Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3330: Slow progress

Ordinary mines,


May hit five hundred li mines,

Can't find a rough stone,

this day,

Rumble like a loud thunder.

In front of the shield in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

The flame bursts like thunder fire for thousands of miles,

But I can’t rush out of the shield three feet,

Originally resisted a boom,

Commissioner Qian’s Shield Dao Fa urged,

You can spin the Dao Fa!

Commissioner Qian has been enlightened for ten days,

The Dao Fa that is twisted this time,

However, the three Dao Fruits of Commissioner Qian,

A little bit mysterious,

This is mining.

Commissioner Qian took a rough stone,

It's been mining for another decade!

This place given by Wanjian Sashan,

It is stronger than ordinary mines,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Has been out of the mine,

Speeding in the direction of Red Wolf Town.

The mystery of transforming the gods into more and more profound,

Soon came Red Wolf Town,

Entered the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

The waiter came up,


Wan Jian Sa Shan came over,

"Wan Jian, the mine you gave me,

So average,

In these years, only 13 rough stones were collected. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Old money, you are a god-changing cultivation base,

Thirteen rough stones can be mined in this pit,

I go mining,

These years,

The rough stone collected will not exceed half of yours. "

Wan Jian said.

Commissioner Qian talked with Wan Jian Sashan.

Back to his own hospital,

Cooked a table of dishes.


Untie the rough stone that has just been mined.


The content of the first page of the fairy book,

Commissioner Qian has already learned a lot.

There is a lot of content in the jade slips given by the giant stalactites,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Surrounded by this color.

After half a day,

The mystery in color,

As if illuminating the entire sky,

Boomed towards Committee Member Qian.

A mystery,

As if spanning half a plane,

This mystery,

There is an instant of one hundred and seventy thousandths,


This mystery,

But it has changed a lot,

Commissioner Qian has been comprehending this mystery for fifty days.

Only then I realized a lot,

"Yes. From here, the enlightened mystery

It is more and more. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Reached one part of 170,000 in an instant.

Want to continue to improve faster,

To achieve quite high mystery,

The urging of mana,

Only one thousandth of an instant can be improved!

This is already a fairy book for practicing,

Jade slips given by giant stalactites,

The content is not as good as the fairy book.

Untie this rough stone,

Commissioner Qian practiced for a year,

In a blink of an eye,

Years passed,

Among the rough stones collected by Commissioner Qian this time,

Some rough stones,

Commissioner Qian came to practice,

But it has cultivated some relatively high mysteries,

At a certain level in the transformation stage,

Commissioner Qian felt,

Of these mysterious deductions,

As if not stopping,

The sound of Wan Jian spreading over the mountain came,

"Hanshan has held a stone meeting."

Commissioner Qian just walked out of the other courtyard,

Go to the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan.

"Wan Jian, when will there be better mines?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"The rough stone I collected last time,

Haven't cultivated yet?

The rough stone you mined last time,

In this way, the cultivation is completed soon. "

Wan Jian said,

Since the last time that the Chairman Qian,

I went to collect rough stones with Wanjian Sashan,

More than thirty years have passed,

Wanjian has not been mining for more than 30 years,

The rough he mined,

Still haven't finished training,

"Three rough stones are left."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Thirteen fast rough stones, there are three pieces left,

Your cultivation progress is ten times more than mine! "

Wan Jian said.

After three days,

They flew towards Hanshan,

Entered the Jieshi Pavilion in Hanshan,

Inside the calcite museum in Hanshan,

Already full of people,

Commissioner Qian looked at these rough stones,

"The rough I mined last time,

Three rough stones,

It can be put in the next stone meeting. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Wan Jian smiled,

"Old money, you come to this **** wasteland,

I never buy rough. "

The Jieshi Conference has begun,

Commissioner Qian has read the rough stone,

With the rough stone in front,

The color inside is good,

Other rough stones,

Really average,

Solve the stone in half,

one look,

This time, the rough stone was solved by calcite.

The monks’ bids are much less,

The half-person-high rough stone is about to be cut,

Already cut in half,

This is outstanding,

"The water color is normal, the texture is OK,

bigger. "

Commissioner Qian thought for a long time,

This color solution comes out,

The monks’ bids are relatively average,

"70 million high-grade immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian said,

This color,

Commissioner Qian bought it.

The Jie Shi meeting is over,

The monks just said,

"Bring these rough stones,

It's much worse than before. "

"That's it.

Very good rough,

The monks collected,

Unwilling to take it out. "


Eating the banquet,

After the evening,

The monks walked towards their other courtyard,

"Wan Jian, I am here to fight the wasteland.

Practice, mining,

It's almost three hundred years.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer good rough stones! "

Commissioner Qian sighed.

"Blood battle on the surface of the wasteland,

More than three hundred miles,

Mines that can go,

Not much anymore. "

Wan Jian said,


Sit in the grocery store in Hanshan.

There were many people sitting in the grocery store,

Wan Jian Sashan and Commissioner Qian came in,

Find a seat and sit down,

The monks here,

Just talking about some mining and adventure in place.

"A thousand miles deep in the plane,

We found the formation,

A lot of power,

There is no monk with a high level of formation,

You can go in a team. "

A monk wearing a battle armor said,

This said,

Many monks in the grocery store said,

"My formation is good."

Wan Jian Sashan talked to the owner of Hanshan Zashan,

This person said something to the monk,

"Tsing Yi, a few of you go together."

The battle against the wasteland,

Hundreds of people are not too many to enter.

After a long time,

In this grocery store,

There are about ten monks participating in this expedition,

This battle is provided by Tsing Yi.

I spent three days in this cold mountain town,

Which position should each monk stand in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~,

How to urge the formation,

All said.

Only then came out of Hanshan Town,

Speeding toward the **** wasteland.

Flew more than 30,000 miles,

Saw a mountain,

There are already many mines in the mountains,

Said the monk wearing a monster armor,

"Go in from there."

These monks have a quick stature,

Into the mine,

Along the way,

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder,

In this mine,

There are some lines that look ordinary,

Spiritual thoughts stretched towards the lines,

More than a mile deep,

The texture inside has changed again,

The cultivation base of the transformation stage,

Compared with ordinary monks,

Sure enough, a lot stronger!

Reached 1,300 miles deep in the plane!

This monk in a monster armor,

Pointing to a boulder,

right here,


Tsing Yi Taoist reminder,

The battle unfolds,

There are so many mountains,

The monk who came this time,

Into the formation together,

Stand on your respective positions!

A reminder of the formation,

Thunder flashed,

Blasted towards the boulder. (To be continued...)

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