Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3320: Pantheon



Wanjian thought about it,

\"Not seen for decades, I know a few mines,

In this way, we go together.

Galaxy buildings are so powerful,

I'll collect some rough stones in the Wasteland of Blood War.\"

Not seen for thirty years,

The fusion of the four rules of Wanjianshashan,

But some progress!

Commissioner Qian nodded: \"Of course.\"

Wanjian Sashan knows the mine,

I must mine some rough stones.

Walking out of Red Wolf Town with Commissioner Qian,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the direction of the mine,

In the mine,

Commissioner Qian’s deduction of fairy books and laws over the years,

Pick up the rough stone,

More powerful,


After three years,

Wanjian Sashan's voice transmission came,

\"Old money, three years,

I picked five rough stones,

This is already a better mine.

The rough stone here is almost there.

You can go to another mine.\"

Better mine,

Wan Jian, Sashan and Qian,

After coming for a few years,

Already mined almost!

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan mined three mines,

This is a relatively good mine that Wanjian Sashan has collected over the years.

This mining,

It's ten years!

\"Ten years,

Thirteen rough stones were mined.\"

Commissioner Qian said with emotion.

\"I quarried ten rough stones.\"

Wan Jian said,

If there is no Wanjian Sashan to collect the produce of this animal pit,

Commissioner Qian came to mine this **** wasteland by himself,

Ten years,

Five rough stones,

It may not be able to be mined.

\"Go back to the other courtyard to practice.\"

Commissioner Qian said.

Wanjian nodded,

\"Can't find a better mine!\"

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian Sashan,

Fly towards Red Wolf Town.

Wan Jian Sa Shan opened a grocery store,

Thirty years.

But these gains!


Ten rough stones,

Thousand swords and sashan cultivated a mystery of divine way.

Is still possible,

This is the same as Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Expedition everywhere,

A hundred years.

Able to find a Taoist book with the Taoist method of the gods, jade slips,

Will not exceed these rough stones,

Half of the mystery of transforming gods!

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

But with the support of the mountain flower plane!

Commissioner Qian took out the rough stone,

Start to unravel!

Today's Chairman Qian's perception of the original stone,

It is already very mysterious.

this day,

A mysterious,

As if illuminating the entire sky,

Commissioner Qian's mana went around.

After ten days,

Only then refining this mystery,


In Commissioner Qian’s God Mansion,

Waves of rolling thunder,

As if crossing the plane, crossing the solar system,

Beyond the universe,

This thunder,

Rang for ten consecutive days,

The Wanzhang Mountains and surrounding peaks in Commissioner Qian’s God House,

It keeps changing.

Ten days later,

These waves of thunder,

This stopped!

Commissioner Qian has advanced,

At this time,

Commissioner Qian's spirit and speed of shot,

Reached 1/170,000 in an instant!

Able to perceive the law, with a fairy book,

Cultivation really progresses faster,

Commissioner Qian merged from the five rules,

At one-fifty thousandths of an instant,

Reaching one hundred thousandths of an instant,

Used for more than 1,500 years!

Divine mind and shooting speed reached 1/170,000 in an instant,

It took less than three hundred years!

This year,

It is three thousand four hundred years since the plane of mountain flower was established!

The content of the first page of the fairy book,

Commissioner Qian has already practiced 1/3!

Relying on this little fairy book,

Advanced Void Returning Monk, that is impossible.

Commissioner Qian was thinking,

The sound transmission of Wanjian Sashan came,

\"The Galaxy Building is here, this time it’s the Wanzhan Hall,

Appear in the sword fighting plane of the Giant Rock Shrine! \"

\"Sword Fighting Plane? Isn't that where Hanshan is?\"

Commissioner Qian said,

The super plane communication array sounded,

one look,

.[,! ]

Is Quinn,

\"Old money, the sword battle plane where Hanshan is located,

A huge building with a radius of five hundred miles appeared,

I heard that it is Galaxy Architecture,

Appeared directly three thousand miles away from Hanshan,

The various groups of monks on the sword battle plane,

Have rushed away,

Han Shan has fully urged the magic circle,

There are already monks,

There was a battle with Hanshan,

Coming by the pool,

Say, this ten thousand battle hall,

Is a galaxy building,

A single monk,

A monk with the integration of seven rules,

Can only enter the periphery,

The monks who are above the fusion of the four rules,

A few people together,

Urge to send out,

Only then can you enter the periphery of the Wanzhan Palace!

I have not even merged the three rules,

Enter the Hall of War,

Don't even think about it!

I want you to come here by the pool.\"

Commissioner Qian nodded:

\"Okay, I will come right away!\"

Commissioner Qian said,

I walked quickly to the grocery store in Wanjian Mountain,

At this time,

Inside the grocery store on Pandian Mountain,

There are already more than a hundred people,

Commissioner Qian went into the grocery store,

I saw,

The people inside said one after another,

The scene is more lively,

\"Wan Jian, you said that this time I came to Wanzhan Hall,

Are there other buildings?\"

Wanjian nodded,

\"Of course, our scope of activity,

But beside the plane,

Deep in the universe,

Normal monks can't go.

There are many such buildings! \"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

\"are you going?\"

Wan Jian Sashan shook his head,

\"No such ability!

Galaxy architecture.

The appearance time is generally one year.

Three years! \"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Turned around and flew towards the plane of the **** wasteland.

Commissioner Qian is not familiar with Tsing Yi,

With his cultivation base and formation,

Tsing Yi's formation is not needed.

