Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3308: Mystery man

When this person heard,

On the armor,

Bright lines


Thunder has been shot in his eyes,

"The war five thousand years ago,

Deep in the mountains,

Even a four-line rule fusion power like me cannot enter,

How thunder went up to the sky today,

Have the strong fight? "


The demons occupy the Pantheon Mountain,

But five thousand years,

"Order a team of monks,

To urge the airship,

I gonna go see. "

"Yes, my lord!"

This person is a figure of the rudder master level in the general hall of the plane.

A strong person who integrates several rules,

Directly naturalized under the power of God,

This heavy armored monk,

Immediately spread his life outside,

After a while,

This heavy armored monk walked in,

He bowed his hand at this person,

"The spaceship is ready."

This man walked out of the hall,

In front of the main hall,

Parked a floating airship,

A hundred feet long,

Strong appearance,

A team of monks,

Thirty people,

Already standing next to the airship,

For thirty monks,

Everyone has a golden core cultivation base,

Bowed to this person,

"I have seen the rudder master,

Rudder master Shenwu. "

This person usually doesn't make a move,

This person got into the airship,

These thirty golden pills,

Only then entered the spaceship,

The spaceship rose quickly,

Lightning is normal.

Has been flying towards the depths of the mountain and disappeared.

Next to the prohibition.

In battle.

Appears to be a floating ship,

"A spaceship came, approaching here."

Said the monk in white,

"If you enter five hundred miles, it will blow away."

Tsing Yi said,

Four series of rules fused the big formation urged by monks,


Can blast thousands of miles away,

Dirigible flying.

How fast,

In an instant,

Has flown five hundred miles from here,

It's coming in this direction,

This battle,

In an instant,

This wave fluctuated,

A thunder fire,

Has been blasted out,

Five hundred miles have passed in an instant.

This flying fleet,

The gunfire exploded.

Suddenly skimmed through the air,

Like rolling thunder,

But it was thirty miles away from the thunder fire that came from this formation,

The gunfire of this spaceship,

Still flying in the air,

Thunder flashed,

It has already hit the protective method of the spaceship.

This spaceship,

Surrounded by volcanic magma,

Volcanic magma,

Touch this thunder and fire,

In an instant,

Turned into nothingness,

This thunder fire only slows down slightly,

With a bang,

Has already hit this spaceship,

In an instant,

The ship suddenly turned into a crystal,

Ten thousand runes appeared,


The entire spaceship,

Turned into a huge fireball,

In the fireball,

Saw a group of people,


The urging shield, Taoism,

There is no urge to open it at all,

Has been crushed by this fireball,


Thunder loudly,

The rudder master rushed out,

one look,

Brother Jindan who came with him,

Being shot by this battle,

Boom to smash!

This man's face again,

One thought,

The power of the formation is generally greater,

He is a monk with the integration of four rules,

General formation,

The four-line rule monk Taoism reminds me,

Can fight completely,

A reminder of the law,

Thousands of sword shadows appeared in an instant,

Like lightning,

Pounce towards this battle,

It seems that thousands of huge thunders are exploding at the same time!

The figure flashed,

This person has flown thirty miles,

With a face full of shock,

Just now his sword,

In an instant,

Mostly blocked!

The monk who presided over this battle,

Is it so tough?

The battle is urged,

In an instant there was already a flame,

Towards the monk,

When this flame came out,

In an instant,

Mysterious mana,

Has covered Baili!

Although it is a four-line rule fusion monk,

Body shape,

In the formation,

Three figures flew out,

The sword light crossed,

A shield suddenly appeared on this monk,

Just block yourself with a shield,

The influence of this law is not very powerful,


A sword of ten thousand swords,

As heavy as ten mountains,

Blocked by this shield,

Thunder fire splashed three hundred meters,

A pit appeared in the shield.

A sword light flashed nearby,

This man turned his shield,

After receiving such a heavy sword,

This sword, block it a little,


This person protects the body,

The volcanic magma was blasted away,

Has been bombarded to splash hundreds of feet!

To be shielded,

This person was not injured,


In an instant,

There was another flash of thunder nearby,

Like lightning,

Has blasted this person’s body protection method,

The three people rushing out of the formation,

The Taoism of 10,000 swords is the worst,

The man screamed,

Turned around,

With battle armor,

The body can move,

"Hold on---"

Commissioner Qian said,

The sword light flashed,

This person has been blasted into pieces in the sky,

In an instant,

The pieces of flesh and blood turned into boulders,

The sky was rolling.

"This person is the rudder of the main hall of the Pantheon Mountain---"

Commissioner Qian said,

Four-line rule fusion monk,

The battle from beginning to end,

In less than a tenth of an instant,

"This one"

The monk in white said,

He came to the plane,

of course I know,

The lord of the main hall of this plane,

But the monk of the transformation stage.

"This Master Miandian is in charge of several planes,

We will now open this prohibition. "

The companion of the white-clothed monk said,

"it is good-"


Several people returned to the formation,

A reminder of the law,

Thunder fire hit this restriction,

The flame on the prohibition,

Rushed three thousand feet,

Every bombardment,

There are thousands of mountains!

Half a day,


The formation showed a whirlpool,


The battle is urged,

Turning into a big fist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rushed past that whirlpool!

Entered this prohibition,

This battle,

Just rushed into this restriction,

"Huh, huh, huh"

The sky is like lightning,

Flew over for a few escape lights,

Going out of this prohibition,

"In this mountain,

No such prohibition has occurred for thousands of years. "

Someone said,

"Let's take a look at this battle first."

Someone said,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of swords,

Bounced towards this formation,

Thousands of swords smashed the mountain, and a few people in Tsing Yi urged the battle,

It took a long time to blast off,

These monks,

Although it is Yuan Ying’s cultivation base,

Want to blast this battle,

Easier said than done,

After a long time,

The overwhelming coercion appeared in the distance of the sky,

In an instant,

A figure has appeared next to this formation,

When these people took a look,

"Hallmaster of the Master Hall of the Pantheon Mountain

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