Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3315: Shenshi Mine



A monk shouted loudly,

"Yes, it's a **** stone!

However, to untie them all,

Only then can we know how many sacred stones there are in this color! "

A monk said.

This monk,

Untie the whole color,

already seen,

In the whole hall,

Hundreds of monks looked over like fire.

"The whole color, most of them can reach the standard of the **** stone."

"A **** battle against the wasteland for five hundred years,

Can solve such a **** stone,

No more than ten yuan. "

A monk sighed.

Who solved the divine stone,

Get the monk in the Jieshi Pavilion,

Really not much.

Most people came to the **** famine,

Isn't it for a **** stone.

Immediately, someone made an offer.

Seems to be fast,

Commissioner Qian saw,

The quotes of these people,

More than double the advanced level of this person!

This person looked around,

Just now,

"This sacred stone,

I use it myself. "


this price,

Still can't satisfy this person.

Solve this divine stone,

The whole Jieshi Pavilion,

It became hot immediately.

However, although the price is high,

Untie a few rough stones in a row,

The color inside is average.

The enthusiasm of the monks in the Jieshi Hall.

Only then did it come down a bit.

Arrived at the rough stone that Commissioner Qian liked.

Make a bid,

The bidder in the lobby,

Not much,

"170 million top-grade immortal stones!"

Commissioner Qian said,

For the four-line rule fusion monk,

Comprehend the colors in this rough stone,

It’s better to comprehend that divine stone,

The color in this rough stone.

Some subtle mysteries,

Can't be refined,

Has a subtle mystery,


Ordinary rules fusion monks,

Can't comprehend at all,

In the evening,

The Jie Shi meeting is over,

after a few days,

Wan Jian Sa Shan sounded over.

"Old money, the rough stone you bought.

What is the color inside? ‘

Commissioner Qian passed through,

"Slightly better than normal colors."

"I know a mine.

In this pit, there may be better rough stones. "

Wan Jian said,

"Okay, go over immediately."

Commissioner Qian said,

Out of the other yard,

Arriving at the other courtyard of Wanjian Sashan,

"It may be near the pit where the **** stone was mined."

Wan Jian said,

A few words with Commissioner Qian,

Out of the other yard,

Body shape flashed,

Speeding toward the **** wasteland.

I saw a mountain range from afar,

Mountains with a radius of three thousand miles,

Deep in the plane,

There was a loud noise like a huge thunder everywhere.

Listen to this voice,

It's a thousand to fifteen hundred miles deep.

"Your news"

Commissioner Qian looked at Wan Jian’s safaris,


It seems that many people already know.

It doesn't matter,

We still pick it up. "

In fact,

It’s 1,500 miles from the depths of the plane,

Loud noise like thunder,

Brother Jindan may not be able to feel it.

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan,

Fell towards the mountains,

Divine Sense has been fully deployed.

After watching for a long time,

"There is a good mine,

However, it has been mined. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Old money, you are a master---"

Wan Jian said,

"Well, I can pick the pattern first."

Commissioner Qian said,

"of course"

Wan Jian said.

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan,

Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, the momentum is like a rainbow,

Speeding towards the mine,

The mines deep in the plane,

It's not so easy to go,

Spent most of the day,

Has reached a void,

This place is empty,

Already has a radius of fifty miles,

It seems that

There is a magic stone in this place,

The monks from all sides,

It was a boom!

Next to the mine,

Flame and thunder,

The entire mine has been illuminated here.

When I saw a monk,

Speeding over here,

"Who is here,

Didn't you see us mining here? "


A monk roared loudly.

The thunder of Taoism urged,

Passed from here!

The monk's companion rushed over.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

The texture of this rock wall is good.

"leave here"

Commissioner Qian yelled loudly,

The whip kick flashed,

Like lightning,

The monk reminded him of Taoism,

As if the flames are soaring into the sky,

The flame is heavy and heavy,


Commissioner Qian’s whip,

Thousands of flames,

Burst out,

This monk felt,

This whip leg,

As if passing through eternal time and space,

It gives people a kind of as far away as the edge of the universe,

Dao Fa that I urge,

Touch this person,

Can't block it a bit!


The whole person from this side of the cave,

When it comes to the side fifty miles away,

The flames all over his body burst like lightning.

At this time,

A few monks,

Rushed out from the mine nearby,

"Good skill, take me a sword!"

Surrounded by thousands of boulders,

There was a shout,

Thousands of boulders gathered together,

Turned into a sword,

Such as shocking,

But like thousands of mountains,

Boom over the peaks,

Boom towards the Qian committee!

Commissioner Qian has a warhammer in his hand,

This warhammer,

In the power of Commissioner Qian,

It's not big anymore.

In a flash,

Boom towards this sword!

This sword,

It’s one foot away from this warhammer,

In an instant,

The warhammer turned into flames,

The flying sword touched the flame of this warhammer,


A loud noise like a thunder,

From the flying sword sent by this monk to this monk,

A shocking sword,


Flew out for fifty miles,

In his hands,

But Feijian!

There was a loud noise,

There are big holes in the rock wall,

this person,

Was beaten into the rock wall thirty feet!

The few retreats came stopped,


Dao Fa changed for a while,

It has become a powerful defense method!

"Brother, it's mining, you use it slowly—"

Surrounded by a soaring flame,


Pull out the monk who was hit on the rock wall,

Body shape,

Fly towards the mine nearby,

Has penetrated into the depths of the plane for 1,500 miles,

There are mining places everywhere,


Not as good as this one,

"This place belongs to me,"

Commissioner Qian said,

Looking towards this pattern,

This person’s mining direction,

Mining level,

But it's far inferior to Committee Member Qian,

Commissioner Qian watched for a long time,

Ten palms!

The mana he urged by mining ~www.wuxiaspot.com~,

Is own plane mana,

The mysterious and mysterious mana of the transformation stage,

He doesn’t use mining,

Untie the rough stone,

The power of the fusion of three rules,

It can be done.

Blasted more than 100 miles of mines continuously,

It seems that

In this mine,

The rough stone produced,

Not many anymore!

Commissioner Qian slapped another hand.

A rough rock appeared in the mine,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

This rough stone,

The water color is good, the texture is good,

It is far away from the **** stone,


And this color, if it is put in the calcite assembly,

The price is at least hundreds of millions of top grade immortal stones.

He Wanjian Sashan Mining for ten years,

The rough stone,

There is no color in this rough stone, high quality!

"Not many rough stones are produced,

However, the quality is high and not bad. "

Commissioner Qian nodded. (To be continued...)

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