Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3318: Zhentianhuo

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Commissioner Qian came in,

Tan Tian greeted him,

"Ontology, how is the cultivation?"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

"I have an understanding of the law again,

Go to the Gujiao Medicine Field. "

Entered the teleportation array,

Dao Fa urges,

Tan Tian and Commissioner Qian came out,

It is already a bulging medicine field.

one look,

The medicinal materials grown in Gujiao Medicine Field,

Is already quite verdant,

one look,

Not bad,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

The Taoism of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

look here,

The mysterious mana of the plane,

Than ordinary Yamada,


Commissioner Qian urged the cultivation of the spiritual stage,


But there is some red spirit.

Its color evolved from yellow.

This is a very high and deep fusion of rules,

The old medicine field,

Commissioner Qian urged the magic power of the gods,

Saw some yellow gas,

This level of fusion of rules,

Commissioner Qian used to farm,

General medicine field,

Member Qian used a variety of materials to make good things,

30 years of good fortune,

This level of yellow gas,

In this medicine field,

Not necessarily appearing!

In this yellow gas,

Produce red gas,

This is the power of the plane,

Based on the Taoist cultivation practice of the Great Commissioner Qian,

Can't cultivate!

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the circle,

Dao Fa urges,

Toward the mountain medicine field beside.

Look over.

The mountains beside. Medicine field,

Originally it was average!

Set a ban,

Not much,

Commissioner Qian looked at this,

I saw three places,

With red and yellow gas,

of course,

not much.

It's far inferior to the bulging medicine field of Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian,

This bulging medicine field,

It was originally a few hundred miles nearby,

The best medicine field!

These three Yamadas with red and yellow air,

One is at Sledgehammer Pass,

Everywhere on the side of Guqin Pass,

Commissioner Qian thought,


This is a conflict of laws!

The generated rules are advanced.


This one. Very mysterious,

Let stalactite giants and zombies come,

Can't urge this change,

This medicine has different laws,

Has considerable attainments,

Commissioner Qian enlightened a rule,

Almost one hundred and fifty years have passed,

But for the law,

With a certain sense,

I can't speak of attainments!

"Tan Tian, ​​I am practicing law here."

Tan Tian nodded,

"I think so."


Commissioner Qian talked to Tan Tian about his perception of the law,

Commissioner Qian’s perception of the law,

Can't say that it is fruitful,

This said,

Talked for a few days,

"Is such that,


My perception of the law,

It's really far away,

Far inferior to you,

The cultivation of rules fusion,

It suits me. "

Tan Tian said,

Can’t advance the **** cultivation base,

Can't reach the profound and profound cultivation level,

Perceive the rules,

Generally speaking,

Can have a certain sense of the law,

Already good.

Any genius,

Cultivation base, divine mind,

Can't reach the level of the mysterious and mysterious of the **** of transformation,

Even if I told you,

The specific structure of the law,

At most, I have an understanding of the law,

Not up to the level of concretizing the law!

The cultivation base is above the four-line rule,

For the law of perception.

The role of genius,

The same is limited.

Commissioner Qian started practicing here,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian felt it,

An instant fluctuation of 130,000th,

This is law fluctuations,

This practice,

The wave of God here,

The laws of Biwengai County fluctuate,

It seems to be more.

But after one hundred and fifty years of change,

Commissioner Qian was only satisfied.

Come here to practice the law,

The practice rules in Wengai County are stronger.

As if in a blink of an eye,

It's been a few years for Commissioner Qian!

For the practice rules,

Used to perceive the law,

A few years,

And ordinary practice deduction,

It takes about ten days.

Powerful mind,

Xuan'ao rushed into the protective formation like lightning,


There was a spark from the protective formation,

Looks like a spark,

But it is very mysterious,

Powerful and mysterious spirit,

Surrounded by sparks,

Immediately began to refine,

Outside the battle, ten miles away,

Standing alone.

A serious look appeared on his face.

"I have advanced the integration of five rules,

How powerful is this divine mind?

Divine mind penetrated into this battle,

I feel that the mountains and rivers,

There is a starry sky!

The road within the formation,

I can't detect it at all. "

This man said,

How wonderful is this kind of spiritual mind controlled by monks,

The thunder fire in the general formation,

For this kind of spiritual thought,

Can not produce any effect.

Take a look at this situation,

It was shattered by the battle.

The power of this formation,

It’s the integration of the five rules,

This face,

How can there be more than the integration of five rules?

Some great cultivators,

There is no such formation!

The position of the main hall of the plane,

None of them has reached the level of integration of the five series of rules!

He thought,

Fully urge divine thoughts.

Shennian rushed into the battle.

The mountains in the formation have a meal.

In an instant,

This monk,

Just about to deduct this formation,

On the mountains, the flames burst!

Profound magic power,

From these flames,

His divine thoughts,

Refined by these flames.

Three moments,

His spirit,

I can no longer feel the situation in this battle!

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Planted such a strong medicinal material,

Regarding Commissioner Qian and several Jin Guo Shadows with higher cultivation bases,

The growth of divine mind,

It's slower.

The monks with the fusion of the five rules,


For the cultivation of medicinal materials,


The standard is far worse than that of the Qian Yuan committee.