Ten days later,

Commissioner Qian came out of the office hall on the plane of Shanhua.

This is a matter of the mountain flower plane,

Of course the shadow of the golden fruit will not make a move,


The shadow of the golden fruit will not go,


Let him go!

Commissioner Qian walked into the conference hall,

Several elders of the mountain flower plane.

It's all here,

By the pool,

When I saw Commissioner Qian coming in,

Surprised. But happy again,

Commissioner Qian just sat down,

The sound transmission from the pond came,

\"Old money, are you advanced?\"

this time,

Commissioner Qian was surprised,

\"Your previous cultivation base was a god?\"

The previous cultivation base by the pool,

At least above the **** of transformation,

In order to see the magical mystery of the transformation stage,

\"Yes, my previous cultivation base was to transform the gods,

You are good at advanced level,

I was thinking,

Do you want to go to the Wanzhan Palace,

You advance into God,

You go right.\"

Although it is Transsion,

Commissioner Qian said with a solemn expression!

\"Poolside, Wanzhan Hall,

On the periphery, I don't get much benefit,

Want to get inside,

My cultivation is far from enough.\"

Smiling by the pool,

\"Old money, it seems,

You have an opinion on the galaxy building,

Understand the general,

This hall of battle, the periphery,

Near the inner circumference,

I know three places,

You go to those babies,

To you, to me,

You can use it for cultivation!

how is it,

At your level,

Cultivation is not easy anymore.\"

\"Close to the inner circumference, that is,

The powerful monster in the inner circle,

Is it possible to meet?\"

Commissioner Qian said,

Smiled by the pool,

\"Old money, your cultivation base, magic weapon, formation method,

What is the standard?

Has the cultivation base of the **** transformation period,

Your magic weapon, formation,

The periphery of Pandian Mountain,

You can go! \"

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

This poolside,

For a galaxy building like Pandian Mountain,

Than stalactite giants,

Also need to understand---

The practice world,

It's not surprising.

Spent thousands of years with the pond,

he knows,

.[,! ]

I want to go from the edge of the pool,

Get some benefits,

That is not easy,

In this case,

Wan Zhan Shan,

You can go there,

\"Okay, I'll go to the Wanzhan Hall to see.\"

Commissioner Qian said,


The situation of the Wanzhan Hall by the pool,

I told Commissioner Qian,

Chibian and Wan Zhanshan finished talking,

Quinn spoke now,

\"Old money, we are talking here,

Hanshan will send a master of Nascent Soul to guard him,

Ten days later,

You just came,

Who will guard this cold mountain?\"

\"Hanshan, I will guard.\"

Said by the pond,

\"Chibian, these ten days,

You are thinking about it.\"

Quinn said,

\"That's it.\"

Commissioner Qian said,

Said a few words with the elder,

\"I'm going to have something.\"

Galactic Architecture, Pantheon,

For the ordinary monks of the mountain flower plane,

Or for the elders on the mountain flower plane except the poolside,

It's tough that I can't even think of.

It can be said,

And the mountain flower plane,

It's completely irrelevant,

The cultivator of the five rules of the pool,

Considered for ten days!

Commissioner Qian entered the Hall of War,

It's not going for a walk.

Commissioner Qian said,

Back to his office hall,

Dao Fa urges,

The plane teleportation circle urges,

After a long time,

Coming out of the plane teleportation circle,

It is already the Summer Palace on the plane of Ruixian,

Banao greeted him,

Commissioner Qian explained what happened.

Give a piece of jade slip to Banao,

This is the sentiment of Commissioner Qian after ten years of training in the Wasteland in Blood War.

Out of the teleportation array,

The teleportation array flew toward the plane of Ruixian,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the teleportation array of the sword battle plane,

one look,

Outside the teleportation array of the sword battle plane,

Groups of Taoism,

Toward the cold mountain,

Fly over with all strength,

next to,

Immediately a monk said,

\"These monks,

Yuan Ying is not there,

Want to go to the Wanzhan Palace?\"

\"Just go take a look.

There is no master cultivation level among the Yuanying monks,

It is impossible to enter the prohibition of Wanzhan Hall! \"

The monk next to him said,

Commissioner Qian urged his body,

Toward the direction of the Hall of War,

Speed ​​past with all strength.

But flying more than 10,000 miles,

There are already monks in the sky,

There are many Yuan Ying monks!

Fly over the cold mountains,

Three thousand miles away soon,

A building with a radius of five hundred miles,

You can see it thousands of miles away,

Huge, magnificent and shocking!

Far away,

The mountains are full of monks,

Next to the building,

But there are floating ships!

A certain distance from the fleet,

People who rushed past,

Less than one percent of the monks on these mountains!

Able to rush past,

All have the Yuan Ying cultivation base,

Commissioner Qian flew over,

A gunfire three feet thick,

Suddenly blasted over,

In the hands of Commissioner Qian,

Suddenly there was an extra flying sword,

Feijian cut!

These three feet thick gunfire,

Burst suddenly,

The monk in the distance,

There was a bang,

\"One sword smashed the spaceship’s main gun,

It doesn’t even flash---\"

Ten rounds of artillery fire in a row,

Boom the sky full of fireworks,

Commissioner Qian has reached the gate of this building,

one look,

In front of this gate,

There is a ban on the Qingmengmeng,

Ten feet wide,

Many monks,

Is urging to send sword tactics,

Blasted this restriction,

\"Three swords banned this,

Blasted a mouth,

To enter this restriction.\"

A monk said.

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