Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3352: Fire Dragon Mining

"Take this book.

Your magic weapon is stronger than mine,

Indeed lost a trick! "

This man said,

At the cultivation level of Commissioner Qian,

The strong in these mysterious caves,

For Commissioner Qian,

It is no longer a legendary character.

But with a smile,

"This book is a book of good fortune.

We don't need it here. "

As he said, his figure flashed,

Has gone,

Commissioner Qian has been working for a long time.

Then I picked up the book and read it,

This is a mountain-making book!

Three thousand orogenic mountains,

Arranged according to the mysterious array,

After thousands of years,

A place where spiritual energy may gather,

The book talks about making these mountains,

Various materials needed.

The place where the aura gathers is so mysterious,

This book,

Like the Tower of Laws,

Take the created mountain as a component,

The entire three thousand mountains are used as magic weapons.

Ordinary rule fusion Yuan Ying is useless with this book,

Three thousand mountains,

Each mountain has different materials,

Yuan Ying Flower God, who is fused with ordinary rules,

Where can I get it out?

Commissioner Qian put away this good luck book,

Out of this box.

These three thousand frames,

Some style,

With a nice baby,

Are far away,

Commissioner Qian is here,

Keep going,

In those cases,

There is no good baby,


Commissioner Qian jumped a few squares in a row,

The baby inside is average,

The guard is more general.

Commissioner Qian waved,

The guard was beaten to fly,

Ten jumps,

Commissioner Qian successfully completed the expedition.

In the hall.

Commissioner Qian was sitting,

Three days have passed.

Tsing Yi and Bai Yi, ten thousand swords come out from Gerry,

But one person is missing,

Is a companion in white clothes.

"It's good to be a guard here,

In this mountain, you can walk,

There are many places where auras gather. "

Bai Yi said,

Commissioner Qian thought,

I took this book of good fortune myself,

In this mountain range.

There must be a more comprehensive one.

Several people together,

Just walked out of the hall,


It's already out of the mountains.

"At this grid hall,

The hall of refining alchemy,

Can't enter. "

Tsing Yi said,

A few humanitarian law reminders,

Flew towards the plane of teleportation array.

Commissioner Qian went back to the plane of Shanhua,

Take out this good luck book,

Show Honolulu,

Looking at Honolulu,

"This, the mountain flower plane,

The shadows of us golden fruit,

There are already a lot of gathering places for the aura,

To make this, you have to talk to the elders. "

Commissioner Qian nodded,



Back to the **** wasteland,

Into the grocery store,

Sky Thunder sitting,

When I saw Commissioner Qian coming,

"Master, how did you gain?"

Sky Thunder said,

"General. How about you?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"It's a little bit helpful for rules fusion

It's not a waste of time. "

Sky Thunder said,

For a five-system rule fusion expert like Sky Thunder,

The integration of rules, this is the most important.

These people said,

Go mining together.

Out of Red Wolf Town,

Dao Fa urges,

Half a day,

Flying tens of thousands of miles,

To a mountain range,

At first glance, there are already many mines in this mountain range.

"That pit is good."

There is a monk,

Looking at a mine and talking.

This man is a companion in white,

Mining in this **** wasteland for a long time,

Everyone has some news,

These humanitarian laws urged,

One step,

Has arrived in that pit,

To the master of the integration of the five rules,

You can mine while practicing.

The situation in Wuli next to the mine wall,

Appeared in Commissioner Qian’s palace,

Mysterious lines,

Let Commissioner Qian travel thousands of miles in the mine,

Three lines have been found,

These three lines, ‘

The distance from the mine is generally more than ten miles,

The cultivation base is high,

Into this pit,

There are still gains,

Commissioner Qian thought.

It has reached three thousand miles deep in the plane.

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder,

Half a day,

Has stretched out a hundred miles of mines,


Walked to a pattern,

The mysterious mana gathers,

Blasted towards this rock wall,

Seeing other monks start mining,

Wan Jian Sa Shan came over,

"Old money. It's a nice rock wall."

Commissioner Qian, take a look,

Point to a mine pit ten miles away,

"Go there and see."

Wanjian nodded,

Skip past that line.

Now mining rough stones,

Ordinary monk,

Mining for thirty days, time,

Only then is it possible to mine good patterns,

Mine along this line,

Half a year,

Can mine a piece of rough,

It's already pretty good.

Ten thousand swords spread out five miles away,

The lines here have turned deep like mountains,

Started to look good,

It seems that

Mining along this line,

The possibility of mining rough stones has increased,

"Old money is mysterious."

Wan Jian said,

This is just happy.

Commissioner Qian blasted out thirty miles,

The rock in front has become like a magic weapon,

A rough stone is in the mysterious lines,

With a punch,

Only then did a piece of rough stone be mined.

Good harvest this time,

Commissioner Qian thought.

Take a look at this mine,

The lines extend to the side.

Monks in the transformation period,

The lines you see,

It's different.

It's like a mountain galloping.

This striped road can extend for fifty miles.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Blasted past.

But it hit a mile of mine.

Feeling towards this pattern,

The thirteen mile mine pits were continuously blasted out,

The lines in the mine are already good.

