Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3301: Rainbow Pass

There was a detonation.

It is fifty miles from Wengai County.

It is the junction of Wengai County and Caihongguan,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

The scene fifty miles away,

Has been shown before,

one look,

A fortress three feet high,

The fortress is surrounded by mountains and rivers,

In thirty years, Dao Jianguang suddenly blasted from a distance,

Cross flashes,

Hit the mountains and water on the fortress,

The landscape just shone,

Thunder is like electricity,

Bounced towards the direction Jianguang blew,


Thirty years of sword light,

Like flowers,

Fly towards the surroundings,

In the electric thunder,

But one person screamed,

Was bombed into pieces of the sky.

The other party immediately had a monk,

Take out the homing banner,

One show,


The roar of

As if coming from Jiuyou,


The landscape shook strangely,

The ripples of the soul dharma,

Can't move forward a little bit,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Guarding the fortress was the outer disciple that Tantian had collected,

Is the hundreds of people who have been modulated before,

Some people are really well qualified,

I bought some exercises from the shop,

Cultivation reached the peak of the foundation period,

Tan Tian accepted some people,

Passed the golden pill method,

Not even a disciple,

Servant class,

Those monks at the top of the foundation period.

He has some descendants.

Thousands of years have come down.

There are comprehension factions in Wengai County.

The core is those who have advanced Jindan,

In the world of comprehension,

It's the worst cultivation sect,


On the border of Wonggai County,

Towards the side of Rainbow Pass,

But there is no big formation of Zhou Tianxing,

Tantian refined some fortresses.

The power of these forts,

In the ordinary plane of the circle plane,

It's relatively powerful.

These monks,

Working as a search team in Wengai County,

The work of officials,


Commissioner Qian took a look,

The operators in these fortresses,

Half of the monks in the Qi refining and foundation building period,

How strong is the spiritual mind during the Qi training period?

Boom in the past.

Lightning like electricity,

Many big pits were exploded in the mountains!

The opponent urged Feijian magic weapon.

Quit a lot!

"There is a conflict with the adventure team of the great nation again."

Tantian's voice came over.

The opponent's adventure team urged to escape,

To the distance,

"This fortress is too powerful,

Dozens of us blew up,

Can't explode the defense method of this fortress! "

far away,

A monk said,

"go back---"

Someone said,

After a while,

Tantian’s voice transmission came,

"Over the corridor,

That cyan stone is a soul stone! "

"Oh-is it the soul stone?

I've been there before,

Detect this kind of stone,

I didn't expect to be able to refine the soul. "

Next to Wengaiguan,

Most of it is the territory of a great country,

Leading to Qingcang Country,

Is a road in a valley,

The person who is tattooed,

Call this road a corridor,

of course,

Tantian refined several forts,

In this corridor,

Arranged unceremoniously,

This Wengai County,

Not like Xia Dian,

Regarding the shadow of the golden fruit of Commissioner Qian,

There are mortals,

These mortals,

And Qingcang Country,

Always do business.

Commissioner Qian has been here before,

It’s about a hundred feet down the valley,

There are a lot of cyan stones,

Cyan stone,

The most common one on the plane,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Some cyan stones,

Can refine the soul,

Taoism of the soul system,

More mysterious,

So what materials can refine the soul,

The same is more mysterious,

"These materials can refine the soul,

It was discovered by the soul chaser monk of Zun Daguo,

They mine,

I just rushed over,

Mined all the cyan soul refining stones,

But when I come back,

Those stones, refining soul magic weapons,

Not as good as peach trees,

These few years,

Respect the great country,

Many adventure teams came,

It is for these stones. "

Tan Tian said,

What kind of cultivation is Tantian,

I found that those stones can refine the soul magic weapon,

Of course it was all picked.


Some plants grown by mountain flowers,

Used to refine the soul magic weapon,

The effect is very good,

These stones,

How can it be compared with the peach trees planted on the mountain flower plane.

These stones,

Put all in the warehouse.

"These stones, bring me over and take a look."

Commissioner Qian said,

Tantian brought some stones over,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Mysterious and mysterious mana,

Around this stone,

"You can indeed refine the soul,

However, it's not as good as peach trees and some plants that can be used as soul dharma. "

Commissioner Qian said.

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

"If there is the refining of the Lord Shinto Law----"

"Of course, that's different.


Refining this material,

Than the average soul magic weapon,

Even more mysterious.

I've been to several places where the soul chasers are stationed in the great country,

Did not see the refining of this material,


That was a hundred years ago. "

Tan Tian said,

"I'll go and see, I'm Advanced Thunder,

Refining a thunder, using one ten thousandth of the spirit,

Refa is powerful,

It is dispensable. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian’s more insights about the realm of God Transformation,

The higher the requirements for one's own spirituality,

The original cultivation method of increasing spiritual mind,


Practice this technique,

The divine mind that can grow,

For the profound cultivation of the realm of transforming gods,

It's already average.


Tan Tian nodded,

Commissioner Qian stepped in,

Hundreds of miles away, on the mountain peak,

There is a building,

But it is forbidden to wind around,

next to,

It is the majestic Rainbow Pass.

A group of people are eating and drinking here,

Take it out of the storage ring,

Put it in a pot and boil, fry,

one look,


It's just food for ordinary people.

It was the adventure team that fought in the morning.

Ordinary adventure team,

During the foundation period,

Out on an adventure,

The treatment is the same as ordinary people.



Prohibition is like a curtain,

Was opened,

Someone came in,

These adventurers were taken aback,


Several people urged the law,

The rest of the people urged Tao Fa,

This man stretched out his hand,

Dozens of people who stood up,

I stopped moving around Huo Di,

Then the man reached out his hand,

Thirty tricks,

In an instant, it has entered everyone's divine mansion,

After a while,

The man turned and walked out.

Looking towards Rainbow Pass,

The strong from the soul chaser,

In the Rainbow Pass,

This powerful demon clan had an opinion on the stone produced in Wengai County,

I was very interested last year.

Commissioner Qian stepped forward,

I'm outside the Rainbow Pass,

Walk towards Rainbow Pass,

After a while,

In front is a towering tall building,

Guanzhu Mansion of Rainbow Pass,

The monk of the soul chaser,

Three diamond flower gods are stationed in this rainbow pass,

Monks of this level,

For Commissioner Qian,


Inside the main palace,

Is having a banquet,

Beautiful women singing and dancing,

A few people sitting,

There is only one smile on his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~

Square face, long narrow eyes,


"Before coming to Rainbow Pass,

Only then did I know,

The protective array in Wengai County,

It's so strong. "

The smiles of the people next to him were dry smiles.

"Wingai County has strong cultivators,

I knew it a long time ago. "

The capital institutions of the great power stationed in the great power all know it.

What are you talking about here today? (To be continued...)

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