportation array urges,

Has walked out of Wengai County,

The Gujiaotian piece,

Really not big,

The madness of good luck.

It can be used very well.

It doesn’t take the money for the commissioner’s own good luck,

Commissioner Qian talked to Tan Tian.

"Gujiaotian, a master of fusion of different rules,

Already the strongest of the Immortal Sect. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"On the ordinary plane,

Isn't that true?

To be able to buy this Yamada,

Not bad. "

Tan Tian said,

"I can buy Yamada,

It's completely Taoism,

It has nothing to do with luck,

In that hall,

Sitting monk,

There are almost ten people! "

Commissioner Qian said,

This time I bought this drum horn Yamada,

It really has nothing to do with Qiyu.

"There are immortal stones again, can you go to the wasteland in the **** battle."

"Practicing here for a while, feeling the law.

Cultivation in the **** wasteland,

The law is incomprehensible. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Entered the training room,

Began to practice,

After more than ten years,

Practice room,

Wanli thunder received,

Commissioner Qian collected his work and walked out of the training room.

It seems,

The Qian Da committee seems to be ethereal,

Take another look,

The Qian Da committee is like ordinary people,

After a while,

Tan Tian receives power,

come over.

"Still not turning the law into a rune."

Tan Tian said,

"That's it, then I know the difficulty of the law of perception.

For thirty years,

The shadows of each golden fruit have collected many Taoist books,

Yu Jian.

Perceptual law,

It seems to be clearer. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Xianshi ready?

I went to see the Bloody Wasteland.

For thirty years, the law cannot be turned into concrete runes,

To fight the wasteland,

Collect a few rough stones to see. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Tan Tian gave me a storage bag,

"This is 390 million top-grade immortal stone.

The runes of each formation must be upgraded to a higher rune fusion. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"My cultivation level,

It can already be mining. "

Baihe, Luoxiahe is in the area occupied by the Mozu,

Summer Palace,

Relying on the Demon Race's Zhantian Pass,

The magic circle in these places,

Of course to strengthen,

Shield County, Warhammer Village, Canyon Village,

The same must be strengthened.


Thirty years,

Can get the money from the committee member,

It is 390 million top-grade immortal stone.

Commissioner Qian asked Tan Tian to call over the food,

Eating with Tan Tian,

Half a day,

A lot of emotion.

"White River, Luoxia River, Xiadian, Shield County, Warhammer Villa, Canyon Villa,

These places,

The plane of war with the demons is so easy to get,

The protection circle was upgraded to the fusion of five rules,

The rune of the six series of rules,

But it requires a lot of materials.

These places refining the five-system rule fusion,

The rune of the six series of rules,

Despite the great formation of Zhou Tian's stars on the mountain flower plane,

Can refine relatively high-level materials,

Still spent 100 million tens of millions of high-grade immortal stone materials. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"The average monk,

White River, Luoxia River, Xiadian, Shield County, Warhammer Villa, Canyon Villa,

Don't even want to own it,

The body is already pretty good. "

Tan Tian said,

After talking for a long time,

Seeing the evening,

Commissioner Qian then went to the teleportation array.

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian walked into Red Wolf Town,

Selected a place,

With a wave of his hand,

The other courtyard has been set up,

In Red Wolf Town,

It took 30 years for Commissioner Qian to come.

The place is still relatively spacious.

This is a real advanced adventure plane,

Commissioner Qian had a burst of sentiment,

Different rules merge monks,

Some have entered the **** wasteland to mine,

It is said that,

Sword air burst into the rock wall,

Monks with different rules,

Even a sword gas,

Need to use a few magic weapons,

To catch it!


They mined a rough stone,

And to the Jieshi Conference,

Buying a normal rough is almost the same.

Mining in the **** wasteland,

Generally, it is a monk who has more than the three-line rule fusion,

Commissioner Qian arranged for the other courtyard,

Walked towards the grocery store in Wanjiansashan,

Walked into the grocery store,

Wan Jian Sa Shan is talking to the monk about the sale of materials,

When I saw Commissioner Qian come in,

The enthusiasm on Wan Jianshashan's face.

Said a few words with the monk,

This monk took out hundreds of thousands of high-grade immortal stones,

Purchased a piece of material,

Out of the grocery store,

"Wan Jian, the business is good.

Don't practice. "

Commissioner Qian said,


Wan Jian greeted the waiter.

"The three lines of rules are fused and have not yet reached the peak of cultivation.

Fusion of four rules,

I don't know how long it will take.

You are not coming,

I have not been mining for 30 years.

This point of sale,

Hundreds of thousands of top grade immortal stones"

Wan Jian said,


"Tsing Yi and Kaishan Sword."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Contacted Tsing Yi, Kai Shan Jian,

In a few decades,

They will not necessarily come to fight the wasteland~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have a certain rough stone,

Cultivation for hundreds of years,

All are relatively normal. "

Wan Jian said.

"In the past thirty years, what kind of rough stones have been collected?

Is there any stone meeting held recently? "

Commissioner Qian said,

"After ten days,

There is a stone meeting held in Hanshan Town. "

Wan Jian said,

"Can't mine, the rough I collected,

But general goods. To be continued...) ()

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