A monk rushed over,

"The texture of this pit is good."

Talking. Dao Fa urges,

"This monk, get out of here--"

Commissioner Qian gave a punch,

Half a mile away,

This person,

The whole was blown up,

In an instant.

Tumbling and rolling,

Already out of this mine,

Wave a punch,

The monk beside.

The tumbling stimulus Dao Fa shoots like a volcano,

Rolled out of the mine,

Seeing, four monks have already been

Hit this pit,

"Old money, it's me, Master Fire Dragon."

Said the monk who was surrounded by flames,

Collect the flames!

Commissioner Qian took a look,

It is the fire dragon master,

Commissioner Qian beat these five-system rules fusion monks,

Linkage method,

No need to urge!

"Master Fire Dragon,

Come here?

The cultivation base is good. "

Commissioner Qian said,

one look,

Master Fire Dragon already has five rules fusion,

"Old money, we ventured out the last time Qing Shen Zhuan,

Seventeen hundred years have passed! "

Master Fire Dragon said,

Master Fire Dragon came out of the green **** seal last time,

Most of the three-line rule fusion deduction,

After 1,700 years of cultivation,

Five series rules fusion deduction,

This is the end of the deduction,

The integration of the five systems of rules has been deduced to a higher level,

There is a lot of practice.

"Old Qian, your cultivation base,

Close to the **** of transformation. "

The Fire Dragon Master said.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Those few, my adventure companions.

You are still cultivating on the plane of Yuanbo.

I have only been here for five years. "

Master Fire Dragon said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Yes, how about you?"

Originally it was just a polite,

"I went to the plane of Qingsheng Mountain to practice."

Master Fire Dragon said,

"Qingshengshan, I have been there.

There are not many places where spiritual energy gathers. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Based on the cultivation base of Master Fire Dragon,

Choose a better plane to practice,

not a problem,

"There are some places in Qingsheng Mountain,

Suitable for people like me to practice. "

Master Fire Dragon said,

Member Qian heard,

What he said,

It's Jiaolong.

The dragon is indeed a mysterious and powerful monster.

"Okay, come see you someday."

Commissioner Qian said,

Master Fire Dragon nodded to Commissioner Qian,

Walk towards the companions who were beaten up.

Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

Have practiced for thousands of years,

Now that someone has formed a team,

Commissioner Qian is a cultivator of God again.

These monks were beaten off by Commissioner Qian,

It will definitely not pass.

Commissioner Qian started mining again,

The rock on the mine wall is like jade,

Vertical, oblique, horizontal, round,

As soon as the gods speak, the smallpox will fall!

I want from these lines,

Find the pattern of rough stones.

How many monks above the five rules,

Mined in this **** wasteland for hundreds of years,

Can mine along this line,

Mined more mysterious lines,

Not more than one third,

Mine along the lines,

Finally, the rough stone was mined,


Can mine rough stones,

Many people are lucky.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Deduced for a long time,

The mountains are already rushing in the gods,

The mountains are rushing,

There are thousands of flowers blooming,

Fists banged past,

Even blasted out of the fifty-mile mine,

These lines,

Has become more mysterious,

Not bad,

This time,

To the direction of the mine,

Money is booming right,

If it is an ordinary monk,

Blasted out a fifty-mile mine,

The texture has become ordinary,

I have to start booming from other directions,

several years,

Mined a rough stone,

This is not surprising!

Commissioner Qian thought,

Blasted more than a hundred miles,

Vertical, oblique, round, piled with rocks,

Only then was a rough stone opened,

"Old money,

It's good to find rough.

I just quarried a rough stone. "

Wan Jian said,

"Sky Thunder and the companion in white clothes,

A piece of rough stone has not been picked yet. "

"Thousands of swords are spreading out into the pit,

It depends on your own ability. "

Commissioner Qian said.

Was waved and chopped,

far away,

In the rumbling noise,

There was the roar of the fire dragon master,

Commissioner Qian's thoughts flashed,

Master Fire Dragon holds a shield in his hand,

Half of the shield,

On the fire dragon,

Blood has been sputtered from three places.

The method of **** battle against the wasteland,

How can there be such a good resistance!

Member Qian smiled.

Continue to mine.

"I take a lot of risks,

Only encountered such a powerful Dao. "

Master Fire Dragon roared,

He is a rough stone,

They have not been mined yet.

This mine,

Commissioner Qian mined four rough stones,

It’s been a pit of thousands of miles,

There are monks mining nearby,

Talking beside,

A few hundred miles away,

Thousands of miles from the mine,

The texture has become ordinary,

Commissioner Qian and Wan Jian smashed the mountain, soaring thunder,

Companion in white,

Leaving the mine together.

"I just quarried a rough stone."

Sky Thunder said,

This mine,

Is the news from him,

Come and mine,

Among these people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the least rough is mined,

This makes Sky Thunder roll his eyes,


Bloody wasteland,

General rules for fusion monks,

Not team up,

How dare you go to the mine,


A monk with the fusion of seven rules,

Only then dare to go to the mine!

"I know a mine,

Check it out. "

The companion in white said. ()

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