Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3345: Walking Sword Fighting Plane

"One hundred years,

The boulder of the law Tao fruit,

It's three feet big! "

Commissioner Qian said,

"The Taoism obtained,

The fairy book, the ancient book in the ancient hall,

A treasure that ordinary monks can't meet for a thousand years. "

Banao sighed,

Such a harvest,

A hundred years,

The principle of Tao Guo is cultivated to three feet.

Integrate with the rules to practice,

It can't be compared at all.

"How about the Sword Fighting Plane?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"Wandering knife sent over the jade slip."

Tan Tian brought the jade slip of the wandering knife,

The plane that fought against the demons,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Ying have gained a lot,

These disciples of the mountain flower plane,

I have gained a lot,

Commissioner Qian’s issue of the sword war plane,

More interested.

Sword Fighting Plane,

The Hall of Wars landed,

Stopped in the plane of sword fighting for a year,

Everyone, the monks of the main gods swarmed over,

Enter the Pantheon,

Fight with you, the monks of the main gods,

Sword war plane monk,

The casualties were heavy!

"I will go to the Sword Fighting Plane to take a look."

Commissioner Qian said,

"You won't go to the Wasteland."

Banao said,

"The ordinary rough stone of the **** wasteland,

Can increase Tao fruit,

The effect on the law of perception is not great.

To perceive the law, you need to start practicing from the integration of the rules,


I already have a lot of Tao fruit in my cultivation. "

Commissioner Qian said.

Divine thinking reminded.

We have reached Wengaiguan.

From Wengaiguan to urge the super plane to transmit the magic circle,

Half a day,

Commissioner Qian appeared from the office hall on the plane of Shanhua,

Honolulu greeted us,

a year ago,

Tanshan just left from the Gujiao Medicine Field.

Commissioner Qian talked to Honolulu,

Walk towards Quinn’s hall,

See Quinn’s Great Hall.

Quinn has been greeted,

Commissioner Qian entered the Quinn Hall,

one look,

Quinn deduced the fusion of the three rules.

The deduction is only halfway through,

This is the cultivation of ordinary monks,

"Queen, the sword war plane thing,

I will deal with it. "

Commissioner Qian said,

When Quinn heard,


Nodding: "Okay."

Quinn's three-line rule fusion,

The deduction is not finished.


The warfare plane of the sword war plane,

More and more masters.

Commissioner Qian walked toward the teleportation array of the Shanhua plane,

The guardian monk of the plane teleportation array,

Immediately succumbed to Commissioner Qian:

"I have seen Master!"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

"Go to Hanshan."

When these monks heard,

A reminder of the law,

The teleportation circle has been urged,

After half a day,

Commissioner Qian has appeared in Hanshan’s teleportation formation,


The monk standing next to the teleportation formation,

He bowed his hand to Committee Member Qian,

"I have seen Master!"

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the teleportation array,

Wandering Knife has been working with a few of Hanshan’s staff,

Came over quickly.

He bowed his hand deeply to Committee Member Qian,

"Meet Master"

Commissioner Qian went to the hall,

They wandered around and sat beside them,

Wandering Knife talked to Commissioner Qian for a long time,

Commissioner Qian nodded,

"You are right. I will go to the places you mentioned."


Commissioner Qian went out of Hanshan,

Body shape,

In an instant it has gone to the horizon and disappeared,

Several people looked at the wandering knife,

"Master, it looks like flying is like electricity."

Wandering knife nodded,

"It's true."

A mountain,

Rolling mountains,

Looks beautiful,

This is where ordinary auras converge,

There is a small river,

Already set up a magic circle,

It’s a thousand miles away from Hanshan,

In an instant,

Commissioner Qian has galloped over from the horizon,

Member Qian’s Dao Fa exhibition,

Three thousand miles,

They have all been shown in Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu.

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

Extending toward the depths of the plane.

In an instant,

Commissioner Qian’s mind,

Has extended to more than a hundred miles deep in the plane,

This is the feeling of transforming gods,

Only then did I know,

The extraordinary of the **** wasteland.

Seven hundred miles away,

More than a hundred miles deep in the plane,

Formation urges,

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

Divine mind touched this battle,

Can't get through this formation,

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God’s spirit,

Far from being as powerful as mana!

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

Explore the past,

This battle,

In a flash,

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

Has entered this battle.

The thunder fire spurred by the formation,

Flashed by the divine mind,

Shennian passed through the battle,

Some Qi-refining monks were banging violently on the rock wall.

This is a vein,

Produce materials for comprehension,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

"Yes, it is exactly what the Shanhua plane needs."

Tan Tian, ​​the shadows of the golden fruits of Banao,

The refining of magic weapons,

The level is getting higher and higher,

Some general materials,

Refining with other materials,

Many uses have been discovered.

This mine,

More than a hundred miles deep in the plane,

These people wandering around,

Divinely reminded,

This prohibition cannot be crossed at all.

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Has crossed a distance of seven hundred miles,

Reached more than a hundred miles deep in the plane,

Walking towards that formation,

The battle has been separated,

Into the formation,

The monk shouted during the Qi training period,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

These monks,

Saw immediately,

Monks in mining,

Qi training period and base building period,

Already in a pit thirty miles from the depths of the plane,

There was a monk during the foundation period,

Walk towards the mouth of the mine,

In an instant,

The whole is turned into nothingness!

These monks are pale,

After more than a day,

A team of monks,

From above the mine,

Come over here,

"What's the matter? No one comes up for more than a day?"

The monk who led the team shouted.

This team of monks stretched out,

Arrived at this pit soon,

The leader is a golden core,

Spiritual urges,


He said,

The monk in the mine took a look,

This golden pill, his figure flickered,

Has entered this mine,

"Is there a great power here?"

The monk in the mine said.

Let’s tell the story,

This golden core, sweat has come down,

This power,

Is a master in Yuan Ying,


"Let's take a look at the mine."

And these monks,

Taoism is fully open,

Walked towards the mine,

I went to a mine pit more than 100 miles deep in the plane,

I saw in the mine,

There are pits everywhere,

Brother Jindan reminded him of his spiritual thoughts,

Extend along these pits to a radius of more than 100 miles!

"This vein,

It has been mined! "

He said this,

These materials,

The monks used the furnace during the foundation building,

Can carry out general refining,

His foundation-building monk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can be used to refine!

Divinely reminded,

The whole vein here,

Have been mined,

"Go up and talk to your lord."

He said,


This master is gone!

They go up,

Entered a town,

But there is a mysterious iron wall,

To the tallest building inside,

There are powerful samurai inside,

Is wearing a battle armor,

Eating animal meat.

"grown ups,"

Brother Jindan stepped forward,

Hand over,


Upon hearing this powerful monk,

"Xianqin Mountain a thousand miles away from here,

It was occupied by the monks of Hanshan yesterday,

At this time, orthogonal battle,

I'll take a look. "

This person,

It’s just a four-diamond flower god,

Out of this hall,

Body shape,

Flew towards Xianqin Mountain, (to be continued...)

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