Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3311: Open fairy book

This is the power of the world beads,

World beads,

Generally there is a bit of essence of the plane,

Three world beads,

There are the essence and mystery of three planes,

Used this time,

But more powerful than the cloak man,

But also tough,

However, this is useful for the heavenly book,

If you urge this mana,

Confront this person,

I can't take one tenth of the trick,

How much mana this person has,

Commissioner Qian thought,


Not worse than stalactite giants and zombies!

May be higher!

The fairy book is really a magic weapon to face the whole bit.

Commissioner Qian thought.

It's better to turn a page again.

Commissioner Qian thought.

The mana of the world pearl is reminded,

This time,

The mystery of the world beads,

Have all been urged,

Turn to this fairy book!


Commissioner Qian yelled,

It's like turning up a big mountain,

This time,

Open the corner of the fairy book!

But one third,


There is mystery coming,

of course,

This cloak monk,

It is to release Dao Fa towards the profoundness of this fairy book,


He has been bounced away by the profoundness of this fairy book,


Looking at this person,

Already very satisfied,

If World Pearl wants to continue to urge this mana,

After at least a while,

Commissioner Qian has already completed three searches.

"I haven't read the fairy book.

come here quickly. "

The man in the cloak said.

In battle. Companion of Tsing Yi,

The companion of the white monk came over,

Urges the whole body of mana,

Turning to the fairy book,

I can't turn it at all,

The **** cultivator in the general hall of the plane,

He Zhan Geshan looked towards Commissioner Qian,

Fire burst out of my eyes!

The man in the cloak stretched out his hand.

The monks in the main hall,

Space flashed,

Already standing outside that prohibition,

Commissioner Qian heard the voice transmission,

"This is some perception of the homepage of the fairy book!"

In an instant,

There is already an extra piece of jade slip in his hand!

Fairy book,

It’s up to Commissioner Qian to comprehend himself,

Three thousand years are not enough!



Has gone,

Hundreds of thunder and fire crashed down.

The whole mountain was blown up by half!

The boulder shot,

Prohibition. aisle,

Has disappeared.

Beside the formation,

Standing hundreds of monks,

There are human races and monster races,

I saw the thunder and fire skyrocketing

Sound spread thousands of miles,

Have baby,

All here,

Seeing that this prohibition is gone,

"My baby is amazing"

Someone said,

These hundreds of monks are the same,

"Look at this forbidden power,

The baby inside must be very nice. "

A monk said,

A look at the monks and formations that came out of the prohibition,

these people,

They all looked over here!

"You have a jade sword to enter this restriction,

Without a jade sword, you can't enter this restriction at all! "

Wan Jian Sashan said to Commissioner Qian,

Tsing Yi is a reminder of Taoism,

The formation flies like electricity,

Flew in the direction of the teleportation array.

"Master Hall Master?"

A monk said,

Hundreds of monks were surprised!

The master of the Pantheon Mountain plane,

Great power in the transformation stage.

Body shape,

Fly away to the distance!

Seeing Commissioner Qian, these people urged the formation to fly three thousand miles,

For the fusion of four rules,

To urge Tao Fa to fly three thousand miles,

In less than ten moments,

This monk stepped on the footsteps of the gods,

Has stood in front of the battle,

one look,

Zhan Ge Mountain has stood a hundred miles away,

Three thousand miles,

For monks of this level,

But one step away!

"Your Excellency has obtained the mystery of the fairy book,


I don’t know the mystery,

What kind of mystery is there,

Can you take a look. "

The master of the Pantheon Mountain plane,

Speaking slowly,

In this fairy palace,

All mana is urged,

But take off!

On this side,


As if covering the entire sky!

The monks in the formation,

I watched them all,

"I waved

You will do your best to urge the formation,

Boom fiercely at the main hall master!

I went out and confronted him! "

In this way,

This said,

In the formation,

Everyone has their mouths open.

"Old money, do you have a spiritual transformation period?"

Wan Jian said,

"It's okay to fight him."

Commissioner Qian said.

Seeing Commissioner Qian’s figure flashed,

Out of battle,

Wan Jian Sashan's face was emotional,

"In this case,

Let's fight a few tricks. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Very powerful and powerful,

Towards this power of transformation,

Banged over,

"Boom Rumble"

Between Commissioner Qian and this person,

Thousands of thunder and fire came out,

Thousands of thunder and fire are rolling,

Blasted into the void again,

"Old money is really a great power in the transformation period!"

Not only, within the formation,

Everyone sighs,

More than a hundred miles away,

Zhan Ge Mountain,

Eyes widened!

This time,

Who entered this hall,

The power of the three gods!

I am far away from the power of the gods,

Not far off!

Zhan Geshan.

Will yourself. It's also considered evolutionary power.

Commissioner Qian waved,

The monks in the formation,

Fully urge the formation!

A thunder fire,

Three miles around,

Towards Pandian Mountain,

Master of the Plane General Temple,

Suddenly blasted over!

Like thousands of thunderbolts!

Within the thunder fire,

But there are thousands of miles!

This is the strongest way that this battle has triggered.

A look at the transformation stage of the Plane General Temple,

Dao Fa urges,

Surrounding my own volcano,


In an instant,

Already blooming like flowers.