"Where's the master.

This is the territory under the jurisdiction of the Plane General Hall! "

He said,

Commissioner Qian finished his work.

Step by step,

Has stepped out of the battlefield,

one look,

With these five rules, Yuan Ying monk,

Exactly 1,500 years ago,

During the sledgehammer battle,

The four diamond flower gods who played in the Mozu side,

At that time

He is the pinnacle of the four-line rule fusion,

After fifteen hundred years,

This talent is advanced to the integration of five disciplines!

Plane General Hall,

It's a kind of temple,

Do things in this temple,

Able to obtain advanced cultivation techniques.

After fifteen hundred years,

This talent is advanced to the integration of five disciplines!

Commissioner Qian, in the **** wasteland,

I’ve heard someone spend five hundred years,

From the fusion of the four series of rules,

Advanced five-system rule integration,


This man came to fight the wasteland,

Cultivation is the pinnacle of the integration of the four rules,

To the **** wasteland,

Mine by yourself,

From Jieshi Pavilion,

Hundreds of years,

Get the rough stone,

At least 40 yuan or more!


I just bought a rough stone suitable for my practice,

For five hundred years,

This is how to advance from the four rules to the five rules,

The rough stone used in the **** wasteland,

Generally more than one billion or more top grade immortal stones,

Ordinary monks,

How can there be so many top grade immortal stones,

This person seems to be a middle-aged person,

No hurry, no delay,

Rises slowly,

Surrounded by mountains,

It has a radius of 30,000 miles.

"I'm uplifting,

Battle of Sledgehammer,

Megatron wave plane throughout the park,

Who are you?

Such arrogance?

I just want to get into your position and see. "

Zhentianhuo said,

Plane things,


Generally not shot.

Fusion of four rules,

A monk who merged the five rules,

It can really span the entire plane.

General big array,

Ten swords,

You can go in.

Commissioner Qian was taken aback.


This is not a **** wasteland,

The five-system rule fusion monk,

In the **** wasteland,

But considered a relatively high master!

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Within a hundred miles, the yellow and red Yamada,

The formation of Yuanying level has been set up,

It seems that

At least a master of the Yuan Ying level,

Arrange the medicine garden here,

Or start practicing,

"You arranged this battle?"

Member Qian asked,


This shaking the sky nodded,

As soon as Commissioner Qian came out,

Step on the gods and sweep away,


This is not a monk,

It's like a mountain with a radius of thousands of miles!

Just now the arrogance,

I've gone a lot!

This person feels like shaking the sky,

The lord of the main hall of the Heyuan wave plane,

The power of God,

Does it feel similar to him?

it's here,

A piece of Yamada,

Meet the great power of the transformation stage,

This is so exciting,

Only then did I know,

This battle,

Why is it so powerful!

"That evolved Yamada,

You have set up a ban,

Still want to come to me.

My palm,

You can catch it,

Talk to me again. "

Member Qian smiled.

Stretch out his palm,

Boom at this person!

As if it was a soft wave,


30,000 miles of mountains,

It runs quickly around Zhentianhuo,


This palm blasted out!

It's a mountain range of 30,000 miles,

All stop!

Although Zhentianhuo urged Dao Fa,



The scope of this law,

Only thirty feet!

Commissioner Qian’s hand,

The 30-zhang Dao Fa he urged,

To a complete pause,

It’s like a 30-foot stone,

Already flying into the sky in an instant,

I crossed three peaks and disappeared,

As if after a long time,

One hundred and fifty miles away,

There was a loud bang,

Commissioner Qian stepped out,

People have reached one hundred and fifty feet away,

one look,

On a mountain,

There is a big hole!

This big pit is a hundred feet deep,

Occupies half a mountain,

This is so exciting,

And the Dao Fa he urged,

Placed in this big pit!

When I saw Commissioner Qian approached Dakeng,

I was blasted out one hundred and fifty miles with one palm,

This is so exciting,

Really spit out fire!

far away,

More than a thousand miles in radius,

Thousands of monks have explored the spirits,

Have all stopped,

These golden pills,

Ordinary Yuan Ying,

The divine mind is detected,

As if there is no obstacle,


Jian Zhentian of the main hall of the Yuanbo plane,

The master of each level is a big man,

By this palm,

Boom to a hundred and fifty miles away!

This is no longer a fiasco.

"how is it?"

Commissioner Qian said,

This said,

Zhen Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, admire!"

He said,

There was no arrogance just now,

This person,

Heyuan wave plane plane main hall,

Are the same master,

The combat power of masters in the transformation stage,

It's not a monk who merges these five rules,

Can understand,

Seeing Commissioner Qian return to the battlefield,

This sword Zhentian,

Dao Fa received,

Only then crawled out of the huge pit!

"This place~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems,

I can only get these. "

Jian Zhentian walked out of the big pit,

Body shape flashed,

The monk arrived in front of Zhentianhuo,

one look,

Is the master of Guqin Pass,

Deputy Guan Master Crazy Hammer.

In the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

Yuan Ying monks with a relatively high cultivation base,

At this time,

But it doesn’t even urge Dao Fa,

"grown ups"

Madhammer said. (To be continued...) ()

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