The volcano opens like a flower,

But there is a masculine style!

Gives a shock!

There are thousands of colors,

When the cultivator arrives at the transformation stage,

The level of rule integration,

How high is that!

Daofa urged with all his strength.

There are really thousands of colors,

Power can shake the entire plane.

The mountains and rivers in a radius of three miles,

Blooming towards this flower

Volcano, magma bombed,

There are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers urged by seven people,

The power of the circle,

Fully play out,

"Boom Rumble"

Like thousands of huge thunders at the same time!

The loud noise traveled three thousand miles,

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder of Jian Jue,

The monks in the formation,

I’m trying my best to urge Fa Jue,

Just saw,

In the sky,

All sword shadows,

A sword,

Is Wanwanjian,

The monks in the formation,

At the same time,

This sword,

Comparable to three thousand moves made by himself!

The Master of the Plane of the Pandian Mountain,

The same sword,

Sword Jue urges,

The flame sword covered the entire sky,

A sword,

It is Wanwanjian!

Wanwanjian vs. Wanwanjian,

Thousands of swords, Tsing Yi, white monk,

And companions in the formation,

But at a glance,

The seven faces changed color at the same time,

Mind, the whole body's mana was shaking,

Make a muffled noise,

Although in the formation,

Have a few steps back!

To the monks in the transformation stage,

Four-line rule fusion monk,

But after looking,

It was already injured immediately!

Below they are fighting,

The whole mountain is missing,

There was a big pit with a radius of three hundred miles,

Thirty miles deep!

Flames burned in the pit.

But in three moments,

The sword shadow filled the sky,

Commissioner Qian and the cultivator of God of the Plane General Hall,

I have collected the sword art,

"Puff, puff, puff, puff"

Has taken back his Taoism,

On the main hall of the Pantheon Mountain,

Thunder and fire flashed,

A combination of profound Taoism,

This put out the thunder fire,

In the formation,

Thousands of swords, Tsing Yi, white monk,

Several companions,

All stunned!

Obviously, the main hall master of the Pandian Mountain plane has already hit a sword.

"Ten thousand swords, this old money,

Can defeat the Hallmaster of the Pantheon Mount?

Isn't it possible to come and go in this Pantheon Mountain? "

The monk in white said,

Companion of the white monk,

"Where did we come from just now,

The master in that hall? "

"This, indeed"

The monk in white said.

"Good skill"

The Master Hall Master of the Pandian Mountain plane said,

Turned around,

It has gone thousands of miles in an instant!

The master of the Pantheon Mountain plane is gone,

Zhan Geshan turned around,

Step by step,

It's gone!

When it comes to Hua Shen Dao Fa,

Dao Fa is really mysterious and mysterious,

It is also a monk in the transformation stage,

Difference in combat power,

It's really big!

The master of the plane of the Pantheon Mountain,

Advanced stage,

May not be long,


The monks in the transformation stage have a life span of 300,000 years,

Although not long,

Advanced monk,


It must be there.

Flying like lightning,

Half a day,

These monks,

Already standing in the plane teleportation array,

Plane transfer,

Relatively smoothly,

The Immortal Palace of the Ruixian Plane,

Is flying into the stars,

This hall may be one of the fairy halls,


There are fairy books here,

The ancient cave mansion on the Ruixian plane,

But there is no fairy book,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Banao entered the ancient cave mansion,

I can’t pass the stone road,

But took a long look.

Along the way,

Ten days,

Back to the **** wasteland,

These monks,

Never return to his own plane,

Own plane,

Suitable for cultivation,

The general four-line rule fusion monk,

They are almost comprehended.

Yuanying Flower God,

General plane,

Often appear,

There are fifteen,

A monk with four rules fusion,

Ordinary plane,

It would be nice to have a few.

Out of the teleportation formation of the **** wasteland,

"Let's take a walk."

Tsing Yi said,

"it is good."

Several people came out of the teleportation array of **** battle against the wasteland,

Like ordinary people playing,

Walking on the plane.

"This time in the battle,

We all got nothing,

It is the old money that you have gained a lot. "

Tsing Yi said,

Tsing Yi said,

Several Yuanying Flower Gods,

All look at the old money,

The mystery of the fairy book,

For monks of their level,

This is an unattainable baby!

They are the same as Tsing Yi,

Old money can get a share,

That's not bad,

"Where is the fairy book?

You have all turned over,

Can't turn over,

Can't blame me. "

Member Qian said disdainfully.

Fairy book,

How precious!

Commissioner Qian was able to defeat the monks of the Hua Shen stage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ combat power, realm,

Has reached the level of the transformation stage,

These monks,

What can you say?

Step by step,

Walked ten miles,

The monk in white was depressed,

This cave house,

It's step and companion,

How much effort it took,

Only then got it,

Over the flame,


There are fairy books,

Can't turn it over!

"Then I will go back to Red Wolf Town first."

The monk in white said,

This said,

He and a few companions,

Body shape,

Like lightning,

Fly towards Red Wolf Town,

"Then I will go first."

Tsing Yi said,

And a few companions,

Body shape,

Flew towards Red Wolf Town,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Wan Jian sprinkled on the face of the mountain,

It has turned into a dry smile.

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